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Worthy News:Harry Potter Keeps Kids Safe

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Either way, the Bible says "thou shalt not...."

So all of these books: Potter, LOTR, Narnia, SOT, etc, etc, etc are just satanic ploys to dilute or otherwise undermine the Word of God.

There is a difference between demonic and fantasy, that is where descernment comes in.

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Really? Fantasy isn't demonic? Wow, sure could have fooled me!

So lets get this straight.

WSB, I am not here to debate or argue with you, just thought I would put in my thoughts on the whole thing. For one I have never read or watched harry potter because I think it IS demonic; I have never heard of LOTR, so I haven't a clue what you are talking about there.

I would think that a person could post their opinion without receiving a sarcastic response but I guess it is just not possible for some people to refrain. I could be reading it wrong, I don't know, but the attitude sounds pretty sarcastic to me. I have noticed alot of that lately, does no one care about anybody but themselves and their opinion these days. I mean, everything has to be a fight :emot-heartbeat: .

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I care about what the Bible says.
And I don't?

Carry on then.

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Really? Fantasy isn't demonic? Wow, sure could have fooled me!

So lets get this straight.

WSB, I am not here to debate or argue with you, just thought I would put in my thoughts on the whole thing. For one I have never read or watched harry potter because I think it IS demonic; I have never heard of LOTR, so I haven't a clue what you are talking about there.

I would think that a person could post their opinion without receiving a sarcastic response but I guess it is just not possible for some people to refrain. I could be reading it wrong, I don't know, but the attitude sounds pretty sarcastic to me. I have noticed alot of that lately, does no one care about anybody but themselves and their opinion these days. I mean, everything has to be a fight :emot-heartbeat: .

LOTR = J.R.R. Tolkiens "The Lord of the Rings".

BTW. I don't care about my oppinion, or the constitution, or democracy. I care about what the Bible says.

I'm not going to say you are right or wrong, but it has become apparent to me that many christians seem to have been numbed out to the many sins in our collective lives. Many of us have grown up to see things like adultry, divorce, abortion, alcohal, smoking and fill in the blank types of sin as a normal part of life. There are wealthy christians who would step over a homeless person and simply shake their heads. There are poor christians that are happy to blame anybody but themselves for thier poverty. TV is and probably has been the devils playground all along. Schools are teaching our children that God is powerless and non existant.

The only time that christians agree on what is sinful is generally when they are addressing something that they, themselves are not struggling with. We are a wretched lot. :emot-heartbeat:

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Indeed we should each consider one another.

Romans 14

"1": Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.

"2": For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

"3": Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

Romans 15

"5": Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:

"6": That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"7": Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.

God holds us accountable for what He has revealed unto us individually.

James 4

"17": Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

We are each accountable for what God has shown us individually and it is our duty to share with our brothers and sisters. Not to generate strife, but to encourage and admonish one another in the faith.

Any topic that brings dissension is truly to be handled with grace, wisdom, and discernent.

With that said I must mention the basic principle of spiritual reality regarding any book, film, or otherwise spiritually motivated issue in this world.

God is a spirit and they who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. There are angels of God who minister for the heirs of salvation and there are fallen angels who also minister against the heirs of salvation. Jesus commands 2/3 of the angels while the devil commands 1/3. The enemy is outnumbered overall and Jesus has been given all power in heaven and earth. Jesus told the disciples, "Therefore you go, you preach the gospel, you lay hands on the sick, you cast out the devil."


And all the devil can do is try and get us to be divided where we aren't operating in singleness of heart with the purpose of exalting God. A house divided cannot stand. Bless you all with revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Him with grace.

Hebrews 12

"14": Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

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Harry Potter and what it teaches to our kids is a dangerous game with the enemy the devil, The devil knows he is losing the fight and he will do everything possible to get his way and to hurt gods kids and lead them astray.



Lord if this book is doing more harm than good for your kids close them down and cause them to go bankrupt until their heart changes for the glory of god alone and only.

Lord please your people the wisdom they need and the discern they need to determine what is of god and not.

I don't think that he is saying reading is bad for your kids. We need to watch what they read, and Harry Potter is at the top of the list of what not to read.

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Indeed we should each consider one another. . . .

We are each accountable for what God has shown us individually and it is our duty to share with our brothers and sisters. Not to generate strife, but to encourage and admonish one another in the faith.

Any topic that brings dissension is truly to be handled with grace, wisdom, and discernent. . . .


And all the devil can do is try and get us to be divided where we aren't operating in singleness of heart with the purpose of exalting God. A house divided cannot stand. Bless you all with revelation and wisdom in the knowledge of Him with grace.

This has to be the best post in this entire thread. :emot-heartbeat:


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Totally dont see the problem with a bit of harmless fantasy. I could similarily accuse thinking of unicorns or hoping for santa to be just as demonic. Yet parents have no problem with thier kids doing so.

