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Christian Singer Jennifer Knapp Says She's Gay

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Guest LadyC

i'm a christian. i'm a former sex addict. key word is FORMER. i do not identify myself as a sex addict, i identify myself as a new creation. you can identify with your old self if you want. but don't try to make it sound as though you're giving God the glory.

becoming a new creature in Christ means that we allow God to renew our minds. and that is a constant state of being. i don't go around saying i'm a nicotine addict, despite the fact that i smoked more than 2 packs a day for 31 years. i have been smoke free since july 21 of last year. not one time since i put them down have i identified myself as a smoker or as an addict. i have identified ONLY with being a non-smoker because when i gave that up to the Lord, that part of myself was no longer relevant. it was who i used to be, it was not who i was from that moment forward.

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Guest LadyC
if you think of yourself as gay, then you do not think of yourself as a new creature in Christ. if someone does not consider themselves a new creature in Christ, are they?

this question could be applied to ANY lifestyle choice or sinful condition. after all, homosexuality is just one of the many faces of sexual addiction.

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Homosexuality is not some kind of disease that can be cured by a dose of good ole fire and brimstone. It is a part of who you are a part of your DNA - but people still make choices but God's love for us does not depend on our choices. Amazing grace.

Incest and rape are covered by Christ's summation of the law - loving our neighbor - homosexuality is not.

You seem to discount the workings of the Holy Spirit is a sinners life. Why is that?

Actually I am not discounting the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact I think it is impossible not to fall into immorality without the Holy Spirit. However I don't think gay can be prayed away. There actually is a lot of evidence that homosexuality is genetic.

Who said anything about praying anything away. The Holy Spirit will create in us a new person.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives according to the will of God will have these old things removed and replaced with what is of Him. There is no need to ask God to change you when it is His will to do so in the first place. All you have to do is be willing to change. Have you ever considered that when the Holy Spirit changes us, it is into the likeness of Christ? Jesus was not gay. When we become a new creation, we become more like Him, not the world and sin.

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I'm not talking about "coming out" and identifying themselves as gay. I have known people who used to proclaim their "gayness" but have turned from that lifestyle. That doesn't mean that they no longer look at others and have homosexual desires (which is the sin), but they turn to Christ and confess their lust and are forgiven. My point is that it is not a sin to think of one's self as gay. Of course we all should have a new mind when we become saved, but there is still that human being within ourselves which causes us to think of ourselves in certain ways, whether healthy or unhealthy. It all depends on what you do with those thoughts and feelings. Just as it is with those who are bipolar, or manic depressives, they may have a low self esteem and even dislike themselves, but that does not mean that they are any less saved than you or any other child of God.

:whistling: How can one consider ones self gay and believe that he is in right-standing with God? Being gay is more then acting gay. If a person is gay they are gay from the inside out, steming from a perverse heart to a perverse mind-set. If one considers ones self to be a child of the King, he is one from the inside out. I have an uncle who was straight and went gay, got saved, went gay again and now is straight. I have a cousin who was the same, except once he came back to straightness, he stayed that way. My wife has a cousin who was married 13yrs with teenagers and then went gay and is now after 4years of that, he went back to his wife. My uncle says he struggle with his sin before he came out while a Christian but admits that he had a hard time letting it go because of his mind set and lust and eventually went back to it and now he says he is straight and is Christian. My cousin came out after high school and after 14 yrs got saved and has stayed saved to this day and told me that it was perversion of the heart, but said that it was not until he begun to see the truth about himself describe in scripture, that those feelings and mind-sets died. I have not talk much my wifes cousin but he to is a Christian now and testifies that Jesus changed him. Another thing they confirmed was that, as far as my relatives, was that they where molested sexually by another. 10 yrs ago I had read that 97% of gay have been molested. I think the rest just believe a lie.


Yes I agree 100%. It is like being an alcoholic. Alcoholism is considered to be a decease by the world but it is not. It is a bondage that accrues to those who make the choice to drink so much and so often that they become bound by the drug. According to the world this decease never goes away even though one might stop drinking all together. AA for example has their members say to the group "Hi my name is Robert and I am an alcoholic" when ever the introduce them selves to the group no matter if they are have just quit drinking or they have been quit for twenty years. Being a drunk is considered to be a low life by the world so for those who have not drank for any number of years have been calling them selves a low life for years which is a negative no matter which way you look at it. The question is "when are you cured of alcoholism?" According to AA the answer is never. It stays with you until you die.

As for myself I was delivered from alcoholism by God. I woke up one morning and the bondage was gone. Which means that I am a new creation, a child of God who has been saved by the blood of Christ.

WHICH ALSO MEANS THAT I AM FREE FROM THE BONDAGE/DECEASE OF ALCOHOLISM. The same applies to being gay. If a person truly comes to Christ and is saved they are no longer an alcoholic or a drug addict or a gay person. This does not mean that they won't be tempted by the desires of the flesh ever again because they will. But it does mean that they no longer have the mind set of a gay person and therefore are no longer gay. Which means that if a person still considers them selves to be gay after being saved they were never truly saved in the first place and will go back to the gay life style because the Christ is not within and this means that he who is in the world is stronger that unsaved gay person.

