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Arthur Durnan

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Everything posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. Never heard of Margaret McDonald. Why base the Blessed Second Coming of Jesus Christ for His blood-bought Church on a dear Scottish lady rather than on the settled Word of God itself as in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18? After once-for-all-time eternally saving us from sin, death & the coming judgement re Reveleation 20:10-15, wouldn't it then be a bit "off-base" to take us thru that coming judgment with all the plagues of Revelation falling upon us? If that were the case, in reverence, one might justifiably enquire, "Isn't this a bit contradictory?" If we're saved from wrath thru Him, this new scenario of now having to go thru it might indeed be regarded as a lame & impotent conclusion, declining to raise us to some rhetorical Pisgah! A mix of Alice-In-Wonderland and SDA's Ellen Gould Harmon White.
  2. Maybe, just maybe, I played some integral part in 'railroading' things? I too, once had a complete Lionel HO railroad set-up. Later I called it Coulter & Washington because she sure has its number! God Bless America! Romney & Rubio For The USA 2012! Obama: A One-Term President! Make Certain. Hillary Clinton For President, Planned Parenthood of America 2012!
  3. And I truly love Ann Coulter's patriotic song, "I Believe in America!" God Bless The USA! Romney-Rubio For The USA 2012!
  4. Well, if the truth be told, somebody will have to lovingly shock President Obama back to unfettered fiscal sanity as the great America nation moves closer & closer to a European socialist entity. Pray tell, how can a socialist community-organizer out of the morally beleaguered state of Illinois - read ex-Governor Rod Blagojevich as one prime example - be expected to run the entire U.S. national government? It does not require psychic powers to understand that U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan has performed a monumental financial task which should have been expected of a President & his administration. While Obama simply continues to shift chairs on the RMS Titanic, Ryan produces the need of the hour! God Bless America!
  5. Hey, Ann Kid, well anyways, a conservative is a liberal who got mugged last nite? P.S. I love Mississippi, the great Magnolia State, I think as much as anyone else. God Bless America! God Bless The South! Romney-Rubio For America 2012!
  6. Gee Whiz, South Houston, if you never or very seldom do listen, how dost thou qualify as arbiter? Maybe it's time & past time that some of us looked to the world around us in which we live, saw the smoke and heard the gong ring! If one doesn't appreciate Coulter's viewpoint, heh, simply make arrangement to debate her rather than accusing her of whatever without any clear-cut evidence. So, singleness is a crime? Denunciation, I quickly remind one, is hardly argument. Humpty Dumpty didn't fall. He was pushed....I think. Coulter is crazy....like a sharpshooter! God Bless America! God Bless Texas! Obama: A one-term President! Make Certain!
  7. Hi, Morning Glory! Always great to hear. Well, okay, okay, I read you, but please publicly state that you'll also publicly rebuke the Behars, Mahers, the Axelrods, etc. too with your same holy vigor, yes? Coulter is simply responding to Liberaldom's hebitudinous, 'anything-goes' stances....and with, in our estimation, more much ringing (statistical) substance than momentum. In any Land of Liberty without the freedom to perhaps offend, freedom ceases to exist. She quickly turned the Far-Leftist "The View-Crew" into, well, bumbling idiots. Mass infantilism, anyone? Life's highest values are not - as I know you well know - animal urges, women-to-be-used-without-concern-or-consent and then casually abandoned, or the heinous destruction of aborticide, or sexually-sick characters as worthy paradigms of conduct; or perversion, bestiality as the norm, or relationships divorced from true love, commitment, morality & responsibility. Such malevolent inanity is like walking the pitcher, ah, worse still, the vestibule of hell itself. Coulter is essentially against the UltraLibDem 'Logo of Life': Live fast, Die young, Leave a good-looking corpse! Are you sure you don't know the way to the nearest Exit? She is to be congratulated for speaking the facts against remorseless amoralism seeping thru the popular culture like a contagion - with records to back her up - and impossible to be denied by the "Call-It-As-It-Isn't" View-Crew. One thing I do definitely know: Coulter doesn't read tea-leaves; she addresses undeniable goings-on, yes indeed, with ruthless candor. M.G., M.G., don't grin loopily! Have a ttremendous day all day today in beautiful West Houston(?) TX! God Bless America! God Bless Rick Perry!
