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Everything posted by AnotherSinner

  1. "Sincerely" by Out Of Eden. Beautiful pictures and Message with it.....too beautiful not to share. The Love Of Jesus - "Sincerely"
  2. Cannot tell you how many times I have overlooked a thread. Then there are a few new ones daily so one or two may get lost in there.
  3. Was...there something funny about that thread....? Just was looking for scriptural support and reference to judging righteously if there was such a thing...that was all.... The conversation was and is respectful. Still a babe in Christ...so not really sure I understand what you mean by Discerning Spirits...? Are you speaking in terms of attitude in which someone speaks, be it in a way that is biblicaly encouraged/acceptable or otherwise? Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  4. First off let me say and say defniitively Dani that the Lord is real and that we can and do have relationship with Him by faith in the Gospel. He is a Living Being. Not just a person talked about in some book called the Bible. He wants you. He wants intimate relationship with you. And nothing holds Him back from having that with you if you so desire it and approach Him and relationship to Him by faith. What do I mean by approaching Him by faith? I mean coming before Him through the truth contained in the Word about what He is like as a person. As you read about Jesus and His interactions with others you must take hold of what you see and approach the Lord acting in faith regarding what you see in Him through the Word. Do you see love? He loves you that way too! Don't be afraid of Him. Rather draw near trusting that He loves you. Do you see compassion? He wants to have compassion on you too! Draw near to Him by faith in His willingness to be compassionate with you. To understand you. To live in and through you to experience with you whatever you are experiencing. I remember one time I was so dirt poor that I only had money to get some sphagetti and some tomatoe paste that I added a little water to, to make a poor man's tomatoe sauce. After I had put the spaghetti on my plate and had put on some "sauce" I invited the Lord to eat with me. The Presence of God came down into that room and enveloped me. So much so that I could not eat! I mean I started eating eventually but that God, GOD would stoop down to dine with me on such poor fare overwhelmed me. I started weeping. Just weeping in gratitude to God. I share that not to say or imply that you and I will always have such experiences. They are relatively rare. I mean I can't today duplicate that by going out and buying some cheap spaghetti and asking the Lord to join me in a meal again. But in the context of relationship with Him by faith YES we can experience God and His magnificent presence. I experienced His magnificent presence even this morning as I prayed about some things where He led me to realize that I had not been trusting Him as I ought. I broke before Him and wept like you would not believe all over again. Such weeping in His presence can have a wonderful cleansing effect. Which brings me to another point to keep in mind Dani. Fellowship with the Lord IS possible even when we have no one around us at all! To be sure fellowship with Him is enhanced and enriched as we interact with Him by faith personally AND corporately through His Body. But there will be times in our lives (as is the case with me at this time) where we are not in a local Body for whatever reason (and no, for all of you who might jump on the bandwagon to say that I am rebellious and unwilling to be in submission...this has nothing to do with rebellion in my heart and a lack of willingness to submit to church leadership). I tell you the truth Dani that God is not constrained to provide us with real fellowship with Him THROUGH a Body. Being in a Body is best but our relationship is with the Lord! He can relate to us and we can relate and interact with Him even if we were the only person left in this world. And so can you. He will meet your needs for fellowship, love, and whatever else you might need as you look to Him and walk by faith in who He is as a person. That may be through others but it can also be directly from Him as you spend time with Him. It has been my experience that God operates both ways (through others and through Himself) as suits His will for us. So don't get discouraged if you are not able to be in the kind of fellowship that He might ideally want you to be in Dani. He has you where you are for a reason. Don't fret or get anxious about it. Just learn to trust Him and draw near to Him by faith in who He is right where you are. In the state of life in which you may find yourself. I mean do what you can to find good fellowship but if despite your trying to do so you just can't find it at this time don't worry about it. Just keep it as an object of prayer before Him. Pour out your heart before Him and trust Him to lead you as you continue to seek Him. Definitely read the Word. Especially the Gospels I would recommend Dani. Observe and gaze upon Jesus and how He interacted with people. Ask God to open your heart to see Jesus in all His magnificence. Such that you might grow in your love for who He is. Trust what you see in Him by faith and act on it in your everyday life to whatever degree you can and the Lord will enlarge your heart to fathom and grasp more of His wonderful person. Which in turn will encourage you to act by faith even more causing you to grow. Love others around you Dani. Ask the Lord to help you love others as He loves them. To see them through His eyes. And act to do for others what you would have them do for you. The Lord will give you opportunity to love. In saying all this Dani I know that I may come across like someone who has it together. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a flop. A fish flopping around out of the water when it comes to walking before God as I ought to walk. But He is working on me and I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I am as the apple of His eye. That He LOVES me with an undying love. And that He has forgiven me of ALL my sin such that I can get up and walk righteously before Him from any sin I may fall into it. Such that He accepts me through Christ and NEVER beats me on the head nor EVER tells me "I told you so!". He is madly in love with me and holds me in His hands. Nothing and no one can take me from Him and He takes me by the hand whenever I reach up to grasp the great big hand of my great big heavenly Daddy! To walk forward as He leads me. One toterring step at a time. As a Christian He is that way with you too Dani! Learn to trust Him in your walk just as you have trusted Him for your forgiveness through the cross. He WILL be there for you and WILL help you Dani. Just look to Him. Carlos Carlos, Thank you once again for sharing. There is so much in life that is wanted nothing more than to change. Habitual practices of wrong choice of words and action, slowing the quickness to anger, and practicing all the more of patience are but a few in a walk in faith that are things being desperately sought. So many times people have said, you can tell what kind of person a person is by the sort of company or friends he or she keeps. Did a lot of reflecting on that, and realized....much of those Jesus called were either ordinary people or those who were in desperate need of faith. God has provided much of what is needed in life, it is more or less a matter of taking more time out to appreciate those things. For there are many others out there who do not even have that much. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Truly do look to others as along with God's word. For those who have experience can sometimes aid in the search for truth. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  5. Wanting a human figure head was possibly one of the worst errors in judgement made in man kind's walk with God. God did warn, yet in man's pride still demanded such. Goes to show...we reap what we sow.
  6. Carlos, Thank you for sharing with us. Hope that God continues to work in and through you. A closer relationship with God is something sought and very much desired for me as well. Sometimes find myself reading the bible daily just to get more time with Him. The church, much as those who run it, is imperfect and in need of correction. Just as we each are in need of the seeking of righteousness knowing that we can or may stumble and fall. The church too must grow in faith and obedience. Some of your experience you shared here makes me think of David. He was a man referred to as one after God's heart. Should that not the be the desire for each of us? To be after God's heart and to love Him with all of our own? Fame, fortune, none of those earthly things can or ever will measure up to the love God has for us. Amen? The peace too that can be found in a relationship with God too is truly wonderful. Especially when trust as well as faith is put in Him. He can truly do some amazing things with our lives if we just let Him have control. At the present seeing as the internet is really the primary way I can keep in touch with friends and family...it is what is being used to share God with. Did not realize much until recently how many of my friends I thought were Christians growing up...are in fact, not. Do you have any advice for me as to how I can continue my walk in faith? God is first and foremost in my life at the present time after a recent decision and conclusion that that is where He should and needs to be. I have started removing much of the mocking or jeering things that they sometimes might post from my alerts on Facebook. Otherwise I have a group that I use to share God's word with friends and family as I have family though, their belief might be in God....are really in some serious sinful situations and have not surrendered their lives to Him. Is there more I can do? Should I pray on this matter? Have you been in such a predicament? Thanks again for sharing Carlos. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  7. This is something my husband and I are working toward as we already are on some forms of assistance and feel bad that we are actually in need of such services to help us better provide for our children. I am the one who likely struggles more with this issue to as every time I ask if he is going to be able to manage or tell my husband that I am worried about our finances he says: It will all be alright. I got it covered. Sometimes wonder if he has more faith than I do in that department and truly working towards trusting God with that more as every time I have sought Him in prayer in our hardest times, He has always been there to see us through.
