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Mike Mclees

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Everything posted by Mike Mclees

  1. I guess there always has been many religions. The problem here is Christianity as being listed among them. This gives to many who search for truth in all the wrong places. We are not living in the time of James. People want multiple choices. This is because they are not looking for truth being in Christ. The world despises what Jesus said concerning His true identity being the Son of and the only hope of salvation. Even Christianity is a lost word that no longer fits it original definition in the city of Antioch when believers of Christ were first call Christian. Today its just an umbrella of idealism and doctrines called by many names. How does one seaching know where to look. Now we have new anything goes religion. Just need another slick talker. This is the religion of atheism however they would not like that but its true anyway. You might could call it the religion of no religion. I thought I would put a funny face but changed my mind. Its not funny
  2. Jesus said the sheep will be seeprated from the goat and the tares separated from the wheat. The greatest threat to the church today is unbelief. Today the church is being rested more than ever before. The tears of heart brake touches almost every family. The evil one would say where is your God now? Our loved ones are dying alone. The evil one wants change the world and strip us of our faith. He is a powerful foe but Jesus has already won. For the arrogant ones today their dark day is coming.
  3. Often the testing of our faith is time tested or time proven. Mine was tested not just months but even years. The weak give up but the strong will live on. Often a mans relationship may be lost. One has to look deep into his on life and then repent and follow Christ with no regrets. Maybe guils and shame wil try to crush us but if our motives are true they will be lifed and New life in Christ will set us free. I like KJV but that me.
  4. You are right about powerful things are there, but still you have missed the point It says that in thee last days that knowledge would greatly increase. Early telescopes don't come close to what we are able to see today, and with out them we could not appreciate what we see now what we are able today. We can only see a still small piece of what is there. All the powerful things we just spoke. we nothing if it were not for that great gift of the conscious mind so taken for granted. So they say God did not do it but want all the credit for our own genius, and. lust for a Nobel prize . . Scientists say we only use about 20% of its capability. The saying goes " you haven't seen nothing yet " So i still say no mind, we are useless and without reason for existence. and no reason for creation. So when God's word says He is not mocked I think of Steve Hawking' who's intellect and genius sits in a useless body. From where does he draw his intelligence? The mind that God gave us is powerful and connected to all matter in the universe and in the world else we would not be here.
  5. Nothing new but growing stronger every day. anti God rebellion. Mr Crauss who is an Allie of Richard Dawkins says we need to bury God. A foolish arrogant statement as if be possible. They want to erase all shame saying Godlyness and morality is what is wrong and inspires evil. They fear shame for their beliefs and actions so hide themselves behind a cloak they call facts. Likening it to growing up and finding out Santa clause was a fairy tale Who was it that reminded us that we shall reap what we sow and God is not mocked. It was the serpent that said God knows in the day you eat of the tree you will be as Gods knowing good and evil. Draw your own lines for righteousness and wickedness. In this world there will be pain and persecution. Still Jesus sad if they hate you remember they hated me first.
  6. true that certain species live be censery perception or a type of radar, but aside from servival this is all they have. They are not like us. May people may be born blind or have optical problems. Still even they depend on the mind, but this is not there general population or Gods intent. Would he strikes all blind just because He can. Blind Bartimaeus asked only for his sight and it was given him. Imagine the Joy he must have felt. I have many times went out at night to see the stars and I know God put them there not to be seen so muc,h but glorify who He is and and bring His aw to our minds. Strike all of us blind now. Think he would have joy in that? Next to God our conscientious is the most powerful thing in the universe. Still god is glorifies in what we cannot see. Just go on the Tube and their greatest wonder is dark energy. th ey are all confused and scratching their t heads. All have different views and can agree on nothing about it' existence. If I could only tell them I know the one who has the answer, but they pushed Him out of their meetings. Don't they know He is never mocked.
  7. so much we don't know or understand. Jesus has the answers. The time is soon that all men will say Jesus is Lord. thanks for the inputs
  8. I read the post and my heart sank.. i am retired and get SS. I am not living in luxury. yet i am secure at least for now. It made me remember the last big recession that lasted a spell. so many without work. Whole families everyday at the chow lines. Im choking up. What would i do i wonder. I can only to give my best.
  9. scientists like to call the mind in your head consciousness or neuroscience which is fancy to open eyes. What i'm suggesting may seem illogical. God put eyes in every living animal and every human, but the human conscious mind is superior in every way. We were meant to see. Without the conscious mind there would be no reason to create anything, not even all the stars of the universe, and all that is physical reality. Where there is no mind there is no reality yet the mind itself is not physical. A song to the king of thiests R D what that you say Mr athiest.Jesus loves you more than you will know woe woe Hey hey hey Everything that is,is put there even the universe. If the atom was the first thing to exist who put it there? then there is the life on the earth. How many atoms made the first micro organism.
