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Everything posted by Tyler47

  1. I have somewhat of a complicated situation I really need some help on. If anyone has experience or knowledge in this area and doesn't mind helping one on one please message me. I would be grateful.
  2. I would like to thank everyone for your friendly advice. I have prayed about this and God is restoring my confidence. I have a meal plan set up and will be tracking my exercise/calorie intake. But most importantly, I'll be praying. Thanks Everyone
  3. I am at that point. I am so angry with myself for my struggles. I have lost up to 50 pounds multiple times over the past few years. I have had success and I know exactly what to do and how to do it. I almost feel like Peter walking on water when I lose that much weight, but then I take my eyes off of Jesus. And I do it EVERY time. Its not the physical part of the challenge that I fail at.. Its the mental/spiritual part, and that is why I beat myself up so bad about it.
  4. If I struggle in the effort of weight loss, you could say I struggle with weight gain in the literal since. I am not always politically correct. My apologies.
  5. Is there anyone out there who has struggled with gluttony and weight loss but eventually overcame it? I could really use some one on one encouragement/advice. Years of failure is taking its toll on my faith on this issue and its starting to show in my life. Thanks in advance.
  6. "The Satanic Temple, which formed in recent years to fight a perceived intrusion of Christian values on American politics, says, "we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions." -CNN Translated Here: V V V "Now America, we can't have some right wing bigot as the next president of the united states. We need to think about how far we have come with ONE LOVE and how much pride in our own greatness we have achieved. And maybe, just maybe, one day we will have all facets of the religious world on the same page and believing in the same God." -CNN We know that the media will have a huge role in what is to come. This is pretty blunt, folks. Satanism Propaganda at its best.. V V V http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/11/living/5-things-satanists/index.html
  7. I agree, the only opinion with stock is the opinion of Jesus Christ.
  8. I am the same way a lot of times. What are your reasons? If its because your afraid of what people think of you or the person that you are, then you have to humble yourself. Know that the only opinion that has any substance to it is that of Jesus Christ. A lot of times shyness can be linked to pride and self comfort, which is the case with myself. Get out of your comfort zone and pray for God to lead your tongue. He has done wonders with me.
  9. There are a lot of belief clashes in my family and area that get heavily debated. Maybe that has given me an unmerited competitive perspective on denominations.
  10. Thanks for the replies everyone
  11. Thanks Curtis, this was helpful.
  12. Besides, if we were to abolish denominations who decides what we do and how we believe? "What we do" through the bible, and "how we believe" through our own personal relationship with Jesus. Who gets to make that decision for the collective. Why would our beliefs be decided for us? Everyone thinks their views are the closest to the Bible, so who's views win out? Who is the one who breaks the tie? Isnt that the judgement? Who are we to say whos views win out? Denominations are based more on tradition than doctrine, anyway. Yes there are differences in doctrine, but those are not necessarily the root causes of denominations. I guess I was just raised to read for myself and believe what God reveals to me. I dont see believing something because its what your family believed. (tradition)
  13. I live in an are where denominations are VERY diverse. I just read my Bible and take what God reveals to me. I thought division was a bad thing? If so, why do so many people associate as this or that?
  14. Idk but I cant wait to find out!
  15. Romans 1:28 "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" Pray for them day and night. But as for you, live your life for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your family in Christ is praying for you.
  16. Can you guide me to any particular verse? I'm not familiar with verses for certain occasions 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." We dont like them, but our trials bring us to our knees, and in need of our Lord Jesus Christ!
  17. Something tells me one day you will remember this post. Haha. On a serious note, you are right. Marriage is a blessing. But keep in mind that everyone is guilty of forgetting just how blessed we are at times. Whether it comes in the form of complaining, or other underwhelming actions/thoughts.
  18. With God fire and ice can exist together. Without him not even the most compatible, and cohesive couple can flourish in the way they are intended.
  19. I have been in that situation a number of times. It is hard. Have faith in Gods plan and you will always have an open door. And keep Matthew 6:30 in mind. "Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" Ill be praying for you guys. =]
  20. Good point. I believe the Bible should be a challenge to understand. You build a strong relationship with Gods word that way. No one understands the entire Bible perfectly.
  21. Having a lot of thorns that I cant seem to get rid of, I fear failure. (Of becoming what God planned for me to be) I know that victory is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but I keep failing in the worst ways. =/
  22. I am having a terrible time keeping my cool. What do you do when you cant stand the sight of someone that is mistreating you, your wife, and your kid, but you have to see them every single day almost? Talking about our differences is out of the question because it just blows up in my face. And avoiding the problem just isnt possible. This is a mental and verbal abuse situation and has came close to physical. My wife is close to the end of her tolerance and mine has been gone for a while. I just dont know what to do. And if you havnt guessed yet, yes, this is about in-laws. Im sure a lot of you out there have traveled this road. Any advice would be great. Thanks for reading.
  23. I dont watch much tv and have only seen the show a couple times. I am with Phil 100% and I only hope the family backs him up and doesnt let him take all this by himself.
  24. You said that there is no letter "J" in Hebrew. What of Satan's name? Written perhaps as "sjws" or so. Not sure but sure that there is a letter j in the name. Actually if you look a little closer you will see that the first part of my post that is speaking about the "J" is in quotations.. Meaning I pulled that statement from somewhere else. And I also put the link to where I found it right under it...
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