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Qun Mang

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Everything posted by Qun Mang

  1. I blame your response on global warming too, by the way.
  2. Everyday? Have you considered waxing? Okay, you got me there, but I do have to shave every day.
  3. I'd like to blame my lack of a decent-paying job on global warming. Likewise, my having to shave and trim my nose hairs every day and those constantly growing toenails. Must be global warming, yep.
  4. I am not saying in any way that this is right, but it sounds to me like they are not charging to take cash, but to be served by a live employee. The people would likely be charged the same if they wanted to pay at the store with a credit card. My bank used to charge me for seeing a teller more than twice a month, but I could use the ATM as much as I wanted. When the mark comes, it will be a clear choice between God or the antichrist. To not be would be a trick, and the God of the Bible does not work by trickery- that is Satan's MO. Therefore I will not be afraid of anything that bears resemblance to this mark but does not make me choose against God. God is in control, no one else.
  5. I can't speak for other churches, but at my church kids are taught Biblical truth. In 4th and 5th grades (where I serve) we teach them how to use the Biblical people and stories they learn about to live for Christ daily.
  6. I just saw it last night myself with my small group. It was interesting. Several people in the theater applaused when it was over, which I thought was an agreement with the film until one of my group said he applaused because it was over- I guess he didn't care too much for it.
  7. Hmm. Some comments on there suggest the ministry suing this woman. Provided this woman isn't Christian at all (Christians are not allowed to sue each other after all) is this a possibility? Another comment mentions dissolving the organization to avoid paying the fine. I would agree that even if their appeal fails they should skip out on the fine. This woman is owed nothing, even if the law orders her to be paid.
  8. People say it all the time around here, but the politicians don't listen. I live in the most politically corrupt county (Cook) in the most politically corrupt state (Illinois) and we have this fiasco going on about Todd Stroger and company raising our taxes 1.25% (a quarter percent already, 1% to come) making us one of the highest-taxed counties in the country and now some local governments are calling to secede from Cook County since the county is really all about Chicago with the suburbs just supporting the city. It'll never happen of course, but I really wouldn't mind seeing it someday. After all, we stopped sharing area codes with Chicago more than twenty years ago- why not split from the county too? Did anyone notice this quote? I don't know about you, but $12.86 gets a lot more than a chicken wrap and fries around here!
  9. Here's a link to it: http://www.twincities.com/ci_8382190
  10. So if I'm reading this right the abortionists objected to these women even being told about where to get an ultrasound? Not a requirement to get it but just information? These people are truly sick. There is seriously some mental defect in them if this is what they are objecting to.
  11. Sounds like precedent to me! If public funding is not withdrawn, then Christians in Minnesota must call for fair play and demand a charter school of their own.
  12. I see this all the time since I often sub in middle schools. I don't really mind if they wear their pants low as long as they wear a long t-shirt to compensate so I still don't have to see their underwear. Of course, when these kids sit down the t-shirt suddenly seems much shorter. As for belts, I have actually seen a couple of students wearing the jeans low, with a belt! They actually had the jeans so low, past the buttocks, that the belt was required to keep gravity from doing what gravity does best...
  13. Bear in mind the reader has to have the font on their computer to see it, otherwise it will appear as the default browser font. Still don't know what it looks like though. <<<Looking on the 'net...>>> Ah, so this is what it looks like.
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,335896,00.html Padded Lampposts Tested in London to Prevent Cell Phone Texting Injuries People who have been injured while walking and texting on their cell phones may be in luck. A London street is experimenting with padded lampposts to protect those not paying attention from banging into them, ITN reports. A study conducted by 118 118, a phone directory service, found that one in 10 people has been hurt while focusing on their cell phone instead of where they were walking, ITN reports. The test lampposts will be given a trial run in London
  15. But he set it up as a multivote, so just choose all of them to do an "all of the above!" edit: added a missing smiley so as not to be misinterpreted for being too serious.
  16. I'm not sure what the most important reason is, but it is important! But the definition of "church" is not necessarily a large building with a sanctuary and licensed/degreed minister. A house church, for example, fully qualifies too. Being around other believers, equipping ourselves spiritually, etc. all good reasons.
  17. By the way, worthynews seems a bit late to the game here... http://www.worthyboards.com/index.php?showtopic=82635
  18. Unfortunately in this case free speech goes in both directions. As long as they are just using a clip and not an entire episode, it is allowed. Though isn't four minutes an awfully long clip? I would say that if anything, they may have to shorten the clip. This isn't to say anything was wrong with what Savage said of course, just that Muslims in this country have the same rights as any other citizen.
  19. Interesting you mention the word "Nazi." Isn't this law in Germany, that every child must attend public schools? I seem to recall missionaries over there getting into trouble over this.
  20. Trailer: http://www.godgrewtiredofus.com/trailer.html Main site: http://www.godgrewtiredofus.com I just watched the trailer. I may just have to see the movie now.
  21. Exactly. I would add that this is one lawyer I would never choose to use.
  22. Erm...The news I read places Huckabee, not Romney, as Iowa's Republican nominee, yes?
  23. A few still-active links about Lynn Truss's book (what the news item was mentioning I'm sure) from a google search: Book review on a Unitarian Church website Amazon buyer reviews Another book review
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