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Giants and the sons of god

Guest shadow2b

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The story of the giants is one of the most documented articles in the Bible. The Hebrew word nephilim from nephil means giant, bully or tyrant. The Hebrew word gibbor translates as powerful, mighty, strong man.

The name Rephaim translates into giant in II.Sam.21:16,18,20,22 and in I.CHR.20:4,6,8 and DEU.2:11,13: JOSH.12:4, 13:12, 15:8, and 18:16. The words "remnant of the giants" in DEU.3:11;JOSH.12:4 and 13:12 should have been translated as remnant of the Rephaims. This is because there were many nations of giants other than Rephaims, who filled the whole country trying to take over God's promised land. Before the great flood of Noah the earth was populated between 150 million and 500 million.

Some Bibles do not use GEN.6:4, where it states Giants for the first time. I don't know how many times I have read right over the word 'giant' and never really thought much about it.

Most people read the Bible and never notice the word giant, but there were a people of giants actually at three different time periods. There actually were several tribes of giants. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and the bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown" GEN.6:4. Befor (and after) the great flood, some of the giants took normal sized women as wife's who had children by the giants and there children also grew into giants. This is an astounding statement. Go back and read verse 2, "That the sons of God (fallen or outcast angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair (beautiful); and they took them wives of all which they chose."

But we need to took at this much more closely. "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wifes of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit it shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." GEN.6:1-5. These 5 verses tell us many things;

(1) - Man had many daughters. Notice that the daughters were born well after Cain was expelled after killing Abel, GEN.4:14.

(2) - Sons of God is nearly always fallen angels from the previous world and are always male..

(3) - The sons of God saw that these daughters of man were beautiful women and took as many as they wanted for wifes.

(4) - The LORD grieved because of (3), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (11).

(5) - The LORD limited mans life span to 120 years because of (3), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (11).

(6) - That these wifes or daughters of man bare children fathered by the sons of God or fallen angels.

(7) - That these children grew to be giants.

(8) - The wickedness and imagination of man was great, likely fornification and possibly porno type sex.

(9) - The phrase "the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown," says several things.

(A) - renown - meaning famous during there time;

(B) - each child fathered by either a son of God or a giant grew to be a giant,

© - As the giants were produced by two sources the giant population soon over-ran the world..

(10) - The phrase "which were of of old" - means it happened befor, in the first earth or original creation.

(11) - That because of the many problems with the fallen angels doing a simular thing in the first world, God had to devise a plan to destroy them.

(12) - The plan was the flood of Noah.

I should add as you will see later, the giants grew to 12 to over 18 feet tall, terribly strong, and neither the women or the parents would be unable to resist a being of this size from taking their daughters.

Befor getting into this any further, we need to look at some other Bible facts. This will give us a more reliable picture. Between Verses 11 and 25 in Chapter 1, he brought into existance trees, grass, fowl or birds, fish, animals and so on. On the fifth or sixth day he would also have re-created some of the dinosaurs but not all. On the sixth day along with some animals he also created man in his image. In other words, 2 arms, 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 feet and so on. Notice there is no mention of either size or skin color.

Eve becomes the first person to sin when she ate the forbidden fruit in GEN.3:6 which will lead to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden. After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve are expelled eastward from the garden, GEN.3:24. For some reason it must have been safer east of Eden. In Chapter 4 in Verses 1 and 2 Cain and Abel are born, and in Verse 8, Cain kills Abel. "And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. So Cain is pushed even farther eastward, GEN.4:16.

We now have to backup a couple of verses befor we can continue on. "Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me. GEN.4:14. Now wait a minute, so far we have only recorded 4 people in the Bible, Adam and Eve the parents, Cain, and Abel who is dead. Who is he afraid of? His parents? They are not very likely to kill him. There had to be other beings on the earth at the same time.

Next verse, "And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengence shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him" GEN.4:15. The Lord not only put a mark on Cain so that no one could kill Cain by mistake, but also warned the other beings about Cain. In verse 16 he is expelled which I stated earlier. Look at the very next verse.

"And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, after the name of his son Enoch". Wait a minute, he just got expelled in the previous verse, and he immediately finds a wife who gets pregnant. Cain was expelled alone and sent eastward away from his parents, so he could not have taken a sister with him for a wife as most religious leaders say. The only place he could obtain a wife is from the giants, and they - were warned not to kill him. Cain also builds the first recorded city, Enoch. Cain's Genealogy is recorded in GEN.4:18-24. Eve again concieves and has a third son, Seth, GEN.4:25. Still no daughters. The genealogy of Adam through Seth is recorded in GEN.5:4-32.

