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What's the best GIFT you could give Christ for Christmas?


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I found this description of Christmas and thought I would share because it's pretty much exactly how I feel about Christmas and the way it is celebrated by christians who don't know any better because it's the way they've been taught through the church for centuries.


What does the term 'CHRISTMAS' conjure up in your mind and heart, and what do you associate it with?

Is it gifts, trees, 'Santa Claus', family gatherings, arguments, the manger, envy, strife, tinsel, depression, parties, drinking, fighting, gossiping, and, oh yes, Jesus?

Do you 'really' set aside the 25th day of December to fully and completely love and worship The LORD? Or, is it a means to an end, a day off, a holiday, an excuse to 'party' in The Name of Jesus. Obviously, only you can answer your own motives and reasons.


Do you celebrate Christmas simply because it's a tradition, or because others expect you to? Again, only you can truly answer this most important question.

If you are remembering the birth of Jesus on Christmas day, then, shouldn't you worship Jesus; love Jesus; speak of Jesus; sing unto and about Jesus; and bring gifts unto Jesus, rather than, see who can decorate the prettiest 'tree', or receive gifts rather than give gifts, and party, party and more party?


We can learn so much from The Commandments that The Almighty GOD gave unto The Children of Israel, as they were warned not to learn the way of the Nations (see: Jeremiah 10:2).

And so, The LORD reminds us today to be careful not to become involved with and participate in the customs and traditions of the world that are pagan, false and idolatrous.


The cutting down of trees and decorating them to 'so-call' honor The LORD (?).

In Jeremiah 10:3-5, we read the following, "For the customs of the people are vain: for it is but a tree which one cutteth out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not, ... neither ... is it in them to do good."


There is no evidence in The Holy Bible that Christmas is to be celebrated, in fact, The Apostles, the disciples, the first true believers and even for the next three centuries we find absolutely no record anywhere that anyone spoke about or observed what we know today as 'Christmas'.


Before the birth of The Messiah, our LORD, The Romans had a pagan feast called 'saturnalia' that was observed during the early part of winter, what we now call 'December', and its heathen feast and practices fell towards the end of the month.

As a result of Roman Catholicism connecting church and state around the year 313 A.D., the secular and religious became in many instances one issue. It is from this point in history that we begin to witness many pagan and lurid rituals and activities that became lot and parcel of 'so-called' Christianity.


Pope Gregory The First around 600 A.D., specifically instructed Augustine, the Archbishop of Cantebury, to adapt existing local religious (pagan or otherwise) customs and practices to Christian usage in order to help propagate the faith.

Thus, the state church endeavored to amalgamate, the old with the new, and as a result, a 'strange fire' became evident within Christianity that remains even today as a smell of awfulness in the sight of The Almighty GOD.

Just think, instead of bringing gifts to The LORD like the wise men did long ago, many in selfishness give, and receive from one another.


How about the tree? Some individuals will traditionally go into deep debt not only to decorate such an idol, but also, all the other things that revolve around the Christmas celebration that brings no honor and glory to The Son of GOD.

Haven't you sensed something in your spirit telling you year after year that your adoration of and involvement with: the tree, Santa Claus, rudolph, debts, gifts, who outgives who, stories and songs 'about Christmas' that have nothing to do with the advent of Jesus is wrong? Haven't you sensed something terribly wrong?


Jesus celebrated The Feast of Dedication (Chanukkah) as recorded in John 10:22-30, furthermore, Our LORD never celebrated what today is referred to as The merry, merry holiday of x-mas, also known as Christmas.


Have you ever thought about the name of this holiday -- "Christ - Mass" --, which associates the Christ (the Messiah) with a man-made service called the Mass? In a world of complexities and religious misgivings, it's a terrible shame that true believers in Jesus throughout these many centuries have been drawn into this awful celebration of tinsel and a old bearded man declaring that he has a 'gift' for you.

It is high time to wake up out of this sleep and stupor that has plagued those who profess faith in the Living GOD, The only True Light for this dying world, and His Name is, Jesus The Son of GOD.