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Galatians 1:14 appears to indicate that Paul was advancing at a fast clip through his Religion;


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Heterophobia tends to "rule the roost" re the subject of homosexuality or sodomy. So now, one can claim to be "Christian" and still disregard the teachings of Jesus Christ, the very Head of that same Christian Church?! Matthew 19:4-6 clearly & succinctly outlines God's specific order of created humanness: "male-female; man-woman," and never male-male (homosexual) shack-up companion, or female-female (lesbian) shack-up companion. Why not always strive for perspicuity when discussing Holy Writ? Mi kamocha ba'elim Adonai?

The list is far too long to quote in its entirety but to get the ball rolling, Drs. Elizabeth Moberley (Oxford), Joseph Nicolosi, Clyde Narramore, Henry Sager, Joseph Berger, William Wilson, Charles Socarides, John Raberskel, Daniel Cappon, and associates, etc, etc, all join with one voice to show homosexuality to be an abhorrent abnormality of the first order. It has precious little to do with genetics but much rather environmental factors, by nurture rather than by nature. Dr. R.J. Berry of London states that "genes do not cause homosexuality." Zowie, a geneticist with understanding!

Even Masters & Johnson in their monumental "Human Sexuality" research study stated: "The genetic theory of homosexuality has been generally discarded today." Yet heterophobia continues down its fairly jaundiced trail. Dr. Gerhard Van Den Aardweg in his "On Origins & Treatment of Homosexuality, refers to homosexuality as a neurotic function of autopsychodrama, or "infantile self-pity turned anonymous." The late famous homosexual playwright, Truman Capote, said it best when he uttered, "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing gay about it!" Our sentiments exactly. So plainly, let's kindly bury that beautiful word "gay" and its pious clap-trap when discussing the sin of sodomy and call it much rather what it happens to be, especially for one calling herself/himself a "Christian": open rebellion against God and Holy Scripture. Let's get on with it: The Restoration Society For Common Sense. :emot-highfive:

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Heterophobia tends to "rule the roost" re the subject of homosexuality or sodomy. So now, one can claim to be "Christian" and still disregard the teachings of Jesus Christ, the very Head of that same Christian Church?! Matthew 19:4-6 clearly & succinctly outlines God's specific order of created humanness: "male-female; man-woman," and never male-male (homosexual) shack-up companion, or female-female (lesbian) shack-up companion. Why not always strive for perspicuity when discussing Holy Writ? Mi kamocha ba'elim Adonai?

The list is far too long to quote in its entirety but to get the ball rolling, Drs. Elizabeth Moberley (Oxford), Joseph Nicolosi, Clyde Narramore, Henry Sager, Joseph Berger, William Wilson, Charles Socarides, John Raberskel, Daniel Cappon, and associates, etc, etc, all join with one voice to show homosexuality to be an abhorrent abnormality of the first order. It has precious little to do with genetics but much rather environmental factors, by nurture rather than by nature. Dr. R.J. Berry of London states that "genes do not cause homosexuality." Zowie, a geneticist with understanding!

Even Masters & Johnson in their monumental "Human Sexuality" research study stated: "The genetic theory of homosexuality has been generally discarded today." Yet heterophobia continues down its fairly jaundiced trail. Dr. Gerhard Van Den Aardweg in his "On Origins & Treatment of Homosexuality, refers to homosexuality as a neurotic function of autopsychodrama, or "infantile self-pity turned anonymous." The late famous homosexual playwright, Truman Capote, said it best when he uttered, "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing gay about it!" Our sentiments exactly. So plainly, let's kindly bury that beautiful word "gay" and its pious clap-trap when discussing the sin of sodomy and call it much rather what it happens to be, especially for one calling herself/himself a "Christian": open rebellion against God and Holy Scripture. Let's get on with it: The Restoration Society For Common Sense. :noidea:

Well said ,my friend :laugh:


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I saw an interview with her on Larry King last night. They brought a Pastor on to speak about homosexuality as well.

All she did was deny lesbianism to be a sin. She also said that the word "homosexual" in the english versions of the Bible was mistranslated from the Greek and does not mean a gay person. (ignoring whole passages that speak of ""women exchanging the natural use for what is against nature"). Then when the Pastor pointed out that it was translated correctly, she attacked him and said that if he still sins than he is no better than her, and has no right to judge her at all.

We really need to pray for this woman - she is so lost.

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I saw an interview with her on Larry King last night. They brought a Pastor on to speak about homosexuality as well.

All she did was deny lesbianism to be a sin. She also said that the word "homosexual" in the english versions of the Bible was mistranslated from the Greek and does not mean a gay person. (ignoring whole passages that speak of ""women exchanging the natural use for what is against nature"). Then when the Pastor pointed out that it was translated correctly, she attacked him and said that if he still sins than he is no better than her, and has no right to judge her at all.

We really need to pray for this woman - she is so lost.

What was it I said her next step was going to be back in post 78? I said her next step was that she would start claiming that homsexuality was not a sin!

The damage has only just begun.

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