This brings us to another point. There is most likely many millions of angels today both both fallen and good. YET THEY DO NOT PRODUCE CHILDREN. This means they must all be Male. The sons of God could produce children by females, the Bible says so in GEN.6:2-4. This means that the only way for Cain to find a wife immediately after being expelled eastward, was that his mother Eve had sex with one or more fallen angels (sons of God) and had a giant daughter, who Cain took for a wife.

There are many hundreds of years in this genealogy. So god created Adam and Eve, it is very simple. It does however leave a large blank spotconcernin skin color. This blank spot can be filled in in three ways.

(1) God created more than one set of people with only Adam and Eve put in the garden of Eden and he also created at the same time, the yellow, white, brown and black races, and there genes would also pass through Noah ( by marriage) to a son, and on through there children, - these races continued on until today, or at least some of the colors.

(2) When God created Adam and Eve the other colors of genes were given to Adam and possibly Eve and this is carried on through Seth.

(3) Adam and Eve were not the same color and the genes continued on through Seth.

No one knows what color of skin Adam and Eve actually were, so the white race will say white, the brown race will say brown and so on. It is possible that other colors may have existed either befor or after Noah. The third option is not likely because in GEN.2:7, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground", in Hebrew it says Adam meaning ruddy and also - adamah (Hebrew) meaning ground or red soil. So he was likely reddish or tan and he possessed the other color genes.

Just where is Eden anyway? Religious leaders can only speculate but most likely in the top eastern third of Africa, to as far east as Eastern Syria and southward to Iran. No physical evidence exists on Eden itself but 2 rivers still do exist today, the Euphrates and the Tigris. The most likely area is in or near Palestine.

We again pick up the giants in the book of Numbers long after the great flood of Noah. God did not creat the giants as I have stated befor they were fallen angels, who had sex with human females to begin with and they also existed in the original world created possibly any millions of years ago.

Seth the third son of Adam and Eve produced one pure offspring linage through to Noah. Many other children would have been born to Adam and Eve, Cain and Seth but all turned to the giants. Notice that in the days of Noah, the whole world had turned to violance and fornication Gen.4:14. By the time of the great flood, all or nearly all of beings were giants thereby forcing the flood.

After the great flood of Noah, God promised Noah he would never destroy the earth by flood again GEN.9:11-13. This gave the devil the opportunity to again order his fallen angels to again have sex with the daughters of men. This he did with Hams descendants and the giants again appear in GEN.10:16,17 when the Amorite and Hivite appear.

Because God was limited in that he could not create another flood, he devised a new plan. The Isrealites became his favoured people and they multiplied exceedingly. They however were held captive by the Egyptians. Moses with Gods help led them out of Egypt.

The next account of the giants is in NUMBERS when Moses and the people of Israel are in the wilderness. Don't forget that Moses is, long after the great flood and he has escaped from Egypt, with the children of Israel, crossed the Red Sea, and is in the mountains of what is now likely the Sinai west and south of Jordon. Moses sends a member of each tribe into the land of Canaan to search to out and to report back to the people. There numbers would continue to increase during the 40 years in the wilderness.

"And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" NUM.13:33. NOTE Some Bibles mention grasshoppers but not the word giant. Picture it, the scouts come upon these people so large that they called themselves grasshoppers, and knew that the giants had seen them. These are not just Larger People, but honest to goodness Giants. Notice a little later similar descriptions. The scouts had entered the land of Canaan from the south and travelled north. "And the ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were (Now Hebron was built seven years befor Zoan in Egypt)" NUM.13:22. Hebron is still a city today and can be looked up on a map, not the same city, but likely in the same area. If you were to dig down several feet you would likely find the old crumbled walls of ancient Hebron, as describer shortly. There were 3 tribes of giants in this area, and they had built the old city of Hebron. "Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there".NUM.14:28. These giants were strong and had heavily fortified high walled cities as stated in Deuteronomy. "Whither shall we go up? our breathern have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is great and taller than we; the cities are great walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of Anakims there". DEU.1:28. Again the size is mentioned and also the wall height is stated as walled up to heaven, so they were very high walls, not some 20 or 30 foot walls.

