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FORESHADOWING CHRIST (Gen. - Deut.)   The first five books of the Bible were written by Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Christ is foreshadowed in a variety of ways  - symbols, signs, sacrifices  all help us to understand His character, functions & vocations.   In the first book of the Bible we read of the beginning of things - Genesis, meaning origin. The beginning of the world, the human race, sin in the world, the promise of redemption, family and man-made

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

CHRIST THE CENTRE OF THE BIBLE. Foretelling of Christ.

FORETELLING OF CHRIST  (Isaiah - Malachi)   The prophets were men whom God raised up during the dark days of Israel`s history. The period of the prophets in Israel covered five hundred years from the ninth to the fourth century B.C.  These prophets spoke fearlessly to kings and people alike of their sins and failures.   The office of the prophet was instituted in Samuel`s time. When the kingdom was divided and Judah and Israel were established as separate monarchies, the great p

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

CHRIST THE CENTRE OF THE BIBLE. Overview of the New Testament.

OVERVIEW OF THE NEW TESTAMENT   In 63 B.C. Rome gained possession of Palestine, preparing the way and the time for Jesus to be born. The Jews had some political liberty, but were required to pay a yearly tax to the Roman government. The Jewish religious leaders were mainly seeking for themselves wealth, position and power. The people were looking for the promised leader; their Messiah whom they thought would deliver them from the Roman control.   This is the situation in whic

Marilyn C

Marilyn C


FORESEEING CHRIST     (Joshua - Esther)   These books give the further history of the people of Israel. Joshua led the people into the Promised Land where they overcome their enemies. God tells him to - `Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.` (Joshua 1: 7)   Once in the land the people are ruled by judges whom the Lord raised up to deliver His oppressed people. There were th

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

CHRIST THE CENTRE OF THE BIBLE. Overview of the Old Testament.

OVERVIEW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT   Throughout the history recorded in the Old Testament and through the poetic and prophetic sections we see that there is one great purpose moving through the ages, the eternal design of the Almighty God focused on His Son.   In the first five books, the Pentateuch, written by Moses we read not only of the wonderful creation and of its marring, but of God`s great plan to bring restoration. Thus we see that God has planned that a man from Adam`s race

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

CHRIST THE CENTRE OF THE BIBLE. Overview of the Bible.

OVERVIEW OF THE BIBLE   God`s word contains 66 books, written by 40 authors, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is God`s plan and purpose through Christ for mankind. The Old Testament was written mostly in Hebrew (a few short passages in Aramaic). Then about a hundred years before the Christian era the entire Old Testament was translated into Greek, being the predominant language of that time. The New Testament was written in the Greek language and our English Bible is

Marilyn C

Marilyn C


INTRODUCTION I am looking forward to sharing and discussing God`s word together. When we read the Bible we can often get lost in the details and history, thus it is good to step back and see what God has said concerning His Son. God`s word is written to reveal Christ, His character and His purposes for - - The Body of Christ, - Israel, - The Nations.   I have written the Old Testament in summary, in four sections and the New Testament, book by book, in three

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - Conclusion.

CONCLUSION When God brings the earth and heaven to a close it is then time for the Great White Throne Judgment. This is for all mankind except the Body of Christ and the just men and women, (Old Testament saints). `Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was no place found for them.` (Rev. 19: 11) Those who had rejected Christ`s offer of salvation will be cast into the lake of fire. Those who had never he

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM -Man`s Final Rebellion.

MAN`S FINAL REBELLION God had always purposed that Israel would rule righteously over the nations, and this will come about in the millennium. This is the final opportunity for mankind to turn to God without the influence of Satan. However, we see that many people still want their own way. If that happens then there will be consequences. `And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there wi

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - Life in the Millennium.

LIFE IN THE MILLENNIUM The plagues through the tribulation and the great earthquake that caused the cities of the nations to fall, will cause such great devastation upon the earth that civilization as we know it will cease. No technology, no fuel, no food production, no medical facilities, no businesses of any kind, all will have crumbled, obliterated. There will be only few people upon the earth after the plagues, mass killings and persecutions. Life in the millennium will have to sta

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - God`s Glory through Israel.

God`s Glory Through Israel   God`s glory will be upon Israel, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It is from here that God`s righteous rulership goes forth to the nations of the world. `For Zion`s sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem`s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns. The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord,

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - Living Waters.

LIVING WATERS When the Lord comes to the Mount of Olives, He will split the mountain in half and living waters will flow out to bring healing to the rivers and seas. `The Lord will go forth and fight against those nations as He fights in the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley. Half of the mountain shall move towards the

Marilyn C

Marilyn C


JUDGMENT The great earthquake has caused the cities of the nations to fall, and the islands to disappear while the mountains are levelled. Civilisation and all its modern trappings will have been obliterated. Over three quarters of the population of the world will have been killed, (during the tribulation).  The Lord then comes with His angelic hosts. `...the Son of Man .....comes in His own glory, and all the Holy angels with Him...` (Luke 9: 26) `So the Lord of hosts will c

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - God`s Government through Israel.

