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Everything posted by oldzimm

  1. So what are the various ways the Holy Spirit speaks to his Children? Prayer is the best way to communicate with God, the thing is most Christians (I'm guilty also) make it a one way communication instead of a two way. When we pray we do all the talking, we worship, praise, do some asking, then the funny one is some even advise (I know, advising God, I'm laughing too) then it is Amen and were done. After were done speaking to God in prayer, before we say Amen maybe we should just keep silent and listen to what God has to say. Old Zimm
  2. My Pastor would say it is better to be righteous then it is to prove yourself right. I also had a Commander in the military that said you must choose your battles wisely, both bits of wisdom are good to remember. Old Zimm
  3. That's a picture of me when I wake-up in the morning, don't believe me ask my wife. Old Zimm
  4. Well if the smaller car is faster it gets there first, but that's not what God intended in his rule of order, we are not to compete to see who leads. A husband and his wife are equal (both cars are the same size) yet God made the husband the head of the family as it says in Ephesians 5:22-24. 22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Now before the men start doing some chest pounding, lets see what says in Ephesians 5:25-23. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.[a] 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church,30 because we are members of his body. 31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. So I guess gentlemen when we say "I DO" we have taken on a big responsibility, set your wife on a pedestal and treat her with the utmost respect, after all she is God's daughter. Another example of submission is the Supreme rule of order, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, all three are equal yet there is still submission to God the Father. In Luke 22:41-42 Jesus prayed to God the Father showing his submission to God. 41 And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, 42 saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done. Old Zimm
  5. I'm not saying there is or there isn't such a thing as Big FOOT. The Pa Game Commission say that Mountain Lions don't exist in the state either, but I seen one while hunting not twenty five yards from me. After that close encounter with a Mountain Lion, I would say anything is possible in God's creation. Old Zimm
  6. Will we see Topics repeat themselves? The answer is "Yes", don't you know history repeats itself. When we have new members to Worthy, I'm sure eventually they will ask questions that were already asked in the past. It's sorta like a Preacher, I wonder how often they get asked the same question over the years, maybe the should have a tape recording of the answers to the most often asked questions. Hey that's something we can do, have post already made up for topics that show up often. Old Zimm
  7. Great topic, I didn't get a chance to read all the post, so I'll give my two cents (maybe it has already been given). The world has made submission sound like a bad thing and it is not. Maybe it is just me but did you ever notice God has a rule of order and it is in three's. Example are The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit / in the Church we have Jesus (head of the Church), pastors and congregations / in the family we have Husband, Wife and Children / even in our government we have Executive, Legislative and Judicial, I bet if we really think about it the list could go on. Somebody has to lead and answer for whom they are leading, in the Church Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and he is our way to God and intervenes for us (we are soooo lucky we have Jesus). In the family God made the husband the leader and the one who must answer for the family, but as Deidre said he must be worthy and treat not just his wife well, the children also. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and God walked through the garden it was Adam he was looking for, he called out "Adam where are you" because Adam had to answer for the family. Being submissive to your husband doesn't mean your not equal to him, you can disagree on things, give your reasoning and your husband must be wise because in the end he must make the final decision. The reason God makes this rule of order is to keep things civil, it can best be shown in this example. Two cars are traveling side by side down a double lane highway and up ahead it narrows down to one lane, one car must give way to the other car or there is going to be a wreck, God is trying to keep that wreck from happening. Old Zimm
  8. Yes Ezra those so called elected officials in Washington are only concerned for their own survival. The Republicans are not only fighting for each of their own survival, the party is fighting for where the future of the Republican party going, either the same old RINO way or the Tea Party way. Being a Republican myself I prefer the Tea Party way because I'm tired of the old RINOS taking up space in a chair and not doing a darn thing for the people. With Republicans trying to figure out who is going to be the next Speaker of the House it is looking like a soap opera. Politics is an ugly animal and the higher in government it is the uglier it gets. I can't stand politics yet I'm a elected official on the local level, for that reason I ran for office. I didn't want political games being played in our Township and even on the local level there are those who want to play political games. I believed in using common sense and spend within our means. We create our budgets around the income we know we have coming in, we don't try and create income around a budget (wish list), I sure wish Washington would do the same thing. Old Zimm
  9. If a person wants to go through life without doing business or having friends that are non Christians, they better become a monk or live in a life sustainable dome. How can we tell non believers or how can they see us walk in the light of Christianity if we aren't around them? There are non believers out there that are diamonds in the rough and all it takes is one Christian to say a few words or do a good deed for the glory of God to make that diamond shine. Oldzimm
  10. You struck one of my pet peeves, and that is when people with their worldly logic say God makes mistakes. LADYOFWISDOM you are absolutely right, God doesn't make mistakes because he is perfect and his wisdom compared to ours makes us look like we haven't started school yet. So the example of my pet peeve is when people think it is okay to be gay, they say I should have been a woman or a man. Wrong answer, that's like saying God made a mistake and he didn't, If God wanted you to be a woman, you are a woman and a man is a man. We are the gender God wanted us to be. Oldzimm
  11. I had to cut out about 24 requotes here. PLEASE people, trim all the old stuff off your responses. The original of your post, oldzimm, isn't even readable! I agree with your comment above though. Something must be messed up because I didn't post that quote. Which post couldn't you read MorningGlory, because I can re-post it?
