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Everything posted by Treasure

  1. Psalm 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. 5 It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth. We indeed serve the ultimate Creator.
  2. I have to wonder how many people ask themselves this question every Sunday morning.
  3. Hmmm...I signed up and got some of the kinks worked out but the rest is a task for another day.
  4. Alrighty then The one main issue that I have with this whole thread was that God doesn't judge justly. There is no justice apart from God.
  5. As SavedbyGrace1981 mentioned, a support group would be wonderful. Perhaps if you are unable to locate an existing group, you could start one for others who the Omniscient God has found worthy of this struggle. Yes, I believe you have been chosen by the Lord to walk this significant journey. Of course our paths are mapped out for each of us by the Lord, but not just anyone could walk the steps you do, and with the grace that you seem to display. I would say that you are blessed and tried.
  6. Just got the youversion set up and will desperately need accountability. Anyone else who is doing that can find me. I'm fr33dom4. Really, really wish I had a smart phone for this (among other things). Wondering if it would be worth my getting a whole new account just to get a better phone
  7. In what way was his answer not firm? Long, perhaps, but he stated his belief and explained the doctrine. He does not teach Replacement Theology. As for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I heard him speak on that recently also and will search it out.
  8. I did a bit of research on Replacement Theology and what John MacArthur had to say about it. There is a youtube video in which he discusses it that I obviously couldn't post here. During an informal question and answer setting at his church, another question was posed that he addressed the issue of Replacement Theology. You can find the rest of the transcript here
  9. I've been listening to MacArthur and read several of his books. Highly recommend him.
  10. BFP: The condition of another person's heart is not yours to judge. Yes, my grandfather was a Christian and yes, he was a Freemason. I suggest that you watch your words when making such a blanket statement.
  11. I saw the movie and loved it! It's visually incredible. In fact, I never thought I'd call a movie beautiful, but Avatar is truly beautiful. As for James Cameron, he's not influencing me to become a Freemason or the female equivalent. I mean, it's a movie. You go, are mildly entertained for a couple of hours and you leave. If you're not able to do that then don't go. Freemasons evil? Probably. I can say for certain that my grandfather was a Freemason and I have yet to meet a more godly man than he was.
  12. You have to click in the middle of the video screen and get rid of the ad.
  13. I've always wondered about this myself. One of my dear friends is a recovering drug addict among other things. I've known him and been witnessing to him for 5 years and am only now starting to see the fruits of that. At what point are we to stop sewing the pearls?
  14. As frustrating as this election has been, boycotting won't serve any good purpose. If you don't have confidence in either candidate you might consider asking God to show you who He wants in office and vote accordingly. As for the forum, I recorded it but haven't watched most of it yet. The little that I did see however, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect Pastor Warren to ask such pointed questions about faith and the fruits of that faith.
  15. I have questions about this that I'm pretty certain will not be well received so I will preface this post in saying that I am as we all should be in prayer for him and his family. Divorce is a horrible thing even in the best of circumstances. That being said, my questions are who are his confidants and how did they not know of this? If they had known, I would hope that any Christian would advise him to take the time away from the pulpit to minister to his family. Were there marital problems before the revival began and if so, why did it begin at all? Is there evidence that his wife has been unfaithful? What other Biblical reason would he have for separating from her?
  16. I have the Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern also and I love it. It's not my primary Bible but it is an excellent resource for study.
  17. If I remember correctly Bucks, you had this same issue with finger printing the Roma children. I said then and I'll say now, my children have both been finger printed for their own protection. Should they be abducted, their finger prints are in a registry that will give law enforcement a better chance of finding them.
  18. I haven't read his doctrinal statement so I can't comment on that but one can't stand for Truth and not be offensive to some.
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