  10. The great song and dance is avoiding the answer. When I come to science and physics i see anwsers that don't answer because they avoid it by fast talk. the subject came up about gravidy. Their idols are Newton and Einstein. Reason is always hid in their closet. We often know what resaon does but not reason. Reason for things is always there for purpose.. All that we do is for a purpose. How did your car get parked in you drivway. I don't know it just got there. No it got there because it was put there,.and did not get thereby itself this is the bottom line for all that we make and do. The question was asked when did gravity begin. They will say within seconds after the big bang. The answer is not when but why. Why? Because it had to be put there for a reason. Hello? And then we have what they like to call in our solar system the Goldylox zone. This is because earth is just in the perfect place for life to thrive. again they will avoid how it got there. Its Just like the car in your driveway. It was put there and was put there for a reason. For anything to be workable it has to be made workable and in the right place. Only God A little girl ask a scientist can something come nothing? He said not if you. cant see it or touch is it does't exist. she said how do you know. He said because of his sense. I can;t see or touch your sense. I guess you don't exist.
  11. i like the way you put your last paragraph I was thinking just moment before. I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the word of God unto salvation to all who believe Our love for Christ and our brothers must not be some confused interpretation of tolerance, but it must be by our unshakable love grounded in the Gospel. Christ was nailed to cross for our salvation Jesus said to the disciples "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples by your love for one another. I am the way the truth and the life an no man comes to the the Father but by me.. Others of other religious faith will always despise that truth. We cannot stop the gobble march. It is coming and so is Jesus Christ on His white stallion. hear is the cry of the overcomes. And they overcame him(satan) by the blood of the lamb an d the word of their testimony (the gospel) and loved not their own life to the death.
  12. You forgot to stir in a the pope ready to poison children of the world. Its I'm OK your okay. Anything goes in the new wild wild west. Anything goes goes beyond your favorite Christless religion. It strips the whole moral fabric. Nothing is sin anymore. No more absolutes. Life is whatever you want it to be. Just today I saw an add with two colored men kissing. If you want to live by the Bible that's fine but your kids are mine. Scripture has warned and now its true. If you want to stay with Jesus. Well need I say it.
  13. Finally a thread I cam understand. Since we are creatures of habit. addiction is our wors foe. Im not talking about common habits like waking up with need for coffee. Like you winning the war may seem a little long if not years. I had several hbits to deal with. Remember this one thing, True faith will not give up. I had to pray daily for the Lords forgiveness. Some times you may overcome one but not another. Don't listen to satan the father of lies. I prayed for victory and still I was losing as it seemed. If not for grace we would have no hope. God had to personally intervene and gave something to help and it worked. Perseverance will give God patience and long suffering. He never left me to to die. He won't leave anyone who truly struggles with their giants. Today I am free not because of me but because of His love. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, and they shall mount up with wings as eagles, and they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
  14. Well being retired and bored does have some attributes after all Im an active U tuber with time to kill. The article was titled something from nothing. I just couldn't resist for more education. Did they suddenly turn to God. I prayed but no. Just tricky entertainment. The subject was really about vacuum This will have the ladies running to their closet. A quest for that last speck of dust. Can scientist reallt say something comes from nothing? Apparently yes. Please don't fall out of your chair. The science of the vacuum is not really new its just fun to play with it. A vacuum is when there is a space that is empty of all particles. Still some energy still exists. This does some clever things by making things like dots with color seem to appear and dis-appear like magic. Don't ask me how but its something to do with atom's, and energy by taking a clear box and pumping all the air out of the box and then bingo. The vacumm is in many things today and has become important to our everyday lives. The light bulb for one. In the universe there are voids throughout the expance where nothing exists but energy. They call it dark energy but it is more a part of grvity. Still this will not explain creation or the big bang. I think someone built this giant box and sucked the air out of it and all the stars came out. We are all here living in this giant box with quantum stars that produced solar systems. What ever yot do don'say God and spoil there fun. Ego is defined with a one letter word. I
  15. Im sure. How about mind functions?
  16. I finally looked up the definition of eternity. This is what it says . Eternity is waiting for your sister to come out of the bathroom. Nothing like humor to brighten up a lousy day.