Yes, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea nearly two-thousand years ago for one and only one purpose and reason, and that is, to become our mediator between GOD and man, and not as some espouse, that Mary, or the Pope, or a rabbi, or a minister can take his place or even intercede before GOD for us. Only Jesus is Our LORD.

It is only through The Birth, Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection of Our LORD and Saviour Jesus that anyone can have access into The Kingdom of GOD.


As a child of GOD, are you willing to put aside idols? Like the tree, santa, rudolph, debts, traditions, customs, paganistic and heathenistic issues that revolve around Christmas and its commercialism with all of its trappings?


God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in The Name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for the lack of understanding and the disrespect that I have shown You in observing 'Christ-mas' the way I have in the past; Now, with Your love, mercy and help, please strengthen me to properly and scripturally worship You in spirit and in truth as I look unto My Saviour, The Messiah of Israel as My LORD, on the 25th day of December and every day of the year, and help me to be a loving and compassionate witness of Your love and grace.

May The LORD Himself help us to stay within the pages of Holy Writ for our counsel and guidance, and may we never accept additions or deletions to The Word of God, no matter how enticing they may be, or how old and beautiful the tradition and custom is.

In Your Holy Name We Pray....AMEN!!!

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Do you know how often that "myth" about the Christmas tree and the "pole/tree" in the Bible has been debunked, the fact that people don't know what that Bible verse is actually talking about never ceases to amaze me, as well as most of the other points. Fine, you don't like Christmas, some of us do, let us enjoy it, how is that possibly hurting you!

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The best gift I can give christ for christmas is something he already has.....my heart!

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The best gift I can give christ for christmas is something he already has.....my heart!

I think that He would appreciate that gift; I will 'regift' my heart to Him this year as well. :laugh:

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An electric train set. I think he'd get a kick out of it. Maybe one of those Glo Stick Necklaces. Cracker Jacks.

It figures?

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Best gift I could give him would be not to celebrate Christmas which is nothing more than a pagan holiday created by man. Nowhere in the bible does it state we are to celebrate Christmas and I personally believe my God to be to humble to want us to do so. Remember it and be thankful yes but to celebrate the way we do is wrong. Humans use Christmas as a way to give and receive gifts from each other not give to the Lord and I'd venture to say most people when they get together on Christmas do so for the gifts they get than to celebrate the Birth Of Christ.

People will go to church on the Sunday before Christmas because it's the PC thing to do in today's society. Then on Christmas morning they get up open presents then go off to relatives houses to have a feast then open more presents and afterwards most of the men settle in for some football and the woman sit around and have their gossip session while the kids play with their new toys. After all that everyone goes home and complains about having to go to work the next day.

Christmas as a holiday is nothing but a big joke because people attach christ to it but then don't bother to actually include him in it except for maybe some manger scene decoration which again is just to impress others as the PC thing to do.

Sorry Shad but I have to disagree with your "non-celebration" of Christ's Birthday. We celebrate by going to Church and a family gathering of prayer and song and food. God has never told us "not to enjoy each other's company."

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Best gift I could give him would be not to celebrate Christmas which is nothing more than a pagan holiday created by man. Nowhere in the bible does it state we are to celebrate Christmas and I personally believe my God to be to humble to want us to do so. Remember it and be thankful yes but to celebrate the way we do is wrong. Humans use Christmas as a way to give and receive gifts from each other not give to the Lord and I'd venture to say most people when they get together on Christmas do so for the gifts they get than to celebrate the Birth Of Christ.

People will go to church on the Sunday before Christmas because it's the PC thing to do in today's society. Then on Christmas morning they get up open presents then go off to relatives houses to have a feast then open more presents and afterwards most of the men settle in for some football and the woman sit around and have their gossip session while the kids play with their new toys. After all that everyone goes home and complains about having to go to work the next day.

Christmas as a holiday is nothing but a big joke because people attach christ to it but then don't bother to actually include him in it except for maybe some manger scene decoration which again is just to impress others as the PC thing to do.

Quite the strong feelings on the subject, Shad.

