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Everything posted by georgedrw81

  1. This is posting should be part of the other thread discussing if islam as a peaceful force. Blessings
  2. If I remember well an the guardian newspaper asked Trump to show his record but he refused. Now the guardian is on opposite side of the telegraph. I read the guardian as part of my university lesson requirements. Blessings
  3. Yes unwanted thoughts do surface from time to time. They are on display around and tempting us. It takes an effort to dismiss them but then He is allways there to help us. Blessings
  4. Right. No facebook, twitter or any other device. The phone thingy is old with no extras which not able to use anyway. I am especially looking for 'blackspots'. Blessings
  5. No the human law will not do anything. But you are right they might hide now but once in the presence of God then everything will be exposed. Blessings
  6. This is valid in some parts of the world. That is Catholics and Christians with the latter refering to all other Christian denominations. It is not intended as superior of the one over the others. Blessings
  7. We look for signs on God's intentions. However, focusing to spread His word and living a life like Jesus is more important. In our everyday life we deal with mini-Obamas and mini-extremist but do overcome them with His help. We are thrown to the lions to be devoured but our faith in Him remains unshakeable. God's will is already here but some have yet to realise it. Blessings
  8. I think that has more to do with printing money than the lack or abundance of beef? but if you think it's high now, wait till next spring. You are both right. I remember when they introduced the Euro, I do not mean England. The products were rounded up to nice numbers - 1.28 became 1.30 and then 1.50 etc. Pork went up 80% in retail but went down 5% at the pig farms. Thankfully we have God to take care of us and all He asks is a thank you. Blessings
  9. When your son was a baby you never thought of punish him no matter what he did. When he was falling you lifted him up. When he was crying you tried to comfort him. God does the same to each one of us who believe and trust in Him without conditions. Blessings
  10. Many non-Americans do not like Americans for a variety of reasons but at the same time would not hesitate for an instance to get a greencard. Additionally they would not hesitate to do things like they do. I guess it is being jelous, and jelousy is a sin. Blessings
  11. The wife came from work and the rumor there is that Obama himself did it or said it (no film involved).
  12. After the Six Day war it was in fashion to be associated to Jews in any form. Forty five years later it is in fashion to be associated with Muslims. The use of the word fashion is deliberate. The true supporter of the one or the other does not change according to fashion trends. The ad is a refreshing adempt in that it is a reminder of the Muslim contradiction: they claim to be pacifists and their next action is a lynch mob. Blessings
  13. Apparently Kate did it not know the second part of the sentence.
  14. HE will take care of me as He does now so no worries about any version of world endings. Blessings
  15. The money I have is not mine but was given to me and all I need to do is thank Him and praise Him. When we give to other humans we do also to thank Him and praise Him. Blessings
  16. Same in my case but they do speak to me on their own initiative. Blessings
  17. The university I attend this rule is used for all lectures. More specifically it is between 9 minutes before till 10 minutes after starting time. A touch in card is used. No children, no excuses. In my son's uni it is the opposite. Blessings
  18. We should be happy to meet them because it gives us a chance to show them the True Word and for them to receive it. Blessings
  19. We all remember as children our fascination with fire. Our parents told us not to touch it as we will hurt ourselves but did it anyway. We seeked comfort and allievation of the pain and from that day onward did not do it again. Blessings
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