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Physical Appearance...


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Physical appearance is not the most important thing, it is what is in the heart that is important. But for those people that are pretty, God gave those people those looks and they shouldn't be looked down on because of those looks. And no one should assume that just because they are pretty, that they think of themselves as better than others. This is on a case by case basis of course, since there are some people, pretty or not, who think of themselves as better than others... :laugh:

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All praises to God, For one day we shall all have Glorified bodies.

God Bless,


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After watching someone I loved waste away and lose their hair due to a terminal illness, it gave me a new perspective on physical appearance. She would've given anything to have a body...any body....that was just free of disease. Large, small, tall, short..it wouldn't have mattered to her at all. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in wanting to "improve" ourselves, we forget there are so many less fortunate than us. People who are paralyzed, sick, etc...that would give anything to trade places with us (imperfections and all) any given day.

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After watching someone I loved waste away and lose their hair due to a terminal illness, it gave me a new perspective on physical appearance. She would've given anything to have a body...any body....that was just free of disease. Large, small, tall, short..it wouldn't have mattered to her at all. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in wanting to "improve" ourselves, we forget there are so many less fortunate than us. People who are paralyzed, sick, etc...that would give anything to trade places with us (imperfections and all) any given day.

Amen sister,

We need to learn to be thankful for that which we do have, and to not dwell on things we want.

God Bless,


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After watching someone I loved waste away and lose their hair due to a terminal illness, it gave me a new perspective on physical appearance. She would've given anything to have a body...any body....that was just free of disease. Large, small, tall, short..it wouldn't have mattered to her at all. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in wanting to "improve" ourselves, we forget there are so many less fortunate than us. People who are paralyzed, sick, etc...that would give anything to trade places with us (imperfections and all) any given day.

:laugh: Tess

Thanx for that reminder. You ROCK!!!

In His Love,

Bro John

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I am a pretty confident person. I am quite large as well. I am confident in who I am and God's will for my life, but I really fall short when it comes to my appearance. I am so big and I was so thin when I was a teen. Things happened and I used cope to build a shield. Now that shield weighs literally just as much as I did when I started. So I am double the size I was before my tragedy happened. But i can't use the tragedy any longer.

I was up late last night and was watching Oprah, who I don't really like watching much because of how liberal and "spiritual" so she says, bu Winona Judd was on. I saw her on like 3 or 4 months ago and now she was back. I don't listen to country music but I knew who she was. She was speaking about how much of the problem has nothing to do with food. She said this was harder to get off than drugs. Because you have to eat! With drugs you can remove yourself from ever having them again. Not food. I was so moved because she had these home diary videos where she just says what she is feeling right then. I could relate so much. It is so hard to stop just eating the stuff you like. You feel like you are being punished. It is awful. I have come to a point where I disgust myself, and I have to lose this weight because I want to have a better future.

I do like to keep up my self and not look as if I do not care, but I wish it didn't take over me as it does sometimes. I think alot of that pressure comes from the situation I am right now. There is something my husband and I want to get into but we are told we have to lose weight first. It really hurts to hear that.

To top all of this off, me and my friend Becky were at a state fair this past weekend and we decided to ride a ride together. Well alot fot he seats were taken and we decided to try and sit together. We are both big girls. Well we had to push on the bar to get it down, but the worker there came over and told us that we were "too fat, the bar won't go down, because your stomachs are in the way, you are too big, I can't let you ride." So we took the walk of shame and got off the ride right before they started it. I had to take a quick walk before meeting up with our other friends to cry for a moment. I never felt as if someone was talking at me as if I disgusted them ever before like this. I was so devastated. I feel as if I can hear his voice and those words over and over. With an under current of you are gross, and huge, and ugly, etc.

I am pretty though. I know that, my mom alway tells me, you have such a pretty face, if you would just lose some weight........ I know my face is fine, but my body is really large!

Shelby honey I know exactly how you feel, I've been there too. Listen you just get that guys voice out of your head right now! You rebuke it in the name of Jesus, do not accept it, because it isn't true! Satan will use that voice over and over to beat you down and take you into depression.

I know because I've heard it too. I live beside a woman (non-Christian, but working on it!) who is a plus size, I refuse and she refuses to use the F-Word. This woman has the self confidence of a giant! She has a 4 year old son and she has taught him that calling people names no matter what is wrong and will not be tolerated.

