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Everything posted by Diatheosis

  1. I acknowledged that problem. Though with atheists it's still the secondary issue kind of, I gather. Not really pursuing to promote any new agey treatments here, of couse. But to even produce some data they would have challenge to debunk, would still be one round for God. The real problem is to find when God is actually involved in such study, I'd still think there probably could be a few just to make a case. But it's not to think we are to 'prove' scientifically Him in general, that's not it works in the long run. I never needed to go to find that kind of 'evidence' to believe in Him either, it was all too obvious when things began falling together. That's why I need to check the situation after so many years Yet, I am quite sure that no matter how hard core evidence you will come up with, at least publicly the loudest voices never desire to bow before that holy name. I am kind of counting to show some evidence, and give my own testimony which God at some point brings up for them to reflect on when they are alone and separated from hybris of the social identification. We all know those moments are what put us on our knees crying for Him to reveal Himself to us. That's my plan anyways. Worked on me, why not on someone else as well.
  2. Does anyone know about any scientific research, focusing on the effects of praying etc.? Some links here would be nice.
  3. After spending some time now to bring the gospel to atheists, I was wondering if anyone can share some good research done which 'proves' we are all not nut-cases. I have all the testimony it requires to know God not only exists but actively is seeking to reveal Himself to us, in ways that He sees actually help the cause of kingdom, but that's not enough since most of the people don't know me personally to know it's accountable testimony I give. So, in addition praying for revelation upon them, I suppose there should be some 'water-proof' study on the subject (like prayer power etc.). Might be just as good to have some of that listed here for everyone's benefit if such thread does not already exist here. Although, I am not saying we ought to debate scientifically only, sometimes it might make our side more trustworthy during this material age.
  4. Again I address, what is understood by physical? Our definition does not reach the truth because it is often limited by the understanding of our time, even though we rely on God's Word because it has to be interpreted for the intelligence to make something out of it. So called physicality, velocity of electrons in relation to neutrons and protons. Our understanding is indeed limited, more than we might want to acknowledge. God escapes all of our attempts to be defined in this way. We may glorify Him according to our understanding based on the scripture and the interpretation coming from that, but on the level of experienced true knowing how it all fits together, we truly are like children. We really shouldn't brag about these things. All I can say, is that what we make of it is child play. What is between physical and spiritual? I don't say they are one and the same thing. But what we make out of it is another thing.
  5. One day I was praying and asking God how could I serve Him better, and then He said to me: "Marry her", so I immediately picked up the phone and made the arrangements, proposed after all was fixed. A strong indicator for marriage that would last. I guess one of the good things about being married is to goof around and without needing to act but be spontaneous. You can show who you really are without thinking if she's going to break up just like that. She knew what she would get
  6. Freedom is one the greatest devices, the freedom to be whatever you want whenever you want. And because of this basic 'human right', everyone must tolerate that someone goes after their ambitions. The whole western civilization is built on that today. All the sex and wealth in the world, to get the glory on Earth from its people, nevermind the Almighty Creator.. Everything that can be done, should be done, in the field of science and genetics mixing human and animal DNA as instance, to create a better Man. Science tries to find how to give us everlasting life, with microchips, nanotechnology to higher speed operating brain, upgraded DNA and such. This is known as transhumanism. Because religion, except for Islam because no one ought to say a bad word about that(!), is so old-fashioned and just a fairy-tale unless it has to do with blending them all under the same roof for global religion, its values can be overcome. We are getting 'free' from the boundaries of good and evil, right and wrong and pursuing new paths and those who do it people marvel at. Such brave and adventurous folks they are. If only we too had the courage.. This thinking, not surprisingly, actually is in the core of the new age teachings, stemming from the gnostic streams and Eastern occultism. A new super race of Man can only be born when we embrace the idea of everything being one, that good cannot exist without evil, that Lucifer is the bringer of light who redeemed humanity from the slavery of Yahweh and brought us the light of knowledge. What foolishness, yet no one cares to check the backgrounds for this stuff. It's the theosophy with its demonic representatives (known in the new age as the ascented masters who were promoted during our shift to the age of space technology from the tibetian gurus to admirals of the galactic federation and whatnot. Always serving the trends of time, Satan is properly adjusting his agenda to the steps of humanity. He is a fallen angel of light with understanding of God's original plans for His creation. Therefore, I suppose, Satan is imitating that plan to disguise his own agenda as our true cover. Today it's all promoted in the name of tolerance and love although all Satan is after is for more power. Beware and dwell in Him who made us in His image. Thereby I might as well ask here, is all of the today's technology which destroys the resources of this earth for most part, in Satan's service? Sure, there are more environmental alternatives since the times of Tesla, but when we look at what today's technology does to humanity on spiritual level? Everything is made easy. We are free in ways never before. What should stop us? Get what you want, when you want it and that's ok. You're weird if you don't.
