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Ten Commandments Monument


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Idolsmasher -

I can appreciate your not wanting us to idolize the 10 Commandments. But I suspect you are looking at this issue a bit differently than most of us are looking at it.

Point 1

Although we as people are "not under law, but under grace," and although "the Law is written on our hearts," we are still living in this body of flesh and must die to it daily. We are, as individuals, at war with our flesh. And Satan is a clever deceiver. And it is so-o-o-o-o easy to go with "what is pleasing" rather than what is righteous. Therefore, it is important for us to still have the written Law in front of us for our minds to know the righteousness of God. If this were not so, why are so many Christians still sinning? This goes back to the whole Romans 6 issue ("Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound?...") and the 1 Pet. 2:6 issue (" do not use your freedom as a cover

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Christianity is a state of the heart, but it may not be the heart of the state.

I like that... :t2:

Me too Cats...

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Slowly but surely they are trying to get rid of God. Their starting with trying to

remove the Ten Commandments. What next? Will they ban christian churches,

and then burn all the Bibles they can find? If so, then we know it's nearing the

coming of the Lord. Slowly but surely, they are trying to get rid of the Lord from everything. Such a shame. :t2:

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Slowly but surely, they are trying to get rid of the Lord from everything. Such a shame. :t2:

For sure, ... C4C! :wub:

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Nebula G-d bless you sister! :t2:

Sister of Grace.

What "law" do you believe is going to replace the 10 Commandments? Do you not see that the law of "selfism" and "anti-Christ" is taking over our society? Maybe you do not see this as a battle, maybe you do not believe Christianity outside the church walls is on its way to being outlawed. But this really is the issue.

I have been reading and waiting and praying. The Lord leads my posts. I won't post if I'm not lead.

That said what I stated earlier still stands with Deuteronomy 6:4-6 and Matthew 5:17-24 added in for good measure.

I would say this walk in the Spirit brethren! The Spirit of the Law. The Spirit who is the fulfillment of the Law. :t2: :il:

Act in and on the Agape Love that took active aggresive measures to set you free.

No works based doctrine. Only Love aggresive Love. If you Love not your life and only Love the Lord even unto death you will act.

I pray that one day and soon that there is a young man who will walk into his parents house in tears ,unconsolable. This young mans parents will say "what's wrong son, why you crying?" "Can we get you something? Perhaps a new car, some money, maybe a new rad cellphone, video game,etc....? "He cry's back "NO!, NO!You see I'm crying because you two are putting your very lives at risk with all your posessions and all your worthless money and you see you weren't made for all this!" "Your dead and you don't even know it. I Love you and the Lord loves you and you need to call on him and repent. Put aside these things because , they are coming to naught." They say "son your talking nonsense, are you in a cult , stop crying." He says," I can't because my heart is broken over this. I will not be consoled nor cajoled until the Lord answers my prayer. You see I am full up with Christ . All the things you have to offer I wasn't made for except your Love. Except His Love. " They say, "son your scaring us!" He say's, "Good you see I opened the door a tiny little crack and Jesus came in . I believed in the Truth and He came in a blew the door, hinges, and frame clean out of the wall. I'm on fire for the Lord and I just don't care anymore about this stuff. We weren't made for all this it's an illusion.................... :wub:

Sister Nebula as a footnote to the above quote of yours.

They are not only incrementally removing Christ they are utterly eliminating Him. Not only outside the church walls. Inside as well. The enemy has infiltrated. We are behind enemy lines. Don't give up ground not one square inch. Run , run like your life depends on it, and it does. Run to Jesus! The others will see the light thru the fog of war and know which way to go.

Act aggresively in Agape Love. The Love that defeats the enemy. :il:

They are saying come let us get together and eliminate them from ever being a people. So that we can have utopia. For they are intolerant. There G-d doesn't exist. For that matter god is the god of all religions. Their G-d hasn't acted for century's , He's sleeping! The words of the Book are allegory anyway. You know when G-d acted it was always nature and men explained it away with tall tales of G-ds Glory. They are the sole reason for the chaos of the world. Why if they didn't exist our idea of utopia would work.

Do you not even see some on this board preach this very message of tolerance? The Truth is the Truth! Stand in it!

G-d will act for His good names sake and His Glory!

Apart from this, if you Love Him you will act . Out of gratitude and one in being in His will of His will and in His nature. You will act so that His will be done on earth as well as in heaven. You will act and stand for the Truth because you are witness to it and of it. You will act for His good names sake and His Glory. You will repent and draw in a right relationship with G-d. So that you might stand wholly unto His coming!

G-d Bless you all richly!

Peace :il: Amen

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G-d Bless Jerry Robinson!

Quote Jerry Robinson;

WIR Article

Who's Afraid of the Ten Commandments?

by Jerry Robinson

If I hear the phrase 'separation between church and state' one more time, I am going to be nauseous. I warn you that I am writing this article out of pure disgust and disdain for the judicial nonsense on display in our nation.

Let me begin by extending a challenge to anyone who can locate the phrase "separation between church and state" in the Constitution. The phrase shouldn't be too hard to find considering the public gets it crammed down their throats in regular intervals.