She has more friends then I ever will, she just exudes self confidence, every night she has a whole hoard of people gathered around her patio. Do you know why? Because she has a lot of self confidence and people know that and they want to be around her, because she is so positive. She doesn't sit around be-moaning the fact that she is too F%&! She doesn't hide she is out there gettin it done! :laugh:

She has limitations, but she doesn't make a big deal out of it and she doesn't make fun of herself either which is a put down in itself. I have grown to admire this woman and I want to be around her too, she has a heart of gold and makes everyone feel welcome. She has alot of friends around her that are drop dead gorgeous, slim, great figures you get the picture, but she is not in the least intimidated by them she treats everyone the same. She has a great looking husband and she is not in the least jealous of any of her friends and he loves her to pieces and wouldn't even consider cheating because when you are around Deb you have fun and you know you are important to her.

I want to be like that, oozing self confidence, fun to be around and only concerned about others. If she hears someone use the F-Word she will take a strip off you like you wouldn't believe! She refers to her self as Plus Size. And the really big misconception about plus-size people is that they eat 24/7 wrong, wrong, wrong. I don't even know how Deb survives on what she eats.

Thats just the problem though people look at P-size people and think they are slovenly, lazy, and eat all the time. They just automatically assume these things without getting to know someone. I would of been missing out on a wonderful friendship if I had gone with my first impression of her. Now I just couldn't think of living beside anyone else she is absolutely wonderful, now if she would give her heart to Christ, (working on it still!) she would be some kind of witness!

You know people here can tell you till their blue in the face that its whats inside that counts, but until you CHOOSE to believe it, it means nothing. Because we are human and think like humans we are always going to make a judgment call on someone you meet for the first time. But until you decide to get to know the heart of that person then that judgment will still be there.

Shelby from what I've read of your posts I've gotten to know you from the inside first, that is the beauty of computers, you can be yourself without judgments being made. And from your posts I KNOW you are a beautiful person inside, the exterior does not matter its just a shell.

And now I know if I met you in the person the outside wouldn't matter in the least because your personality shines with the love of Christ, you have a loving heart, and you are a vital part of Worthy. Let all those comments go Shelby they are not of God, you are very much loved here and loved by your family. The outside world is just that the outside, you are who God made you and as I've said time and time again here GOD DOES NOT MAKE JUNK! So don't accept anymore of those lies ok?

No Junk Here!!


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Lol, like everybody ends with some praise to god. Anyway, yes society has placed a huge emphasis on looks :laugh:. But as someone else said, confidence is a more important. If you are confident in yourself, and have good self image, what other people think about your appearence is not really important. Much of the problems stem from how people view themselves.

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Guest koppen

Below is a special passage geared towards women....either you or a woman

close to you. It is a profound passage that will certainly make you think.

Woman's Blessing

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage

to change the ONE I can, and the wisdom to know it's ME!

Woman to Woman Encouragement

Someone will always be prettier. They will always be smarter. Their house

will be bigger. They will drive a better car. Their children will do better in

school. And their husband will fix more things around the house. So let it go,

and love you and your circumstances. Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. And the most

highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children. And the

richest woman you know -- she's got the car, the house, the clothes --might be

lonely. And the word says if I have not Love, I am nothing.

So, again, love YOU. Love who you are right now and let God be your

barometer. Mirror Him. Look in the mirror in the morning and see how much of God you

see. He's the only standard and even when you come up short; He will not leave

you or forsake you. Smile and may God continue to bless you.

"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!"

The shortest distance between a problem and a solution

is the distance between your knees and the floor.

"The one who kneels to God can stand up to anything."

"Winners make things happen. Losers let things happen."

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be

the world."


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Guest koppen
I am a pretty confident person.  I am quite large as well.  I am confident in who I am and God's will for my life, but I really fall short when it comes to my appearance.  I am so big and I was so thin when I was a teen.  Things happened and I used cope to build a shield.  Now that shield weighs literally just as much as I did when I started.  So I am double the size I was before my tragedy happened.  But i can't use the tragedy any longer. 

I was up late last night and was watching Oprah, who I don't really like watching much because of how liberal and "spiritual" so she says, bu Winona Judd was on.  I saw her on like 3 or 4 months ago and  now she was back.  I don't listen to country music but I knew who she was.  She was speaking about how much of the problem has nothing to do with food.  She said this was harder to get off than drugs.  Because you have to eat!  With drugs you can remove yourself from ever having them again.  Not food.  I was so moved because she had these home diary videos where she just says what she is feeling right then.  I could relate so much.  It is so hard to stop just eating the stuff you like.  You feel like you are being punished.  It is awful.  I have come to a point where I disgust myself, and I have to lose this weight because I want to have a better future. 

