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Input desired on idea to get Christians to move with me to Chile...


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Hi Nebula!

I remember you too. As then you have some great input now which I appreciate hearing. Just a couple of comments (as if I can comment just a tad on anything LOL) below some of your statements.

But first...I can definitely relate to the feelings that you had about going to Church (as if one can go to such a thing which is another issue altogether but I'll use that terminology for now). While I have not had the intensity of your feelings against Church going I don't think, I have definitely gotten to the point where if I never set foot in another Church building in my life it will be too soon for me. I can't stand Churchiness where folks attend a Sunday Church service followed by a nice, Wednesday night home group, and then live for themselves the rest of the week. I can't stand that! I loathe that just as I am sure the Lord does too. He came to call us to die to self, take up our cross, and go love. Sacrificially as He did. Out in the real world. Outside the confines of our nice, sanitized, sheltered "Church" structures. The Christians in general do make me sick in a sense and I can't stand being around most of them these days. Not all mind you. If that was the case I would have never come back here to post for input on the idea I had. Who knows...maybe the Lord did not have the idea itself in mind as much as my coming here to post again in that I now find myself connecting with Christians again though to a very limited degree here.

Mind you I do have some contact with other Christians and even have some Christian friends but those relationships are nothing like the Churchy type Christians one so often finds in Church buildings.

Anyway onward to your comments...

But as I stumble through this life, I have to trust that the Lord is leading me, even when it doesn't seem like it.

Well put Nebula. I can definitely relate to the stumbling part LOL.

The one thing I have not heard from what you have spoken so far is why the Lord sent you to San Diego. Based on my and others' experiences that I've heard, my inclination would be to ask you to seek the Lord about why He sent you there, what He would have you do there . . . something like that. Since it's rather clear the Lord is not opening the door for you to leave, it can only mean He has a plan for you still in San Diego. Seek out what He means for you in this place. It may be there is something you need to do or accomplish or learn of something else that I can't think of before He can move you on to Chile, if that is in His plan at all (sorry, but I can't assume that direction - even though I seriously sympathize with you).

Good points Nebula. Just bear in mind that you cannot possibly hear everything from me that there might be to hear out of my life in my first little thread here in quite a long time LOL.

But still...that's something for me to consider afresh as to why the Lord so obviously and blatantly led me to San Diego.

There may still be some reasons that have not yet been realized but among those that have been are the following:

- I had no home to speak of in Canada and though I was staying with a friend his place was infested with mice, nicotine covered the walls, and it was otherwise not a good place to be and yes...he was still my friend and the only one that the Lord met my need for housing through. I miss him and the friendship of other down and outers like him who I got to know there. Canada is not a nice place to be if you are homeless weather wise.

- On coming to San Diego I went through some experiences that greatly humbled me and brought me to a new place of complete surrender to God. A place that led me to experience some of the most intimate experiences of my loving Father I had ever had and to experience a peace at times the likes of which were out of this world. Those lessons alone are invaluable.

- I have had the chance to see once again the utter nonsense that so much of visible Christianity is. Not only by needs that I fell into and experienced and how lacking the Church as a whole was to meeting needs in my own life but more so in seeing the needs of so many around me here that the Church all but ignores while all along proclaiming their love for God. Some heads are going to roll when He returns. That too cemented many of my perspectives on Church and caused me to draw nearer to God still more as I went before Him in prayer to discuss these things with Him.

- I have had the chance to love many around me and to learn to love more like Him than I ever have and in a worldly sense I have grown in my web development skills greatly.

But aside from the first reason above...all the rest could have been learned in Canada as readily I think. I don't rightly know all the reasons the Lord told me to come here and I do not know why He has not yet provided me a way to go to Chile as readily as He provided me a way to come here. Some of that is my fault of course. I could have worked harder and done more toward moving to Chile. When I am making enough money to meet my own needs, even a month ahead, I tend to goof off. That's in part why I want to help others earn a living over the Internet. To help me stay on track instead of doing things by myself and on my own.

I have not yet made enough on my own to go to Chile but am definitely making enough to live in San Diego and otherwise meet most all my needs.

Anway great input Nebula. Thanks!


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Hi Carlos...generally speaking there is a godly structure to a commission, that is initiated through ones own witness, evidenced in ones life, endorsed by others and empowered by the Holy Ghost.

Amen to that Botz! Generally speaking I mean :D

By the way I don't see myself as being commissioned to go to Chile. I see a need to go there and help my mom out and have a desire to go retire and die in the country of my birth. Sure there may be opportunities for the Gospel there that are better than here (probably quite true) but that's not my main motivation for wanting to go there.


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Howdy South,

Why is your going to Chile dependent on other people going too?

