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Do you have personal Christian Friends who are Gay?


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I met a lesbian couple through my work where one of them works, and developed a friendship with them. They attend a "gay" church, have adopted a precious little asian girl. They are very nice people and people of good character. They say they love God, pray daily, and are very humble folk.

I don't believe it is my place or right to judge their salvation. I have enough of a time being sure that my life is right. :24:

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Guest Greg Davies

I have a close friend who was homosexual until he commited his life to the Lord. He actually confessed his attraction to me, not to "come on" to me, but to confess his fault so I would pray for him.

That was 29 years ago, and we have been good friends the entire time. He has never stumbled, to my knowledge, and has never married either, even though he has had many close friedships with women.

We've never discussed the issue after that first "confession". I wonder if he simply isn't sexually attracted to women and that he just keeps himself in obedience to the Lord. God bless him.


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I had a supervisor who is a lesbian. I have a cousin who is a homosexual. Both of these people are loving human beings. While I do not condon their behavior, I simply allow my light to shine among them. Self-righteousness turns the heart of individuals deeply rooted in sin more against God and Godly things. Let your life be a testimony. Ephesians 5:2 says "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor."

After working with my supervisor for about a year, I was able to talk to her about her struggles and the word of God. This was the only way I was able to minister to her. After a while, she allowed me to pray with her and for her. But, it was only through love shown and trust established that I was able to do so. Be mindful that whenever you are witnessing to someone...not to let the spirit of condemnation come upon you. Condemnation comes from satan who is the accuser of the brethren. Always remember and consider the 2 greatest commandments of which Jesus speaks.

As for my cousin, he has resigned himself to living as he sees fit and asking God for forgiveness along the way. Remember, sin takes us farther than we want to go and keeps us longer than we want to stay. He's in bondage to his flesh and so is she and so are we in different areas of our lives. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

Oh! But God is working daily to renew our minds and our spirits. He knows our sin and loves us anyway...

We all know what the Lord says about homosexuality, including gays and homosexuals. It is an abomination to Him, but God hates sin period.

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This subject hits home for me. My mother started out as a bi-sexual, but turned to the full lesbian lifestyle after awhile. One of my sisters was a lesbian for over 10 years. One of my daughters lives a lesbian lifestyle to this day.

It is my hope that, when my mother passed away, she asked Jesus to forgive her, for she did know about Him. My sister, after 10 years of being a lesbian, asked Jesus to be her savior and is now a Christian and no longer lives the lifestyle of a lesbian. All I can do is be an example to my daughter, but it is my hope that she will come to know the real Jesus.

Saying this, I need to say that being a homosexual is a condition that God gave unbelievers over to because of their sins.

Romans 1:24-32 (New King James Version)

"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen."

You can read all of Romans 1 to get the full idea.

Paul also informs of that we can no longer live as we did before being saved.

Romans 6:1-7 (New King James Version)

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin."

And again

Romans 6:15-18 (New King James Version)

"What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one

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Oh goody! This really opens me up to ask for some helpful advice on this subject. I do have a friend who is gay, and we are very close. I love him very much and it breaks my heart to know that he will never truely be happy until he finds Christ and abandons his current lifestyle. he always knew my position on homosexuality but i also allowed hiim to be very open and tell me about his life. Now that I am finally where I should be and growing in Christ it is very hard to listen to his stories, but I CANNOT push him away. We have been friends for a very long time and he has always been there for me. I have decided to invite him to church, to introduce him to my true best friend-Christ, and when the time is right God will put it on his heart that his lifestyle is sin and there will be an opening for me to witness. Did I mention that my friend is very interested in church and God? Yea! But as of now I don't know how to address my disomfort with his openess without pushing him away and losing that area I have available to make a difference (his curiosity about God). I am really struggling because this is the kind of thing I would usually go to him with if it were anyone else. Ack! I'm kinda stuck and don't know where to go! Any helpful ideas?

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Several years ago I had a good friend who was gay. We worked together and became friends. I did not know that he was homosexual until after we had become friends (since we were both young then, perhaps he wasn't even sure of his "gayness" until after we had become friends). It was about that time that I became "saved", but not yet obedient. I continued in my friendship, but felt very uncomfortable around his gay friends and kept our friendship one-on-one. Finally he moved out of the area. Since we were still friends we visited occasionally. He attended a "gay church' in a big East Coast city and I attended a somewhat conservative Evangelical church. His church was all incense, ritual and tolerance, mine was not. On one occasion he attended my church on a day that my pastor preached against homosexuality. My friend was gracious, but never accompanied me to that church again. Finally, finally he died (of HIV/AIDS). I have known other homosexuals (primarily at the workplace), but never had another close friend who is gay (perhaps because I have a family and attend a conservative church). I don't pray for my deceased friend because I know that he is in God's hands, but I still feel saddened by his lifestyle and death.

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from damo1

i just had to have a good read to see wear this post was going and what people are saying and sharing as lately i have noticed some do not read a post to what the person is asking for and on a few posts i have posted on their have been some strange ones who just puzzle me to why they even bother stating anything

OK i have a good friend who was a male prostitute he came to Canberra and attended one of the conferences our church was running and he did not tell me or the couple of the house that he was a homosexual or a male prostitute he attended my baptizem which was in 1988 and sat near the fence by him self watching what was going on and then spent the hole day with us talking on the conference and why he wanted to come to it as he was from BO desert in Queensland

around midnight i was up praying in tongues as when i got baptized the pastor and every one else prayed and no one prayed for me to have this gift but i was told if the spirit gives you this gift and you start speaking in tongues do not hold back let it come as god just has his hands on you and he wants to bless you and the spirit is their to guide you the couple i was living with heard me came in my room and sat next to me with our friend in the spare room next to me and he heard what they wear praying for over me

we got talking as i could not sleep and i shared what i use to do in kings cross and shared to him about the gay bashings i would see on the way to work as i worked in most of the strip clubs in kings cross and gays and lesbians use to cop it from both sides

when i told him my life story which was short i did not drag it on as this can turn a person of if you drag it on he said openly i am a homosexual and a male prostitute and my side is against me for living this life style all my life he said his mother tried to line him up with girls as she wanted grand kids and was on his back he told me he dated several females to please her and this even confused him as he wanted men not women in his life and this is why he was hear he said when i saw you i thought you wear going to attack me openly as he had big guys like my self bash him several times in Brisbane and he began to cry and i sort of cuddled him which i felt funny doing this to some one like my friend and then he asked if we could pray for him and he repented of everything he did

the next day we went to the conference and threw the alter call he grabbed me as he wanted me there i was dumb founded the couple of the house i was living in put the thumbs up and said go go like pushing me i never said the sinners prayer or prayed with any one but i just asked the holy spirit to help me and he did and today this guy is a changed man he has a wife and two kids and to look at him you would not tell that he use to be a homosexual or a male prostitute

and i have never forgoten how i was asked as it was i think god wanting me to over come my own fears and we keep in regular contac though for the last 2 yrs i have lost contac he is a strong christian and reaches out to men who are in the same situation he was in

ok i am going to end this hear thats is my 1 cents worth hope it helps

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Guest Biblicist

I will post my cousin's testimony that he wrote before he died of Aids. He was unable to finish it before his death but his father, my uncle, did finish it with a powerful Salvation message and if ANYONE wishes to copy it and distribute it they are welcome to. :rolleyes:

AIDS Saved My Life

by Dan Rogers

I was adopted at the age of 4

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Guest HIS girl

I work with a female "couple" and one of them has been confiding in me about her problems with the other. It's very strange.

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