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Mental Illness

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On 11/19/2017 at 5:45 PM, naominash said:

Im new around here.

My diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder: psychotic hallucinations and delusions with bipolar mood. 


These happen in episodes that have had me hospitalized three times. I am currently in a state of good recovery.


That being said, I believe I was under spiritual attack yet not possessed by demons. I believe that mental disorders exist outside of demon possession because it may be a side effect of the curse on creation.

I believe Jesus can heal me of this completely at any time 


However, He has chosen not to. I've had to trust in Him while learning how to manage my symptoms. Day by day. 


I believe God allowed me to have mental illness in order to better help and understand others-- like my friend who visited church with me today.

Was there a demonic element to my psychosis? Perhaps, but it was more of a confusion then a possession. 

I can say this. Jesus changes everything. Even when I was psychotic, He changed everything. 


We may have spiritual realities to deal with but physical brokenness still exists. I believe it's wrong to shame Christians who have not received miraculous healing for their mental disorders. 

What about mercy? Is it merciful to to shame and condemn Christians who struggle with things that are honestly out of their control? 

I am weaning off of Psychiatric medication. God has still drawn me out of the world and into greater purpose with Him even through my experience with mental illness.

He's God. He can do whatever he wants to.

Please, for your health, do this under a doctor's guidance and much, much, prayer.  God by with you.

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On 9/14/2017 at 8:37 AM, Big-Guns said:

Hello what are you opinions on the relationship with mental illness and demonic influence and possession are they the same?  And what is the cure in your opinion?

I understand that emotions and mental activities have spiritual roots. There may be a physical effect, but deeper our character can have a lot to do with what can happen in us and what we can give in to, within us. 

So, it is not only about if there are demons involved, but if our nature is making us available to Satanic feelings and reacting and emotions and drives . . . and motives.

Jesus is gentle and humble, "and you will find rest for your souls." (see Matthew 11:28-30)

Our character, I think, has a lot to do with how we can see things; if we can give in to worry, we can believe and see things the way worry has us perceiving. And worry is a pathological liar and so abusive. But God's love casts out worry with its "torment" >

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)

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On 8/20/2018 at 7:17 PM, Sharky and George said:

I am an evangelical Protestant Christian and I suffer with what the world has named "schizophrenia".

I take medication willingly though as I believe a bit of ignorance is bliss or in other words, a bit of blinding by God's grace. What I mean is that when a schizophrenic Christian gains correct understanding of the heavenlies i.e. angels and demons etc, they understand a lot.




Can a Christian who has the Holy Spirit be possessed and/or effected by demons. My answer is yes but I hasten to add angels do also.

I believe that schizophrenia is a worldly term used to cover up the truth about the heavenlies; the people who try to take the kingdom of heaven by force are the same people who invented or were deceived by the father of lies.




I believe that the collective consciousness of man is the heavenlies but I rejoice in this:




I begged for years that Jesus would heal me and now He is doing just that. I hope that this understanding will help others like me.

If you have had similar problems to me then get into your bible (recommend ESV) and get support from loving (John 14:6 true gospel) Christians.

Fear is agreeing with the Devil and thus is a gateway for his demons. Do this and you will do well:




Private message me or post on here if you relate to this post and want help from me.

Bless you.

Did you ever look up (as Doctors called it) pellagra (pre-1950) ?  And what the doctors did then?


  It has been useful, or was useful,  to many people who found out then, and since then.


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   I personally believe that what's referred to as "mental illness" is due to demonic influence, and it can possibly be a result of demonic possession.

   If a person's truly born again, and knows God, then I don't think they can be possessed (even if they once were) unless they choose to forsake God, but born again believers can definitely be "influenced" by demons if they're not careful.

   But if a person isn't truly born again (even if they think they are),i.e., if they don't know God yet, they can be influenced or flat - out possessed.

   Before I came to know God I went through possession for a pretty lengthy period, and I cannot imagine a worse experience. The hatred that demons have for us is just as profound as God's love for us.