"The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims. Which were also accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites called them Emims".The giants in DEU.2:10,11, continues on into much of Chapter 3. "That also was accounted a land of giants: giants dwelt there-in in old time; and the Ammonites call them Zamzummims; A people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; but the Lord destroyed them before them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in there stead". DEU.2:20,21. So there were also a large number of giants, not just a few but many tribes. The Lord spreads rumours amongst the giants about the mighty Israelites, "This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee" DEU.2:26. The lord destroyed these giants, causing them to war amongest themselves and with the Israelites, up to the time of Abraham, so that the Israelites could have there land. Only Og, king of Basham survived, DEU.3:11. where he is imprisoned, verse 12 the size of the land, verse 13 and how it is divided.

Now back to Verse 11, notice his bed is 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide. A cubit is about 2 feet, making his bed 18 feet long by 8 feet wide. Keep in mind at this time period people only grew to about 5 feet. This would make the giants more than 3 times there height. In todays height of people, consider a 2 story house with a basement, a giant would stand about equal to the edge of the roof in equivalent terms.

The land of the giant king Og is mentioned in JOSHUA 12:4. In JOS.13, Moses is possessing the land and in verse 12 the king of Og is mentioned, the land of giants. The border is mentioned again in JOS.15:8 ;17:5 and 18:16. So just 4000 years ago (or less) giants walked this earth.

In addition the Bible story of David and Goliath is recorded in 1.SAM.17. Although Goliath is not stated as a giant, he would be about 12 feet tall, 1SAM.17:4. Goliath's armour weighed nearly 200 pounds. Goliath is again mentioned in 1.CHR.20:5 "And there was war again with the Philistines: and Slhanonthe son of Jair slew Lahme the brother of Goliath the Gittite, whose spear staff was like a weavers beam. And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great statute, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot and he also was the son of the giant". 1.CHR.20:5,6.

The devils goal was to take heaven from God. When that failed and he and his fallen angels were expelled from 1st heaven, he resorted to destroy the earth. This has been going on one way or another for a very long time, and he nearly succeed befor the flood of Noah. After the great flood he tried it again knowing God could no longer flood the earth, and the giants reappeared in GEN.10:16. When this failed Satan has kept his remaining fallen angels to confront Jesus in his second coming. In the mean time he is trying to destroy Christanity.

The following is a list of the giants and where they are listed in the Bible.

Nephilim - GEN.6:4; 14:5,6; 15:19-21; EX.3:8,17,23; DEU.2:10-12, 20-23; 3:11-13; 7:1; 20:17; JOS.12:4-8; 13:3; 15:8; 17:15 and 18:16

Kenites - GEN.15:19; NUM.24:21; JUD.4:11; I.SAM.15:6, 27:10,30:29; I.CHR.2:55

Kenizzites - GEN.15:19

Kadmonites - GEN.15:19

Hittites - GEN.15:20; EX.3:8,17; 13:5; 23:23; NUM.13:29; DEU.7:1, 20:17; JOS.1:4, 3:10, 12:8, 24:11; JUD.1:26, 3:5; I.KING.9:20, 10:29, 11:1; II.KING.7:6; II.CHR.1:17, 8:7; EZRA.9:1; NEH.9:8

Perizzites - GEN15:20, 34:30; EX.3:8, 17; 23:23; DEU.7:1, 20:17; JOS.3:10, 12:8, 17:15, 24:11; JUD.1:4,5, 3:5; I.KING.9:20; II.CHR.8:7; EZRA.9:1; NEH.9:8

Rephaims - GEN.14:5; 15:20

Zuzims - GEN.14:5

Emims - GEN.14:5; DEU.2:10

Amorites - GEN.14:7, 15:16,21; EX.3:8,17; 13:5; 23:23; NUM.13:29; 21:13,21,25,26,29,31,32,34; 22:2; 32:33; DEU.1:4,7,19,20,27,44; 3:2,8,9; 3:28,9,; 4:47,47; 7:1; 20:17; 31:4; JOS.2:10; 3:10; 5:1; 7:7;9:10; JOS.10:5,6,12; 12:2,8; 13:4,10,21; 24:8,11; 24:12,15,18; JUD.1:34,35,36; 3:5; 6:10; 10:8,11; 11:19,21,22,23; I.SAM.7:14; II.SAM.21:2; I.KING 4:19;9:20; 21:26; II.KING.21:11; II.CHR.8:7; EZRA.9:1; NEH.9:8; PS.135:11, 136:19.