You misunderstand me. It isn't. It's that I can't get there just yet. I am financially unable to do so. But I need to be doing something for the Kingdom of God instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Since I can't stand Churchiness and can't stand "going" to Church in the commonly accepted way of doing Church around here and since most Christians around me here haven't a clue about dying to self or truly living for God in the real world...well...I figured that it would be worthwhile for me to at least help other Christians make a living over the Internet. Where I could use my skills to help them and where possibly some might then be free to join me in Chile.

It was just an idea rolling around in my head South. From the looks of it just a wacky idea that may not be real practical or worthwhile pursuing (I've gotten input at a marketing forum too and for various reasons it may not be workable).

If God is prompting you to go, and you are sure that He is prompting you to do so, then wait for the opportunity to open up and then go, whether someone is going with you or not.

A great point South. Amen to that! God is not prompting a move to Chile though. I see it as more in line with what I desire and that which God gives me liberty to do if I am not ignoring responsibilities or otherwise disgracing His name by such a move. Kinda like the shoes I wear. God did not prompt me to buy the shoes I wear. But wear them I do. I accepted them from someone because I liked them. No God prompting there at all other than the realization of a desire for better shoes that I had.

You have been blessed to see the hand of God so clearly in your moves South. Not all Christians have that blessing nor is it needed or God's will that they have such every time they move I don't think.


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Your welcome, Carlos!

A good part of my perspective on the second part has to do with my dealing with my circumstances as well.

I too am in a "stuck" position - where I live, where I work, income. There's things I could to improve my situation, but my attempts to pursue those have been blocked or hindered or flopped. The only hope keeping me from complete frustration and such is hoping that I'm in this place, in this position, and such because the Lord is holding me here. This is why I presented something such as that as a possibility for why you may be in a hold position as well.

I know I don't know everything about your situation, and I don't claim to.

And I don't mean to discourage you from your plans.

It is just something I wanted to encourage you to consider - being sure of where the Lord means for you to be. For if it isn't His plan, or His timing, jumping the gun will result in a lot of sorrow (reference Abraham with Ishmael, Jacob with the blessing from Isaac).

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Hey believer! How are you?

This is rather uncomfortable coming back here. I mean in some ways I wish I could go back under the rock out of which I crawled (in a manner of speaking of course) and disappear once more. I mean I can but there is no need to. Here I am...once again interacting with da Christians in a way I would not normally want to do. Oh well. May the Lord's way prevail whatever that is.

We've wondered where life has taken you since you left a couple of years ago - I believe at that time you were angry with the country and the requirements to get assistance.

Could be Believer. I don't quite recall what I was angry about at the time.

How is your wife? Have you reconcilled with her and your family?

She is doing well. We communicate sometimes but she is too busy to get into much of a relationship with me (her words). We are still seperated though not legally so. In another year I will lose the ability to go back to Canada entirely and it is becoming less and less likely that we will ever be together again. Mind you...I don't mind too much. I like living singly to tell you the truth though I do miss her sometimes.

I've prayed about that - I know she was making some demands that you come home and help her

You may have me confused with another Believer. She never such demands on me at all just so you know.

- you were searching for life with meaning and seemed so lost at the time.

I still am to some degree. I mean searching for meaning and lost, wandering around the empty places of the internet wondering what to do with myself in the Kingdom of God.

Mind you by faith I have all the meaning in Christ that I could want but what I mean is some practical meaning and significance to my life other than just surviving and passing the time until I die and go to heaven to be with the Lord.


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Howdy South,

Why is your going to Chile dependent on other people going too?

You misunderstand me. It isn't. It's that I can't get there just yet. I am financially unable to do so. But I need to be doing something for the Kingdom of God instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Since I can't stand Churchiness and can't stand "going" to Church in the commonly accepted way of doing Church around here and since most Christians around me here haven't a clue about dying to self or truly living for God in the real world...well...I figured that it would be worthwhile for me to at least help other Christians make a living over the Internet. Where I could use my skills to help them and where possibly some might then be free to join me in Chile.

It was just an idea rolling around in my head South. From the looks of it just a wacky idea that may not be real practical or worthwhile pursuing (I've gotten input at a marketing forum too and for various reasons it may not be workable).

If God is prompting you to go, and you are sure that He is prompting you to do so, then wait for the opportunity to open up and then go, whether someone is going with you or not.

A great point South. Amen to that! God is not prompting a move to Chile though. I see it as more in line with what I desire and that which God gives me liberty to do if I am not ignoring responsibilities or otherwise disgracing His name by such a move. Kinda like the shoes I wear. God did not prompt me to buy the shoes I wear. But wear them I do. I accepted them from someone because I liked them. No God prompting there at all other than the realization of a desire for better shoes that I had.

