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Everything posted by vitality22004

  1. I have found that God speaks to you first concerning your life, especially the essentials, like a calling and a career. In Jeremiah, He said I know the plans I have for you. In Isaish, He said, In that day you will hear me say, here is the way, walk ye in it. Anything anybody else says or does, outside of you will just be a confirmation of what God has already been preparing yoour heart for. If what motivates you is teaching, it's sure to be something in that line. God Bless. Vitality
  2. It sounds like you've had a tough time. I want to encourage you to start your walk to the abundant life God promised you by casting your cares onto Him for He careth for you, living in forgiveness and releasing all the pain and bitterness you feel, as a choice, declaring the favor of God in your life everyday, and sowing into the lives of people in pain around you so that you can reap a harvest of joy. Then stand, and when all else is done, stand. Remember His strength is perfect when we are weak. God Bless.
  3. The sin of homosexuality is linked to the sin of idolatry in the New Testament. Sin is sin and the carnal mind does not understand the things of the spirit. I can understand how it can throw you if close friends suddenly expose their sexuality and it's hard to figure out how to relate to them. It's important to realise that they are deceived and therefore the only chance of deliverance lies in exposing them to the truth of the Word of God. Be clear about what the Word of God says, lift up the standard of truth,pray for them for deliverance, but never come into agreement with the spirit of perversion.
  4. True Christians who are in a love relationship with God cannot be possessed by demonic spirits but can be oppressed by them. The most important thing to do is recognise that you overcome all things by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Psalm 91 says that if you dwell in the secret place of the Most High, you abide under God's shadow and nothing can touch you. I would encourage you to renounce any association, attachment or ritual that you may have had in your life prior to your salvation experience, to stay in worship continually and to get as much of the Word into you as you possibly can so that you can fight the good fight of faith. Read Ephesians 6 and put on your armour every day.
  5. We were the only ones created in God's image and the only ones who could say No! to our creator. In Psalm 29 and most of Job, He details how the rest of creation is totally under His control.
  6. Your son sounds delightful. I raised three of my children in church and I found that them being comfortable in the presence of God is key to them developing their own relationship with Him. I think you shoudl encourage him to worship with you while there is worship and take stuff along for him to occupy himself while the word is being preached. Should he fall asleep, what a pleasure! God Bless.
  7. For starters, there's nothing wrong with you! There's a lot right with you. You sound like your relationship with God is on track, which is the most important thing and what God is really interested in. I want to encourage you if you want to teach Sunday School to persist then in finding a local church that you can minister in. Maybe if you get involved with ministry, it will be easier for you to be in church. If you don't want to be in a church, there are lots of house churches where you can meet people with a passion for God who are doing His will in the marketplace without belonging to a particular church - and that's also ok with God. The benefit of worshipping together with other believers is that in our relationships with each other we learn to grow all the fruit of the Spirit and in the love we display for each other, the beauty of Jesus is truly seen. God Bless.
  8. I agree with you that a familiarity has crept into churches and the manifest presence of Jesus is not revered. Jesus said where two or three of you are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of you. During corporate worship the manifest presence of God comes to change us into His image. What I have found is that there is an insensitivity on the part of leadership to reverencing this presence because we are so tied to a form of Sunday worship, programmes and time schedules and we don't recognise that God is in the room. It would be as if I invited you to my home: I phoned you all the time, faxed you, e-mailed you and pleaded with you to come and when you do, I ignore you or spend the whole time talking myself or entertaining myself and I don't even know when you go. The worse picture is when you get to my home, I open the door, take the gifts you have brought from your hand and close the door in your face because all I wanted was the gift, the manifestation, not really your presence. I concede that pastors are human too and mistakes can be made, but God has a high standard of accountability for those who choose to say that they speak for Him, so I feel sorry for those leaders who haven't managed to grow to a level of maturity in God, because it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a sovereign, mighty God. May the true fear of the Lord return to the church and in our gathering together, let us always remember why we do this. God Bless. vitality22004
  9. Both the NIV and the KJV are just translations of the Bible. We need to understand that the letter killeth but the Spirit gives life. Whatever translation we are sitting with, it is the word that is given life by the Spirit of God that changes us. The translators looked at the original Hebrew or Greek and tried their best to communicate a concept from God or a story and the word or phrase that was picked had reference to the cultural connotations and linguistic tones of the time that it was translated. The Word of God, however, is eternal, infallible and became flesh and dwelt amongst us -Jesus.
  10. Willl do. I can tell you that much prayer is needed after this election, not just to protect ground that has been won but to take more territory for God.
  11. I think the US is in prophecy. Although it is a Christian nation, there is a system in place that is helping end-time prophecy come to pass. I feel America's role at the moment is to be God's battleaxe and her actions are influencing world events such that the purposes of God can be fulfilled.