I do like to keep up my self and not look as if I do not care, but I wish it didn't take over me as it does sometimes.  I think alot of that pressure comes from the situation I am right now.  There is something my husband and I want to get into but we are told we have to lose weight first.  It really hurts to hear that.

To top all of this off, me and my friend Becky were at a state fair this past weekend and we decided to ride a ride together.  Well alot fot he seats were taken and we decided to try and sit together.  We are both big girls.  Well we had to push on the bar to get it down, but the worker there came over and told us that we were "too fat, the bar won't go down, because your stomachs are in the way, you are too big, I can't let you ride."  So we took the walk of shame and got off  the ride right before they started it.  I had to take a quick walk before meeting up with our other friends to cry for a moment.  I never felt as if someone was talking at me as if I disgusted them ever before like this.  I was so devastated.  I feel as if I can hear his voice and those words over and over.  With an under current of you are gross, and huge, and ugly, etc.

I am pretty though.  I know that, my mom alway tells me, you have such a pretty face, if you would just lose some weight........ I know my face is fine, but my body is really large!

Shelby honey I know exactly how you feel, I've been there too. Listen you just get that guys voice out of your head right now! You rebuke it in the name of Jesus, do not accept it, because it isn't true! Satan will use that voice over and over to beat you down and take you into depression.

I know because I've heard it too. I live beside a woman (non-Christian, but working on it!) who is a plus size, I refuse and she refuses to use the F-Word. This woman has the self confidence of a giant! She has a 4 year old son and she has taught him that calling people names no matter what is wrong and will not be tolerated.

She has more friends then I ever will, she just exudes self confidence, every night she has a whole hoard of people gathered around her patio. Do you know why? Because she has a lot of self confidence and people know that and they want to be around her, because she is so positive. She doesn't sit around be-moaning the fact that she is too F%&! She doesn't hide she is out there gettin it done! :laugh:

She has limitations, but she doesn't make a big deal out of it and she doesn't make fun of herself either which is a put down in itself. I have grown to admire this woman and I want to be around her too, she has a heart of gold and makes everyone feel welcome. She has alot of friends around her that are drop dead gorgeous, slim, great figures you get the picture, but she is not in the least intimidated by them she treats everyone the same. She has a great looking husband and she is not in the least jealous of any of her friends and he loves her to pieces and wouldn't even consider cheating because when you are around Deb you have fun and you know you are important to her.

I want to be like that, oozing self confidence, fun to be around and only concerned about others. If she hears someone use the F-Word she will take a strip off you like you wouldn't believe! She refers to her self as Plus Size. And the really big misconception about plus-size people is that they eat 24/7 wrong, wrong, wrong. I don't even know how Deb survives on what she eats.

Thats just the problem though people look at P-size people and think they are slovenly, lazy, and eat all the time. They just automatically assume these things without getting to know someone. I would of been missing out on a wonderful friendship if I had gone with my first impression of her. Now I just couldn't think of living beside anyone else she is absolutely wonderful, now if she would give her heart to Christ, (working on it still!) she would be some kind of witness!

You know people here can tell you till their blue in the face that its whats inside that counts, but until you CHOOSE to believe it, it means nothing. Because we are human and think like humans we are always going to make a judgment call on someone you meet for the first time. But until you decide to get to know the heart of that person then that judgment will still be there.

Shelby from what I've read of your posts I've gotten to know you from the inside first, that is the beauty of computers, you can be yourself without judgments being made. And from your posts I KNOW you are a beautiful person inside, the exterior does not matter its just a shell.

And now I know if I met you in the person the outside wouldn't matter in the least because your personality shines with the love of Christ, you have a loving heart, and you are a vital part of Worthy. Let all those comments go Shelby they are not of God, you are very much loved here and loved by your family. The outside world is just that the outside, you are who God made you and as I've said time and time again here GOD DOES NOT MAKE JUNK! So don't accept anymore of those lies ok?

No Junk Here!!


Oh how I want to have that kind of self confidence...I pray that the Lord will help me get it!!!!!

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