God`s Government Through Israel   The kingdoms of the world will then become the kingdoms of the Lord. (Rev. 11: 15) `Oh, clap your hands all you peoples! Shout unto God with the voice of triumph! For the Lord Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth. He will subdue the peoples under us, and all the nations under our feet. How will choose our inheritance for us.` (Ps. 47: 1 - 4)   The Lord shall appoint those who will rule under Him, in Israel. F

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - Mourning to Joy.

MOURNING TO JOY The Lord then sends His angels to the four corners of the earth to bring the Jews back to their own land, Israel. There will be no cars, or trains, or planes etc operating after the great earthquake, the Jews will be brought back on horses, mules and camels. `Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to the Lord out of all the nations, on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to my holy mountain Jerusalem.` (Isa. 66: 20) While

Marilyn C

Marilyn C


ARMAGEDDON The final Gentile Global Government is headed up by the Antichrist and the False Prophet. In the middle of the tribulation they break the Israel Peace-Covenant and desecrate the Temple in Jerusalem. God steps in and obliterates their capital city - the city of Babylon in Iraq. In great fury the Anti-Christ moves his government over to Jerusalem and then plans to exterminate the nation of Israel. Great persecution follows and finally after three years demons are sent forth to gath

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

THE MILLENNIUM - The Mighty Earthquake.

THE MIGHTY EARTHQUAKE There is great darkness upon the earth when the world`s armies surround Jerusalem. `Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will diminish their brightness.` (Joel 3: 14 & 15) Then through the gloom they see a strange light coming closer to the earth. This supernatural sign is the great glory of the Lord and His angelic hosts leaving heaven a

Marilyn C

Marilyn C


OVERVIEW We are in momentous times as God`s purposes are unfolding. Soon the Gentile`s Rule will come to an end and Israel, God`s chosen nation will rule the world. Before that happens we know that there will be a period of great conflict and trouble, as Jesus said, `such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.` (Matt. 24: 21) It will be a time when the rebellious nations are judged and the nation of Israel has to go under its final

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - Calculations 3.

This is the third in a series of 4 pages of calculations. I will do them a step at a time so we can see what God`s word says. Then the final page shows the fixed point from where all the other calculations can be taken.

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - Calculations 2.

This is the second in a series of 4 pages of calculations. I will do them a step at a time so we can see what God`s word says. Then the final page shows the fixed point from where all the other calculations can be taken.

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - Calculations 1.

This is the first in a series of 4 pages of calculations. I will do them a step at a time so we can see what God`s word says. Then the final page shows the fixed point from where all the other calculations can be taken.  

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - Jerusalem Surrounded

JERUSALEM SURROUNDED   The Global Leader is only given 1,260 days to rule in complete authority and power. During this time he moves the world`s economic infrastructure from Europe over to Babylon in Iraq - the multinationals, the financial systems and the commercial apparatus.  This ancient city will have been rebuilt in all its glory and be the most popular tourist attraction. It will have the height of fashion, `merchants will become rich through the abundance of her luxur

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - The Global Leader

THE GLOBAL LEADER   When the Peace Treaty is negotiated, the nations of the world will say `Peace and Safety` (security) at last! The leaders of the world gather to hear this person who has achieved peace in the Middle East. The Peace Negotiator`s magnetic personality and superior wisdom will excite and captivate the leaders. He alone will have the answers to the world`s problems. Statesmen, intellectuals and economists are amazed and unanimously acknowledge that finally ther

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

The Tribulation Calendar - The Beginning of the Tribulation.

In the near future, the armies of the Russian Federation and the other 3 nations (Iran, Ethiopia and Libya), will come to the mountains of Israel to destroy Israel as a nation.   Down from the north will come the Russian Federation. They will lead a great army  - the Russian military,  the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) other Republics, and Slavic nations. Iran will also be with them coming from the east. Then up from the south of Israel will come Libya and Ethiopia, heading

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

ISLAM RISING - Conclusion.

CONCLUSION In the next couple of years, I believe we will see peace in Iraq. A Peace negotiator will arise and bring the different factions together by his skilful cunning, deceit and intrigue. It is then that Russia & its Federation take the opportunity to come down through Syria to the mountains of Israel. They seek to take over this wealthy country with its warm  ports available year round, its gas and oil reserves. Iran, Libya and Ethiopia joins the Russian Federation, as God`s

Marilyn C

Marilyn C

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