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Everything posted by brothaman

  1. Maybe some people are just not reading the rules
  2. Even the rich man is called to bare fruit. He should of helped however he could, but he did not and that is not pleasing to God. The way I see it, the more you can do to help, the more fruit you bare. Remember though, only ones who except Jesus can bare fruit. Good deed without Jesus is just a good deed, not fruit. We are all called to bare fruit. B Blessed, Stay Blessed, and Much Love, brothaman
  3. Well, they wanted to fight against terriorism. I think the pirates fit the bill
  4. Pray and set a good example. That's doing a lot more than you think.
  5. I listen to christian hip-hop and dance. Different strokes for different folks, that's all
  6. I am glad they got him back. Now, how to stop this from happening again??????????????????
  7. It was never good for your health to eat there in the first place. Haven't ate there in years
  8. The FDA needs to start careing about people instead of money. Wait.......that's most of the world. Bad juju.
  9. I will keep an eye out for the move. Thanks
  10. I wonder what else in the NT they think is untrue??
  11. Good Idea...... B Blessed, Stay Blessed, and Much Love
  12. Really, you must be a Republican to say that. I am not Democrat or Republican, but that's not fair to say.
  13. A good example of " do not follow false profets". I pray that eyes and heart open up again for the real truth.
  14. I am also clear on this situation now. Thank you as well B Blessed, Stay Blessed, and Much Love, brothaman
  15. Jesus is Love. I think about it often and how he is the reason why I am invited to have eternal life.
  16. Maybe everyone can help one another here. You need help in your life and the children in theirs. Don't run away. Being held accountable sometimes scares people. Let the Lord take care of your depression and temper. Maybe this is a way to make you think. B Blessed, Stay Blessed, and Much Love, brothaman
  17. Thank you for you well scriptured reply. I also believe a person that is just trying to be the tough guy is doing evil and good shall prevail. I wish everyone would show mercy and cheerfulness. B Blessed, Stay Blessed, and much love, brothaman
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