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Tehilah Ba'Aretz

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Everything posted by Tehilah Ba'Aretz

  1. He is the path. He is the root. He is the light.
  2. I wonder if this means we will be getting rid of the guys who visited Syria and Iran recently.
  3. I was about four blocks from the scene when I started hearing sirens. I noticed that not only ambulances but also unmarked police cars and even one rental car rushed to the scene. From those hints I understood that a terror attack was in process. Since I didn't feel the boom, I understood that it was not a bomb. My first suspicion when I understood that the Israeli Shin Bet were among the responders was to wonder if a high ranking politician might have been the target of the attack. We are checking to see if any of our local believers are among the victims. The attack took place about a block away from the distribution center for Christian Friends of Israel.
  4. Go there? How about, I live here? I am an Israeli tour guide. Feel free to ask questions. That's what we do best. Is it safe? Well, I have the cell phone numbers of all of the local commanders as we travel the land. I will get a call if there is trouble that needs to be avoided. There are also security people wherever we go who will not hesitate to give me instructions if there is any sort of security issues. This system works very well and I have never led a tour group into danger. You have to know that we learn how to avoid trouble and we (the Israeli tour guides) are very good at staying out of trouble. You will not feel like you are in danger at any point in your tour with the possible exception of the start of a new war. In the case of war, we will get you to the airport and out of danger very quickly.
  5. The word Grandfather does not appear in the King James version of the Bible but I believe they existed in Biblical times.
  6. What about eating when you are going fast?
  7. Actually, the above statement is not true. The second bag will be charged as stated but the first bag up to 50 pounds will be included in the ticket price. There are some exceptions too. As a "Gold/Ruby" frequent flyer, I will be allowed to carry two bags on international flights without extra charge.
  8. It absolutely was death: "But Jesus answered and said to them, You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to 1drink the cup which I am about to drink? They said to Him, We are able." (John 18:11). The apostles understood that Jesus was talking about death, not the sins of mankind. Of course included in the process of death was the victory over sin. The power of sin is death (Rom. 5:21), so therefore by passing through death sin was conquered by Jesus Christ. I don't think there is a problem with believing that that cup mention in John 18:11 is death. By that time, Jesus had already accepted the cup of the sins of mankind. He had already begun the ultimate sacrifice. There are several cups in the passover as there should be and Jesus drank them all. There was the cup of memorial at the last supper. The cup of the plagues of sin in the Garden. The cup of Death. The cup of eternal celebration at the end of the age. This topic has stirred me to thinking and prayer. I think I'll do some additional research and more prayer. I suspect there is more to the comparison between the Passover celebration and the Passion than I had considered before.
  9. I do not accept the theology that Jesus died spiritually. Jesus Himself said that He and the Father are one. Death is defined as separation and spiritual death is defined as separation from God. Jesus is God and cannot be separated from himself. The JDS theology is a thinly disguised denial of the Deity of Christ.
  10. I know that the US presidential candidates took that message as being directed at US politics but the fact is that there were several Israeli politicians in that room who have been actively attempting to conclude negotiations with terrorists. Among them, the Israeli leadership in government including the Prime Minister and several of his cabinet. I think the Presidents remarks were intended for listeners far closer than those on US soil.
  11. The "Cup" in the Garden of Gethsemane was not death but rather the sins of mankind. Jesus was not asking the Father for permission to avoid death bur rather asking if there was some other way to remove the stains of sin than to carry that sin Himself. I believe that Jesus entered into the realms of eternity as He accepted the role of the scapegoat at the very point where the scapegoat always finished it's assigned role up until that point in time. He decided to carry my sin to the cross in the Garden that night.
  12. What ever happened to, "Innocent until proven guilty?"
  13. I think I understand your intention and your love for the prophetic. I hope I also understand correctly that you are not giving preference to prophetic messages apart from the Bible. By the way, there were certainly prophets in the New Testament and since Moses was obviously one who was sent out, it could be argued that there were Apostles in the OT. It might be helpful to refrain from drawing the lines too clearly without the possibility of cross-over. God tends to be too large for ironclad definition.
  14. I pulled this statement from the piece above... I have to agree. Americans swallowed the lie that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction as if it was proven truth. Let's not accept that sort of lie again. Especially not from the same set of liars.
  15. The marking that is called a cross is the Hebrew letter Tav. It is the final letter of the Hebrew aleph-bet and was used by the Essenes to indicate their commitment to prepare for the end of the age. While it is known that there are indeed tombs and bone boxes from early Christians included in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, the sign of the cross was not a popular symbol for the early believers. They understood the horror of the cross and would not choose to put that symbol of agony on their tombs. The cross became a more popular Christian symbol after the fourth century and the Nicaean Council.
  16. But I do have a wife and she is a woman. I'm sure of it! And that is why I am fairly sure this passage has not yet been completed. As for the symbolic interpretation of the 144,000... Why?
  17. Other than the fact the "temple" in the map is really the Roman Fort Antonia, whereas the real temple is at least 400 yards south (and not depicted); how do the cartographers justify putting Golgotha where they do. In other threads I have provided the abundant documented evidence, where is the same for this map? But in answer to the OP question, it had to be within a Sabbath's distance. The idea of putting the Temple in the middle of the City of David has been thoroughly debunked by archaeology in the past year. The location of David's palace has been clearly identified and is partially covering the location that has been promoted as an alternative location for the Temple. Come, walk with me and I'll be happy to show you around Jerusalem. While the map may not be correct, the southern location doesn't work either.
  18. That map assumes that the Garden Tomb is the correct place but most scholars would agree that the Church of the Sepulcher is correct. The distance is not much different for either however. Also, there is a significant hill to get to either location.
  19. The Israeli permission is incorrectly worded. They are not actually giving permission to open police stations. They are in fact giving permission to open 20 strategically located terror bases.
  20. Speaking as an Israeli whose father was Jewish but my mother was a Christian, I think that legitimacy is a good thing. However, this is much more about being refused citizenship because of being a Christian than because of lineage. The Israeli Supreme court cannot redefine Judaism just because somebody thinks that the rabbinic ruling is wrong. There is nothing illegal about the rabbinic position that the bloodline is traced from the mother instead of the father. Of course, both should be considered, but the legality of the position is what is considered by any court. This court case arose because of illegally denying citizenship.
  21. I was talking to my wife about that the other day... YIKES! I have a wife! There aren't suppose to still be males and females, are there?
  22. Security procedures assume that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. I hate that! I hate having to prove my innocence over and over. I hate the invasion of my privacy. I hate it that I cannot carry a pocket knife.
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