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faith pleases God

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Everything posted by faith pleases God

  1. I stand with the desires of your heart, and am praying for you!
  2. Of course Christ is not our servant. He is our Lord. We are slaves to Christ. Romans 1:1
  3. I think if you are going to ask that kind of question you should at least provide some reasons why you are asking. I can't see anything I've said that would indicate I wasn't. Accusing me of breaking the rules should have some evidence. After all one must be a christian to post in the Inner Court. In any case yes I am a christian. Just asking. I needed to know if you confess Christ is Lord. Besides you claim the Bible, Christ and Paul contradict itself. Unbelievers think this, not believers.
  4. Abuse is not a godly way of dealing with another person. So, I think that a separation in the case of what you ask is in order. What if an abuser never repents? God bless, GE I've been neglected and abused. Mentally, sexually, emotionally, physically, etc... Am I in the right to leave my spouse with 3 kids and murder my family? Firstly why would you need to leave your kids behind, if your wife did all those things to you, what kind of a father would you be leaving your kids with a mother who is clearly unstable? Is its God will for you to be in an Idoltery marriage? Because I am in a covenant and have hope.
  5. Abuse is not a godly way of dealing with another person. So, I think that a separation in the case of what you ask is in order. What if an abuser never repents? God bless, GE I've been neglected and abused. Mentally, sexually, emotionally, physically, etc... Am I in the right to leave my spouse with 3 kids and murder my family? Is this your opinion or God's will?
  6. Abuse is not a godly way of dealing with another person. So, I think that a separation in the case of what you ask is in order. What if an abuser never repents? God bless, GE I've been neglected and abused. Mentally, sexually, emotionally, physically, etc... Am I in the right to leave my spouse with 3 kids and murder my family?
  7. So apostle Paul is following a different religion then? Paul does condone divorce for a different reason. Here is a interesting question. What is adultery? We know Israel committed adultery without a sexual act. So adultery is not neccesarily sexual. Since the root word can be translated in a non-sexual way then the question needs to be asked No offense, seriously, I take the personal out of this and do not mean this as an attack. We are in a doctrine forum, not a personal counseling one. I really don't, and I do love you. But this proves my point exactly How is this debated??? There are different types of adultery and what is alluded to here in Matthew should be obvious. No one can put away their wife except for the Greek word porneia which has been translated as fornication. Which is illicit sexual intercourse. moichaō is the word used for adultery which is to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife Perhaps because you are newer to the site but posting like this is seen as YELLING online. Which is a bit rude. I'm sure that wasn't your intent. Just an FYI. God bless, GE FYI I've been here for 5 years. I meant it as an emphasis...not yelling...sorry others yell.
  8. Abuse is not a godly way of dealing with another person. So, I think that a separation in the case of what you ask is in order. What if an abuser never repents? God bless, GE What if one spouse abuses and neglects the other from sex. Is this grounds for divorce?
  9. In the passage being discussed in 1 corinthians. Since Jesus words according to you made it abundantly clear adultery was the only reason and there is no other then that just does not fit with what Paul says. Either Jesus was right when he said adultery is the only reason and Paul is wrong OR Jesus was wrong and Paul is right or the most logical and likely it isn't as clear cut as people like to think it is. If it is continuous denial with no justifiable reason then at the very least it could be considered tempting your partner to sin or causing them to stumble. by justifiable reason I mean things like ill health or injury or away or things like that. Are you a christian?
  10. Is sexual abuse a reason for divorce? If denied sex and abused in this way, should we divorce? this could also be considered mental, emotional, and spiritual abuse. Our bodies are not our own. Is this abuse a cause for divorce?
  11. In Matthew 19 it says whoever. This includes everyone. So if a unbeliever leaves for some reason other than adultery it is still wrong according to the words Jesus spoke. Yet Paul says look Jesus didn't know what he was talking about so instead do this. Where did Paul say Jesus didn't know what He was talking about?
  12. But the scriptural text that was "specifically" quoted by faith pleases God IS without question speaking precisely about a "sexual act" which is deliberately being done by a spouse outside of the marriage bed. The scripture is not in any way shape or form speaking about what is known as spiritual adultery. Sexual immorality in that passage of text was given as a bilblical ground permitted by God for a divorce should one choose "not" to put up with a cheating spouse. And if the person chooses to divorce and remarry in that particular situation then their marriage bed in the eyes of God will not be defiled. The Apostle Paul in that particular passage of text in 1 Corinthians specifically said, "except for sexual immorality" (speaking of a sexual act outside of marriage). To stretch that particular passages into "non-sexual acts" is reaching for what is not clearly written within it. That is how translators have decided to interpret it. however consider the word used can mean either so you can't declare that. We know that translators change the way things are translated which gives false impressions. The worst time they did this is to make lusting a sin when it is is what you lust after that makes it right or wrong. If you want to disagree then you better explain why God divorced due to non sexual adultery and if you disagree with my comment about lusting then you need to explain why it was okay for Jesus to lust if lusting is automatically wrong. Note the word translated as lust in matt 5:28 is the same word used when Jesus describes how he is feeling about sharing the passover with the disciples. Also you should address the fact that Jesus said adultery is the ONLY reason for divorce yet nobody says hey wait Paul said there was another reason divorce was acceptable. If it was that hard and fast surely Paul would have made it clear if a unbelieving spouse leaves then the believer is not free to remarry yet it seems to indicate they are free to remarry. After all if adultery is the only reason then a unbelieving spouse leaving is not adultery so the remaining believer should treat it as if they were still married.