Celebrating Christmas is just like celebrating birthdays, easter, labor day, valentines day. Its all good. No need to do away with it. It isn't wrong. Its good to get together with family.

Sounds like maybe you had a bad Christmas in the past?

Nope I just don't believe in the commercialization of the holiday by humans who use Jesus as a reason to get gifts they normally wouldn't get. And yes I agree it's good to get together with family for the right reason though not because we expect to get gifts.

My family did the whole "Santa Clause" BS crap when we were kids and it wall all fine and dandy until I was grown and realized what Christmas was all about and the way we humans exploit it to fulfill our wants is disgusting.

My point being not to take yourself or Christmas too seriously. Its not disgusting. If you want to get nitty gritty with it, Dec 25st isn't even Christ's birthday, its completely different because of the Jewish calandar system. Christmas doesnt necessarily need to be about Christ. Its good to get gifts for people you love, to show them you love them. The only people i know or have met who get excited to RECIEVE presents are children. I've not met an adult yet who was more excited about recieving than giving. I know when i shop, the most fun i have at christmas is shopping for my wife, and my parents.

People don't get together at the holidays because they expect gifts. They get together to be together. Its a nice time to show your family you love them, which is far more important than re-reading the Christmas Story out of the Bible. There's nothing wrong with Christmas, the idea.

I will agree that commercialism is at an all time high around the holidays. But business is business.

I enjoy you a lot more when you're serious about subjects as this one Thoughtful! Thanks for the moment in time.

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Do you know how often that "myth" about the Christmas tree and the "pole/tree" in the Bible has been debunked, the fact that people don't know what that Bible verse is actually talking about never ceases to amaze me, as well as most of the other points. Fine, you don't like Christmas, some of us do, let us enjoy it, how is that possibly hurting you!

Debunked by who a bunch of so called experts or Jesus himself???

And as I posted in another thread let's say that you are right and that passage has nothing to do with what we call a Christmas and the birth of christ then explain to me how what we call a Christmas tree does??

What we call a Christmas tree today has nothing to do with Christ but more to do with the pagan ritual of santa clause. When we were kids what were we told was the purpose for the Christmas Tree?? It was put up and decorated so Santa would have somewhere to leave presents and we traditionally when we get together place all the presents under the tree until we get ready to open them. There is nothing about that symbol that has anything to do with praising, remembering, or worshiping Jesus's birth. So whether the passage refers to today's version of the christmas tree or not it's still a pagan symbol.

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I found this description of Christmas and thought I would share because it's pretty much exactly how I feel about Christmas and the way it is celebrated by christians who don't know any better because it's the way they've been taught through the church for centuries.


What does the term 'CHRISTMAS' conjure up in your mind and heart, and what do you associate it with?

Is it gifts, trees, 'Santa Claus', family gatherings, arguments, the manger, envy, strife, tinsel, depression, parties, drinking, fighting, gossiping, and, oh yes, Jesus?

Do you 'really' set aside the 25th day of December to fully and completely love and worship The LORD? Or, is it a means to an end, a day off, a holiday, an excuse to 'party' in The Name of Jesus. Obviously, only you can answer your own motives and reasons.


Do you celebrate Christmas simply because it's a tradition, or because others expect you to? Again, only you can truly answer this most important question.

If you are remembering the birth of Jesus on Christmas day, then, shouldn't you worship Jesus; love Jesus; speak of Jesus; sing unto and about Jesus; and bring gifts unto Jesus, rather than, see who can decorate the prettiest 'tree', or receive gifts rather than give gifts, and party, party and more party?


We can learn so much from The Commandments that The Almighty GOD gave unto The Children of Israel, as they were warned not to learn the way of the Nations (see: Jeremiah 10:2).

And so, The LORD reminds us today to be careful not to become involved with and participate in the customs and traditions of the world that are pagan, false and idolatrous.


The cutting down of trees and decorating them to 'so-call' honor The LORD (?).

In Jeremiah 10:3-5, we read the following, "For the customs of the people are vain: for it is but a tree which one cutteth out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not, ... neither ... is it in them to do good."


