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Everything posted by Tzephanyahu

  1. Hmm, if you thought what you would say would lead me to an incorrect conclusion, why didn't you go the extra mile to ensure that wouldn't happen? Is there perhaps you are trying to prove, I wonder. Anyway, this comment above along with... ...is not 'my cup of tea'. It's not the kind of conversation I'm after really. So let's end the conversation here so that you can employ the excellencies of subtlety with someone smarter than me, because I am rather simple! Love & Shalom
  2. Do you really think that those who are rude in attitude with their passion in here are comparable to the Messiah and the money changers? Hmm.
  3. I mean the unnecessary behaviour, from both sides of the debate, which contradicts the way that we were taught by the Messiah, Paul and the apostles. Passion is fine of course. But surely you must agree that there is a fine line between passion and an unbecoming attitude. Love & Shalom
  4. Shalom Maryjayne, I know sister, I know you are on the path to learn as much as you can on here. My post wasn't directed at you. I'm glad that between the nonsense you are learning more about the Word and the Messiah. That's great news. Love & Shalom
  5. Edited - No point. No one listens.
  6. Shalom @F_Ivan Ah, I see. I wasn’t aware you were currently suffering with OCD (I say currently because the Lord can bring healing, as He has with many others). Now, whilst your fears and accusations may seem reasonable, your conclusion is illogical. Let’s think this through rationally... Would an apostate be deeply conflicted inside and hurt over such thoughts? Or would he believe those thoughts and reinforce them with his actions gladly? Understand that we ALL get conflicted with the contradictory thoughts in our heart. Even very famous pastors have the same challenges from time to time, as our sinful flesh constantly seeks it's own selfish life away from God. For this fleshly-shell we are wearing has no plans to follow God and cannot. Rather it seeks its own selfish comfort and satisfaction. But our spirit-man wants the opposite – seeking to serve and worship our Creator. And so, we have a conflict within us, a war. With this in mind, again, read and meditate upon Romans 7:14-8:11. But what does the Father think of you? No man can say. But consider this example, which may be from Him, through me, to you: Imagine you grow older and have a very, very successful business. You adopt two sons, with your wife, to inherit your business one day. The first son grows up to be quite rebellious and proud, the second son grows up to be fairly quiet and introverted. One day, whilst alone in the house, you sneak into the first son’s bedroom and cheekily read his diary. It’s filled with thoughts reading “I deserve my dad’s business! I’m awesome, man. I have everything going for me and surely dad loves me more than my brother. Dad probably thinks about how he loves me all day! So I’m more than worthy to get the business – gimme the keys already! Hehe”. You sneak into your second son’s bedroom and find his diary also. It reads “I’m not worthy. How can dad even love me? I’m always making mistakes and I’m foolish. I wish I could be better for him but I doubt myself and, sometimes, I doubt he even loves me at all. Maybe he will even kick me out of his house one day.” When you read the above, do you move with anger or compassion towards the second son? If compassion, what then, are you more merciful than God? The irrational thoughts of the heart may try and steer you away from Him, as the Scripture says: “The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable – who can understand it?” ~ Jer 17:9 But your words and actions are what count, as Scripture confirms: “I, Yahweh, examine the mind (your diary), I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve” ~ Jer 17:10 Therefore, when thoughts arise to condemn you, take the opportunity to repent of the charges they bring against you, once and sincerely. Then, when they repeat, you can rest comfortably knowing that your Father sees the struggles in your “diary” and has compassion on you. Don't fight the thoughts just write them off as "irrelevant" and they will flee eventually. He only judges you according to your words and actions – not on your irrational thoughts. Your sincere words of repentance on a matter, and the actions than follow, will be recorded before Him - not your thoughts. Your faith is not as weak as you think. Because if you fear Him and what your destiny will be, you show that you have faith in the things which are unseen. But you have a problem which many others have, and I had once before. You think that Yahweh only sees