  8. Actually, that is pretty much the truth. When someone uses putting down a pet or any animal as an argument for ending the life of a human being they are absolutely dismissing anything scripture has to say. Abortion is pretty much accepted now, along with gay marriage and now folks want the right to help people kill themselves when the suffering is too great. or in their opinion too great I do not believe in leaving someone plugged to a machine to keep them alive...someone in a coma who is kept alive artifically needs to be let go. People getting jumping up and down upset over the euthansia do not really believe that God is actually in control....if God is soverign and omniscient and omnipresent as Christians declare, then why does a mere human being think they have the right to do God's job for Him? IMO, so many people call themselves Christian but do not even know the basics of what they purport to believe I don't think this is a grey area...like I said, please do pull the plug if a machine is the only thing keeping a heart beating....does anyone really think God does not see or know about suffering? I haven't seen an abortion thread with this much vitriole. Probably because abortion is now so common, it is used like birth control Guess what? Allow euthanasia and people who are too old or of a certain age will be put down along with deformed people or children with Down's syndrome No one has to agree with me. But the personal attacks are ridiculous...being told I am judging whether or not someone is saved is way beyond anything I wrote. I would rather be wrong than emotionally abusive to people who disagree with me. However, I don't think I am wrong. You don't have to think, whoever you may be, that you are wrong, but personal accusations seem to go hand in hand with a certain way of making decisions and I don't want any part of it. I have in no way, shape or form stated I am in agreement with Euthanasia. Where do you get that idea? I have not stated it as grey area. How have I attacked you personally? All I asked was that we address this topic in a civil manner. Where did I say that? I didn't say that. I was replying to your reasonable request for civil dialogue...have you read LadyC comments to me? I am so fed up with people going bananas because someone disagrees with them. I was trying to explain to you that I voiced my belief strongly because I think that Ladyc was very aggresively trying to say I attacked her while she was actually doing that very thing to me. It's ridiculous. I have read the entire thread...thus the reason for my comments being exceedingly few.... Can only pray that things ease up or that the thread is closed as it seems there is no real conversation taking place.....
  9. Actually, that is pretty much the truth. When someone uses putting down a pet or any animal as an argument for ending the life of a human being they are absolutely dismissing anything scripture has to say. Abortion is pretty much accepted now, along with gay marriage and now folks want the right to help people kill themselves when the suffering is too great. or in their opinion too great I do not believe in leaving someone plugged to a machine to keep them alive...someone in a coma who is kept alive artifically needs to be let go. People getting jumping up and down upset over the euthansia do not really believe that God is actually in control....if God is soverign and omniscient and omnipresent as Christians declare, then why does a mere human being think they have the right to do God's job for Him? IMO, so many people call themselves Christian but do not even know the basics of what they purport to believe I don't think this is a grey area...like I said, please do pull the plug if a machine is the only thing keeping a heart beating....does anyone really think God does not see or know about suffering? I haven't seen an abortion thread with this much vitriole. Probably because abortion is now so common, it is used like birth control Guess what? Allow euthanasia and people who are too old or of a certain age will be put down along with deformed people or children with Down's syndrome No one has to agree with me. But the personal attacks are ridiculous...being told I am judging whether or not someone is saved is way beyond anything I wrote. I would rather be wrong than emotionally abusive to people who disagree with me. However, I don't think I am wrong. You don't have to think, whoever you may be, that you are wrong, but personal accusations seem to go hand in hand with a certain way of making decisions and I don't want any part of it. I have in no way, shape or form stated I am in agreement with Euthanasia. Where do you get that idea? I have not stated it as grey area. How have I attacked you personally? All I asked was that we address this topic in a civil manner.
  10. Cannot say much....as my family is on medicaid....and am receiving help from the government. Not really thrilled either way with Republicans or Democrats. That is all I will say.....