There is no evidence in The Holy Bible that Christmas is to be celebrated, in fact, The Apostles, the disciples, the first true believers and even for the next three centuries we find absolutely no record anywhere that anyone spoke about or observed what we know today as 'Christmas'.


Before the birth of The Messiah, our LORD, The Romans had a pagan feast called 'saturnalia' that was observed during the early part of winter, what we now call 'December', and its heathen feast and practices fell towards the end of the month.

As a result of Roman Catholicism connecting church and state around the year 313 A.D., the secular and religious became in many instances one issue. It is from this point in history that we begin to witness many pagan and lurid rituals and activities that became lot and parcel of 'so-called' Christianity.


Pope Gregory The First around 600 A.D., specifically instructed Augustine, the Archbishop of Cantebury, to adapt existing local religious (pagan or otherwise) customs and practices to Christian usage in order to help propagate the faith.

Thus, the state church endeavored to amalgamate, the old with the new, and as a result, a 'strange fire' became evident within Christianity that remains even today as a smell of awfulness in the sight of The Almighty GOD.

Just think, instead of bringing gifts to The LORD like the wise men did long ago, many in selfishness give, and receive from one another.


How about the tree? Some individuals will traditionally go into deep debt not only to decorate such an idol, but also, all the other things that revolve around the Christmas celebration that brings no honor and glory to The Son of GOD.

Haven't you sensed something in your spirit telling you year after year that your adoration of and involvement with: the tree, Santa Claus, rudolph, debts, gifts, who outgives who, stories and songs 'about Christmas' that have nothing to do with the advent of Jesus is wrong? Haven't you sensed something terribly wrong?


Jesus celebrated The Feast of Dedication (Chanukkah) as recorded in John 10:22-30, furthermore, Our LORD never celebrated what today is referred to as The merry, merry holiday of x-mas, also known as Christmas.


Have you ever thought about the name of this holiday -- "Christ - Mass" --, which associates the Christ (the Messiah) with a man-made service called the Mass? In a world of complexities and religious misgivings, it's a terrible shame that true believers in Jesus throughout these many centuries have been drawn into this awful celebration of tinsel and a old bearded man declaring that he has a 'gift' for you.

It is high time to wake up out of this sleep and stupor that has plagued those who profess faith in the Living GOD, The only True Light for this dying world, and His Name is, Jesus The Son of GOD.


Yes, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea nearly two-thousand years ago for one and only one purpose and reason, and that is, to become our mediator between GOD and man, and not as some espouse, that Mary, or the Pope, or a rabbi, or a minister can take his place or even intercede before GOD for us. Only Jesus is Our LORD.

It is only through The Birth, Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection of Our LORD and Saviour Jesus that anyone can have access into The Kingdom of GOD.


As a child of GOD, are you willing to put aside idols? Like the tree, santa, rudolph, debts, traditions, customs, paganistic and heathenistic issues that revolve around Christmas and its commercialism with all of its trappings?


God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in The Name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for the lack of understanding and the disrespect that I have shown You in observing 'Christ-mas' the way I have in the past; Now, with Your love, mercy and help, please strengthen me to properly and scripturally worship You in spirit and in truth as I look unto My Saviour, The Messiah of Israel as My LORD, on the 25th day of December and every day of the year, and help me to be a loving and compassionate witness of Your love and grace.

May The LORD Himself help us to stay within the pages of Holy Writ for our counsel and guidance, and may we never accept additions or deletions to The Word of God, no matter how enticing they may be, or how old and beautiful the tradition and custom is.

In Your Holy Name We Pray....AMEN!!!

Shad that is such blatant misuse and misinterpretation of the Bible for your own gain. That is very disrespectful and quite frankly, it frustrates me to no end. Put it into context. If you don't like Christmas, then fine, dont like it. No one is forcing you to be happy about it. But at THE VERY LEAST keep your opinions just that: opinions. Please, please, do not abuse the scriptures to further your own agenda. That is just selfish.