you when you are doing something bad or thinking something evil, but not when you are doing something good or praying to Him.... Do you really believe He hears your prayers my friend? If you say no, then I challenge you, insult Him aloud right now! What, you don’t want to do it? Doesn’t this prove my point above? You think He only hears and sees when your are being “bad” and cares little when you are doing “good”. This is illogical and from the sinful flesh. But it won’t always be this way, my friend! This sin vs spirit conflict will end one day. One day we will be with Him in His Kingdom and will be free from this conflict. Having completely unity of mind and spirit, without the fleshly doubts and accusations. If you want a sneak preview of that life, again, seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Yahweh brings great peace and joy and quietens that annoying fleshly side – allowing you to serve by the willingness of your spirit-man. And your spirit-man is willing. For why else would you be concerned at these thoughts and talking with me now? That is a testament to your core being for Yahweh rather than the world. Ah, not at all my friend. It's good you "felt horrible" typing it though as it validates what I have been writing to you thus far. Rejoice my friend. Their is light on the horizon heading your way swiftly. Three more questions, if I haven't bored you already (sorry for writing so much!) Do you read the Bible often? What parts of the Bible are you unfamiliar with? What's your opinion of the Bible? Love & Shalom
  7. Shalom @Temporary1 Well my friend, you have got yourself into a right pickle at an early age, haven't you! I fell into something similar, at round about the same age, and the negative consequences greatly disrupted my life. Sin within me surely took the opportunity to exploit the matter as well and make me feel ashamed, unworthy, depressed and self-condemning. In short, it stopped my walk being effective at all, as I carried this heavy burden, so I can relate with you on this matter. Yeah man, I thought similar. I thought I'd never find anyone again and resigned myself to that fact. Nevertheless, Yahweh blessed me with the most wonderful wife who is the least judgemental woman I've met. She was instrumental in my heart getting restored and yet, I thought I'd be alone or in a "lesser" marriage because of the mistakes of the past. Praise Yahweh! It will hurt for a while. Longer than you think. It truth, it never goes away completely, but rather has less of a sting. But this is a battle wound of the heart my friend, and it will stay with you (as long as you have your memories). BUT, this hurt or wound will shape you for the positive ultimately. You will use this pain one day to help many others, for His glory one day, being able to understand their pain. (Hah, similar to me today with you!) But yes it will hurt for a while and longer than you think. Stay strong my friend and let the hurt remind you of the danger of life outside of His Will. *digital hug* I see what you are saying. It's not always easy to mend relationships with exes, and this one sounds complicated. If you are willing to forgive and hold nothing to her charge - you do well. But I think wisdom would say to leave the situation alone (not forcing reconciliation) if not appropriate. It's hard to me to advise without knowing you both, so pray about the matter. As for your child - who knows how it will be in the next life. There is plenty to discern from Scripture and certain books of the Apocrypha, which is too much to go into now, but I think it's safe to say that your child has returned to Yahweh, safely. I'm sorry what do you mean? Is the mum still alive? Don't think of it as many families in heaven but rather one big family. I will be no different to your brother and women will be like our sisters. All will feel as close as relatives. All will be together and the magnificence of Yahweh in New Jerusalem will be so glorious that the typical family mentality, segregation and practices we know will be completely different. All will be at peace, all will have joy and there will not be time or desire to discuss the negative things of the past. The hurt that went before will feel like less than a bruise compared to the fun, happiness and exploration to come! Yes, you will recognise people in New Jerusalem, but no there won't be any awkwardness or shame. Consider how a family at odds with each other would change their attitudes suddenly if they each won £100 million and private island each. Would they still remember the bitterness towards each other in such a moment? Or would they celebrate together joyfully? How much more when His Kingdom comes. My friend, if I don't judge you (and I'm a sinful man) what of the righteous in the next life? Do you think the next life will be full of critical and judgemental people? Surely not! It will be filled with those who are the opposite and are loving, caring and keen to comfort you in sincerity. There will be many there with similar stories to you and many with stories more horrific. Albeit, your presence in the next life is all people need to see to know "He is okay, my God approves of him". I mean even I, as a sinful man, see that if you truly love the Messiah and seek to follow him then you're alright with me! I'll quite happily sit next to you at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb! True. However, there is escape from the consequences of the sin, in our Messiah. Praise Yahweh. Not quite. The severity of David's sin was because of who he was and what he knew. Here was man with the nation's responsibility upon his shoulders and he had conversed directly with Yahweh. He knew better but still was tempted enough to sin. But worse than taking Uriah's wife was indirectly taking his life with scheming. Man, I don't want it to sound like I'm discrediting David, because I love him. But I'm trying to convey the differences between you and him. To whom much is given, much is expected. Unless I'm mistaken, you neither lead a nation, represented Yahweh to the nations or conversed with Him directly, right? ---- I hope something within my thoughts brings you peace my friend. It's good you are sober to the severity of your sins in the past. BUT be careful that they do not become the main focus of your attention. Otherwise, without realising it, your past can become your God - as you indirectly make decisions based upon it, fear it and think it will overtake you in the future. You're alright. If you have repented sincerely, learned from your lessons and seek His will in your life, then you're alright. Learn to forgive yourself as well as those you have been in conflict with, and move on humbly. Look forward and follow His footprints and not back to judge your steps. Love & Shalom
  8. Shalom @Kalsey It's hard to offer advice without knowing your situation. But upon reading your post the following Scripture came to mind. Please meditate upon it, digesting it line by line, maybe in several translations. The Scripture is Psalm 13 and needs to be "consumed" and not just read through briefly. The time you're in and the "drought" you are feeling is common among true believers. Even that of the Messiah who screamed "My God, why have you forsaken me!" You can read Psalm 22 for the rest of His thoughts. That psalm along with psalm 13 have a peaceful and joyous finale (not the resurrection, but the end of that season). Sometimes we need to go through a season of hardship to "level up". That hardship being that the training wheels come off and you feel left on your own against it all. So, will you trust in Him and His promises regardless, when everything seems to fall apart? There is always a reason. And, in the foreseeable future, you will look back and understand. However, if He told you what it was about and for how long it would last ahead of time, would it be a fair test? Surely not. So, if you believe in Him and His promises, trust defiantly, against all odds, trials and crooked around you and the seemingly never ending persistence of them. He is giving you a blessed opportunity to show your faith, which will be rewarded, so trust joyfully. Try and learn the lessons from this time from conceptualising the issues and making them allegorical to see what the message might be, how you react and what he may be trying to teach you. And look! You are no longer talking to yourself! So maybe Yahweh is sending you some reassurance to hold on. Once more, read Psalm 13 until it gives you peace (for the wisdom is in its meta message). Pray for wisdom and guidance and keep your ears and heart open, walking boldly at the blessed opportunity to demonstrate your faith and love for Him. If you have any questions or objections, let me know. You're not alone. Love & Shalom
  9. Fear will come from you. But if Yahweh is not comforting you with His Spirit, it may be that He is intentionally leaving you to it, to "shake" you out of your current mindset. And look, you are on here now asking questions, so it must have worked. The truth is that there should be only one thing we fear and that's Yahweh alone. Once we deeply understand that, we have found the beginning of wisdom, and all other fears seem to fade away. Consider this passage and meditate upon it. Isaiah 45:5-7. If He is for you, who and what can be against you? May I ask if you fear realistic threats or potential developments? Is it mainly about heaven and hell?