   When things were revealed to me, it was done in a way where I knew it was spiritual, and not just a misfiring neuron, or some thing.

   Things were moving around - right before my eyes - w/out anything touching them; the demons would tell me things that were going to happen in the future, how those things would happen, and who would do those things, and it'd all happen like they'd said it would (only God truly knows the future, though; demons try to trick us into thinking they can by craftily orchestrating their actions among their own network, and their network of human slaves [knowing and unknowing]) ; I was burned where invisible forces held me; they could even control the weather (actually, they can do nothing w/out God's permission, but it's nothing for them to control anything physical [including electronics] f they're allowed).

   When I was possessed, they put me through every type of torture you can imagine, psychological, physical, etc., especially if I refused to do what they said. I was still conscious, but I had ZERO control over my actions, words, or even my thoughts, or beliefs/perceptions. When a demon's in you, it can make you think you're a giraffe, or that the sky is made of congealed gravy. It can make you hate someone you love more than anyone - someone you'd normally never even think you could possibly be angry at. It can make you love something you've been incredibly disgusted by your whole life. It's not only physically that they control the victim.

   But, they do control you physically. I had no choice but to observe as they made me do things that could've destroyed my life. I was a skin puppet.

   However, if the torture didn't work, they'd try to appeal to my fleshly nature. Through them doing it through me, they taught me many esoteric/mystical techniques. They showed me the level of influence they have in the world. They showed me how many people they had enslaved (some knew/chose it, and some were unaware of it), and told me I could control them if I accepted the truth (their version of it - a disgusting lie). They said they'd give me the world. They said I could be a god (one of their most common lies, seen in any 'New Age' section of bookstores now). They filled me w/ a sense of raw power I can't fully describe. They had me shouting the most despicable blasphemies (so loud my throat hurt for about a week) for, like, 20 minutes on 3rd shift, in a G.P. unit in a double - max prison, while a Sergeant who hated me was working (and I was throwing and breaking things, etc.), and instead of being immediately taken to the hole (and probably put on 'control/naked' status), as would've happened any other time, the guards acted afraid of me. They cowered in my presence. The demons wanted me to think they'd make me all powerful and that I was above any law now, but it was all a lie. There's no power in evil. I've seen what happens to the ones who choose evil when their eyes are opened, and it's not pretty.

   And the things they wanted me to do were so evil, even for the world, I wasn't going to let myself become that (especially now that I knew that God's Word was 100% true, and that His Perfect Son died for my disgusting sins).

   It was revealed to me that many people go through/have gone through some version of what I went through, and unfortunately many of them choose the devil. Just as Paul said, "Many there be that are enemies of the cross, whose only God is their own bellies." They became willing slaves of the demons. They do and say whatever the demons tell them, and they spend their lives in misery, trying to pull others down into the pit they've fallen into. It was like I'd woken up in a spiritual version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Again, it was revealed in a way where there was no mistaking it, and where it was obviously spiritual (the only way all of this stuff could've been just 'in my head' is if my sub - conscious can control the world intelligently, and that's absurd).

   Plus, God showed me He'd always been w/ me; no brain malfunction could ever communicate w/ one's soul as subtly and profoundly as God, where their whole wasted life finally makes sense to them in mere moments.

   The demons, and their human operatives, made me believe I'd be horribly tortured and murdered if I didn't join them, but I chose God anyway, and I didn't even have to die. Quite the contrary, I received new life, because I chose to lose my life for Yeshua. If I'd chosen the devil, my life would've become more hideous than it ever had been, and it would've been my fault, because God gave me enough information by that point to make the right decision.

   Mental health professionals don't know what causes mental illness; they have no definitive evidence for the theory they claim as fact (because it fits their worldview). But, they're trained not to believe in anything they can't see, and to think that there's nothing in the universe/multiverse that could possibly know more than a human. Plus, if they don't accept the officially promoted theory, they might as well kiss their careers goodbye.

   The parts of a person's brain that light up (during certain types of imaging) when they hear a person's voice, also light up when a so - called schizophrenic hears a spirit's voice.