If I'm so wrong then prove it to me scripturally, prove to me that anything that I posted can be proved wrong with scriptures from the bible.

Obviously the truth touches a nerve with some so called christians who don't want to believe that the way the celebrate christmas by worshiping all these pagan symbols is wrong.

I would love to be there in heaven when they are standing before God and trying to explain why they celebrated a holiday about him by worshiping idols like Santa, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolph, Jack Frost,ect.... and used it as an excuse to get together with family to drink and party.

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I found this description of Christmas and thought I would share because it's pretty much exactly how I feel about Christmas and the way it is celebrated by christians who don't know any better because it's the way they've been taught through the church for centuries.


What does the term 'CHRISTMAS' conjure up in your mind and heart, and what do you associate it with?

Is it gifts, trees, 'Santa Claus', family gatherings, arguments, the manger, envy, strife, tinsel, depression, parties, drinking, fighting, gossiping, and, oh yes, Jesus?

Do you 'really' set aside the 25th day of December to fully and completely love and worship The LORD? Or, is it a means to an end, a day off, a holiday, an excuse to 'party' in The Name of Jesus. Obviously, only you can answer your own motives and reasons.


Do you celebrate Christmas simply because it's a tradition, or because others expect you to? Again, only you can truly answer this most important question.

If you are remembering the birth of Jesus on Christmas day, then, shouldn't you worship Jesus; love Jesus; speak of Jesus; sing unto and about Jesus; and bring gifts unto Jesus, rather than, see who can decorate the prettiest 'tree', or receive gifts rather than give gifts, and party, party and more party?


We can learn so much from The Commandments that The Almighty GOD gave unto The Children of Israel, as they were warned not to learn the way of the Nations (see: Jeremiah 10:2).

And so, The LORD reminds us today to be careful not to become involved with and participate in the customs and traditions of the world that are pagan, false and idolatrous.


The cutting down of trees and decorating them to 'so-call' honor The LORD (?).

In Jeremiah 10:3-5, we read the following, "For the customs of the people are vain: for it is but a tree which one cutteth out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not, ... neither ... is it in them to do good."


There is no evidence in The Holy Bible that Christmas is to be celebrated, in fact, The Apostles, the disciples, the first true believers and even for the next three centuries we find absolutely no record anywhere that anyone spoke about or observed what we know today as 'Christmas'.


Before the birth of The Messiah, our LORD, The Romans had a pagan feast called 'saturnalia' that was observed during the early part of winter, what we now call 'December', and its heathen feast and practices fell towards the end of the month.

As a result of Roman Catholicism connecting church and state around the year 313 A.D., the secular and religious became in many instances one issue. It is from this point in history that we begin to witness many pagan and lurid rituals and activities that became lot and parcel of 'so-called' Christianity.


Pope Gregory The First around 600 A.D., specifically instructed Augustine, the Archbishop of Cantebury, to adapt existing local religious (pagan or otherwise) customs and practices to Christian usage in order to help propagate the faith.

Thus, the state church endeavored to amalgamate, the old with the new, and as a result, a 'strange fire' became evident within Christianity that remains even today as a smell of awfulness in the sight of The Almighty GOD.

Just think, instead of bringing gifts to The LORD like the wise men did long ago, many in selfishness give, and receive from one another.


How about the tree? Some individuals will traditionally go into deep debt not only to decorate such an idol, but also, all the other things that revolve around the Christmas celebration that brings no honor and glory to The Son of GOD.

Haven't you sensed something in your spirit telling you year after year that your adoration of and involvement with: the tree, Santa Claus, rudolph, debts, gifts, who outgives who, stories and songs 'about Christmas' that have nothing to do with the advent of Jesus is wrong? Haven't you sensed something terribly wrong?


Jesus celebrated The Feast of Dedication (Chanukkah) as recorded in John 10:22-30, furthermore, Our LORD never celebrated what today is referred to as The merry, merry holiday of x-mas, also known as Christmas.


