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Everything posted by soonsister

  1. It's his job to represent the one God and the true faith because he knows Islam is false.He's an ordained minister of God and the good news of Jesus Christ. Not Allah and Muhammad. It's his job to save souls. Not let them proceed to damnation following a false god, a evil self professed prophet that was a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, and a liar.
  2. Aww, I'm sorry to read that you put yourself through that. You're beautiful just the way God made you. Freckles are little spirit blessing that God applied as he was forming you even in his imagination before he made this world. Imagining your life that he had planned and every now and then depositing a tiny blessing to honor his magnificent unique one of a kind called you!And upon that temple handiwork as he said, I love you. Each and every time, each and every blessing bestowed and as proof in each and every freckle. Ditch the cover up. You're God made and the perfect unique one of a kind who shall never be here again once the journey he has planned for you is over. Celebrate! Love the skin you're in.
  3. And to a huge life insurance policy on the wife no doubt. Well, he wasn't lying. He did have a mental disability. Because that's one sick in the head man to commit to such a betrayal of his wife. I can't imagine how she felt realizing what was happening to her. And he nowhere to be found. May she rest in peace. And when justice finds that guy he really shouldn't be surprised.
  4. I know that pitch black. We went on vacation and visited Luray caverns in Virginia. The guide had the staff turn off the string of lights in the main cavern so we could see what the first explorers encountered once they broke through. I swear that darkness had a presence feel to it.As if it was an entity to itself. And I couldn't see my hand even when it was touching the end of my own nose. Impenetrable blackness.It was kind of cool and humbling at the same time.
  5. Fascinating. Though I will say if this was being applied to our Stealth wing I very much doubt it would be made public.That would seem to defeat the whole purpose surrounding the stealth purpose.
  6. I've seen the stuff that is made public in Israel. "Respectful" is not even in the neighborhood.
  7. My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoy them. Please save them to your computer or pass them along. They're way too beautiful not to share.
  8. I know nothing about such image making but I do agree with you. I'm glad I found it so I could share here. Feel free to save it to your computer. Anyone.
  9. I'm sure there are those far blessed with an educated rebuttal for having lived longer than I in the faith of Christ here. I'll defer to their wisdom to respond to you.
  10. Let's explore that for a moment shall we? God is merciful to those whom he chooses to be merciful to. When we're told God foreknew and predestined all things including our lives before he created this world. Doesn't that say that was the case with the first people? Who were tempted by the adversary that God let to live after the failed war that adversary led in Heaven? Paradise? An angel that wanted to usurp God and his authority in the divine abode gathered other angels to himself and led a war against the Father. And when they were defeated as omniscience would foresee, God let them live.To be cast down upon the earth God created as a brand new paradise. He deposited the adversary of righteousness here. And then he created the first people to navigate paradise while evil lurked on the surface. Adam and Eve were clueless about this of course. Because they had no knowledge of this paradigm of righteous and unrighteous. Of good nor evil. They were pure hearted and uncorrupted . God planted a tree in their midst that contained forbidden fruit. Fruit that if consumed would bestow upon the innocents that knowledge they did not have of good and evil. Right and wrong. The free will that would afford intellectual reasoning to choose to obey or not to obey. And of course we know the rest. Including that God's adversary, that is also God (Isaiah 45:7-10), disguised himself as a snake. And why do that? To fool God that was always present here? As if God wouldn't know his creation? Be it actual serpent or fallen angel? And then we learn that God shows mercy unto those whom he'll show mercy. And by contrast then that is to say he will not be merciful to those whom he chooses to not show mercy to as well. Why did God not show mercy to the first mistake Adam and Eve made? Being persuaded by an intellectually superior sophisticated fallen angel to eat of that which was planted by Father and yet forbidden those who had no concept of good nor evil. Obedience or disobedience? We cannot know God's thoughts. However, we are able to think about what we're asked to believe aren't we? Is it all to be taken literally? Or is it parables? Why did God wait millions of years to alter the sin paradigm he created for us that doomed us to be property of the adversary he let to live here first the moment we are born? So that we have to first find our way to Jesus, but only because God chooses first to call us there. And then repent of our human nature that was bestowed in the beginning upon the human race by the creator of it. It's a mystery.
  11. That's a huge projection on your part due to my one observation that God's declaring Lot righteous preceded and had more weight than a mere mortal. And we're all here to see what others have to say. It's a thread after all.
  12. No. My remarks to my knowledge never alluded to that. The Hebrew bible referred to the coming Messiah.And our Christian new testament is testament of that arrival. All by the will of the one God that both Christians and Jews worship. While there is a movement afoot that hopes to promote the (false) notion that Islam worships the same God as we. Hope that clears it up.
  13. And yet Peter has no place to declare Lot righteous.God already did that when in his omniscience he knew Lot and his entire life before God created the world.
  14. I thought this was appropriate given the theme of our discussion. Reminds me of the lyric in that song, "He's got the whole world in his hands."
  15. I never knew that about Nighthawks. That must have scared the wits out of you. I'm glad you like the pictures. I hope your children like them too. A telescope was one of my most treasured gifts when I was little. And it contributed greatly to my already active imagination. Great story. Thank you.
