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TN: Don't say gay...


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without a lot of prayer, this bill will never pass. we need the prayer warriors all over the country to be lifting this one up!

I will only be praying for its failure. For elementary students only, I would probably agree. But don't most schools start sex ed these days in middle school? I had my first sex ed class in sixth grade. If we are going to teach sex ed, we need to give Full story. Pretending something doesn't exist doesn't make it so...

Byron, are you going to engage with us on this topic or not? I will respond to your reply, but only if you promise not to run off when we get down to the hard questions.

I am not going to discuss homosexuality and if it is right or wrong. I decided from that last discussion I participated in on the subject (the one about the Methodist church) that its a waste of time. Everyone already has their mind made up. And there is no nudging it either way.

What I posted above has no bearing on the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality. I just have my opinion about the bill in Tennessee.

Hey Byron, I want to share something with you. My train broke down this morning on the way to work, THREE times. It meant that a one hour journey took three hours. I had plenty of prayer time up my sleeve, and I prayed for you. I want you to know that I've been in your shoes. Infact, a few years back, you could have substituted 'Byron A' for '~andy~' (my old username) and our threads would have read almost identical.

I've banged my head against a brick wall because I loved the Lord but so many of the Christians around me disagreed with me. It drove me absolutely bonkers, and it became exhausting to disagree with so many people so often. I understand that being the odd one out can be exhausting and challenging. Back then, it was difficult to see why they disagreed with me, and sometimes to see the grace and love in them because of our frequent (and I really do mean frequent!) disagreements. There was a time when I considered the label 'fundie' to be derogatory :whistling: .

The Lord has been so gracious, and as I have grown in Him I have found my position on many topics (evolution / homosexuals, etc) has changed. I honestly did't think it would, I thought my liberal interpretation was right, but I was wrong. Dead wrong! I came to realise that my liberal interpretations came at the cost of my ability to read and interpret the Word for what it said :b: . I'm not saying I now have perfect understanding, because I don't, but I have given away many of my liberal ideals for more biblically sound ones.

I'm only telling you this because as a result of my journey, I have a soft spot for those that I see trapped in what I consider to be liberal thinking. It was recent enough for me to remember the frustration, pain and exhaustion. I hope you stick around with us and fellowship with us, find agreement with us on the important issues, and grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Word while you are here. Worthy-ites really are a lovely bunch of coconuts :wub: .

God bless,


Thanks Candice I think :blink:


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Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

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without a lot of prayer, this bill will never pass. we need the prayer warriors all over the country to be lifting this one up!

I will only be praying for its failure. For elementary students only, I would probably agree. But don't most schools start sex ed these days in middle school? I had my first sex ed class in sixth grade. If we are going to teach sex ed, we need to give Full story. Pretending something doesn't exist doesn't make it so...

Byron, are you going to engage with us on this topic or not? I will respond to your reply, but only if you promise not to run off when we get down to the hard questions.

I am not going to discuss homosexuality and if it is right or wrong. I decided from that last discussion I participated in on the subject (the one about the Methodist church) that its a waste of time. Everyone already has their mind made up. And there is no nudging it either way.

What I posted above has no bearing on the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality. I just have my opinion about the bill in Tennessee.

Isa 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isa 5:21

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Isa 5:22

Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mix strong drink:

Isa 5:23

Who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away the justice of the righteous from him!

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Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

Actually, we believe that Israel has a God given right to exist through covenant and there really isn't any opinion or other force that's going to change that. :thumbsup: We stand with Israel because God stands with Israel. He is the King of the Jews.:wub:

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... where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

A little correction - we do not believe Israel can do no wrong.

However, we, unlike the majority of the world, believe the Arabs (and that includes the Palestinians) have no desire for Israel to exist and seek to destroy it, and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

Really, what other nation has to endure having this many (link) rockets fired into its land (and that's this year alone!)? And the world blames Israel for the conflict?! Good grief! What idiot thinks that by "returning to the 1967 borders" Hamas will quit firing missiles?

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Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

You have already opened it ;). Why open them if you don't wish to discuss what's inside?

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Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

Actually, we believe that Israel has a God given right to exist through covenant and there really isn't any opinion or other force that's going to change that. :thumbsup: We stand with Israel because God stands with Israel. He is the King of the Jews.:wub:

Right, the Abrahamic Covenant, and the Palestinian Covenant, ensure Israel's ownership and occupation of the land, respectively. The Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional and has never been revoked or spiritualised - the land belongs to Israel now as much as it did the day He gave it to them.

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There was a time when sex education in the US was more antiseptic and simply dealt with biological functions of men and women. They did not get into moral issues like homosexuality. School is not the place for those types of discussions. A real Christian could see that.

