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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. People mistakenly think depression as sadness .Sadness is a By-Product Of depression. Depression is like being in a walking death.Life becomes devoid of any and all pleasure.Make almost Of the top,ten things in your life that give you pleasure— your kids, your grandkids , hobbies, going places , seeing friends ,anything. Now Cross all of these things off your list.Your interest in these pleasurable things is about equal to doing the dishes.You force a smile on your face on occasion to make yourself look like your in the game , but you ain’t.You are a zombie going through the motions , just trying to endure it one more day. It is Hell on Earth.That is why the “ sadness” is a By-product Of depression.All I have described.....would it not make you sad? That’s depression.I endured it for five years.Thanks be to God , I am now just the opposite....my life is a joy,and I got bad stuff going on you would not believe.Happiness is tied to things and events, God’s Joy stays with you regardless of anything.I pray everyone here receives this gift from God.Its a By-Product Of KNOWING you are forgiven, and resting in that reality.God bless.
  2. Please......please, read Romans 14......enjoy your Sabbath, refrain from certain foods if it makes you feel better....just agree with Paul and-let the world know you are a “ weak Believer”, please don’t try to insist that others follow in your steps......I pray that Newbies read that chapter and take it to heart...
  3. I saw the coolest thing on you tube once......a preacher, Bruxy Cavey, had Leviticus 19:28 tattooed on his arm for a conversation starter.....we are either under law or we are not.....we aren’t .Nice to see somebody with the guts, especially a preacher live it out.....he actually BELIEVES in Grace.....kudos to him....
  4. Lets all pledge now like the ancient Israelis did.....Sure, we’ll keep them all! We have all seen how that worked out. One reason God gave the Law was to prove that Satan was a liar ........knowing right from wrong does not make you like God.Its one thing to know it—- quite another to DO it....
  5. Readers need to see both sides of arguments.......the wrong side and MY side.......lol......good nite...
  6. Yes, and I’ll say it until my dieing breath......No Disrespect intended.....have you ever “ read” Romans ? You are simply unbelievable! Gotta go......God bless
  7. They see,but they don’t see,comes to mind.What good does it do to read it 1000 times if you don’t understand it? You really did not know that the Law was given to shut people up?wow.gotta go now.God bless.
  8. Theres another verse that says to be a good student of the Word so you will not be embarrassed ...it’s that “ rightly dividing” thingy. Try this verse......Rom3:19......... “The Law speaks to those under the Law , so that every mouth may be shut......” Pretty basic stuff.....for good students of the Word.
  9. Where? I don’t know....somewhere in the back....
  10. I aim to please! Good night for now...
  11. I also say “ Nothing But The Blood” quite a bit.I guess you got me ...technically that would be adding to Scripture, I suppose.Happy pappy ? Good night for now.....
  12. I did my homework......now you can do yours......you really think I’m going to type out 600 verses? Think again,Chester .
  13. I have researched both sides .Minds close,as they should,when one gathers all the facts, takes all sides under consideration and finds out things called “ facts”. The Earth is round. I am closed minded about that too.The Truth about God's concern for markings is so sensible if you ever take the time to look it up.I bet even you would agree that it makes sense and is true.Easier to stay in ignorance, I guess.
  14. He never had to.Saved is Saved.They both knew what was meant.Me too.So would any child.
  15. Fine with me.You have the right to be wrong.Close-minded much?
  16. Jesus must have “ added to the Word” when he told the lady wiping her tears from his feet with her hair.....” Your Faith has saved you. Go in peace” Nothing about checking in with her later to go over her repentance ledger, or to make sure she was keeping ALL the commandments 24/7. Her faith got the job done.Faith alone and she went on her way, forgiven.Forever.Aint Grace Grand?
  17. He would be the first to acknowledge that......I talk about the Gospel Of Christ.....does that make it BB’s Gospel? It’s really “ Good News”. I would think One would rejoice over that. I do . I rest In It . So did Yankee. Arnold.We have been ordered to.....just trying to be obedient....legalist always leave out that order....not saying you are a legalist......just saying.....
  18. God had a good reason to forbid “ marks”2000 years ago.....google it if you are interested....I’m too tired to go into it right now.....
  19. Only if you are a Jew living under the Law that he doesn’t understand ( that Law was to show it could not be kept.... it’s purpose was to “ shut your mouth” and point you to the Savior) You can’t pick and choose the laws to obey.... it’s all or nothing.....throw out that bacon and quit trimming your beard and cutting the sides of your hair. Thank God, we are in the Age Of Grace......put that shrimp down too!
  20. What is it you are wanting to add? I thought adding to the Gospel Of Grace severed one from the Cross and made one “ fall from Grace”. It’s the same as saying “ Faith plus nothing”. You got some “ dead works” to impress Him with? The story is the same as Cain and his works. God wants Blood and NOTHING but the BLOOD. Only the Blood Of His Son would suffice.Faith in it is what saves.Paul knew it
  21. Its the Gospel that Jesus told Paul to preach.Given to Paul in person in the Sinai Dessert, more than likely.Paul referred to this saving Promise as HIS gospel several times in his letters.You could google it if you like. 1Cor15:1-4. Paul was nothing more than a wretched , Saved sinner like all of us.But he was “ God’s Chosen Vessel” to deliver the way of salvation to the gentiles.Everything he wrote was breathed by the Holy Spirit.We are to “ follow Paul as he follows Christ”——- by order of Jesus. Aren’ t we supposed to obey Jesus? Do it by following Paul.
  22. I worship the Originator and Chief Advocate for OSAS...... “You Faith has saved you.Go in peace”. Faith plus nothing. “ Those that trust in me HAVE Eternal life, and will NEVER come into condemnation”So simple , a child can understand it.
  23. Entering into God’s Rest is putting total faith in Paul’s Gospel to be saved.
  24. Some are trying to be saved......others are trusting to be saved.Those that are trusting are the ones that are resting.Resting in the Finished Work Of the Cross.They have abandoned all self- effort in getting saved or staying saved.
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