  16. I'll address your query borrowing your experience that I know reading from the periphery and personalizing it first. I'd be surprised if people I had considered friends had openly insulted me before others would then later call me for help. What kind of judgment on their part would that represent? I suck in their opinion but I'm worthy of helping them out of a sticky situation? I believe we are treated as we allow ourselves to be treated. If for instance someone is depraved enough to always be verbally abusive, disrespectful in all manner of behaviors toward me, and demonstrates they can't be trusted, why would I respect them at all? If I respect myself to want better than that in my circle of friends? Someone who openly disrespects me is publicly stating they don't respect me. Or trust me. Therefore, if that person later called asking for help I'd be genuine and polite and tell them to call someone else. Because that person is demonstrating a self serving behavior that will use whom they like for their personal gain. And I won't allow myself to be fed on by a parasite. I remove ticks from my skin if I find them trying to suck on. I sure wouldn't tolerate a human tick attempting to latch on to what they can feed off of because now when they're in need, I look like the easiest target to feed on. And besides self-preservation and personal self-respect for my part, that refusal could very well be the lesson that person needed to learn about responsibilities for their actions. I will say that forgiveness isn't something that empowers the offender. Forgiveness is something that frees and heals the offended. Again, it is a matter of self-respect and self-preservation against bad people and their intentions. If I carry bricks full of anger and grudges against or toward an offender,like that which you encountered, every time I see that person I'm going to give them the power to press on that bag of bricks and bring their full weight to my attention. I'm going to give them the power to take me away from the joy of my day, to falling into the basement of upset at the mere sight of them. And for the reason of holding on to what is an offense or offenses long past. If I forgive them, I let go of those bricks. Because it is my choice to carry what was bestowed into the universe, my reality, by someone who's personality made the bricks.And while it is a choice for me to carry them, the grudge for how they abused me, the real weight is on that person who is that deficit in character that manifest the behavior that sought to create the bricks to use against me. I can walk away free by choice. They live with themselves. And if they're up against it and call me, they'll have to live with their choice when I suggest in all politeness that they seek elsewhere. Because if you help someone like that out when they openly embarrassed you,and premeditated that before committing to the act of giving the insults voice in public, they're not going to change their mind about who you are. They're likely going to think you're an easy mark who has no self respect and can be used again and again. Because they think you're someone who just can't say no to those who would offend you by hitting you in public with brick after brick. It's like that old parable about turn the other cheek. Meaning, if someone offends you don't offend back. Just walk away. However, if someone takes that literally after someone offensively delivers a first strike to their face and they then turn their other cheek to that offender, that person sure can't be surprised when that bold offender strikes again. Why? Because if the offended respected the themselves they wouldn't stand for being beaten to death by an offender. Someone who hits you out of nowhere because they feel like it is going to think you enjoy being hit if you turn your other cheek to them so they can choose to launch another hit. Those are the fallen we read about in scripture. You wouldn't suffer Satan himself to spit on you if you were face to face. Why would you accept one of Satan's own hitting you when you're face to face? Or, striking out at you with words in public so as to humiliate and demean you before others? Sure those others can think that offender is a real jerk. However, you're the one that's on display being abused. And it is your choice as to how you feel about that. We're said to be temples in God's grace. Would a temple look its best as God's representative if the caretaker of it tolerated someone spraying graffiti all over its facade? When someone shows you who they are believe them. You're not here to save people. That's God's job. Save yourself from evil people. Let God sort the rest. That's my long winded advice. Been there done that. Hopefully it was worthy something to share what worked for me. Blessings,
  17. How would there be debate really? Genesis 19 has Lot greeting the angels with a bow to the ground and the salutation, "my lords". That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he saw them, he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed with his face to the ground. 2“My lords,” he said, “come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may then get up early in the morning and be on your way again.”
  18. I have a problem thinking Lot was a righteous man when he'd actually make that offer of his virgin daughters to be gang raped by sodomites.Being the OT expresses what is to be done to a woman that is raped,and her rapist , it puts Lot in a really bad light. Further, why would Lot think homosexual men would accept virgin girls as their sex slaves for a gang rape?Or, that it would be an acceptable offering by Lot to condemned sinners in the eyes of God's emissaries that were guests in Lot's house. In my opinion, Lot demonstrated he was unqualified to be deemed righteous the moment he did that. And yet, God let he and his family live to flee Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, not the wife because she looked back when she wasn't suppose to and died there. Either way,it's a detestable offering on Lot's part. Knowing he had angels in his home why wouldn't he just trust God to save his family from the wolves at his door? Why would he instead offer his pure lambs to satiate their hunger? But the same profile of righteousness puts Noah into question doesn't it? He was an alcoholic and many other things. And yet he was picked by God to save his own family from the deluge, and all living things,that was to befall because humanity was as bad as or worse than he himself. It's a wonder isn't it?
  19. I know what you mean. It takes a bit of imagination to pick out the named star clusters. Though a beautiful night sky is a wonder for the imagination in itself. When I was a child and still today, I wonder(ed) if there was life out there that as looking toward our own milky way galaxy and wondering if anyone was there looking back at them. Later in my early 20's I found a tee shirt that was a perfect reminder of those days. The design is shared below. Perfect to really put into perspective how small we are in God's galactic tapestry.
  20. I don't know if he did anything else than just omit the artificial lighting to arrive at these shots. The skies pictured are said to be the exact sky at that time of year over each city. With nothing but starlight illuminating any part of the evening I imagine there would be a natural dark hue to any big city. Cutting out the lights in the buildings pictured too of course. I have friends who went to Alaska to camp out.In the middle of nowhere, they chose to forego their tents and bring their sleeping bags outside so they could enjoy the stars in the pitch black. No light pollution, no other humans for miles. Thank goodness bears weren't anywhere around. They'd have been the human equivalent of a hot pocket.
  21. Our president elect's home city, NYC. And the empire state building. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. More @ the Gallery: http://imgur.com/gallery/Yrb9S
  22. That must be it. My pleasure. Did you click on the gallery and scroll through all the other city star scapes? Amazing shots. Rio, Rome, San Francisco and more. All these gorgeous cities with their respective star fields showing in the skies above. It's shocking what we're missing due to light pollution that we're so use to.
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