  13. So apostle Paul is following a different religion then? Paul does condone divorce for a different reason. Here is a interesting question. What is adultery? We know Israel committed adultery without a sexual act. So adultery is not neccesarily sexual. Since the root word can be translated in a non-sexual way then the question needs to be asked No offense, seriously, I take the personal out of this and do not mean this as an attack. We are in a doctrine forum, not a personal counseling one. I really don't, and I do love you. But this proves my point exactly How is this debated??? There are different types of adultery and what is alluded to here in Matthew should be obvious. No one can put away their wife except for the Greek word porneia which has been translated as fornication. Which is illicit sexual intercourse. moichaō is the word used for adultery which is to have unlawful intercourse with another's wife
  14. It's amazing. The same thing happens with grace to live a life in disobedience, unholiness, and unrepentance. I am not necessarily talking about a issue of being saved or unsaved. I am talking about living a life of lasciviousness and sin. Scriptures are being bent, distorted, ignored, and taken out of context. It's rampant, popular, and terrible!
  15. How can someone defend a stance the Bible does not permit? I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery. How is this debated??? If someone holds to a different doctrine than what Christ teaches, what religion is that? Why justify disobedience? Only to feel okay about living in sin.
  16. Is... IMO above God's word? Does experience trump scripture? Do we follow our own thinking or have the minds of Christ? Is Christ not the word? Does His will differ from what is written? As Christians, what is our basis for doctrine?
  17. With this logic...What if one thinks about and looks upon abusing their spouse...Is this adultery and a reason to divorce?
  18. No one here was saying God approves of assault and battery. Neither do the courts or police!! We should hate violence, should we also not HATE divorce? For the sake of Christianity and beings followers of the teachings of Christ we look to the Word for our guidance. So I assume that we look at what Christ says about a particular issue if we have questions. But I have found many seem to lean on their OWN understanding. Seeing their justifications as better than what Christ has said and taught. This is mind blowing to me! Everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. Everyone can choose anything obviously, but everyone is getting divorced for any reason and it is a major problem. To veer from the Lord's word is a slippery slope. No? It is destroying our culture and society. The very fabric is ripping apart at the seems. We are a confused, ungodly mess! It is getting far worse and not getting better. If we can't even keep our families together and overcome, forgive, repent, and love, with grace, mercy, and hope. What chance does this wicked nation have? Why are so few defending marriage but quick to justify unholy, unbiblical, and unpermissed divorced? Especially Christians? Especially redoing it? Which is not permissible by Christ.
  19. another poster: regarding your response to GE....faith used the same illustration several times and I asked him why he would do that when scripture provides ample information on the actual marriage relationship faith answered that even if a slave is abused, he is still the slave of his/her master and the wife is still married even if she is abused So, to say that he was misrepresented and for him to jump on board and say thank you for 'sticking up for him' is kind of disingenuous IMO faith explained his position regarding comparing slaves to wives more then once, so let's keep this real yes, you did and again, why would you make that comparison? It is NOT scriptural and you are making a comparison that objectifies women and actually puts men in a pretty bad light too Remember, we are discussing Christian marriage....Christian men have a responsibility towards Christ FIRST...and then everything else falls into line If a Christian man is not submitting to Christ, he can certainly become very self righteous but there is no room for that in either a marriage or the body of Christ I would have thought we were pa Forget the slave example, for your sake, bad example. However, scripture does not give "abuse" or other reasons as justifications, right? If so, where? Actually I thought it wasn't that bad of an example myself. To anyone who is taking offense by this: Faith pleases God was taking two examples and comparing them in principle and NOT in content. It is biblical to do that. Jesus is doing that all the time: Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. Now Jesus is not saying to hate your family, since that would directly contradict anything else He said about it. This is not hate in context of the content of this scripture, it is a comparison to the love we should have for Him that makes everything else seem as "hate" or to love less. The same way a woman and a slave or husband and master are not directly compared but there is a relation in principle of endurance. If this one is to endure, not being one in flesh, how much more should the other one, that is - so: if you love your family like that that, who are NOT God, how much more should you love Jesus, which actually means one should follow Him and do His will and nobody else's, not even your family. Also Jesus is using these kind of principle comparisons in pretty much all of the parables. He compares us to sheep! Now that's not even in the same category of species! If stupid sheep can even follow their master, how much more so should we. Now why is no one offended by that? That's at least how I understood it and "faith pleases God" can correct me if I am wrong. That's exactly what I meant. These are a few good examples of comparisons. You're right, I was by no means calling a spouse (either one) a slave. There was a lot of assuming and reading into something I never intended. The slave/master example goes for the husband and wife alike. The slave is bound to the master, and the spouses to one another. If the slave is not permitted to leave a bad master, then why would a spouse be permitted to leave a "bad" spouse? I believe we should seek God's will and not our own. This is the reason for false religions and denominations.