  12. Today September 11, fourteen years ago, in one way or another our lives have been changed forever. I pray for the day that there will be no more war and violence, and peace will last forever. Oldzimm
  13. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. I would agree with the PM, the world has failed in Syria and with ISIS. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. Other one you are absolutely right, I was in Iraq during OIF 1 (2003-2004) and our company was all for going into Iraq and getting the WMD. As time dragged on and we weren't finding the WMD my men starting getting irritated and wondered why we were there. The war was getting to my men and they started fighting among themselves, it is hard to be a platoon sergeant when you must give out disciplinary action. Then we started going out on humanitarian missions, we started rebuilding schools that were neglected by Saddam Hussein, this is when I seen the real reason God wanted us there. Forgive my choice of words but Saddam and his two boys were SOB's. We seen people of all ages (specially children) who were crippled for life because there weren't proper medical facilities for them, I seen kids playing their number one sport (soccer) and there were kids on the sidelines that couldn't play because they had broken legs that never mended properly, they couldn't run. So here we had a leader that spent the country's money on beautiful palaces and the military and wouldn't do a thing for his own peoples well being (not much of a leader in my book). Then we had Saddam's two boys (grown men) who went about as they wished, killing people, abducting girls to be used for their own entertainment (they raped them) sometime even killing them after they were done with them. After all they treated women like third class citizens, men thought more highly of their livestock then they did of the women, can you just imagine the fear women have in countries such as this? Actually I think the Iraqis feared Saddam's two boys more than him (that doesn't mean Saddam was a choir boy), the boys were out right sick #%*&#%$. I was there when the boys were killed and the Iraqis feared them boys so much they said it wasn't them, they couldn't believe we could get to them. Now Saddam he was my neighbor (but never stopped by to visit, don't know why), Saddam was caught about twenty miles from where I was at, when he was caught the people cheered with joy because they knew the reign of terror was over. The fault for Isis being there now is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, he wanted to get us out of Iraq to make himself look good. Yes it was long overdue that we pull out of Iraq, but Obama went about it all wrong. Obama was too hasty and he should have done it more tactically, we left the door wide open and we should have kept a strike force nearby in case there was a uprising such as Isis so we could nip it in the bud before it got stronger. Oh I forgot Isis is a JV team, how thoughtless of me. I'm not picking on anybody, but it is easy to be an armchair Quarterback when you never been on the field. Oldzimm Goodness, what experiences you've had Oldzimm. Thank you for sharing insights from your experience in Iraq. God Bless you Oldzimm , and much gratitude & respect for your Military Service! Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1 Thank-you Davida for your post, I truly appreciate your kind words. ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. I would agree with the PM, the world has failed in Syria and with ISIS. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. Other one you are absolutely right, I was in Iraq during OIF 1 (2003-2004) and our company was all for going into Iraq and getting the WMD. As time dragged on and we weren't finding the WMD my men starting getting irritated and wondered why we were there. The war was getting to my men and they started fighting among themselves, it is hard to be a platoon sergeant when you must give out disciplinary action. Then we started going out on humanitarian missions, we started rebuilding schools that were neglected by Saddam Hussein, this is when I seen the real reason God wanted us there. Forgive my choice of words but Saddam and his two boys were SOB's. We seen people of all ages (specially children) who were crippled for life because there weren't proper medical facilities for them, I seen kids playing their number one sport (soccer) and there were kids on the sidelines that couldn't play because they had broken legs that never mended properly, they couldn't run. So here we had a leader that spent the country's money on beautiful palaces and the military and wouldn't do a thing for his own peoples well being (not much of a leader in my book). Then we had Saddam's two boys (grown men) who went about as they wished, killing people, abducting girls to be used for their own entertainment (they raped them) sometime even killing them after they were done with them. After all they treated women like third class citizens, men thought more highly of their livestock then they did of the women, can you just imagine the fear women have in countries such as this? Actually I think the Iraqis feared Saddam's two boys more than him (that doesn't mean Saddam was a choir boy), the boys were out right sick #%*&#%$. I was there when the boys were killed and the Iraqis feared them boys so much they said it wasn't them, they couldn't believe we could get to