  8. Conservative talk-show diva Ann Coulter censored? But why not UltraLibDem & socialists Bill Maher and Joy Behar? Or on many occasions socialist Barb Walters and scores of others? Glaring double standard here? I love it! Oh, I love it! Keep in mind that the vast majority of censorship is pefornmed by UltraLibDems who exclude moral & religious values from textbooks and assigned reading, and impose the opposite. Liberaldom strives to exclude virtually all conservative views & values everywhere, claiming such an approach is pluralistic & inclusion of such values consitutes imposition of morality. Even a cursory glance at the condition of public schools reveals that somebody's morality aleady has been imposed to the detriment of students whose test scores have radically declined and whose incidents of violence, venereal disease and unwanted pregnancies (hence massive doles of aborticide) have increased. It all reminds us that the proper prefix for Washington (and environs) wit could very well be nit- Thanx loads, but like Coulter, I'd much rather be (relatively) free to say my piece publicly and, as a Christian lawfully, where my views can be debated, accepted or dismantled by opponents. You have not converted a man because you have silenced him. Conversions cannot happen without dialogue. Freedom of the press, I would remind you, is of very little use to the ordinary citizen as an individual. The UltraLibDem News-Media-Elite are fair, balanced & objective. And pigs fly too! Mark it down...Bigot: Simply omeone winning an argument with a Liberal. Please give me Ann Coulter over the aforementioned ultra- liberal stalwarts by at least a thousand to one. It's time & past time that a truly progressive society covered up some of its cesspools and started planting a few flowers.....beginning perhaps in its UltraLibDem & pro-Eurocentric Obama World. So kindly proceed Ann, Joy & Bill! If I disagree politically, I'd be glad to openly debate you. Why be 'Politically Korrect' when you can be right? Methinks a remedy for offensive speech is not automatic censorship but more speech, corrective speech from the bed-rock of traditional Judeo-Christian values. Ah, that's a keeper for sure.
  9. Au contraire, methinks the entire world would be a much better place if all the mosques of polygamist WarLord Muhammad of Yathrib were closed with all due haste in that it would surely cease the fomenting of anger & harangue against Jews, "infidels" and "satan" America too, yes? The corruption & violence which is Muhammad's Islam is the real & continuing problem today, not the life-transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareh & Heaven! Muhammad's goal is still a Global Muslim Caliphate involving the destruction of all things Judeo-Christian. Not nice at all! God Bless America! God Bless Israel! Obama: A one-term President! Make Certain!
  10. Sri Lanka is indeed a beautiful place. As to the multiplicity of religions, why not by-pass them all - ie, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Mormonism, atheism, et al, and simply come (by faith) to the Lord Jesus Christ. He doesn't represent any made-by-man religious philosophy. In truth, He is the compassionate God-Man Who came down to our level when we couldn't rise up to His. In point of historical fact, Jesus Christ is the only Founder of (what man calls) religion Who came down to us. All others ask us to come to where they are, which of course, is impossible because we are so sinful & cannot rise up to them. We require a Good Samaritan-Savior like the one in Luke who cam alongside the wounded man & lifted him up onto the traveler's donkey & took him to the inn! Jesus Christ is that very One! Check John 3:16 & John 5:24...and live!! "Let names & sects & parties fall And Jesus Christ be All in all!"
  11. Iranian Salehi whistles past the graveyard.....the graveyard of Iranian existence! Israel is God's earthly masterpiece & held in the palm of His strong hand. God Bless America! God Bless Israel!Socialist Obama: One-term President! Make certain!
  12. Outstanding article by Shiloh 357. I believe every word with all my soul. Worthy Boards, Cherish him!
  13. Let that particular pro-Obama socialist comedian debate, let us say, Newt Gingrich! He has offered to debate Obama for 3 hours on any of seven topics. Invite that comedian to sit in too. Long live Romney & Rubio! Are you still there, Barack?!
  14. Be sure to elect a new President in Novenmber 2012! Obama: A one-term President! Make Certain! God Bless America!
  15. Aren't UltraLibDems using the wrong flag for Barack Hussein Obama's photo-op? Should it not much rather be that of the" Palestine Authority"?