  20. another poster: regarding your response to GE....faith used the same illustration several times and I asked him why he would do that when scripture provides ample information on the actual marriage relationship faith answered that even if a slave is abused, he is still the slave of his/her master and the wife is still married even if she is abused So, to say that he was misrepresented and for him to jump on board and say thank you for 'sticking up for him' is kind of disingenuous IMO faith explained his position regarding comparing slaves to wives more then once, so let's keep this real yes, you did and again, why would you make that comparison? It is NOT scriptural and you are making a comparison that objectifies women and actually puts men in a pretty bad light too Remember, we are discussing Christian marriage....Christian men have a responsibility towards Christ FIRST...and then everything else falls into line If a Christian man is not submitting to Christ, he can certainly become very self righteous but there is no room for that in either a marriage or the body of Christ I would have thought we were pa Forget the slave example, for your sake, bad example. However, scripture does not give "abuse" or other reasons as justifications, right? If so, where?
  21. No worries. Hopefully it is understood. Of course as I said I disagree with your conclusion because of the other factors that I don't feel you have considered in that scenario. There have been some scriptures given that could suggest otherwise although are not clear. However your position still relies on assuming the debate over put away vs divorce has been resolved. I have raised that several times and only one person has responded to it. There is what I believe to be credible evidence that word was wrongly translated as divorce and instead should have been put away which was a practice where a man would basically ignore his wife and refuse to give her a certificate of divorcement which means she could not go back to her parents and would not be having her needs met as the husband is required while the husband goes and gets himself a new wife. It is interesting also that Jesus says there is only one reason for divorce but as you say there are two reasons given. So is Jesus wrong? Or is Paul wrong? The very act of Paul giving another reason contradicts what Jesus said. Jesus said except for this ONE reason. I myself find myself in the category Paul mentioned. Mind you I have no desire to remarry because a part of me will always love my ex wife. Also since things did not work out when I discussed things and compromised on some things (not important things and not my beliefs) then next time I would approach marriage with a my way or the highway approach which simply would not work so no point in trying. Of course legally I am not divorced because I have no desire to be the one to fork out the court fees to process the paperwork. If she wants to remarry then she can pay for that. So I can't actually remarry even if I wanted to! Don't divorce, period! If you divorce her...don't remarry. If she divorces you and commits adultery, remarry. But either way/ There aren't 3 reasons or more given for divorce and remarriage. Abuse which can be interpreted as almost anything is not a reason for divorce and redoing it, right? A home wrecked nation on redos is a mess, do you agree?
  22. I`m glad you said - `some issues...` for the enemy would try & cloud our minds thinking that we can never come to the `Unity of faith,` what we believe. However as you so rightly said `some issues,` for we need to remember that the Holy Spirit has been guiding us into `all truth.` Over the centuries the Body of Christ has been lead into one truth after another concerning Christ - Salvation, Baptism, the Holy Spirit, giftings, ministries till we have the final truth that we will come to realise - the purposes of God for the 3 groups. If you look in at the Eschatology section you will see the `great battles,` for `Where we are going... our future direction,` This is the great truth that is being contended for. In past decades we saw people contending for the truth of the `Holy Spirit baptism,` & there were fierce battles over that truth, but if you would notice that truth has generally been received across the Body, and now we are on to the last `final battle - What is our purpose.` I can agree with that! I said some issues, but most of the major issues are agreed upon among the church. However, we do have a lot of divisions and denominations, but we know that Christ is not divided and we follow Him only.
  23. We (Christians) can't even agree with one another on the scriptures on some issues, beliefs, or teachings! Scriptures can strictly forbid something and we'll come up with arguments and justifications why we can. Does this surprise you that people are enticed and led astray by their own desires? This is the reason for false religions. Also ignorance, pride and tradition, not wanting to believe that you are wrong. People are also conditioned by normalization. Satan also uses truth to deceive. He uses mostly truth with some falsehood, and people see the some truth in whatever they believe.
  24. Were they on the ark? If not, how did they survive the flood? The bible tells us what and who survived the flood. No they were not on the ark, but others did carry on after the flood and are doing so today. Rus Dizdar works wirh ladies that have discovered they have been used for such. There are a couple of others but I don't know them well enough to recommend them to people I run across. So how did they survive the flood then? Everything died. Genesis 7 21 And all flesh that moved upon the face of the earth died, of birds, of cattle, of animal, and of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth; and every man, 22 all who breathed the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. 23 And every living thing which was on the face of the earth was destroyed, from man to cattle, and to the creeping things, and the fowls of the heavens. And they were destroyed from the earth, and only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark. Pure speculation... but maybe they were taken away by UFO's or into the Earth? Or the fallen angels went into women again after the flood?? They were most likely "new" Nephilim. Good question.
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