Alabama Constitution


"We, the people of the State of Alabama, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama"

In 1901, the founders of the state of Alabama penned these words in the preamble to their state constitution. Evidently, Alabama's founders fervently sought divine guidance throughout the laborious process of building a state from the ground up.

Now, fast-forward to our "enlightened" present day. Enter Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Moore, who grew up in rural Alabama, is nominated Chief Justice over Alabama's highest court. Upon his nomination, Moore solemnly swears to uphold, support, and defend the constitution of Alabama. In 2001, Moore installs a granite statue of the Ten Commandments in the foyer of Alabama's Supreme Court.

Now, enter U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson. On August 5, 2003, Thompson issues a bench order that requires the monument be removed within fifteen days. The reason given: A public display of the monument is unconstitutional.

As one reader put it, maybe if Judge Roy Moore had expressed his religious beliefs in a different manner - perhaps displaying a crucifix submerged in a jar of urine - then the ACLU would defend his right to freedom of expression.

The 10th Amendment

As a Federal judge, Thompson is on very shaky legal ground. Consider the 10th Amendment to our U.S. Constitution:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Ironically, Thompson's gross misinterpretation of the Constitution has led to his violating the 10th Amendment: Ruling on affairs that are reserved for the state.

The Bottom Line: Does the display of religious symbols, such as the Ten Commandments, in a public place violate the Constitution? This is where my naseua begins. This is where my intellect is assaulted. How can a question as moronic as this actually find its way to the marketplace of ideas, let alone into a Federal court? Someone once said: 'If history is now so politically incorrect that we are not to be allowed to glance at it for fear we might contract a religion, perhaps we are too stupid to live.' Are you ready to take a glance at history? Are you sure? It's not to late to turn back...

"We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments."

- James Madison

Oh, I get it. So the Ten Commandments are the basis for our system of law and justice. I see, the Ten Commandments are the basis for our Constitution. So what's the big deal about having the Ten Commandments out in public where everyone can see them? I'm glad you asked...

The Agenda

This tendency to eradicate all traces of Judeo-Christian ideals, symbols, etc. is not surprising especially considering our current moral climate. Consider the Ten Commandments.

The First Commandment: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

The Bible teaches that one day every person will have to answer for their actions. You may choose not to believe that. Hey, that's your problem. You have a problem with God. Some people choose to worship the achievements of humanity, such as scientific advancements, money, fame, etc. You can put your faith, hope, and trust in whomever or whatever you like thanks to the 1st Amendment. Look, you are responsible for your own actions. If you do not accept the Judeo-Christian values and beliefs that America was founded on, you are now at odds with your own country's history. You see, it's not the everyday Bible-believing American that has suddenly changed. Instead, those who oppose Judeo-Christian values and beliefs are the ones making all the noise.

They have a problem with the Creator...

They have a problem with their country's history...

The Second Commandment: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images."

Americans saw first hand how Iraqi citizens were nearly forced to worship images and statues of Saddam. In a society governed under the Ten Commandments, this type of behavior would never be condoned.

The Third Commandment: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

America didn't. In fact, in every single state constitution, the guidance of Almighty God is acknowledged.

The Fourth Commandment: "Honor the Sabbath Day to keep it holy"

This Judeo-Christian tradition is protected by federal laws. Ever wonder why your mail doesn't come on Sunday?

The Fifth and Seventh commandments: "Honor thy father and mother"; "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

These commandments serve to protect the family.

The Sixth Commandment: "Thou shalt not murder."

A person's right to life is sacred. Conscience-seared doctors murder innocent, unborn babies through the practice of abortion and the horrific practice of late-term partial-birth abortion disguised in the cloak of "freedom of choice" all with the government's approval. Don't waste time emailing me explaining a baby isn't a baby until it is delivered. Save that explanation for God...

The Eighth Commandment: "Thou shalt not steal."

The right to property is sacred.

The Ninth Commandment: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

The truth is sacred.

The Tenth Commandment: "Thou shalt not covet."


"I cannot forsake my conscience," Moore said during a recent interview. "I will never deny the God upon whom our laws and country depend."

God Bless You, Judge Roy Moore.

Brethren don't be wise in your own estimation. You debate with the very G-d of creation and not with the Brethren. You are tilting at windmills!

G-d Bless you all Richly!

Peace :il: Amen

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(If You Don't Love It, Leave It!)

P.S. Let's pass a Bill to replace the jaundiced A.C.L.U. with the A.C.L.J. (The American Center For Law And Justice). AND WITH ALL DUE SPEED!


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Reckon the ACLU and the courts would have a problem with the following statement?

"You do well to wish to learn the religion of Jesus Christ...and Congress shall help you in the endeavour"

They probably would, however, that statement was made by George Washington 1st President of the US to a group of Indians. Now, let's get this! First, he says that Christ is better than the Indian gods and, second, that Congress would finance their learning of Christianity!

I suggest the following book:What If the Bible Had Never Been Written? by Dr. D. James Kennedy-very good book! :blink:

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