  17. Long way back we thought that we of the earth were the center of creation and all the stars and our own sun revolved around us. Today we know that the universe could be infinite and our world is only a speck of dus, and that may be an exaggeration. He spoke of a point in ou travel where there would never be a turning back Nothing to go back to. Last night I was listening to this speak of space time between galaxies. I thought why even waste time with ideas of space travel. They figure for space travelers at least seven years to reach our closet star and that coming back home we would not recognize for the centuries past. God did to not intend for space travel to be possible. The man speaking only talked about a curiosity. So it made me ask God why are we here? Who am i and who are we? Through the centuries many men worthy of memory may be, but what is that? Today we are just common Joes out billions people. We are born and raised destined to repeat our fathers to grow up having an education and to follow our ambitions. We look for a wife to plan another family while we grow old and pass to our eternity. So it is with every generation. We desire to have a better life with more money and comfort for our retirement. What is that? so
  18. Back then must have been a thought or an Idea. And yes nothing will ever replace God or what only He could create
  19. For me , you, and most here the existence of God is natural. When Jesus sent out the 70 He said carry no pouch. If the people recieve you go in and dine with them. If they do not receive you waste no time.sshake the dust from your feet and move on.. God has already given us the things to say in our hearts. To believe or to not believe, that is the question. If any man come to God he must believe that God is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Heb 11:6 Jesus said no man can come to Him except the Father draw him John 6:44 We must want to believe before we will listen. Hebrews
  20. Human nature may not be the right wording to use. Might be better described as the sin nature. This could be a little complex. There was talk about infants who are not born guilty of the sin of Adam Yet all new borns will have the sin nature acquired by Adams sin, which was disobedience to do something against God's will . There is a mystery here which involves the conscious mind which is individuality. and i's perception of right and wrong according mans own will. The serpent enticed Eve by saying she could be as God, which is to decide right and wrong independent of God's will for them. Every infant has the seed of sin in them and will be disobedient . Remember God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree for in that day you will surely die. We will all age and die. We will know pain and sorrow , and we will struggle for physical life. To disobey God comes with consequences . To truly die is not physical death in this world but spiritual death forever from God. Still God loves us and gave His own son for us. We only have to believe and turn from our wicked ways. The human conscious mind is autonomous and is also the most powerful thing in the universe. The conscious mind of man strives for great knowledge independent of God our creator. Scientists run from God because God spoils their own glory. Soon technology will take one step to far. It may be here even now.
  21. might not be sure myself. Im finding new arguments right here that God has atoms. I am saying the conscious mind and all things that exist are connected and with out the conscious mind there i no existence not even the universe Not many if any would see or understand what i am seeing. they may believe I loony am but I am not. No more loony than saying God has atoms.
  22. I use any and every opportunity to witness about these false hoods but only God can reveal the truth about these doctrines. If a person has been a longterm believer of these doctrines it becomes a mindset which is not easily broken. However nothing is impossible. It depends on the person I guess. I changed the statement Doctrines of Devils to false doctrines which is in 1 Timothy 4:1 which says some will leave the faith. Falls doctrines do not actually make people leave Christianity. However the Word Christianity has an umbrella word. that overshadows much error and belief. we need to be careful what we fall into. We are of Christ and the teaching of the apostles led of the Spirit. We follow Gods word and nothing out side it. I use the KJV Bible myself Be blessed
  23. When i was a young believer not spesking of age Iwas looking for a church that resonated with me. I did come across one which was Pentecostal and I am still Pentecostal in spirit. they believed a peculiar doctrine that other churches believe also. Being ya youn believer I just accepted the teaching with out question for seven or eight years. I was always hungry more truth and understanding. I came to place where I was challenged to prove my faith in this doctrine. I met some friends that helped me find a starting place. I found there was no foundation for the doctrine. The denoms used and misused certain verses to drag in parishioners that excepted without question because the church denomination taught it. This was used to fill more pews, make movies, and sell books. I dubbed it to be feel good doctrine.. It made people feel they had safety nets that others did no have. Arrogant and miss leading to say the least. just as Jeses
  24. If one stays in a church that preaches error and you may not fully mature in the word you will soon come to believe in falsehoods. My opinion may not be able to decern error. Let me post another post to give and example.
  25. Perhaps it would better if you made what you are say There is only one place now that we can place confidence and that is in Gods word of the New Testament teaching. Don't get me wrong many churches have good biblically preacher but not all. There are also certain churches that have adopted unbiblical teaching and doctrines and made them seem to be true yet but used scrture to teach untruth the the are scripture miss used to what is not biblical. To get with confidence concerning truth we on have one place to to to get it. Truth comes with time and wisdom as we are admonished " Show thyself approved a workmen who need not be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth" Jesus also said if you continue in my word the you will no the truth and the truth shall set you free. I stated back post 23 We must have personal hunger if we are to truly find the truth in the weed patch. We nee daily devotion Which I hghly sugest you find that special place every day. Is this comment unbiblical? Then you said to me Quote If we already know Jesus we merely need eyes and ears to hear him. We cannot always dictate which church we attend and in those circumstances we need to be able to extract goodness out of very unpromising material. What did i say that you did not say . how much time do you pray and study in your own private place also known as the prayer closet Perhaps what i said about doctrines of devils disturbed you but you said to me You said to me then ---So why do you post here or respond to people who clearly do not share your views? Mike --- This is a chat room board and I like posting here not to insult people who may not see or misunderstand what i say. Praying for truth an the prayer closet is good and we should do it every day along with reading devotions such as The Daily Bread ai do how about you?
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