  7. humm.. I kind of figured out there was only one royal baby we ought to be ready for, be it christmass or not.. probably those babies being born on streets to drug-addicts should received much more attention from media and us, though, as they are just as royal and created in the image of God. Yet, God bless this one too. May he grow to be a God-knowing man who will preach the gospel to the nations and help those in need.
  8. Lord Byron's spirit lives. Wasn't it him who claimed in the beginning of the 20th century that everything had been discovered that ever could be discovered. The man said that like what, in the nineteen and eleven? Actually, I considered this might have served its purpose in the Humor section better. That scientist does not even know why he thinks in the first place. It's a pretty long way to go to fathom the mysteries of the universes. I bet he does not even have a clue about his wife's reasoning in many occasions Well, pride doth go before the fall so bon voyage, sir.
  9. My two cents. What is physical anyways? Mostly empty space from our perspective, yet how can that be? And where is anything? Can you give a location without an indication to a physical element, which again consists of what? So, everything is within God's creation, no matter do we call it physical or spiritual. Yet, of course still we perceive difference being in this world or Heaven. Is it our perception, or on what reality is based? This material world has a beginning and presumably an end, but how it is with the Heaven? Our reality is as God makes it to be. What are the physics of Heaven? The term physics coming from the Greek term physis which means nature. Heaven must have its natural (eternal?) state of being, too, as God created it. In that sense Heaven is physical, probably not as we understand physicality, but according to the original meaning of the word applied and bent a little bit. Is it spiritual? Definitely and completely. It is just our minds that are a bit stuck on to this world. For God, His Creation keeps on dancing with all its tiniest particles in a beautiful motion. And this we call physicality. All too huge to comprehend without His Spirit. And even with His Spirit enlightening us, we simply cannot lose feeling the humility in front of the amazing majesty of everything that has to do with our Lord. He's simply superb and awesome. Can something be too good? I mean, that should almost be a thread in itself.
  10. It's actually a very interesting topic. I think many things we do is to compensate the feeling we maybe don't always feel that God's Spirit abides in us. On the other hand, the joy is in the Lord, the problem being do we choose doing things that are of the Lord to feel better? In case we do, no problem, otherwise we might need to correct our thinking what really does make us feel better. Are we consciously ignoring God's view about what we are up to? Or just completely unaware of it. If what we do is not harmful in any way, ie. unhealthy to a great extent, consuming too much of our time and attention etc. I guess small joys of life that are not excessively spiritual as such are approved by our Maker. Consider it as spices that give extra flavors to life. As long as it does not become the main point, having these things is kind of little joys in life is alright, even needed. As we grow in knowing God we become better in discerning not to 'feel good' about things God sees harmful in some way. God bless.