  12. Aquilla You are so right. There seems to be an escalation of the pressure we are feeling to see the kingdom of God take its rightful place. This means that more and more labourers with a heart to please the Father are required. All those years of training in our personal lives are for such a time as this so that we can rise up and take our inheritance: the nations of the world. God Bless
  13. Aquilla You are so right. There seems to be an escalation of the pressure we are feeling to see the kingdom of God take its rightful place. This means that more and more labourers with a heart to please the Father are required. All those years of training in our personal lives are for such a time as this so that we can rise up and take our inheritance: the nations of the world. God Bless
  14. God has been training us in our personal lives for years to trust Him as our source. This makes it easier to choose to honour Him rather than any world system that will require you to deny Him. I think that living for Him and making choices everyday that glorify Him and that go against what the world system finds popular is the start of us taking a stand to see His kingdom reign. God Bless
  15. Two principles will help you: sow a seed where God leads you to and watch Him work the miraculous in your life and secondly get someone to stand in agreement with you that the finances will be met. The power of agreement brings miracles. I have seen God work amazingly through seed sowing. Recognise that He is your source, not your parents and He will supply the need, all you have to be is obedient. Believe it or not, you are in an exciting place because you will see God make a way where there is no way as He provides directly for your situation. God Bless
  16. I just want to encourage you to keep standing alongside this lady while she deals with her past. I can't tell you what a difference it makes for someone in her situation to have someone firstly believe her and secondly support her. God Bless
  17. I don't think that there is a specific reference to the twin towers in the Word. Matthew 24 discusses the turmoil on earth during the end-time in a more general way.
  18. I have a counselling practice and I have encountered a similar attitude from Christians and the leadership in the church due to a lack of understanding. The woman you described is having post-traumatic symptoms from the years of abuse and does need healing. I have found that the key to healing is forgiveness. During your counselling sessions, explain to her that God is allowing her to experience these flashbacks so that He might heal her. As she experiences them, she needs to remember the event, choose to forgive and release her abuser and pray for him. This should happen incident by incident as she recalls them. Recalling for the sake of dwelling in the past is not God's way. When we forgive, we forget in Him. This is not denial of reality but true liberty that only comes from Jesus. We don't have the strength to do it on our own but with His grace we can. Scripture says that the blood of Jesus is able to erase our conscience from the memory of dead works...memories that don't have the ability to give life. This woman needs to know that the memories are mere shadows with no power to hurt her anymore. Through the blood of Jesus, her memory can be wiped clean of these events once she's forgiven and released the abuser. The key to this is being willing to no longer live as one who was abused. She has to give up her victim status and allow God to remove it from her memory. When the blood of Jesus cleanses, there is restoration to the former state before sin: e.g. a virgin who has had premarital sex who truly repents and asks God for forgiveness and does an 180 degree turn in their lives, who is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, is looked on by God as a virgin again. Such is the power in the Blood and the work of Calvary. The same applies with the healing of the memories: once she releases them, she doesn't own them or remember them and rather than being known as she who was abused, she can rejoice as a King's daughter. God Bless
  19. Besides the Scriptures from Thessalonians and Revelation that have been quoted, look at the Book of Daniel (from end third of the book), where you will see the rise and fall of the different political systems including the one world government prophesied about. What is more exciting is to read about how the church will govern because the Ancient of Days hands the authority to Jesus. God Bless.
  20. The devil is a deceiver but if you are submitted to God, he has to flee from your life. There is no greater power thatn the blood of Jesus and there is deliverance available to you in His name. It is also possible that there could be something else wrong with you, physically. Sometimes a seizure disorder, like temporal lobe epilepsy can make you have the symptoms you describe. You should see a doctor.
  21. Jesus was the fulfillment of all Old Testament prophecy, including the prophecy of a Prophet like unto Moses. The Old Testament gave us a picture of the Messiah, of who Jesus was going to be and therefore Muhammad is not relevant at all. He was a natural descendant of Ishmael and God's promise to Abraham was that from the promised seed, Issac shall the line of the Messiah come (also referred to in Matthew).
  22. Very well said. These gifts were given for the edification of the Body and we shouldn't get lost in semantics but appreciate that which God has blessed us with. By their fruit you shall know them so that's how giftings are revealed.
  23. Perry A finite mind cannot comprehend infinity, neither can a carnal mind appreciate the things of the spirit. He that comes to God must believe that He is and until you come to that place of recognising that, it doesn't really matter what your opinion is, God is God and in case you haven't heard a piece of truth: The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
  24. Suzanne I onc heard a minister say that God walks around heaven with a whole lot of unclaimed baggage asking the question, Whose is this? Unless we acknowledge that it is ours, He cannot deliver us from it. There are many forms of blindness but I think that as humans we battle with acknowledging stuff and we tend to pretend even with God. He is interested in a relationship with us that is based on truth so I agree until we say that we are blind, He cannot heal us so that we can see.
  25. I have seen many pastors who teach the Word under the anointing and many teachers of the Word who are able to shepherd people in compassion and love. In our walk with God, we go through phases in ministry, and the anointing on our lives varies and grows. Ultimately we reflect the image of Jesus and He is the grat Shepherd and Teacher so rather than focus on titles and doctrinal positions, we should recognise that He is within us, the greatest gift of God to the world and if teaching is needed, let us teach and if we need to minister in love and compassion let us do so. If you find that all you're doing everyday is teaching, you're a teacher of the Word and if you find yourself ministering in love, compassion and caring for others, you're a shepherd.
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