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Everything posted by AnythingIsPossible

  1. Israeli police don't seem to think so http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28182704 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28189031 The real difference being that even if Jewish persons did murder the Palestinian teen, the Jews won't be passing out candy and celebrating the atrocity the way the Palestinian did when three Israeli boys were kidnapped. Israel found the Arab teens murderers and has them in custody, unlike the Palestinians who did all they could do and are still doing to hide the identity of the murderers of the Jewish teens. No The point was that the headline 'Muslims murder Palestinian gay youth and then riot across Jerusalem blaming Jews for ‘revenge attack for killed Israeli teens' Simply wasn't true, as Christians should we not be concerned with truth ? Andy
  2. Israeli police don't seem to think so http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28182704 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28189031
  3. Clearly time for me to get into the compass selling business (reversed of course) Fascinating isn't it, we always think of the earth as absolutely stable, but really like the universe our solar system is a living changing thing. Andy
  4. Are Christians hypocrites.. yes of course sometimes we are Are Christians Judgemental .. yes of course, sometimes we are Are/Do Christians (enter random sin here).. Yes of course we are But that is Exactly the point, that is exactly why we are Christians we know that we are flawed, we know we cannot please God with our own strength. So we choose to surrender to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to transform us as we travel through life and accept God's grace. Being transformed into the likeness of Christ is a long painful journey, not for the weak of heart but for those who know they need God's grace untill that day we are finally re-united with HIm. Blessings Andy
  5. No not a sin But the real question is perhaps is it beneficial, will it improve or deepen my relationship with the Lord ? this is the question I keep asking myself as a Christian. Blessings Andy
  6. Hiya there It is interesting isn't it , In Deuteronomy 21 v15~ there are laws that cover certain aspects of having more that one wife, it would seem that not only was it acceptable at that time, but commonplace as the Lord had laws surrounding it. I personally find the O.T. accounts of men having many wives a little confusing, thankfully though I believe the N.T. clears this up a little for those who love Christ. For instance in Timothy 3:2 we find that a elder must be a man of good repute and only one wife and further on we see scripture talk about the marriage union as likened to that of Christ and the church, this seems an incompatible picture with multiple wives. I am convinced in my own heart that the original union of one man and one woman (Adam and Eve) though is the Godly way to go. Good question, I hope these great answers from many on here have helped you clear it up. AIP
  7. Hiya there I think most people here will identify in some way with your post and being 'out in the dry desert' as it were is never a pleasant experience you can be sure that the Lord has not changed, today , tommorow..or ever. It has been my experience that faith carries us through these periods when the Lord refines us in ways that we didn't even dream were possible. and that the 'joyful, happy, easy' times are a oasis a time for us to reflect and enjoy the work the Lord has done through those building times, I no longer take them for granted, but after each one my patience and faith and trust grows. These times are so that we can know ourselves for our benefit, not so that he who knew us even before we were born can know us. I do hope and prayer that you will soon come to a resting time, where once again your heart is settled and safe, and using what the Lord has made you, you once again hold your hand out to someone and say 'come taste..how good the Lord is' Bless you AIP
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