them. Now Saddam he was my neighbor (but never stopped by to visit, don't know why), Saddam was caught about twenty miles from where I was at, when he was caught the people cheered with joy because they knew the reign of terror was over. The fault for Isis being there now is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, he wanted to get us out of Iraq to make himself look good. Yes it was long overdue that we pull out of Iraq, but Obama went about it all wrong. Obama was too hasty and he should have done it more tactically, we left the door wide open and we should have kept a strike force nearby in case there was a uprising such as Isis so we could nip it in the bud before it got stronger. Oh I forgot Isis is a JV team, how thoughtless of me. I'm not picking on anybody, but it is easy to be an armchair Quarterback when you never been on the field. Oldzimm I certainly appreciate your service, but nothing you said changes my point. Sadam ruled with an iron fist and his boys would have been worse. But there is no way that ISIS exist in Iraq with either Sadam or his sons in power. The first president Bush understood the role that Sadam played, his son was too arrogant to follow his father's example. In no way defending Obama, but the withdrawal plan was the plan of the Bush I I administration. I would agree with the PM, the world has failed in Syria and with ISIS. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power.
  14. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. I would agree with the PM, the world has failed in Syria and with ISIS. Was it the world that drew and then disowned a "red line" ultimatum for Syria and also claimed ISIS was just a JV terrorist team, or were both done by Barack Hussein Obama? ISIS is a world problem, not that of a single country. It is not our responsibility alone to deal with them. If you wish to point fingers at a single person, the person who removed Sadam Hussein would be a good target. There would be no ISIS if he were still in power. you can't possibly know that..... His sons were some pretty weird guys and one or all of them could have killed him and set this whole thing off even before now. Other one you are absolutely right, I was in Iraq during OIF 1 (2003-2004) and our company was all for going into Iraq and getting the WMD. As time dragged on and we weren't finding the WMD my men starting getting irritated and wondered why we were there. The war was getting to my men and they started fighting among themselves, it is hard to be a platoon sergeant when you must give out disciplinary action. Then we started going out on humanitarian missions, we started rebuilding schools that were neglected by Saddam Hussein, this is when I seen the real reason God wanted us there. Forgive my choice of words but Saddam and his two boys were SOB's. We seen people of all ages (specially children) who were crippled for life because there weren't proper medical facilities for them, I seen kids playing their number one sport (soccer) and there were kids on the sidelines that couldn't play because they had broken legs that never mended properly, they couldn't run. So here we had a leader that spent the country's money on beautiful palaces and the military and wouldn't do a thing for his own peoples well being (not much of a leader in my book). Then we had Saddam's two boys (grown men) who went about as they wished, killing people, abducting girls to be used for their own entertainment (they raped them) sometime even killing them after they were done with them. After all they treated women like third class citizens, men thought more highly of their livestock then they did of the women, can you just imagine the fear women have in countries such as this? Actually I think the Iraqis feared Saddam's two boys more than him (that doesn't mean Saddam was a choir boy), the boys were out right sick #%*&#%$. I was there when the boys were killed and the Iraqis feared them boys so much they said it wasn't them, they couldn't believe we could get to them. Now Saddam he was my neighbor (but never stopped by to visit, don't know why), Saddam was caught about twenty miles from where I was at, when he was caught the people cheered with joy because they knew the reign of terror was over. The fault for Isis being there now is none other than Barack Hussein Obama, he wanted to get us out of Iraq to make himself look good. Yes it was long overdue that we pull out of Iraq, but Obama went about it all wrong. Obama was too hasty and he should have done it more tactically, we left the door wide open and we should have kept a strike force nearby in case there was a uprising such as Isis so we could nip it in the bud before it got stronger. Oh I forgot Isis is a JV team, how thoughtless of me. I'm not picking on anybody, but it is easy to be an armchair Quarterback when you never been on the field. Oldzimm
  15. I can not see anything positive either.Today on the news it said Obama will allow 10,000 of them to come into the U.S. next year. Forgive me Father for what I'm thinking in my heart and not posting here about the 10,000 muslim refugees that Obama wants to bring to our country. All I'll say is Obama is trying to start a civil war in our country. Oldzimm
  16. Other one you could be right, I guest the days are gone where a guy can walk into a saloon (The old western movies) and shoot the lights out just for the fun of it or make somebody dance by shooting the floor.