  11. I cannot argue with you when it comes to the importance of truth. The fire and brimstone message though seems to draw people away from God. No doubt about it the price of sin is death. Still....sometimes feel that many a believer is so fixated on that and the wrongness in other's lives...that sometimes one forgets one's own short comings.
  12. Need to write a living will...have two small children to consider in the event anything happens to either myself or my husband. If it were the two of us...would not worry so much. However, whether here or not, need to put some things in motion as to the well being of my children....see nothing hypocritical in that. Also ....my grandmother-in-law who passed last week, had it written for her not to be revived. She spent some of her last week on this earth in pain. Yet when her time came, she was smiling..... that for me...was a testimony in itself that those who fight the good fight until the bitter end have something to look forward to as she was a firm believer in God. She was one of two women I knew who knew how to love and live well.....
  13. Can this please stop? This sort of talk causes so much anger as well as resentment. Why is it when there is a disagreement in terms of issues be they biblical or otherwise the first words that are uttered is that one is or is not a Christian.... Gentle words turn away anger....harsh ones stir it up and cause it to well up inside another. Is there no way this matter can be discussed civilly? Of course you are right AnotherSinner, but this kind of topic stirs up strong feelings, and I feel confident that Sevenseas didn't realize how this was coming across? We all find ourselves doing this kind of thing at times. I have been trying hard to work on avoiding that kind of speech, but we are only human, and emotions get in the way. You can't believe what you just read, and you speak from the heart. You don't think about how the other person will take it. That is why threads get nasty and wind up being closed. Most of the time, the person doesn't even realize they did anything wrong? I agree Butero...it is a lot like politics....stirs up feelings and words come pouring out. Cannot say that there has been no guilt on my behalf on this. Have done it too. Just would not like to see division among us here at worthy.
  14. Can this please stop? This sort of talk causes so much anger as well as resentment. Why is it when there is a disagreement in terms of issues be they biblical or otherwise the first words that are uttered is that one is or is not a Christian.... Gentle words turn away anger....harsh ones stir it up and cause it to well up inside another. Is there no way this matter can be discussed civilly?
  15. Actually LadyC, She is not supposed to be here today. We were told she had a year at best. Doctors true, have been proven wrong time and time again. She realistically can go at any day any hour be it due to her narrowing heart valve or other conditions that she has. Most who have her condition are truly fortunate if they make it up to their 30's. Every day she has is a blessing. All the more so as her health is never good. Although I cannot complain for God has been working in her and has been watching over her. She has come a long way in her 20 years of life. Life is such a delicate thing. It is truly the most amazing of God's miracles save for Jesus, Himself. When it comes to judgement.....that is something that from a Bible standpoint is not encouraged to be done among one another. Then.... I am still learning. You need not worry about judgement from me. You will not get any. Life and death are both sensitive subjects. Hope if your heart seeks any answers that God leads you to find that which is sought. For we are taught, if we seek...we shall find. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  16. LadyC, Suffering of any kind is heartbreaking. Yet....the question whether asked or not does seem to linger...does it not? The question I refer to is the one, you said you would not ask. The why... Scripture may or may not provide a clear answer on euthanasia being right or wrong. However, scripture DOES explain suffering. We see real examples of suffering in Job as he lost all that he had. An even greater example of suffering is none other than Jesus Christ, our Savior, Himself. He endured cruelties not just physical but emotional from the world He came to save. A particular passage that really defines suffering and its purpose is this one: Romans 5:1-5 (NIV) Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings,because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Suffering today can still be a lesson of hope to us. There is a little angel in my family who was born with a rare condition. It is one that is not curable to date. With it too are many health issues that make her quality of life different from various others. So far...she has truly been blessed that she has not had to have an open heart surgery which is not uncommon for individuals with her condition. Her faith though...her innocent love for Jesus is nothing short of astounding though! Such child like innocence and love for Jesus I have not seen even among the most eager in worship. There is a glow...a certain air or spirit about her that just leaves one in awe. That kind of love, is the kind of love I would like to have for Jesus. Yet it is a love...I cannot even begin to fathom. Death can indeed seem like a frightening thing. For none of us know when or how we will leave this earth. That is perhaps another reason why all of us should cherish the time in which we have. We all only get one chance to get it right. Remember though it is through Christ Jesus, that we are freed from the bonds of sin and have that final victory over death. So when our time comes to leave this earth, we can have the blessed assurance that Jesus saves and has saved us from eternal damnation so long as we not only believe but live in faith as well as obedience to Him! We need not be afraid either. The spirit of fear...it is not something given of God. 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  17. The world is always seeking proof. Now days it is so hard for people to believe what they cannot see or feel is supported by some form of proof or evidence. This same skepticism is often what blinds many from the truth of Christ. This...is likely part of the problem the Pharisees and Sadducees had in Jesus' day.