  10. Do you mean how do you deal with the hurt they have inflicted or that you've inflicted? Also, without divulging details, do you means its emotional hurt (like betrayal etc) or physical? Love & Shalom
  11. Shalom @JustPassingThrough I don't know about all of that, I'm a simple man really. I just know He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He left us all of His Word for counsel, not to serve as just a historical record. As Paul quite rightly says in 2 Timothy 3:14-17... "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." I'm sure Paul and Timothy had the Spirit AND walked by the Spirit. Yet they still trained and corrected themselves in the Word. No Logos this and rhema that, no millennium this or "until this time and then". Rather simply, the eternal Words of Yahweh preserved for our benefit. Commonly quoted without consideration to the background of Colossians. But I'm not judging you or disrespecting you my friend. If you keep any Feast it won't make you any more saved. So I'm not suggesting you are in jeopardy or any "less" than another. If fact, I advise that no one observes Torah at all, if it will be with reluctance or a heavy heart. There's no point. Better to observe with willingness or not at all. But I'm not judging you friend. I have seen a few of your posts on here which I agree with and have seen help others. Praise Yahweh. Love & Shalom
  12. Yeah man, you can't say fairer than that. I totally agree. It wasn't the arguments that pulled me in but the Scriptures themselves. @Tigger56, over to you, please share why the last Feast you enjoyed was interesting and worthwhile. I talk far too much!
  13. I've read your post again my friend and what I wrote still stands. Do you think Paul really wrote to contradict the Word of God? Do you think he is writing to say "Never mind about the holy commands of God anymore, neither bother living your life by them"? If that was the case, wouldn't that constitute as a skewed teach suddenly within the single harmonious message throughout the Bible? OR has he been misunderstood? I don't think people appreciate two things when reading Paul. The localised context AND the presuppositions he writes with. @Alive, I don't want to speak as 'matter of fact' like I am. It's too strong between brothers. So let me take a moment and try and settle the waves of disagreement between us by saying this... I think when people share about the Torah, Feasts and Sabbath it comes with a lot of implied baggage. The baggage being judgement and self-righteousness, from the Torah followers, and a kind of snobbery in some which is unseemly. However, as for me, I don't think any less of you if you don't keep the Feasts etc. In fact, I hold you in higher regard than myself - as I still have many issues. That said, I speak to you on these things in hope that you and others with benefit from them. I don't get anything out of doing this, other than the predictable veiled insults from some. So why do I bother, other than the genuine hope that some may also jump into the Torah. Not to come under it, be ruled by it or pressured by following it! But rather to bathe in its wisdom and enjoy its guidance - which further unpackages the New Testament like a blossoming flower. It's not about intellectual or spiritual superiority it's about going back to God as innocent toddlers and listening to our Papa's words - following some points if we feel convicted and not if not. But its not about judgement or "you're inferior and we're righteous". No no, not at all. Heaven forbid. However, if you wish to stop discussing, that's cool. I leave in peace without any harboured negativity. May Yahweh bless you and yours Love & Shalom
  14. I'm certainly not. It makes no difference to me if you do or don't keep the Feasts. Hopefully, in turn, you are not applying any pressure to others to not discuss or keep the Feasts because that makes them "legalistic". That would be nonsense as salvation doesn't come through observing Feasts. But what a beautiful chance to serve Him and express how what is important to Him is important to us. Love & Shalom
  15. Why do you believe Paul if he seems to contract Yahweh Himself? Or maybe Paul has been misunderstood... 2 Peter 3:16. What seems more likely to you? I'll go with the Apostle Peter's opinion. What, should we say the Bible is written with completely harmony and unity of message until Paul comes along and then it's suddenly skewed at the end and things have to change? God is not the author of confusion. No, the message from Genesis is the same through to Revelation. It is Paul who has been misunderstood. Otherwise, why would Yahweh preserve the wealth of the Old Testament? Couldn't the Father cut it down massively if it wasn't needed now it was "all change"? Be careful on this matter. If you want to believe that the Bible is unified in message until Paul, when it becomes different, you need to assess who you are giving more credit to and the path of logic... What is more likely. The Bible's message being harmonious across thousands of years and multiple authors, even in the Messiah Himself - until the letters of Paul, which change the message, OR, that you have misunderstood Paul. Which seems more likely out of those two? Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the Feasts. On the contrary, they are blessed! But why on earth would anyone speak against them or Torah? Better to not speak of Torah or the Feasts at all, rather than speak against them. Love & Shalom