Canaanites - GEN.10:18,19; 15:21; 24:3,37; 34:30; 50:11; EX.3:8,17; 13:5,11; 23:23; NUM.13:29; 14:25,43,45; 21:3; DEU.1:7; 7:1; 11:30; 20:17; JOS.3:10; 5:1; 7:9; 12:8; 13:4; 16:10; 17:12,13,16,18; 24:11; JUD.1;1,3,4,5,9,10,17,27,28,29,30,32,33; 3:3,5; II.SAM.24:7; I.KING.9:16; EZRA.9:1; NEH.9:8,24; OBA.20

Zebusites - GEN.15:21; EX.3:8,17; 13:5; 23:23; NUM.13:29; DEU.7:1; 20:17; JOS.3:10; 12:8; 15:63; 24:11; JUD.1:21; 3:5; 19:11; II.SAM.5:6,8; I.KING.9:20; I.chr.11:4,6; II.CHR.8:7; EZRA.9:1; NEH.9:8.

Hivites - EX.3:8,17; 13:5; 23:23; DEU.7:1;20:17; JOS.3:10; 9:7;11:19;12:8;24:11; JUD.3:3,5; II.SAM.24:7; I.KING.9:20; II.CHR.8:7

Anakims - DEU.1:28; 2:10,11,21; 9:2; JOS.11:21,22; 14:12,15

Horims - DEU.2:12,22

Avims - DEU.2:23

Caphtorims - DEU.2:23

Anakims - DEU.1:28; 2:10,11,21; 9:2; JOS.11:22,22; 14:12,15

Zamzummims - DEU.2:20

As you can see there are many referrences to the giants, this should provide plenty of evidence that the giants lived and walked on the earth only a few thousand years ago. The facts of the Bible cannot be disputed and a time frame can easily be established.


Two things which loosely tie into the Giants and also into Creation and Re-Creation and other articles, which are not stated in the Bible. I have added them here as they may have been an event.

Greek Mythology, mythology meaning myth, or may be what we call fairy tales. Mythology is the handing down of events or stories from father to son, and the process goes on and on. There is usually no written text or proof for the story. All native people of North/South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa etc., have stories of times long ago. We tend to believe some of these stories of the natives, yet rule out Greek mythology. In many anchient Greek drawings, statue's and sculpture's show people with wings. Some of these show giant type men with muscles developed far greater than man to-day. Mercury a Greek God is shown with wings on his ankles and a winged cap. Was Mercury actually an angel and perhaps had wings or could he levitate himself and they thought he had invisable wings ? The answer is unknown.

The Egyptian Pyramids, the largest covering about 13 acres and nearly 500 feet tall and built 3000 years ago or longer. It contains 2.3 million blocks of stone with an average weight of 2-1/2 tons however some weigh 16 or more tons. There base is almost a perfect square and the joints between each block is nearly perfect. Originally covered with polished limestone, which glistened in the sunlight. While still nearly a hundred miles away, they were plainly visable. The polished limestone was removed about a hundred years ago to build a castle for a Egyptian ruler. The blocks of stone were transported a great distance over sand, yet the Egyptains only had a crude wheel on carts at the time. How could a people with only a crude wheel, transport millions of tons of large blocks of stone across a sand dessert and hoist them nearly 500 feet into the air? How could they build a near perfect square base? And how come it didn't sink, when it weighs perhaps a billion tons? And why was it polished limestone faced? Were they a beacon for the sons of God to find earth from outer space more easily (Second Heaven) ?

Is it possible the Egyptains didn't build them at all? That perhaps the sons of God and the giants built them? They were around about that time. The fallen angels or sons of God would have powers far beyond anything we can imagine. One giant would be far stronger than many men of to-day, and there were thousands and thousands of giants.


- Wednesday, February 09, 2000 - Taken for the Globe and Mail - "As indelicate as it sounds, a rare pair of nearly complete pelvic bones has thrust anthropologists up against the impressively large bodies of human ancestors. More than 200,000 years old, these pelvic fossils - one newly unearthed in Spain and the other extensively analized for the first time, although it was discovered in 1984 in China - belonged to individuals whose reconstructed physical build makes most people living today look puny," said Science News last summer. " Seperate investigation of (the) fossils now suggest that modern humans have shrunk from the ample anatomical norm of their fossil ancestors, which include a long broad and thick pelvis for both sexes."