And since when do you get do decide who is real Christian? Or what a real Christian does and does not believe? Do you have Scriptural support to back up that claim that a "real Christian" can see that?

Byron none of us get to decide anything as to truth... Praise God above for that! We have the responsibility to align ourselves in the agreement of thought and action to God's thoughts and actions hence the word "Christian" = Christ Like. Here is the problem in your sight: all that is in the world is suspect to the influence of satan. satan who is able to deceive us the very elect of God 'but not allowed by God' and all this is told to us by God

Matt 24:24-25

24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.


2 Tim 1:12-14

12 For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. 13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. 14 That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.


You see that day is what every true Christian is preparing to have happen to themselves... it is the time that we stand solely before our Lord and give an account for ourselves to Him! It will be a unique time for us for we will not have excuse ->for truth=His Word<- will be all that is allowed to speak and excuse that is supported by the influence of evil and lie will not be present. It will be a naked time like no other that we have ever known. As real Christians we know this to be actual future for everyone who is in Christ at the Judgment seat of Christ!

So here is the nutshell of our hearts: we were born into a world of great influence of evil that is so powerful that only God Himself could overcome it (Christ Jesus).

Now we as His children by faith in that reality look toward His Word by yielding to the Gentle Spirit of Christ within to learn what truth is and separating ourselves out (as

much as we can) from this world an it's influences. We have learned that when we shut out the world so that His Words reach us and lift us out of normal flow of worldly

christianity and sets our feet upon a path of self denial and our hearts begin to burn within for Him and His ways and His thoughts and all things pertaining to Him...

We fall in love with The Person of Jesus Christ and there is no other like Him and He is there in the heavens on The Right Hand of The Father and that is where we

His Lady desires to be... So as we are still yet here we testify to The Things of God-> The Truths that are written down for all to read but someway do not reach the hearts

and minds of those who read them... This is the sorrows for us for we know them to be eternal and if they are being rejected by peoples and twisted by them so that

their lives are made easier now but we fear for them. In truth they are exchanging the truth for a lie in order for the present to be more pleasant and confrontation-less

Rom 1:24-25

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,

and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.


Byron for the children it is not with compromise to any but His Word alone that we see truth... take the journey with us and join in the pursuit of Him for

Christ is Lord of The Word and He will make it live in your heart but you must forsake all else even yourself in order to begin... He will help you if you

ask it from Him but the request must have nothing between you and Him (not even what you think now to be so) in order for Him to Hear your voice....

It is just like salvation when it centered totally upon Him so now sanctification His Word, His Mind, His Spirit so by we grow....Love Steven

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Guest shiloh357

Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

What is an "ultra-Zionist?. People like you dont' even know what Zionism is. We don't believe Israel can do no wrong. Israel has made mistakes. But the Islamic community has drawn first blood. The middle east conflict is an Arab war of attrition against the existence of Israel. Israel has done more good things for their enemies than they should have. They have given away land and provided many benefits for Palestinians that even the Arab countries do not give their own people. The "ultra-Zionists as you call them have opted to provide free healthcare and social security to the Palestinians. They even grant the Palestinians free access to Israel's legal system. Israel protects the freedom of speech of Palestinians by allowing calls for Israel's destruction by screaming Imams every friday night in mosques that sit on Israeli soil.

Honestly, it is probably best that you avoid making your anti-Semitic comments on this board You would be demolished in just a few posts.

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Huh what? What are your current feelings towards Israel?

Thats a can of worm that I do not want to open... I get in a lot of trouble with most fundies because I feel that both the ultra-Zionists in Israel and Hamas in the territories are responsible for this mess, and I think both need to be removed from power before anything can be done towards peace.

I have probably already said too much. There's a reason I stay off the topics having to do with Israel on forums where the majority are Christian Zionists who believe that Israel can do no wrong...

What is an "ultra-Zionist?. People like you dont' even know what Zionism is. We don't believe Israel can do no wrong. Israel has made mistakes. But the Islamic community has drawn first blood. The middle east conflict is an Arab war of attrition against the existence of Israel. Israel has done more good things for their enemies than they should have. They have given away land and provided many benefits for Palestinians that even the Arab countries do not give their own people. The "ultra-Zionists as you call them have opted to provide free healthcare and social security to the Palestinians. They even grant the Palestinians free access to Israel's legal system. Israel protects the freedom of speech of Palestinians by allowing calls for Israel's destruction by screaming Imams every friday night in mosques that sit on Israeli soil.

Honestly, it is probably best that you avoid making your anti-Semitic comments on this board You would be demolished in just a few posts.

What anti -semitic comments has he made? You use this term to attack, and marginalise anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you. I find it adeeply unpleasant thing to do, as it insults people who are blameless and trivialises the reality of anti-semitism

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