  16. There is a real reluctance from some to even look at the Feasts. It's so strange... Studying His Word (all of it, not just Paul) is for all people, yes gentiles included. Learning and reading and heeding His Word is part of loving Him, for most other service that people talking about actually concerns loving our neighbour. That is part of loving God, true. But not all, as it mainly concerns our neighbour. How then, do we love God? Should we take the view of some and show with our words and actions that "What's important to you, God, is not important to me!" If we love God and want to do so with our heart, soul and strength - we need to ask ourselves "What kind of things did God speak about?" and "What kinds of things were important to God". After all, we have plenty of His words in the Tanakh and the Messiah AND apostles pointed us back to it, repeatedly. So then, What kind of things did God speak about and what things were important to Him (besides how we love our neighbour)? I'm not talking a quote here and a quote there. I mean in general, throughout the Bible, what kinds of things did He speak about and were important to Him? Shouldn't we start THERE if we want to love Him, lest we only express love to our neighbour and just give God generic lip service. Love & Shalom
  17. Shalom @F_Ivan Thanks for responding my friend. I was so happy to see that you didn't get upset at my post. I was worried I might have been too harsh, as text can often be read in many different ways. Yes, it absolutely is something different. Water baptism is a physical commitment to the Messiah, a sign showing death and resurrection. It's like a submission of the "earth suit" to that of the Kingdom. Baptism of the Holy Spirit comes after this (sometimes before) and is separate. This is the rebirth of the inner man - the seal of eternal life. With this baptism, you will have peace and joy and wisdom deep inside you, like an anchor. You can feel it within, like a fountain within you - constantly bubbling up - but not unpleasant or uncomfortable but fulfilling, reassuring, loving and peaceful. It's not an idea or concept. It's real. Now, not every professing Christian out there has this baptism, so don't feel bad. I myself was probably a Christian for about 15 years (!) without this baptism - but water baptism only. I loved God but had many hard times. I found walking His way difficult, demanding and even confusing at times. The net result was my contradictory behaviour and eventually heavy depression and even fear of the end times. I'm sure that fear came from the Father to shake me out of my stupor and path of failure. I read in the Gospel, Acts and in letters of Paul about the Holy Spirit, and I wanted to feel it like they did. So many teach "oh the baptism of the Holy Spirit happens when you believe automatically". That's not true. I was also taught that the baptism HAD to be accompanied with speaking tongues. That's also not true. So, I sought the baptism of the Holy Spirit until I would KNOW it happened. Not so "I think it happened" or "Yeah, I feel a bit fuzzy inside". No, I wanted to KNOW. But it didn't come easy for me. I sought and sought, with tears, fasting, asking for prayer and more tears. Eventually, it did happen though and it was after I truly believed that it WOULD happen. Maybe not immediately, maybe not for years, but that it would happen, because of believing His words - "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” ~ Luke 11:9-13 ......Though I kept asking and praying, in faith, every day whilst waiting. After it happened, I was filled with a peace and joy inside that is surely a taste of the life to come. Yes, I could still have bad days and get sad, but that anchor of peace and joy was immovable - reassuring and guiding me. Following Him became easier and Paul's words describing the Holy Spirit and the fruit of it was no longer conceptual or "target attitudes" but flowing naturally through me, by His restoration of my heart. It's a completely different ball game after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You'll still be you, but you will be far away from the negativity you feel now and your Walk will feel much more distinct than it does now. So seek this baptism above ALL things. It's good to read John and Acts on more about the Holy Spirit. But really the Spirit is throughout the whole Bible. You just have to track the Spirit in Word, like a hunter, watching for every sign and footprint. It's with that same enthusiasm that you should seek the baptism in prayer too. The Spirit wants to be found by a desiring and passionate heart, rather than impose on a half-bothered half-reluctant one. Does that make any sense? :S I agree. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Sin gets more powerful the more we feed it (the flesh) to the point it can become overwhelming. However, your inner man (although a flame burning lowly at the moment) seeks to serve God (and burn bright). Therefore, this is your war. Your final boss. Only the final boss is you - in a mirror match up. Will you believe the real you is the weak one who hates himself and distrusts everyone? Or the strong one that seeks peace and love with His Creator? With this in mind, read the following passage of Scripture - in which Paul said he faced the same battle as you. Romans 7:14-8:11 Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit, above ALL things. Be prepared for it to be a long mission, with the hope it will be a short one, but the trust it will be an achievable one. Love & Shalom
  18. May Almighty Yahweh bless you and yours brother. I love your heart and hope for getting the truth to the His family. You serve as a great example for me to pay attention to. Far too often I resign my heart to thought that some will never listen. But how can they ever listen, unless someone speaks... I hope that people hear your heart along with your message and respond thoughtfully, because it really is an awesome subject. Love & Shalom
  19. It's the ol' fear of coming "under the law" nonsense innit. Personally, I can't see why anyone "under Grace" would not jump at the chance to celebrate one of Yahweh's Feasts! Even if it's just learning about them each time they come around. I mean, how awesome that the Creator of the Universe ordained festivals and called them "MY Feasts". What special occasions! As well as this prophecies still work around them today, so they teach the past and future in many ways. Oh well, each to their own I suppose. Let those who hold to traditions of men get on with Easter and Christmas if they wish. I understand the point they are making and breaking from the crowd can be very daunting. But I don't think you'll be able to talk them into doing the Feasts brother. That's no discredit to your character, but rather this matter needs to come from internal revelation instead of Scripture sharing and logic - as that will go on endlessly. Anyway, I'm glad you are finding them fruitful though brother. They are precious times. Love & Shalom
  20. Shalom @F_Ivan Hopefully my answer is acceptable to you, although you may not like it. Please know I only write this out of love and concern, as there is not other reason for me to take the time to do so. There is nothing to be concerned about. None of us deserve salvation. But if you don’t want to be tested and proved, and have this attitude towards it persistently, then God may leave you well alone. But is that really what you want? Imagine a Dad, wanting to help his son become an excellent footballer. He wakes him early every day for a run and on the weekend he gets him practising drills and skills ahead of big match. One day, the dad overhears his son speaking with a friend “I feel like s**t” the son says. “it feels like I always have to prove myself to him and have to give up everything for football. Maybe my dad just wants to see me suffer to know I’m worthy”. So, the dad sadly slips away and no longer wakes his son up early. Nor does he train him on the weekend anymore, for his son was reluctant and against the idea. He leaves him to his own way. Then eventually the big match day came, and the son was in no wise ready for it... Be trained, refined, convicted and reproved by anyone isn’t a great feeling. But when it’s from the Word of God, we know it’s true and for our benefit. So we have a choice. We can either listen and respond or turn away and ignore. If we do have resistance to it, even though we WANT to follow it, we know that it is sin within us resisting. Take heart, take courage and face your weaknesses bravely and don't seek to comfort them. To balance that, understand that Yahweh is real love. He cares for us in ways that would scare you if you truly knew (and I'm guessing you haven't had that revelation yet from your post). He doesn’t want you to feel pain for no reason or any pain more than necessary other than to grow and improve. IF you don’t want that and hate the idea – I’m sure He will respect your wishes. But do you really want that? If you would rather have comfort, undisturbed happiness and self-appreciation in this life, over that of the way of a disciple, that road is always open for you. Go for it. Although, how do you imagine the big match will go? And understand this mystery: The more you are willing to give up for the Lord, the more likely He’ll be willing to let you keep it. The more you want to hold on to stuff and behaviour, the more He’ll demand you give it up. He needs to know that nothing comes before Him – in either stuff, people, behaviour or principles. That’s what it means for Him to be your God. But again, you will probably find that when