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Everything posted by OldShep

  1. How come these people are still spending the money we use, it has "In God We Trust" printed on it.
  2. Well if they kept the secret, then some could start shouting cover-up, cover-up......there is no pleasing some people never mind all of them. The facts are, there are some things that should never be told to joe public, for joe has no real idea what has gone down. These men may have ended their career in this field for having loose lips and it more then likely is traced to money and people pressing them to talk.
  3. I guess you weren't pay attention when it was reported that the man who created the video was arrested. For one thing, they don't send to jail after 8 parole violations. You go to jail after only ONE. One violation can send you back to prison. To say that they arrested him for 8 violations doesn't ring true. I don't care what was reported, show me the arrest records. I don't accept news stories at face value without checking things and haven't for years. Would you settle for a court record on this case? I have a connection to the court recorded I can PM you, I feel funny, posting it on this sight.
  4. As a cold war vet. and Vietnam/Cambodia I agree with your point of view and may even climb out there on that: God first, country and family after..dks
  5. Let's all Pray that the confidence of man is place in God, and not a human..clay pot.
  6. Not a mod, but...As long as we allow God to be at the Helm... "Full Steam Ahead" ... IMHO
  7. Yes, I am disappointed to. Any time I place my faith in man I often come out feeling disappointed. Walking the talk is a hard thing to do for all men, be it pastor or lay people. I place my Trust and my Faith in the Almighty God, Faith that tells me that everything is as it should be, for God, will turn what ever happens into something Glorious for His Use. Read God's word meditate on His Word and know that Jesus is the only man that one can trust in that will not disappoint. If your teacher does not follow the path of what he teaches then one has to trust God that the good works in you will shine through to those around you or maybe it is time to get a new teacher. Yet, I would first bring whatever is bothering you up to this person, with another brother, the Word of God and prayer, before making any decisions on what to do. ICL~~~Dennis
  8. You do not feed your dog table scraps how sad..... Thank God that Jesus choose too.... Mat 15:22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession." Mat 15:23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us." Mat 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Mat 15:25 The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said. Mat 15:26 He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." Mat 15:27 "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Mat 15:28 Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour. ICL~~~Dennis
  9. Glad to hear the update...I'm not a kid yet, I've been the new Kid on the block for many years because of all the traveling done. Going to new churches and meeting new people was not easy for me both in the military and as an engineer. I'm a doer, a fixer, I relate better to machines then I do people so making new friends is very hard for me. Part of my problem was of not wanting to really make new friends was because I really did not want to lose those people I made friends with, always moving, left me with the idea that if I did not make friends I would avoid the pain of saying good by to them. Then the Lord Jesus showed me that I was not the only one that had difficulty in stepping forward with an open hand to new people because of Fear. The Lord showed me that others feared me just as much as I feared making friends with them. That thought never entered my mind, for I was raised with the idea that "a stranger was only a friend that I had not met yet", something that my grandmother used to tell me as a child. Yet in life, the pain of losing those friends, some to death, caused a deep seated fear of really allowing me to make new friends without a lot of work and trust on my part. Give those people a break that do not run up to you on the first, second or even the third day. They may be thinking you have enough load to carry already, I've had way to many people start talking to me and I can not recall any of their names because they all came at me like a mob. Of course there are those people that just do not like to make new friends, and some are working on issues that only God can help them through. ICL~~~~Dennis
  10. They seemed like some nice real people speaking the truth....Dennis
  11. rude and crude sarcasm is a nice way to change ones mind on a subject, this conversation is over....good by my dear lady.
  12. I agree. But, so far it has been Republicans who have actually called for legislation to end the minimum wage, end child labor laws etc. example This is a bill proposed in the Missouri Senate by Republican Senator Cunningham. SB 222 � This act modifies the child labor laws. It eliminates the prohibition on employment of children under age fourteen. Restrictions on the number of hours and restrictions on when a child may work during the day are also removed. It also repeals the requirement that a child ages fourteen or fifteen obtain a work certificate or work permit in order to be employed. children under sixteen will also be allowed to work in any capacity in a motel, resort or hotel where sleeping accommodations are furnished. It also removes the authority of the director of the Division of labor Standards to inspect employers who employ children and to require them to keep certain records for children they employ. It also repeals the presumption that the presence of a child in a workplace is evidence of employment. http://www.senate.mo...&BillID=4124271 Yeah, what are these laws that this person is trying to change? As a child on a farm I used to milk cows, by 10 I was driving the tracker and bailing hay then laws got passed and because we sold the milk to a chain of stores I could not longer milk the cows, because the law did not take into account a family run farm. Not all laws have the same effect on just those people that the law was written to govern. Again, one party is not the blame...... ..why is it that humans have to have a pigeon hole to stuff things into? Dennis,
  13. The Love of money is not limited to one party....there are members of all parties that want to be free of government control and rules that provide benefits and full time jobs to the people. Dennis
