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John Robinson

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Everything posted by John Robinson

  1. Again, all I can tell you is what my son has told me. And with that, I'll bow out.
  2. "There's a lot of misconceptions associated with tattoos and if you're trying to reach someone who holds one of those misconceptions, you're not going to get very far." Very true, if you have tats and you're witnessing to a banker in a three-piece suit. The people Mike and Julie have been called to minister to are outcasts, some of whom have had a very bad experience in the past with Christians. All I know is our son and his wife are seeing some amazing fruit in a field most missionaries aren't called to. He's told me he's lost count as to how many people have commented on the tat inside his forearm of a cross surrounded by thorns, or the butterfly on Julie's shoulder (new birth) and those comments have opened a door for the sharing of Jesus. But what do I know. I'm just an old saved hippie. *s*
  3. For years my son and his wife have served as missionaries to the New Ager/backpacker culture in Northen California, which are some very tough peiople to reach with the Gospel. Mike and Julie each have some beautiful and interesting tats that have sparked conversations about Jesus, when words alone wouldn't do. That said, those same tats have gotten them some pretty awful comments from more straight-laced Christians. Sad, but true. As it's a non-salvic issue, I say let each believer do as his or her conscience allows.
  4. Historically most Christians have accepted the Bible as being God's word, but that's changing. Right on this site you can find Christians who cherry-pick what they like and discard the rest, with the result being they're fine with infanticide, gay rights, wealth distribution, and so forth. The fact the Word condemns these things means nothing to them. How they can square that with calling themselves followers of Christ I don't know, but they do. And as I said, this group is growing, quickly. The day is coming--and probably is closer than we think--when they'll outnumber us. What'll happen then is anyone's guess.
  5. Caramba. I know the Dems are heartless, but SURELY Mr. Reich was joking?
  6. Is the USA mystery Babylon? I don't know; could be. All I know is when thousands of American Christians extol and venerate wicked leaders who embrace every perverted sin God abominates and calls them "good," we are in deep need of a spiritual wakeup. Will that wakeup come, and will these Christians repent from supporting evil men? Again, I don't know. It may be that God will spare our nation one last time, or else He will totally turn us over to our depravity. May God grant us courage..
  7. Some of the best Christians I've ever known have tats and long hair, wear jeans, and have piercings. They also showed me incredible love, patience, acceptance, and a clear message of the Gospel when I was going through a very dark valley in my life. It's because of them I'm a Christian today. I've also known Christan men with black shiny suits, skinny neckties, and their hair high and tight, who crossed the street to avoid me when I was at my worst. The reverse is true, of course: I've known Christians who dressed like the devil and acted like it too, just as one of the sweetest Christian brothers I've ever met always wore a suit wherever he went, and the glory of God was on his face and in his actions. All that to say, may God be blessed no matter how we dress .... as He alone knows our hearts.
  8. You might say hello before posting your demands. Just a thought.
  9. When my grandfather was a young man (early thirties, and a struggling farmer), one Sunday morning he came to church with all twelve of his kids. That act in itself was noteworthy, as he'd lost his wife (my grandmother) a year before to pneumonia, and what with the Depression going on, and a dozen offsping he was rasing by himself, his church visits were few and far apart. Anyway, he arrived at the service wearing one of the two pairs of overalls that he had. Those overalls were all the clothes he owned, and he'd cleaned this pair as well as he could. They'd just settled in when the pastor stopped his opening remarks, pointed a long bony finger at my grandpa, and proceeded to rake him over the coals for daring to "dishonor God's house wearing rags." At that my grandpa stood, gathered his kids, and left. To my knowledge he never again went to church for the rest of his life. So unless someone shows up at a service clad in something blatantly sexy and/or offensive, I shrug it off. Life's too short to major on the minors.
  10. Agreed. Personally I could never be part of a "frozen chosen" congregation. God in His grace saved me and delievered from a lot, and I love to be free to worship Him!
  11. Many times pacifism is the "Sunday clothes" code word for cowardice. If a man's yellow, he knows it.
  12. I think a good example of a non-essential would be miracles: some Christians (like me) believe God still works in the realm of the miraculous; others just as adamantly believe He no longer does (some even say He is no longer able). While divisive, the issue of miracles is non-salvic.
  13. I'm of the opinion that pacifism in many cases is just the "Sunday clothes" word for cowardice. To wit: several years ago my wife and I were in a restaurant when a group of young punks at the next table began to make lewd remarks toward her. I told them to shut it, and to apologize to her. One of them said it again, but this time he made the mistake of reaching over and touching her leg. Without going into the details, I showed him the error of his ways. Any man, ANY man, who won't defend his loved ones is gutless, and I'm ashamed for them.