you are truly ready to give things up for Him, He may let you keep those things and even more – as long as you are truly willing to lay it all down (He cannot be tricked ). Yahweh does want you to see that you’re ugly. He might do to someone who thought they were utterly beautiful (narcissism)– but I don’t get that impression from you. It sounds to me as though you are pushing your own insecurities into making negative traits of God, which are unfounded. Consider that last sentence again as it will be key in you remaining objective. Also, forget Job. Job was righteous man, above all at the time, and his situation is unique. Be careful not to compare yourself to such a righteous man and claiming you are facing the same trials lest you heap up unwise words against your charge. You’re not like Job and I very much doubt you are going through the same trials. So then, my advice is read the Bible. Really read it, and understand it’s message and Yahweh’s heart (I can help you with this if you wish). Above all things, seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit – for everything in life is an uphill struggle and without peace and joy when you do not have the Spirit within. I can tell from your words that the Spirit is not with you, but fear not! If you seek the baptism with all your heart and desire, it will happen for you and all these dark days will fade away. Then, following the Word will be a joy and easier. But if you go away with only one thing, let it be this my friend: It is a privilege to corrected and reprimanded by Yahweh. "For Yahweh corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights." ~ Proverbs 3:12 I hope my strong words don't come across to harsh my friend. I hope you can see between the lines that I'm here for you if you have any questions or complaints about what I've said. Love & Shalom
  21. Well said sister. Yes, Hosea is tragic because of the situation but beautiful because it reveals the passion and heart of Yahweh towards thise He loves. I think your heart has hit the target in understanding this book. The Spirit has surely been with you as you have read it. If you loved the verses above, surely you will also love my favourite Scripture. Zephaniah 3:17... Yahweh your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; (the route word for Yeshua!) He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” I don't know whether to laugh or cry over such a verse. Love & Shalom
  22. Amen Lolly, amen. The depth of His love is more terrifying that the fierceness of His wrath. HalleluYah. Love & Shalom
  23. Praise Yahweh! What do you mean exactly? It's right to leave vengeance in His hands, but we have to forgive - seeing how much forgiveness we received. But maybe i have misunderstood you? Love & Shalom
  24. @sapphire15, thanks for the reply also. 1. I think this would be a wise area to pray within. When it's me, I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the heart of the matter to me around such an event, and what I've done wrong. That can't hurt, if you haven't done so already. 2. This took me the longest to do in my own life. But remember that Paul said that he didn't judge himself. Only He can judge you, so don't beat yourself up unnecessarily. Remember this too - any charge you can't forgive will be brought up for trial. This will probably include our own charges against ourselves! So, try to understand your sins and faults, learn from them and forgive yourself. For if you cannot forgive yourself, how can you love your neighbour as yourself. Therefore, let your charges go and sin no more. Easy as it sounds! 3. I think I understand you, but not 100% sure, sorry :s Is the person still a concern for today? Is the threat real or is it more or a mental thing? Love & Shalom
  25. Shalom @sapphire15 Interesting. It sounds like the Holy Spirit is trying to get your attention, if you are feeling convicted or the need to dwell on this matter. Praise Yahweh - He teaches those He loves. Obviously, I don't know you, so it's difficult to give reasonable counsel. However, this "one person", have you truly forgiven them? You don't need to meet up with them, but have you truly forgiven them? A good way to see if you do is to pray a blessing towards them now and ask Yahweh to forgive them - if appropriate (I have no idea what they have done). If you find it hard to do that, or you do so reluctantly, that's perhaps an indication of unforgiveness. But, may I ask three questions? 1. Did something significant happen in your life at the time the illness started which might give you a clue? (you neednt give details) 2. Have you forgiven yourself? 3. Do you have a clear conscience at the moment, or is there something niggling in the background? Anyway, it's good news Sapphire. For it sounds like He is refining you, as hard or confusing as it may be now. So listen carefully to the Spirit and assess your life conceptually and allegorically to help understand the messages you are being taught. Love & Shalom
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