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Guest shadow2b

angels-----this IS very "WEIRD" :c: ----i've never thought

much about giants in the BIBLE----didNOT know there was so much info on them in GOD'S WORD either-----you spent a considerable amount of researching this didn't you??.??-----

very insightful & interesting  :noidea: -------keep on goin gal-------shadow2b{Gary}--- :)

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I have studied this a lot and still studying it.  One part I question is:

"Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me. GEN.4:14. Now wait a minute, so far we have only recorded 4 people in the Bible, Adam and Eve the parents, Cain, and Abel who is dead. Who is he afraid of? His parents? They are not very likely to kill him. There had to be other beings on the earth at the same time.

Since Adam and Eve lived like 900 years, we don't know how many years passed in here.  If Eve had say a kid every 2 years and they, in turn, had kids and so on....there could have been lots of people on the earth already.

Just a thought.  I don't know and I had wondered in my mind if God created other people too, but I think I remember a verse that said Adam and Eve are all of our grandparents, or we are all decendants of them or whatever, so this whole giant thing is very interesting and I wonder if they could be coming back after the rapture???  Since it will be as the days of Noah?

Hmmmmmm :noidea:

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Guest shilou

Angel just a suggestion if your studying this. Pick up a Tanakh, it's the OT from the original Hebrew translated into English. You will be delighted to know they use the correct wording here. Example 6:4 It was then and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth-when the DEVINE BEINGS cohabitated with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring.

Some time ago I studied the history of the changes made from the original Hebrew to the English we have today. I don't remember for sure but I think it had to do with the Catholic Church thinking something about our lack of understanding or something. But don't take that to the bank, all I know for sure is it was changed. The words devine beings was replaced with the words sons of God throughout, so the Tanakh is easier to follow if you are studying this.

In Yashua's Love


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Yes, its very thought provoking isn't it?

Take this

This brings us to another point. There is most likely many millions of angels today both both fallen and good. YET THEY DO NOT PRODUCE CHILDREN. This means they must all be Male. The sons of God could produce children by females, the Bible says so in GEN.6:2-4. This means that the only way for Cain to find a wife immediately after being expelled eastward, was that his mother Eve had sex with one or more fallen angels (sons of God) and had a giant daughter, who Cain took for a wife.

:noidea:  :)  :D  :)  :noidea:  :noidea:


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Now back to Verse 11, notice his bed is 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide. A cubit is about 2 feet, making his bed 18 feet long by 8 feet wide. Keep in mind at this time period people only grew to about 5 feet. This would make the giants more than 3 times there height. In todays height of people, consider a 2 story house with a basement, a giant would stand about equal to the edge of the roof in equivalent terms.

Wow!! That's all I can say! I would run if I meet one of those people!!


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This is a bump from a few years ago. I didn't want to start a new one on the same thing.

<font color='#000000'>THE GIANTS and the SONS of GOD

The story of the giants is one of the most documented articles in the Bible. The Hebrew word nephilim from nephil means giant, bully or tyrant. The Hebrew word gibbor translates as powerful, mighty, strong man.

The name Rephaim translates into giant in II.Sam.21:16,18,20,22 and in I.CHR.20:4,6,8 and DEU.2:11,13: JOSH.12:4, 13:12, 15:8, and 18:16. The words "remnant of the giants" in DEU.3:11;JOSH.12:4 and 13:12 should have been translated as remnant of the Rephaims. This is because there were many nations of giants other than Rephaims, who filled the whole country trying to take over God's promised land. Before the great flood of Noah the earth was populated between 150 million and 500 million.

Some Bibles do not use GEN.6:4, where it states Giants for the first time. I don't know how many times I have read right over the word 'giant' and never really thought much about it.

Most people read the Bible and never notice the word giant, but there were a people of giants actually at three different time periods. There actually were several tribes of giants. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and the bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown" GEN.6:4. Befor (and after) the great flood, some of the giants took normal sized women as wife's who had children by the giants and there children also grew into giants. This is an astounding statement. Go back and read verse 2, "That the sons of God (fallen or outcast angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair (beautiful); and they took them wives of all which they chose."

But we need to took at this much more closely. "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wifes of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit it shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." GEN.6:1-5. These 5 verses tell us many things;

(1) - Man had many daughters. Notice that the daughters were born well after Cain was expelled after killing Abel, GEN.4:14.