  14. This just in: USA Today is reporting Santorum is suspending his campaign. That means, of course, Romney getting the GOP nod is now inevitable. Also as inevitable is this: no matter who Romney picks as his running mate, his defeat this coming November is going to make McCain's back in '08 look pale. Obama is probably doing yippees and handsprings over the news, and we shouldn't wonder, as the GOP has proven itself utterly useless on the national front. I hope this coming train wreck will be a wakeup call that will shake 'em up from the top down. I doubt it, though.
  15. With Obama's second term assured, the next four years are going to bad beyond imagination. And anyone who thinks "it can't happen here" need look no further than Weimar Germany in the late 30's; they thought they were safe too. But the one ray of hope is we know that persecution always, without fail, strengthens the church. May we stand strong against the darkness.
  16. Here's something for everyone to consider, and it's a sobering thought: while God's Kingdom endures forever, nations don't. History is replete with examples of this. Anybody who thinks we're immune simply hasn't been paying attention. The only nation God has sovereignly promised to never let die is Isreal. Do I love America? Yes, and I've worn the uniform to protect her too. Am I distressed at how badly--and quickly--the leftists are changing it into something unrecognizable? Yes again. And yet ... could it be God has another nation in the wings, perhaps, to take up our fallen mantle? I don't know. What I do know is I'll keep praying, working, and doing what I legally can to stop those who so earnestly wish to destroy us. But the question remains ... is that enough? What if our experiment is over?
  17. Sadly enough, in the final analysis there's not much difference between Democrats and Republicans: the former wants to shoot the nation into the abyss at rocket speed, while the latter would prefer to kind of just e-e-e-ease us over the edge. The end result is the same, only the timing varies. We need a wake-up call to turn us, if it's not too late already. But I have no idea what that call would be.
  18. You see, that's just the thing: Romney doesn't impress me. He's an empty suit who's flip-flopped on so many key issues you might as well call him a rubber ball. He's as bad, in my opinion, as Obama. Neither is a good candidate, but if through happenstance Romney should be elected, the nation's slide into European-style socialism wouldn't be stopped, only slowed a bit. And that's not worth my precious vote. ETA: and let's not forget Congress. A Republican President facing a rabidly-left Senate and House would truly have his work cut out for him. A strong President, a Reagan or a Truman, say, could stare 'em down or outflank 'em, but Romney doesn't have the chops to pull that off.
  19. No, Matt, that won't wash with me. I'm voting, you'd better believe I am. I'm just not voting for Romney (forget his religious craziness, he's simply a weak candiate who's fighting out of his weight class) or Obama (who day by day shows us all what a socialist disaster he is). So as far as Christians voting for a man who spits on everything God calls good, and embraces with both arms everything He calls evil ... well, that's not my call. To me it's hideosuly wrong, but it's their blood-bought right to vote for whomever they please. They'll follow the dictates of their hearts, of course, as I'll follow mine. Ain't freedom grand?
  20. No. But I also know I cannot NOT vote (too many of my brothers in arms died face down in the mud in some truly awful places to buy us that right), so I plan to write in a candidate.
  21. It now appears Romney will get the GOP presidential nomination, and by a comfortable margin. Of course he doesn't stand a chance of winning against Obama and the Democratic machine (and honestly, the GOP is showing just how badly off they are to offer up such a weak candidate) so that means come Novemeber we'll be facing four more years of the current administration. The big difference this time will be since Obama won't even have to pretend like he's a moderate, his gloves--and mask--will come off for good, and most people will finally see him as he really is. So, two questions: 1) how many supposed Christians do you think will vote for Obama again, simply because he's black, glib, and cute? and 2) how will life be for the real Christians as we watch our country skitter off the edge of sanity? These will be interesting years coming up ...
  22. Here in Ohio before voting we've had to produce a photo ID for as long as I can remember. I agree with the others here, it makes perfect common sense. The only ones who're screaming like stuck pigs about it are the Democratic party. Why? Simple: much of their power base is derived from illegals, or in some cases, the dead (ever hear of Chicago politics?). No wonder they hate the idea of voter ID; if it passes, there go a lot of their "votes." But then the Dems always have been long on gall and short on brains.
  23. I also would like to second what Dani said. I grew up in the deep South in the 50s, and I saw for myself how our own local church treated divorced people. That was one thing (of many) that drove me to athiesm in my late teen and early adult years, and only after I encountered "real" Christians in the old Jesus Movement did I dare to consider rethinking my path. After my wife and became born again through their ministry, I wish I could say we and our "Jesus hippie" friends were welcome at the various local churches, but we got the hairy eyeball from enough of them that we ended up just having church wherever we were. Yes, that was years ago, but there's still kind of an "us four and no more" mentality at a lot of fellowships that drives the genuinely needy away. May God forgive us all.
  24. And incomprehensible to boot. Sheesh, that just about made my eyes cross.
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