You have been blessed to see the hand of God so clearly in your moves South. Not all Christians have that blessing nor is it needed or God's will that they have such every time they move I don't think.


You have been blessed to see the hand of God so clearly in your moves South. Not all Christians have that blessing nor is it needed or God's will that they have such every time they move I don't think.

Why has South been so blessed to hear God? Because she stays very close to Him, very close ....

She prays constantly, often just in worship. She sings to Him under her breath (drives me nuts sometimes :laugh: ), she is part of our church, she sings in the worship group, she helps me run home group and prayer meetings at our home. She reads her bible, and knows it, better than most people I know.

She is going to be slightly miffed with me for saying the above, but....

I use her as an example of how we hear Gods voice, how we know without doubt it is His voice we hear. So her moves, and her decisions, were in line with what God wanted of her because she could hear Him.

Joh 13:23 Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

Because you see, thats how close we have to be all the time. Close enough to feel His heartbeat.

Only then do we hear Him and the desire He has for us, and not just the desires of our hearts.


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Howdy South,

Why is your going to Chile dependent on other people going too?

You misunderstand me. It isn't. It's that I can't get there just yet. I am financially unable to do so. But I need to be doing something for the Kingdom of God instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Since I can't stand Churchiness and can't stand "going" to Church in the commonly accepted way of doing Church around here and since most Christians around me here haven't a clue about dying to self or truly living for God in the real world...well...I figured that it would be worthwhile for me to at least help other Christians make a living over the Internet. Where I could use my skills to help them and where possibly some might then be free to join me in Chile.

It was just an idea rolling around in my head South. From the looks of it just a wacky idea that may not be real practical or worthwhile pursuing (I've gotten input at a marketing forum too and for various reasons it may not be workable).

If God is prompting you to go, and you are sure that He is prompting you to do so, then wait for the opportunity to open up and then go, whether someone is going with you or not.

A great point South. Amen to that! God is not prompting a move to Chile though. I see it as more in line with what I desire and that which God gives me liberty to do if I am not ignoring responsibilities or otherwise disgracing His name by such a move. Kinda like the shoes I wear. God did not prompt me to buy the shoes I wear. But wear them I do. I accepted them from someone because I liked them. No God prompting there at all other than the realization of a desire for better shoes that I had.

You have been blessed to see the hand of God so clearly in your moves South. Not all Christians have that blessing nor is it needed or God's will that they have such every time they move I don't think.


You have been blessed to see the hand of God so clearly in your moves South. Not all Christians have that blessing nor is it needed or God's will that they have such every time they move I don't think.

Why has South been so blessed to hear God? Because she stays very close to Him, very close ....

She prays constantly, often just in worship. She sings to Him under her breath (drives me nuts sometimes :laugh: ), she is part of our church, she sings in the worship group, she helps me run home group and prayer meetings at our home. She reads her bible, and knows it, better than most people I know.

She is going to be slightly miffed with me for saying the above, but....

I use her as an example of how we hear Gods voice, how we know without doubt it is His voice we hear. So her moves, and her decisions, were in line with what God wanted of her because she could hear Him.

Joh 13:23 Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

Because you see, thats how close we have to be all the time. Close enough to feel His heartbeat.

Only then do we hear Him and the desire He has for us, and not just the desires of our hearts.


Amen brother fez, Amen!

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Oh, my bad.....I thought you were in Canada for awhile. And, yeah, I have a good memory.........:cool:

Yeah...I was in Canada for a while. Ten years to be about precise...then I came to San Diego and have been here about a year and a half now.

Okay you all..I have been thinking and yes, praying about this whole idea some and here is my new thinking on it.

First off here is the idea rehashed and rewritten.

Offer free internet training to whoever wants it (Christian or not makes no difference). Offer that training through a website and a newsletter which will be sent out to subscribers. The training will involve things like...

- the importance of keyword research.

- coming up with great keyword phrases to target.

- how to create a PHP driven web site easily and the benefits of such.

- when to use WordPress and when not to.

- how to change web hosts.

- how to move a MySQL database to a different host.

- how to speed up your web site.

- best links for html tutorials.

- best links for PHP tutorials or perhaps some PHP lessons.

- how to use the free image software called GIMP to create headers and basic graphics.

- etc..

Oriented around having a successful Internet presence and/or making some money over the internet.

I am an excellent writer. It is a gift of mine attested to by quite a number of people who have read my blog posts and other things I have written...it is not just my inflated opinion of myself. I have had a number of web development clients inquire as to how I ended up being able to explain things so well and write so well to explain concepts to them by email or otherwise. Again it is a gift since I did not teach myself to write well and explain things well. It is just something I am good at.