(2) - Sons of God is nearly always fallen angels from the previous world and are always male..

(3) - The sons of God saw that these daughters of man were beautiful women and took as many as they wanted for wifes.

(4) - The LORD grieved because of (3), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (11).

(5) - The LORD limited mans life span to 120 years because of (3), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (11).

(6) - That these wifes or daughters of man bare children fathered by the sons of God or fallen angels.

(7) - That these children grew to be giants.

(8) - The wickedness and imagination of man was great, likely fornification and possibly porno type sex.

(9) - The phrase "the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown," says several things.

(A) - renown - meaning famous during there time;

(B) - each child fathered by either a son of God or a giant grew to be a giant,

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Guest Christopher_John
Completely agree.

900 years is a lot of babies, some could have even been twins/triplets...who knows.

I've often wondered why all of them were not documented but I reasoned that maybe most fell into sin.

I don't know. Does anyone know?

A quick stabb in the dark?... the other lineages were not relevant in establishing the blood line of Israel. For the most part I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone survived the flood other than Noah and his family, regardless of how post flood scripture is interpreted. Any connection between the Nephilim and or the Giants is clearly recorded in scripture out of fear of a great enemy and over sensationalizing their strength capabilities.

For God said...

Genesis 6:7

7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Genesis 7:22

22All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.



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Here's my take...

Gen. 6:1-5 shows the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) married the daughter of man (Adam), and their offspring became MIGHTY MEN of old. These men inherited the Human Intelligence of Adam, but were wicked, and unbelieving. Their violent nature caused the destruction of their world. Gen. 6:13

Gen. 6:4 calls these men GIANTS and MIGHTY MEN OF OLD - 1st world -- and the text also indicates that this union between them and Adam's descendants, would happen again...."AND ALSO AFTER THAT"... is prophecy that the sons of God and the descendants of Adam would also unite here on earth, after their first union of their former world.

Gen. 10:8 fulfills the prophecy of Gen. 6:4 after Noah arrived on this planet and Cush marries a woman whose ancestors originated in the water. Cush, like Cain, had No one to marry, except the the prehistoric beings or mankind created on the 5th day.

Gen. 10:8

Edited by 4Pillars
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Here is my take on the Nephalim and sons of God:

The Nephilim (literally from the Hebrew verb meaning "to fall") were a group of men considered to be giants because of their physical prowess. The Nephilim were on the earth before and after the time that the "sons of God" interbred with the daughters of men in Genesis 6:2

The sense of Genesis 6 is a description of the general evil of the day. Here is my take on the meaning:

1. The "sons of God" was probably a reference to the Godly line coming from Seth. They did evil in God's sight by interbreeding with women outside the Godly line.

2. The Nephilim were a group of men that due to their physical size were able to "fall" upon others using violence.

3. The irony is that both the evil Nephilim and the "sons of God" were intermarrying and interbreeding with the same women. The offspring of the line of Seth and the duaghters of men produced children who were well thought of by the world (6:4), but not by God (6:5)

4. Genesis 6:5 says that God looked upon these events and others and saw that mankind was basically heading headlong onto evil.

It should be noted some feel that the term "Sons of God" refers to demonic beings that interbred with humans. They conclude this because the term "sons of God" is frequently used for angelic beings.

I have concluded that the term refers to the offspring of Seth, because of the followng:

1. Genesis 6 follows immediately on the heels of a contrast the ungodly line of Cain (Genesis 4) and the Godly line of Seth (Genesis 5) Genesis then begins with the idea that women were being born outside of the Godly line of Seth, and the offspring of Seth began to desire them.

2. In no place in scripture are angelic beings described has having the ability to reproduce. In fact Jesus indicated that angelic beings are in fact asexual in nature (Mark 12:25)

3. In Genesis 6:9-13 a new "Godly line" is established that begins with Noah. His line is now pure and undefiled.


1. The Nephilim were a race of physically superior people that used their advantage to "fall" upon people.

2. The Godly line of Seth began intermarrying with women outside the Godly line.

3. The evil nephilim also began intermarrying with the same women.

4. This dissolution of the Godly line was evil in God's sight (this is a theme that will follow Israel throughout her existance), but produced offspring that were well thought of by the current populace.

5. Because of this, God determined to judge the world by wiping out humanity except for those who belonged to the new Godly line beginning with Noah

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