   The truth is, everyone hears voices, some people just don't know it yet. Demons will literally put thoughts into our heads in the first person so we think they're ours. A born again believer when I was a kid told me about them. He called them "self - imposed thoughts," and I really wish I'd listened more to him.

   But when things are revealed to a person, and the demons aren't trying to hide anymore and you get the true augmented version, there's no mistaking that they're separate entities.

   The same goes for possession; anyone who's experienced it knows it's real, and not just mental - there is no ambiguity.

   I'm REALLY opposed to psychiatric drugs (I refuse to call it medicine - it is poison). I was severely doped in the juvenile system and it ruined my life. The people in those pharmaceutical companies should be prosecuted; they know what that stuff does to people. 

   And, it let's demons in. Whenever you alter your brain chemistry, you allow spirits certain types of access.  I've met people who've done DMT and they had spiritual experiences very similar to mine (they never come out of it not believing in a spiritual reality). I do NOT advocate the use of DMT (or any drug), to be clear. I've known tons of people on psych. drugs, and the ones who hear spirits still hear spirits when they're taking the drugs, but they'll rarely tell their psychiatrist, because they don't want be chemically tortured even more. I'd rather be beaten to death slowly than to ever have to take that poison again.

   Mental health practitioners and people w/ mental health diagnoses need spiritual couselling; it takes a spiritual cure to fix a spiritual problem.

   I was tested and tortured by the demons for a long time before God kicked them out of me. I had to keep choosing Him no matter how the demons tortured me or what they offered me (and the world sounded nice to someone who's been locked up most of his life, but it wasn't worth forfeiting God's friendship). I had to learn not to resist the Holy Spirit. 

   But God did come through for me. The final year and a half or so of my time in was the best time of my bit. I was happier, in prison, than I'd ever been in my life. Then, God got me out of prison in 4/'19, instead of 8/'20, like I was originally scheduled to get out. He kept me from being doped up, even though I'd told multiple psychologists and psychiatrists about all of the spiritual experiences I'd started having since 6/'17. If any of you've ever been locked up, you know that's not normal.

   Every negative thing we experience (e.g., a sinful urge, a negative thought, inexplicable fatigue, sickness, or a bad mood, and so on, is a direct attack from (a) demons(s) - this was shown to me. It sounds nuts in the age of quantum computers and electron microscopes, but it's the truth.

   And I'm not saying that bacteria, viruses, and brain injuries, etc., don't play some role in these things as well, they do. But just as humans are made of a body, soul and spirit that are very intricately connected, so is there a spiritual cause/force behind anything else in our enviornment. And just as drugs can open one up to spirits' influences, so can injuries and germs. And, conversely, how we're living spiritually will reflect in us phsically.

   I rarely hear demons anymore, but that's because I don't want to (and because God, in His incredible mercy, has taught me and brought me to a point where my faith is stronger and I'm less moveable). It's like God has a protective force - field around me. I can usually feel them at the fringes, hoping, trying to get back in. I could talk to them any time I wanted to, but why would I want to? They are absolute filth. Nothing, nothing good could ever come from talking to them. Nothing good can come from a demon (but they'll try to lie and take credit for God's blessings).

   But I do, literally, talk to God sometimes (we must test the spirits, though, and pray for spiritual discernment). I'll never be alone again; I never truly was.

   My life is indescribably better than it's ever been. If I'm mentally ill, that can't be so, as an "illness" implies a worsening of one's condition. If I was ever mentally  ill, it was before the existence of spirits was revealed to me, and I was shown what this life is really about. 

   People w/ mental illness diagnoses may be chemically imbalanced in certain cases, but I don't believe that's the cause, just a symptom (or, at the most, a co - cause).

   If Paul, Peter, etc., or even Yeshua/Jesus Himself were alive today, they'd be branded as mentally I'll. But worldly philosophies cannot stand up to the Word.


Edited by Co - heir in Christ
Slight additions/alterations, and omitted some unnecessary content.
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