My friend, you are right on when you say that you "could similarily accuse thinking of unicorns or hoping for santa to be just as demonic." Because they are!


Glad someone sees that. The scripture says, "No lie is of the truth." Now if you LIE to your child and tell him there is a santa clause, or tell him "Santa brought you this gift." Then you have just sinned. It is NOT innocent fantasy or fun, it is a lie from the devil.

It is the same with Harry Potter. Now HONEST TO GOD, if I only had two choices, say, Harry Potter and LOTR or Narnia for my child to read, I'd pick LOTR. HOWEVER, I don't have just two choices. Wizardry, regardless of how you decorate it and spice it up, is still just that: a sin. Portraying wizards as "good", for any reason, is a lie and a deception that attacks spiritual truth. After all, if Gandalf is a "Good" wizard, then surely there could be "christian" wizards? See where this leads? It leads to the old "white" witch vs "black" witch debate.

Either way, the Bible says "thou shalt not...."

So all of these books: Potter, LOTR, Narnia, SOT, etc, etc, etc are just satanic ploys to dilute or otherwise undermine the Word of God.

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:I sooo love this topic, and just have to say, Satan, Gods archenemy and therfore ours,

is slowly but surely, like a fisherman with a lure, drawing our kids in to the idea of witchcraft being acceptable, harmless fun.We are in a war people, if we belong to Jesus Christ, we don't get to choose whether to inlist or not, the moment we were born again we became Satans target as surely as we breathe.

And if we are to be victorious, we need to know and understand the devils tactics, and rather than spend our time defending ourselves against him, we should be on the attack. You can only fight an enemy you know, and the Bible is the best place to learn all about his devious ways.

So why allow our children to be drawn into what is known to be witchcraft?? No matter how well it is disguised?

And I hear Christians defending this one! Doing his dirty work for him!

We need to renew our minds, and our children are our responsibility, we should be exposing the devils work, not defending him!

"Teach your children in the way that they should go, and they shall not depart from it" I for one, want my childrens eyes to be wide open when it comes to the spiritual battle we are in, otherwise how on earth are they going to live victoriously?

Love the Lord with all your heart,with all your soul, and all your MIND!

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I think the underlying reason for a lack of injury is simply because the majority of kids were sitting inside reading in a safe, controlled environment. The book obviously has no magic of its own. What an observation to make.

At any rate, I'm not sure that I follow the "Garbage-In=Garbage-Out" philosophy, and I don't think that by reading a story we are damning ourselves to the fires of Hell. I mean, with a spirit of discernment one can easily see that this just a story. Should young and impressionable minds be reading....probably not, because they may think it's actually real, or that they can do what Harry Potter does. But as a mature adult, a little leisure reading of a good story is always enjoyable. I mean, if Harry Potter is bad, wouldn't we have to say that C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest Apologeticists of the modern era, then also authored a Satanic story since has fantasical, mystical world contained witchcraft as well? I find this hard to believe. What about Tolkien's Lord of the Rings? He, too, was a Christian author, and his epci fantasy series now has Bible studies in our bookstores.

Honestly, it's only a story. Enjoy a good book. Not everybody can appreciate such enthralling Non-fiction classics as the History of Grass in a Cow's Digestive System. Get a grip. If, however, you think that by reading a purely fictitious story that the reader is being damned to Hell, then don't read it. But don't make me feel bad for enjoying a good book with great authorship and a great story line.

We Christians can be so close-minded and puritanical. Didn't Jesus tell stories (i.e. parables)? Did a master really give his three servants a number of talents to take care of while he was gone? Did the prodigal son truly exist? Or were these merely illustrations used to drive home a point? If these things didn't actually happen, and there were just illustrations, which is entirely plausible, then, according to WhySoBlind, then Jesus was indeed sinning, according to your theology.

Now, hear me, I am not for one second advocating any sort of witchcraft or magic or any other demonic activity: "Don't sacrifice your children in the fires on your altars; and don't let your people practice divination or look for omens or use spells or charms, and don't let them consult the spirits of the dead. The LORD your God hates people who do these disgusting things, and that is why he is driving those nations out of the land as you advance. Be completely faithful to the LORD." (Deu 18:10-13)

I agree that this stuff is seriously dangerous, Satanic stuff. However, if it is put into a fictitous story such as HP, Lewis' Narnia, or Tolkien's LoTR, and a person can read it as such without even entertaining the thought that they will participate in this, let alone that they are in danger of being ensnared by it...I mean, c'mon. I don't even think the stuff is real. IMO, it's all pretty hokey. For that reason, when I see it in a fake, fictitious story, then I don't feel threatened at all. Like I said, do I think young kids should be reading this stuff without some serious guidance...Not at all. But surely a mature Christian adult that is responsible enough to know the difference between good/bad, right/wrong, fake/real can read a story and accept it as just that...A STORY!!


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