Have you ever thought about the name of this holiday -- "Christ - Mass" --, which associates the Christ (the Messiah) with a man-made service called the Mass? In a world of complexities and religious misgivings, it's a terrible shame that true believers in Jesus throughout these many centuries have been drawn into this awful celebration of tinsel and a old bearded man declaring that he has a 'gift' for you.

It is high time to wake up out of this sleep and stupor that has plagued those who profess faith in the Living GOD, The only True Light for this dying world, and His Name is, Jesus The Son of GOD.


Yes, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea nearly two-thousand years ago for one and only one purpose and reason, and that is, to become our mediator between GOD and man, and not as some espouse, that Mary, or the Pope, or a rabbi, or a minister can take his place or even intercede before GOD for us. Only Jesus is Our LORD.

It is only through The Birth, Life, Death, Burial and Resurrection of Our LORD and Saviour Jesus that anyone can have access into The Kingdom of GOD.


As a child of GOD, are you willing to put aside idols? Like the tree, santa, rudolph, debts, traditions, customs, paganistic and heathenistic issues that revolve around Christmas and its commercialism with all of its trappings?


God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in The Name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for the lack of understanding and the disrespect that I have shown You in observing 'Christ-mas' the way I have in the past; Now, with Your love, mercy and help, please strengthen me to properly and scripturally worship You in spirit and in truth as I look unto My Saviour, The Messiah of Israel as My LORD, on the 25th day of December and every day of the year, and help me to be a loving and compassionate witness of Your love and grace.

May The LORD Himself help us to stay within the pages of Holy Writ for our counsel and guidance, and may we never accept additions or deletions to The Word of God, no matter how enticing they may be, or how old and beautiful the tradition and custom is.

In Your Holy Name We Pray....AMEN!!!

Shad that is such blatant misuse and misinterpretation of the Bible for your own gain. That is very disrespectful and quite frankly, it frustrates me to no end. Put it into context. If you don't like Christmas, then fine, dont like it. No one is forcing you to be happy about it. But at THE VERY LEAST keep your opinions just that: opinions. Please, please, do not abuse the scriptures to further your own agenda. That is just selfish.

If I'm so wrong then prove it to me scripturally, prove to me that anything that I posted can be proved wrong with scriptures from the bible.

Obviously the truth touches a nerve with some so called christians who don't want to believe that the way the celebrate christmas by worshiping all these pagan symbols is wrong.

I would love to be there in heaven when they are standing before God and trying to explain why they celebrated a holiday about him by worshiping idols like Santa, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolph, Jack Frost,ect.... and used it as an excuse to get together with family to drink and party.

LoL i dont think i've ever seen a christmas where people "drink and party."

Second i think its very "holier than thou" to think about being in heaven, laughing at people trying to explain to God why they "worship idols" just because they celebrated Christmas

God doesnt even care. Do you bow to santa, shad? I dont. Do you sing praises to him? Give offering to him?

So then how are we worshipping santa by making him the poster boy of Christmas?

I dont need to prove you wrong with scripture. You're proving yourself wrong just by posting the way you do. Your "holy war" attitude against Christmas is enough ammunition already to prove that you're taking this way too far, and way too seriously. Stop celebrating Christmas if you want. Just dont be dissapointed when you don't get to see God smite people on Judgement Day for celebrating what YOU call a "pegan" holiday.

Nice way of back tracking because you know nothing I posted can be disproved by scripture.

As far as drinking and partying goes obviously you've never been to a company run "Christmas PARTY" and of course nobody ever drinks alchohol at a Christmas function. LOL

It's wrong to make Santa Clause the poster boy as you say for Christmas because it's putting him before Jesus. If Christmas is truly a holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ then there should be no place for other symbols like Santa or any of the others I mentioned it should be solely about Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ only.

It's sad to see that so many so called christians have been so brained washed by society that they can't even recognize that the symbols they have made a part of Christmas such as Santa, Frosty, and all the rest are an abomination to God. Santa and Frosty are no less of an idol than the Golden Calf from the bible and by worshiping them or even have them be a part of a holiday that should be set apart for Christ alone everyone who does so is breaking the 4th commandment from God himself.

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