  17. Shooting a drone down that is flying above my property is on my "things to do list". Seriously though if a drone is flying over private property it is an invasion of privacy and there should be laws against it. If the government would fly a drone over private property, they better have a warrant. Oldzimm (Aerospace sharpshooter)
  18. I understand other one, I had duck once that was made over an open fire and I didn't really care for it. I have a friend that is an avid goose hunter and he took me along hunting one year, they were so greasy and I didn't care for them either. My friend even made jerky out of geese and it was still greasy. I guess geese are a fowl a person must acquire a taste for or be very hungry. Oldzimm
  19. The Bears wouldn't eat me, I'm too old and I would be tough eating for them, they probably would break their teeth. Come this winter and God willing I hope to be eating a bear. Oldzimm eating a bear.. ?... lol joke or real? For real, bears are very good eating. Take a bear roast (or any kind of roast from wild game), put a touch of salt an pepper, onions, mustard on top of the roast, slow cook it in the oven and you got a tasty dinner. Oldzimm I've heard hunters say bear meat is good especially if they ate well by foraging on fish and berries etc. Not so for the garbage dump eating bears though. I guess you are what you eat! You are correct Davida, here in my neck of the woods we have "Hog Bear" and "Dog Bear", both are the same species of Black Bear but they eat from a different menu. A Hog Bear has a round head and a shiny coat and taste great. A Dog Bear has a long snout and a shabby coat and you better add a lot more salt, onions, mustard to the pot. Oldzimm
  20. The Bears wouldn't eat me, I'm too old and I would be tough eating for them, they probably would break their teeth. Come this winter and God willing I hope to be eating a bear. Oldzimm eating a bear.. ?... lol joke or real? For real, bears are very good eating. Take a bear roast (or any kind of roast from wild game), put a touch of salt an pepper, onions, mustard on top of the roast, slow cook it in the oven and you got a tasty dinner. Oldzimm
  21. The Bears wouldn't eat me, I'm too old and I would be tough eating for them, they probably would break their teeth. Come this winter and God willing I hope to be eating a bear. Oldzimm
  22. The Bears have it in for me and there will be payback, Bears season is only three months away. A few weeks ago I was camping in the mountains (I made a post on why I was camping in another thread), the last day of my camping trip my wall tent canvas was damp, so I decided to let it up a couple day and come back for it later. After four days I went back and much to my surprise I found that a bear decided my tent needed two more door. Today I just got back from a Mountain Man Rendezvous and had a wonderful time, other than Friday night. Friday night it rained and that doesn't bother me because rain hitting the canvas can make you sleep like a baby. My camp setup is a diamond tent to sleep in plus put my equipment and cooler in, I also have a dining fly about five feet away from my diamond tent. A diamond tent is nothing more than a canvas tarp staked down on three corners and a pole on the fourth corner with a smaller pole in the center, its like a tent with a picture window without the glass window. Like I said Friday night it rained and that is okay, however after it stopped raining in the wee hours of Saturday morning I was sound to sleep and got rudely woken up by my dining fly falling down and pots an pan clanging. I woke-up and seem my dinning fly down and thought "You got to be kidding", I pulled myself out of bed to put the fly back up because I didn't want it down if it started raining again, making things soaked. I found that my one fly rope nearest to where I was sleeping was broken which made it fall down, I fixed it and put the fly back up and went back to bed. The morning sun comes up and a man camped forty yards from me said he heard the noise from my camp earlier and said after that a bear came running behind his tent. So we figured a bear was going for my cooler which was in my diamond tent, heard me snore all of the sudden, got scared and turned around and tripped over the rope which broke, causing the fly to crash, which made the pots and pans fall which scared the bear even more and he took off like crazy. I'm so glad God makes my life so exciting at times.
  23. Forgiveness.God has forgiven her as a Christian we should do the same. Good answer.
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