  11. Thank God that you have had it that well from the beginning, as that certainly is not the case for most of the people. Be forever grateful for that, you have been spared from much of spiritual darkness that plagues many people's lives. At times of challenges it is natural for a human being to ask questions and even have a cloud of doubt crossing one's mind, but do not let go of what God so abundantly has blessed you with. For it truly is a blessing, something I pray every day to be able to give to my own children; to know that Jesus is the Son of a Living God. I went through a seemingly endless desert of false teachings and deceit. It truly is a miracle to know Jesus as He is today. Never let go of it I beg you, the depths of that pit of not having Him is beyond describing, you really do not want to go there. Take time to be with Him in a natural way so it does not feel uncomfortable or like a work one must accomplish. Be at ease, worship really does miracles. The thing is, to find a way to do and to be that suits you and suits God. When you find this (super)natural way of being with Him, you will experience His presence and learn to know Him personally. Read some bible, meditate on it, soak in it. He will speak to you. Just leave it to Him and don't try, it will come in His way because that's the only way. But, if whatever supernatural seems to take place, ALWAYS test it. Whatever it is that seems to be of God, it has to be able to confess that Jesus of Nazareth is the Lord, God's Christ, who went to the cross for our sins and whom God resurrected. In case this does not take place and this does not get confirmed, in Jesus' name rebuke it and command it to be gone. May God bless you and lead you to be a blessing for nations. In Jesus' name, amen.
  12. As today new age infiltrates societies across the planet more and more, there are some key things that are not only good, but quite necessary for us as believers to know about. Since today it's rather usual, that those who go along new age (theosophy) ideologies, are in no way aware of the history behind it. So, showing them things in this light they are explained in the film, it might actually work better than trying to debate against them with usual Christian rhetorics because they simply do not buy that; mainly because they have their very own interpretations and think we as Christians are just too narrow minded. The film by the way, is based on the Biblical approach on the subject. As a former new ager I have found this background information and history of the new age movement often effective when talking with people involved in it. They never thought about things as presented in the film. But that's how Satan has been able extend his grip on humanity; through deceit and illusions. Not only is the new age infiltrating our societies, but distortion of the Gospel has long been increasing in the churches as well. Knowing about these certain historical things may help to discern where things are heading, and it is tremendous help if you have any new agers in family, friends etc. And fear not, for the Glory of God shall prevail forever and ever. Amen. Here's the link:
  13. The idea of Creation(existence if you so will) having popped out out of itself without Will is indeed strange. Although, in some Eastern concepts the consciousness upholding everything is considered impersonal, above personality and their highest bidding is the get rid of their personalities. I find it interesting that the personality is not considered at least equal to the impersonal aspect of that first cause of existence, or consciousness. It seems the personality for them is seen as too restricting. So in this context it depends how you define God, is the impersonal source considered as one? Answering this question underlies the idea of spiritual realm, or what today might be understood as multidimensional reality (which atheists would probably prefer). In my opinion, we don't still escape the problem of the beginning of everything because starting everything out of 'nothing/nowhere' as we understand with the human comprehension, would require will. That in turn implies personality, because I think will cannot be associated with impersonal. For what is consciousness, if not being aware of one's existence, and I don't know can it be anything else than personal. By this I only tried to solve the problems of something existing in the first place. The question can a person not believing in God, a-theist, believe in what normal perception does not reach, ie. spiritual? Some apparently think they can, in fact, much of spirituality I think is inspired to drive people from away God whilst still being able to tap into the supernatural. Well, what is supernatural then? to us what is supernatural, is natural for God because it makes perfect sense to Him. So I think the term atheist needs a clearer definition here. Some quite surely want to be defined as one because not believing in any kind of spiritual activity at all, whilst the word itself only implies that one does not believe in (personal) God. Does the spiritual, although rooted to the word 'spirit', insist God? I guess the concept of multidimensionality nowadays offers some at least a temporal exit for atheists although it needs to be explained in some way too. Having been an atheist myself, probably somekind of self-existing infinity can be a solution, although it is in my opinion impossible go deeper into that because initially we must answer the questions of not only how but why did all began in the first place and how come life exists in its current form, meaning human beings can be self-conscious. As for things linked to the supernatural, like people somehow bending the laws of physics, some admitting other possibilities than trickery, subconscious mind can be a possible answer. Take hypnosis as instance. Remember, I am now only trying to figure these things from the point of view of those who do not prefer God's Word as the answer. Subconscious mind for some serves as some kind of irreligious semiscientific option for the existence of things science has not been able to explain. Taking that you do believe in this as well as evolution, I must ask, whence the reason for human mind developing qualities that overcome the laws of physics? Why would life contain such program and what is the purpose of it? Perhaps there are some whose belief system can give explanation for this, for I cannot make sense out of such. Here some of my thoughts on this one. Interesting to see this discussion proceeding.
