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About KimOC2008

  • Birthday 06/28/1967

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    Music, nature, baseball, reading

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  1. I totally agree with you on this, I had the same situation. Looking back however, I wasn't walking "with the Lord" when I was at the height of my depression. I believe that had I given the situation to the Lord, He would have helped me out of it (perhaps with meds, perhaps without). It was a lot harder doing "on my own" without His guidance.
  2. Wow, this gives me hope that SOMEONE will finally stand up and tell the truth about our society today!
  3. Too cloudy here to see, darn it! Thanks for the link tho!
  4. I guess it's a matter of debate in some circles. In any case, God sees your heart and the reason why and His opinion is what really matters, as in all things.
  5. Yep. He's black, educated, and actually speaks english well. What more could you ask for? Someone who knows how to run our country perhaps?
  6. Amen to that! Why do so many people (including our own current president) call this a "religion of peace"? What peaceful thing have muslims ever done on this planet?
  7. Um according to scripture, single people aren't supposed to have sex at all until they are married. This is truly disturbing.
  8. This is really cool nebula, thanks for sharing! It saddens me that his term in office is coming to an end and only God knows what we'll have for a president next year!
  9. a record would be helpful. Case in point - the biggest complaint against Huckabee is the comparison between what he says now and his record as governor. Without the record . . . what do you have? And the same could be said for Jim Jones and Hitler. Charisma is great . . . but where will it lead us? Totally agree with you nebula!
  10. I've often heard many well-respected Bible teachers say that you can fast from things other than food. Like something you hold "dear" or a hobby. I've fasted from everything from TV to Starbucks. I think as long as you're giving something up for a period of time, God will honor that as a "fast".
  11. Lent is a Catholic practice isn't it? This is an interesting topic in itself because my Catholic friend is perfectly ok with drinking herself into oblivion just about every weekend but has "given up" alcohol for Lent because she thinks it will win her brownie points in Heaven. Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly and pray for her daily, I just think it's funny (not haha funny) how hypocritical this tradition is. Don't mean to offend anyone, just stating an opinion is all. many protestants also observe lent. not as a ritual, or to win brownie points, but as a way of mastering their own fleshly desires. last year i gave up nagging. it did wonders for my relationship with God AND with my husband. this year i'm giving up the computer and tv in the mornings until after i've finished my bible studying. it takes 30 days to break a bad habit. 40 days is long enough to exchange a bad habit for a good one that lasts the whole year long. Christians call this fasting tho, don't they? I think my feelings are mixed because I think we should live as Christians (or Catholics, if that is your preference) all the time and not just at certain times of the year. All I was saying.
  12. Lent is a Catholic practice isn't it? This is an interesting topic in itself because my Catholic friend is perfectly ok with drinking herself into oblivion just about every weekend but has "given up" alcohol for Lent because she thinks it will win her brownie points in Heaven. Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly and pray for her daily, I just think it's funny (not haha funny) how hypocritical this tradition is. Don't mean to offend anyone, just stating an opinion is all.
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