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God's rebel child

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Everything posted by God's rebel child

  1. Well, QRR...where are ya? (see-I'm lazy tonight, too!)
  2. Hi Rick, Welcome. I don't post often, but I am God's "rebel" child--all that means is God loves me despite myself. enjoy the boards!
  3. pray for her-God can help her. "Life" happens to all of us-and God will only give us what we can handle and no more. It sounds like this lady needs a true friend/support/prayers. Sometimes it helps to focus on others.
  4. She is obviously your "fair weather friend." She obviously is wanting to hear only "good" news and you will have to respect that-she makes sure that everyone only shares for a short time 'bad' news to her and changes the subject. Have you ever thought that maybe she is depressed? and one thing a depressed person can do is focus only on the positive to help counteract the horrible world we live in?? Also, anyone who is 300 pounds is not a happy person and has a world of problems that she probablywould love to share with someone: do you or the "others" who have complained about her listened to HER problems?
  5. probably because there's nothing to "debate" and a lot of posters here are wanting to debate everything. Child abuse is horrible-pure and simple. We can only pray to God that children are spared such scarring that will carry over into adulthood (IF they survive). How sad for any abuse: child, adult, elderly-it's all HORRIBLE. I often wonder why God allows such suffering.
  6. Here's a thought: turn it off!! do NOT watch it!!
  7. Hi Christopher! Welcome back...'good to see ya! Work in Progress--yes, sometimes I feel like I am being "bad" just being genuine in my responses...I don't think God ever intended us to do nothing. Wordsower-are you kidding?? come on-it's EXERCISE, and I didn't once say I was referring to sexually-explicit, violent movies. Sometimes people read a lot into words posted on a board. hmmmm
  8. I have to ask what you all do other than read the Bible. The reason why I ask, is, there have been posts on this board that put down ALL movies (and yes, I'm saying all, because if they are even PG-rated, they are way too harsh), there have been posts about CHRISTIAN ROCK MUSIC and debates about that (WHY, I still don't know!), there are debates about Christian BOOKS!, yet, they are not "good enough" either/ and are evil. YOGA FOR EXERCISE is no more harmful than riding a bike. She wants it as exercise only. Geesh, people-you have to tell me what you all do in your "spare" time other than surf this board, because you ALL have me curious!
  9. Are you better off with or without him in your life? I said, "Are you better off WITH or WITHOUT him in your life?" Think about that. Be honest with your answer. Sometimes God puts certain situations upon us so that in the future, we can help others. This may be one of those very situations. Pray that God will give YOU strength to deal with this. Pray that God will give your BIL and MIL strength as well. Pray to God "thanks" for removing you from a harmful situation. God bless.
  10. I do wonder if we are only to associate with and marry Christians, how does anyone who is not a Christian ever become one? I am not saying that God didn't tell us to marry Christians, I am saying that it's rather difficult if Chrisitians don't associate or have any contact with non-Christians, how other than PRAYER, is anyone to know Jesus?? I venture to bet that there are a lot of marriages where one is Christian to begin with and both end up Christians after all is said and done.
  11. This sounds similar to the "confidence" issue raised by Kiwi, just written differently: it seems to be CONFIDENCE. Confidence as a person/God's child. Maybe it's satan dogging us all and wearing us down. (like I suggested to Kiwi, you may have to put this in "Issues for Debate" to get a response) God bless!
  12. BTW, maybe post this is "debateable issues"?? it may be looked at there
  13. Kiwi, With all the "Bible scholars" here, I would think you'd get some feedback-maybe there ISN'T any?? (verses, I mean) for now, pray-God will help you (or whomever). luck to ya
  14. "I now struggle with how to show my close family that they aren't truly saved, and how to get past their stunting of my spiritual growth. Well, It's all in God's hands at any rate. I pray that the falling away will pass quickly." Butterfly-how do you know that your family isn't "truly saved"? You are right: it IS in God's hands. As you say, prayer will help you.
  15. Please clarify for "this" peabrain what "canon" is.
  16. There's nothing that says you have to stay in the current job forever. Pray about it-God will show you what to do/where to go.
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