  16. I find no problrem whatever in passing a special law which specifically forbids Muhammad's tragic & misogynistic sharia law throughout the entire nation. Part of this new law should include the sending back to their country of origin. If from USA or Canada, they should feel the full force of stated penalty for breaking such. But this would require the changing of the American Presidency in November 2012! The current President would probably not find too much anti-American or anti-democratic re a detestable Islamic sharia legislation.
  17. Personally, I wear a red & white lapel pin which says: I LOVE J.C.! I'm asked all the time, Who is J.C.? I reply, "It's not Johnny Cash or Juliua Caesar or Joseph Carpenter: It's Jesus Christ!"They look, they repeat it back to me and we proceed to converse. Amen, Jesus! "That I might by all means win some!"
  18. I much prefer homosexual shacking-up to the UltraLibDem News-Media-Elite selected term of "gay marriage". Again, the late homosexual playwright Truman Capote's vivid reminder: "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing 'gay' about it!"Our sentiments exactly.
  19. UltraLibDem churches & denominations (in point of fact all churches leaving out the cross-work of Jesus Christ) are quicky heading for the coming Revelation 17 & 18 destruction of False World Religions. How can any person claim to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ while at the same time promoting that which He condemns outright? I love it, O, I love it! But will it play in Peoria? Anyways, Bottom-Line, which disciple was ever a member of a 'Presbyterian' church with pro-homosexual principles & practices? Ah, Let names & sects & parties fall, And Jesus Chrust be All in all!"
  20. Change the American President in November 2012! Make certain! God Bless America!
  21. Ah, to be true, indeed the UltraLibDem Lap-Dog News-Media-Elite are fair, balanced & objective. And pigs fly too! The fact is that Liberaldom struggles today to recoup, pitiless lot - and disingenuous to boot. A cultural Chernobyl indeed! Look at it this way: a" bigot" is someone handily winning an argument with a Liberal! Bottom Line: Let CNN or MSNBC lovingly invite a Newt Gingrich or a William Lane Craig to openly debate any of Socialist Barack Obama, Lesbian Rachel Maddow, or LoudMouth Maher and it'd soon be "Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead!" Dr. William Lane Craig has already put Hitchens in his place in several TV debates. Check out their debates on YouTube. And who wouldn't love for Obama to debate one-on-one with Gingrich? Stop " licking your chops" right now! And too, will someone line up a confrintation between Scandinavian Maher with, say Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity or Cal Thomas? Socialists & their Tribe are only outspoken when around their own kith & kin and publicly unchallenged. Let the fun commence! Seeping Thru The Popular Culture Like A Contagion.... Meaningful mottos for the Socialist Far Left include: Kennedy For Lifeguard! Kevorkian For Surgeon-General! Equal Rights For Unborn Women! Women's Lib Pins, 5. Must Sell. Getting Married! Easter: You Can't Keep A Good Man Down! Crime Wouldn't Pay If The Government Ran It! Obama: If He Were Any More Liberal, He'd Be In A Zoo! Hukd On Foniks Wurkd Fur Me! Eat Moose! 40,000 Black Bears Can't Be Wrong! What If They Gave A Riot & Nobody Came? Clinton & Gore: Gone In Four! Obama & Biden: (Come November) Best To Be Hidin'! (If I Agreed With them, We'd Both Be Wrong!) O, Be still, my beating heart!
  22. Birds of a feather tend to flock together, yes? Obama: a one-term President! Make certain! God Bless America!
  23. Jesus said it. I believe Him. If we can agee with these two statements, we can then proceed to discuss it and always, of course, for His praise & glory. "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth!"
  24. This issue is quite easy to settle: Dump Obama in November 2012 & ensure a Constitutional President. What about Romney-Rubio for the USA? Electability is a huge component here. Obama must be a one-term Prez! Make certain! God Bless America!
  25. First off, there is no such thing as a "papacy" in the Holy Bible! The "Roman Catholic" church, of which neither Jesus nor HIs disciples knew zero. would be far better dumping its entire heinous "papacy" office with all due haste in order to keep within biblical principles with Jesus Chrisr Himself as the One & sole Head of the New Testament Christian Church with the Blessed Holy Spirit as its Holy Vicegerent. Back to the Bible, Ladies & Gentlemen, Back to the Bible, the Word of God!
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