  14. I might remember completely wrong this one, but in the original Greek ψυχης τε και πνευματος, τε και could mean something like both and; 'of both soul and spirit' which in this case would indeed refer to both of them being separate units although connected. Otherwise I find it interesting to ponder upon the Hebrew associations with the anatomy of human spirit and soul, mind etc. compared to the Greek. I think some believe the spirit originally in Hebrew was likened to the living body so to speak. It tends to be more practical than the Greek contribution which deals more with the New Testament. As instance, Paul was both Hebrew and Greek, as was Steven. Whilst recognizing the two cultures and languages adding their own color, it's still God's Word. It was interesting time in that the Greek culture had been blending with the Hebrew, and just then Jesus came to reveal the Father, and believers received the Holy Spirit. As a result we got something miraculous: Timeless wisdom and eternal truth.
  15. The complexity truly gets to its place once one tries reading Paul in Greek, being a classic language the placing of words is pretty free so you need to to through the sentences throughly to get what it says. The translators sure get my respect. This is something you can try too: find out the chronological order of Paul's writings and start from the earliest proceeding onwards. In this way, one gets to see in what kind of way Paul is maturing in knowing God through all that he is being led into. His story really is inspirational, beginning from persecuting the believers and ending up as an apostle and martyr. There certainly are some transitions in his walk. Also, becoming familiar with the relations between the Hebrew and the Greek world helps to understand where much their way of perception comes from. Sure, a lot of revelation from God's part, but in what kind of way it's being expressed and what kind of linguistic symbols are being used open up the text. Understanding the context is refreshing really.
  16. Might be good to do some serious preparation as well with God, so that you will be ready when the day comes. I had already given up all hopes for a relationship and preferred to walk only with Him, but gave one last chance He may fix that if He so wishes and now I am married with my beloved wife, have children and everything. But the preparation is useful, because that's what God often needs to complete before letting us into His planned relationship so we don't just go and blow up everything in one instant. A relationship is a complex thing because it not only brings up the very best we can be, but unfortunately over time often also the worst stuff we have not yet dealt with. So one might possibly want to take some time for prayer and see if there's something the Lord wishes to speak into one's heart about this. Don't you worry about the women, or anything. Rest assured when God sees you're truly ready alongside the one He's got in His mind for you, nothing can stop you from meeting that significant person in question. We'll be waiting to hear from you. If God is on it, it's a done deal.
  17. I am afraid to be one of the kind of the alleged semi-militant food fanatics been vegetarian for some ten years, and vegan for half of the time. Pressing anything upon others forcibly, now that's how not to get the results we are aspiring for. Mainly I am concerned for what I put into my body, but have leather on shoes and even coat. So no moralizing from my side. Although, I know their 'nutritional superiority' at times can truly be felt and be made known The thing about what are we using for living is a good question, at least as much as possible should be used of the animal being killed as before was done. I could consider eating insects, though, good source of protein and a definite candidate for solving the food problems. Self-sustainable, that's where I am heading. Might require killing some animals every once in a while in the climate in question (arctic circle north europe) to feed the family who all are meet eaters. If the Lord tells me, I can consume pretty much anything, although it was not the food He mainly was referring to Peter in his vision.
  18. There is this interesting verse 1 Corinthians 14:32 King James Version (KJV) 32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. What do you think is the meaning of it? There are some differing interpretations, because it is in plural form, also in the original text in Greek. και πνευματα προφητων προφηταις ‘υποτασσεται Of course, we would assume that it's not being subject to principalities etc. At times it may some effort to understand the way of thinking that was common at the time, unless we perceive in spirit. I've been going through the New Testament in Greek for a couple of years now, and sometimes reading in the original language gives such refreshing revelations. But still it's the language of the Holy Spirit that opens up the whole scripture. Anyway, your thoughts on this one?
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