  14. Why is it that when the Truth is told, everyone thinks it is so funny?
  15. Well now, since you ask questions and then use the Bible to back up your belief what can I say, but that I agree with your take on what God has stated in His Word. The passages that you listed would be the ones I would use to back up my thoughts on the questions. Salvation comes to the Jews first then to us Gentiles, I have been adopted twice have you, once into my worldly family and then into God chosen people. I like to paraphase it this way; {For it is by Grace that I have been saved, through Faith, and this was not of myself it was a Gift from God, so I can not boast. For I am God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for me to do. Once dead I now live through the blood of Christ.} There is no mystery that us gentiles have been brought into the family, made one in the promise in Christ Jesus. Eph 3:1 For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles— Eph 3:2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God's grace that was given to me for you, Eph 3:3 that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly. Eph 3:4 In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, Eph 3:5 which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles and prophets. Eph 3:6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. ICL~~~Dennis
  16. Thank-you for your writing NewToChrist it is moving, I am very Glad you have found Jesus. ICL~~~Dennis
  17. There is not code, there is only the WORD of GOD. If your minister is telling you this stuff, I recommend finding a different person to look up to, for I sense you are being lead down the wrong path my friend. ICL~~~~Dennis
  18. I isn't conspiracy theory. Iran-Contra. Fast & Furious. We ran guns the Afghanistan when they were at war with Russia. The U.S. has a long, long history of sending guns to causes it thinks will further it's own ends. Obama wanted the sitting powers in Libya ousted and Stevens was the go-between in Libya. It isn't conspiracy. We were giving guns to Al Qeada, and doing so knowingly. These people requested help three times and were denied three times. The White House was watching live via a drone as all of this happened. We supply arms to Taiwan, China is not happy about that....Do you know that: That of the five permanent members of the Security Council - Russia, China, United States of America (USA), France, and the United Kingdom (UK) - collectively account for 88% of the global arms trade. Plus it has been studied and shown that the United States is the major world arms exporter--racking up to 40% of sales.
  19. Yeah I went through that, between the horrors of the world and lots of death I lost compassion for other peoples feelings. Now I seem to be hyper sensitive at times. It came on slowly, after I started helping out at the church and also becoming a co-chair counselor for a recovery group that dealt with families of Drugs abusers, families that lost loved ones to cults and families that lost loved ones to murder. I also helped out at the Red Cross and helped people around the world that suffered from natural disasters. I guess my heart got hard when I started thinking that all the crap I had gone through was just pointed at me, I felt sorry for myself, forgetting to look out for my neighbor. The Lord has shown me that all that stuff happened to soften me up, it allow me to understand the pain that others are going through. I'm sure you both will get through this and become great workers for the Lord, Jesus.... I would not recommend that you or your son do as I did! I would try starting out small, like getting a kitten or a puppy. Let that heart provide the needed love of those that depend upon you and in time that heart will get softer. Reading God word helped me alot to, as long as I took the time to dwell on His Word, and not feel sorry for myself. (not saying that you are feeling sorry for your self)....Another thing is to look on the positive side of things, dwell on the good things in life, handle the bad things and let them go, give them to God. As they say in NA "Let Go and Let God".... In the mean time I'll being praying for you all.... ICL~~~Dennis
  20. That is an interesting twist, the USA has been supply weapons to all kinds of groups for years, dating back to when we were fighting the Indians, so our whole government is kind of a arms smuggler. BIG DEAL!!!! A quarter of the weapons that are used against us today, may have been given to those groups by us, now they kill our young men and young women, with those weapons..... FYI: http://www.fas.org/s...pons/R42017.pdf http://books.sipri.org/files/misc/SIPRIBP1010b.pdf
  21. I do, if your mother believes she is in danger then "get out", if she fears for her life call the police and family services! Praying that the Lord will give her the strength she needs, to take the action she needs to take, to keep safe.
  22. People, people, want to see a sign from God!
  23. If the parents of the child build a foundation of knowing Jesus, what they teach in school will have little effect on those kids that stand on that foundation. IMHO~~~Dennis....
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