I want to be used by the Lord big time. And I want to make a living over the Internet.

And no...for various reasons I do not believe it is God's will for me to join up with a typical Sunday church in a building. Reasons that I am open to discussing more but not on this thread. I need to reach the lost. Unbelievers who have become Christians through me are about the only persons who have ever, and I mean ever, changed their thinking about something I was sharing with them. Looking back I cannot think of a single, solitary Christian who has EVER changed their mind about anything that I have shared with them no matter how based in the Word and truthful what I was sharing was. I don't know why that is but that is the way it is. Some of that may involve my presentation if you will but a lot of it too is a general hardness of heart and dullness of hearing among the Christians I think.

I need to focus my attention on new one's that might become Christians through me and teach them from the ground up. A fresh biblical teaching of what the Body is meant to be and pray that the Lord would move upon some to join me in implementing His will for us as a Body. Whether here or in Chile where I hope to move that seems to be what I am to be about.

The free training will allow me a springboard to share the Gospel with many. The Gospel will be presented clearly all over the training. It will not be hidden under a bushel basket.

The training will be a way to get unbelievers to come and hear the Gospel or at least expose them to it. Trust me I will be very up front about Christ and the Gospel through the training which itself will be high quality.

Secondly I will also use the training as a springboard to promote various affiliate offers from which I hope to make some income. A hosting company that I belong to for example, gives me $50 per person that signs up through my affiliate link. That should more than pay for the site hosting cost wise and otherwise and give me a little extra. That isn't the way I will make a living over the internet but it will add to my income.

I may also use the training modules as the foundation of free in-person seminars I might give locally (the first seminar will be free, subsequent one's will be $20 per person each type of thing).

So I will be reaching the lost many of whom want to become more successful online, Christians who want the same thing, will be using my gifts and maybe, just maybe...finding some who will join me in trusting God to make us the kind of Body we ought to be in our day and age.

What do you all think of this revised idea?


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Grace to you,

I need to reach the lost. Unbelievers who have become Christians through me are about the only persons who have ever, and I mean ever, changed their thinking about something I was sharing with them. Looking back I cannot think of a single, solitary Christian who has EVER changed their mind about anything that I have shared with them no matter how based in the Word and truthful what I was sharing was. I don't know why that is but that is the way it is. Some of that may involve my presentation if you will but a lot of it too is a general hardness of heart and dullness of hearing among the Christians I think.

I need to focus my attention on new one's that might become Christians through me and teach them from the ground up. A fresh biblical teaching of what the Body is meant to be and pray that the Lord would move upon some to join me in implementing His will for us as a Body. Whether here or in Chile where I hope to move that seems to be what I am to be about.


I'm going to be quite honest brother. The above alarms me.:wub:

Excuse me if I'm wrong but it sounds like you don't like the Church the way it is structered and organized and that you seek a new way and a new biblical teaching.

Yet God has said this;

Heb 13:8

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

He's the titular head and if we are seeking to worship Him we won't neccesarily be losing focus on all the other stuff that goes on in a Church.

To be quite honest with you brother, the above is how unaccountability starts and it leads to cultic activity.:blink:

I can honestly understand your frustrations with the Church. However, a wise man once said, "As soon as you find the perfect Church it will be ruined by your attendance."

Another man I hold in high regard who is a brother in Christ told me one time that there is no perfect Church because it is being attended by imperfect creatures living in Grace.

That's why I stated earlier that as long as I've known you here, and that's been quite some time, you've been pursuing the same angle one way or another.

I go to a wonderful Church albeit far from perfect. :b: Know why it's right for me? The Lord placed me there.:wub: As soon as I believe that it's being run the wrong way or find fault with the man behind the pulpit and move to another Church I will find another whole set of issues to deal with. Maybe the current one I attend is having administrative problems? The next will likey have spiritual ones. The next Doctrinal ones and so on. Until I find myself off alone and wanting to start my own Church. Maybe molding it into my image of what I want Church to be. I must remember however that Church wasn't my idea, it was God's. I didn't join it, God called me and Saved me, and I am a member by His Grace.:wub: He loves the Church with all her foibles and gave His life for her. He who Loves Christ must by extension Love His Church.

If something's wrong with the Church God has a way to handle it and it is by changing one heart at a time from within. That's where the basket needs to be lifted from the Light.:wub:



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Unbelievers who have become Christians through me are about the only persons who have ever, and I mean ever, changed their thinking about something I was sharing with them.

Whoa right there....

Not one person has ever been saved except by the Holy Spirit. Not one.

Would you care to rephrase the above?

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