  18. Lets begin here. We need to have a foundation to work from. The law and the prophets were built upon the foundation of love. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and body while loving your neighbor as yourself. Controversial issues are only controversial because someone is opposing themselves to the truth. The strength of that opposition always lies in a persons conviction of having possessed the truth themselves. Love never fails. What we as Christians need to continue to do is learn how to love people. If we have the truth and need someone else to understand it, then we need to love them enough to remove the beam from our own eye before trying to pull the mote from theirs. As Jesus said "then, we will see clearly how to remove the mote." Loving people is hard. Especially when they are unlovable. Loving people is hard but not impossible even when they are unlovable. The goodness of man is as the flower of the grass, when the sun rises with a burning heat the flower thereof falls away. When the heat comes on from sharing the truth the goodness/love of man falls away and is replaced by indignation and wrath or some other less than glorious response. But the one who loves like God loves continues to love because the love was never contingent upon a response from the one being loved. The love remains because it is being given by one who is love. These are hard concepts that take time to manifest in your person. We must be sanctified by the word of God and changed into the image of the Son of God. We must be made perfect in love. Dealing with the topic of gay marriage or homosexuality in general can be very difficult. Do we love them? Enough to help them understand their fate? Are we willing to take their sin upon ourselves to prove our love for them? Addressing the fact that someone is gay first is most likely the wrong approach to bringing one to salvation so I need not begin there. Before addressing or speaking to the nature of a persons sin, I need to make sure they understand the gospel. Singling out a single sin in hopes of turning someone to Christ, especially a horrible sin like homosexuality, can backfire and become counter productive. Might as well start out with something simple like disobeying your parents as a sin worthy of death. People who are looking for ammunition to argue and debate the morality of God will come to you with baited breath. They will work diligently to pull you into debate mode. Debating is not loving it is prideful. It is I know more than you so you should bow to my superior knowledge. Love on the other hand makes room for ignorance. It seeks not its own. It esteems others better than self. Standing up for what you believe in is all about living it. If your having trouble learning how to love the unlovable, just go to the source of all love and ask for the ability to do so. For when we are weak, we are strong. Your Brother In Christ with much Love, Gary Gary, Your response is most appreciated. Self righteousness, pride, anger...are all things that are not things that is desired for any of those held dear to me to see or experience. When this conversation came up..... in truth, it was nothing short of heart stopping. When the article had been shared, nothing had been expected outside of a few friends reading of it. Questioning the stance taken on it, while likely it should have been expected...was not. So when the question came....while the answer was clear...the method or words to express it....were not. Love is an important message to send. More often than not....it is one though that is struggled with as it can be laced with guilt, ridicule, or perhaps even condemnation of an individual's actions. Which by no means is a genuine reflection of love. Rather....it is the work of the enemy. Pointing out the sins in others lives, would be no means to share the word of God. Rather a means to put a grand divide between those who might come to humbly seek Him. If there is sin, whether known or not, in another's life....it is something of which God should speak to them about.....right? So much of this...feels very new in terms of understanding. When younger, sharing God was all that was cared about aside from trying to save souls. Yet....such considerations as living the word...being a reflection of God's love...never really struck me....not until very recently. I was...and in ways, still am very naive. Cannot begin to tell you, or the others who have so willingly stepped up and shared with me...just how important the messages sent are. Each one holds bits of wisdom for time to be given to in prayer, as well as deep thought. Thank you Gary, Fez, Butero, Mizz, & Believeinhim. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  19. Thank you Believeinhim, & Mizz. In truth, I was not trying to minister unto an unbelieving friend. Rather I had posted an article about the recent issue of equal rights marriages. When she asked my position....I was honest and told her I am against gay marriage. The conversation was....awkward thereafter. The conversation was as follows: J: So are you for... or against it? Me: Against. They should be treated as people, but the church should not be made to act against what the bible teaches. If they are to marry it should not be something forced upon the church. J: Buuuuut now they can do justice of the peace through courts using a judge. The church doesn't have to even be involved. Me: Then that is a choice that is made. Not going to condemn their happiness. Have friends I love very much who are into and have those relationships. Believe those relationships are a sin. Still, I am not perfect myself. So not going to pass judgement. J: Let's just say Jesus comes back to being in our world, and tells you that being with you husband is a sin, despite all the love you have for him, so saying that your love is wrong... What would you do? Me: Leave him... even if it hurt. Jesus comes first. Realistically, I know that God would not want me to leave my husband. If roles were reversed though and Jesus did come back and tell us that something we are familiar with is a sin......that question....it just threw me for a loop. Mostly just the idea that anyone would even conceive of such a notion. Then....I have a friend or two that believes Jesus sinned..... Was I in error here? What can be learned from this instance? Anything? Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  20. This question is asked to perhaps gain some insight on what can be viewed as a very difficult situation. How do believers answer questions when confronted with them in regards of their stand points on what would be seen as con traversal issues? For instance: The equal marriage issue is a rather popular and heated topic of discussion about everywhere now. Be it on or off the internet. Stating that a person is in favor of it, while it is the popular view can earn various responses from quoted scripture to statements like: "God Hates Homosexuals." Whereas on the other end of the spectrum, taking a stand against the more sociably acceptable position earns remarks or insults such as being referred to as profane names. When taking a stand for what is in God's favor...supporting what the bible teaches, how does one prepare themselves for the questions that follow? How does a believer share the truth of scripture without becoming or acting of the world his/herself? How does a believer be strive to shine a light of truth unto the world in such an instance? Insight would be greatly appreciated as at the present....I am not sure if I have taken the correct approach or not..... Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  21. No matter the score, God's word is needed daily..... One can know God's word and still not live in it....
  22. Tough question...... Then....God brought Saul who later became Paul to Christ and he condemned as well as murdered Christians. Anything is possible.
  23. Seeing as so many of you have already taken the time out to answer.....guess I will share and answer my own question. Honestly, I started out a Thomas....and have become a Peter in my faith. My Heavenly Father is in truth, the greatest love I have in my life. Yet....more often than not, when faced with trials and tribulation, much like Peter....I become afraid and allow my faith to waver. If not, make myself subject to doubt. While passionate too at times, much like Peter, I tend to act without thinking. Which sometimes puts me in a position of deep remorse, regret, and well...on my knees in prayer asking for humility. Still a baby really in faith....but Peter's walk...speaks the most profoundly to me. In terms of NT writers though, James is the one that tends to get to the heart strings the most. For more often than not...it is our words when coupled with our actions that can either draw a person to, or away from Christ. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  24. A good example.... A local church where I live, appointed a lesbian woman pastor of their church..... The passages of which you have shared with us, seem to tell us that we need to take caution in whom we allow ourselves to be taught by. Also that we need to appoint leaders who are willingly submitting themselves to God and His will. This of course means that when we lay hands on someone to accept him/her as our anointed...much like we appoint our president to govern and lead our nation, that the individual's relationship with God should be taken into due consideration. Just my two cents. Just Another Sinner Seeking The Way Dani
  25. Have Mercy - Out Of Eden Beautiful...cry for mercy. Gentle reminder of our need for Jesus. We all stumble...and should look to Jesus when we do. None of us are perfect....What If I Stumble? DC Talk
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