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Everything posted by Tigger56

  1. Sheep's stomach sounds bad, but when I was younger I would eat "tripe" which is beef stomach.
  2. I have had an vidalia onion sandwich but once again with mayonnaise, sometimes I add cheese and tomato as well.
  3. I have been left out hanging on the banana sandwich. Perhaps someone would like to give it a try? Take white bread (usually best for this sandwich), lay on a little of Duke's mayonnaise, then slice up a banana on it (I usually do lengthwise). Then bite into it and enjoy. Any takers?
  4. Don't think clean and unclean was done away with, but regardless of that.... my doctor told me to eat more fish. I told him I love fried fish. In fact I love a lot of things fried. He told me he meant baked fish, so I am following his orders partially... I am eating fried fish.
  5. I use to love the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with Harrison Ford. So what do you think, does the Ark of the Covenant still exist? Where is it? Will be found? Or was it destroyed? I believe it will be found, I believe it is in a cavern (likely) in Israel and that it will be the catalyst that starts the rebuilding of the temple. What think Ye?
  6. I'm still waiting Guys... who else eats banana and mayonnaise sandwiches. Those who have eaten such a delicacy as me, please step forward! P.S. must have been with Duke's mayonnaise.
  7. I use to get the fish and chips at a little place, Shefford, England. I was close to RAF Chicksands where I was stationed for awhile.
  8. I still haven't had anyone reply to a banana and Duke's mayonnaise sandwich. Surely I'm not the only one to have eaten this? I'm starting to feel alone here. I love the turkey baco
  9. I eat turkey and beef bacon. Never had pork chops or ham that I remember, I'm sure I did when I was much younger but don't remember it. I guess by smothered you mean with gravy, in that case give me country fried steak with gravy. Man, this conversation is making me hungry!
  10. I have been told that I came from Wales, but never been there. I did spend 2 years in England, but never had their breakfast, sounds terrible. I did try the steak and kidney pie it was okay.
  11. Sorry, can't get what is set aside for pets. I will wait till someone who knows how to fix locust and honey the proper way before I try it. Thanks anyway, will stick to my tomato or banana sandwiches!
  12. Grasshoppers I actually thought about trying or rather locust since it says that John the Baptist enjoyed locust and honey.
  13. I believe it is the step in the right direction. I truly believe life begins at conception not at the first heart beat. All abortion needs to stop, it is a blight upon our nation.
  14. It is amazing all the things that people like to eat. I saw in one magazine where they mentioned a sardine and peanut butter sandwich! Sorry but yuck! I know I eat some things that others would also find disgusting. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches (Duke's mayonnaise, it is the best!), I also like tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches with plenty of black pepper, or banana and peanut butter, or pineapple, cheese and mayonnaise. Hopefully, haven't grossed anyone out yet. But I can't stand liver, I also hate pickled eggs. My dad loves them... boiled eggs pickled in beet juice. I tried one.... it was like eating a purple golf ball. (at least that is what I can imagine a golf ball may taste like!) I don't like beets. I like sauerkraut but my wife banned it from the house due to its smell. We all have our own eating patterns, etc.. Part of my eating habit is also based on God's word and how I was raised. My dad, when I was nine years old, decided that pork shouldn't be eaten based primarily on scriptural belief, but also couldn't stand the thought of eating all the worms. I remember after he did away with the pork that I was with him in a small restaurant/drug store in the small town of Rome, Georgia, which is where I grew up. One of his "friends" who didn't approve of the fact that my dad now kept the Sabbath and wasn't eating pork any longer, stated loud enough for all to hear, "........, I understand you don't eat pork anymore!) He did it to embarrass my dad. My dad sipped on his coffee and then simply said, "that is true...", the man then stated why quite loudly. My dad looked at him and said simply, "because it is full of worms!" I saw a number of people push their bacon away. After all, cooking did kill the worms, but who wanted to eat cooked worms! However, here in the south, pork is a mainstay. I recently passed a barbecue place that had on their outside sign a picture of a pig that stated we serve it from it's snoot to it's poot. In grocery stores before, I have seen and still see, pickled pigs feet, pig skin, fatback, etc.... I have seen people cook chitlins (pig intestines), pig brains with scrabbled eggs, etc.... I have even seen squirrel and rabbit eaten and seen rabbit in grocery stores. I am convinced that man will eat almost anything, but surely someone out there agrees that tomato sandwiches, with plenty of black pepper and Duke's mayonnaise is great. Maybe a few have also tried the banana sandwich?
  15. Really enjoyed that my brother. I would have put several reactions if I could have. Thanks.
  16. “Speak only if it improves upon the silence.” … Mahatma Gandhi There is perfection in silence that many have never known in our world of noise and endless chatter. Being still and silent gives power to hearing, so be silent to hear in all three realms, be silent to hear your own heart, be silent to hear the hearts of those you love, and be silent to hear the heart of the Lord.
  17. "Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."KJV What think ye? Is this a prophesy to still be fulfilled or did the apostles fulfill it? Are the greater works something given to the Apostles or is it a promise to be fulfilled in the latter rain? Of course I have the answer to this as we all think we do! Ha, Ha? But would love to hear the thoughts of others.
  18. Apparently I struck a nerve based on the capitalized letters (shouting in text). Paul kept the law, he was a pharisee of the pharisees, he observed the Sabbath and holy days. Favor under grace isn't the license or excuse to do as we please but a reason to obey. Sin has no more dominion based on repentance and forgiveness. Please tell me.... which law is giving you the problem? Are you defending adultery, are you defending murder? or once again... is it the Sabbath that is the stumbling block unto you? I walk in freedom because of the price paid by my Savior but it is the freedom and love of obedience than the right to do as I please. So many Christians believe in the law even while they fiercely decry that it is done away. Truthfully, do you do as you please thinking that the sacrifice of our Lord gave you free rein? In the section quoted Paul stated were were made free from sin to be servants of righteousness. What do you think constitutes righteousness.... obedience and worship to the Lord, or do as we please. Even Peter stated that some of Paul's writings were difficult so I do understand your confusion. But if I must choose a path, then I will follow the steps of My Lord. He kept the holy day, he kept the Sabbath, He loved all and He loved God first. He kept the commandments. If I walk in his steps I think I am definitely where I desire to be. Due to the anger that appears to be present in you, I find myself perhaps being drawn into an argument is something I never have a desire to do. I do not believe my words will sway you as I know yours won't with me. So I will stop my posts in regards to this matter and please, if you desire, you may have the last word.
  19. Interesting piece of history, thanks for sharing. Thought I would share our we keep it for those interested. I will be keeping the Passover but based upon the example in the New Testament. Those I gather with, will read God' word and then we will wash each other's feet. We then read more of the word of the Lord, then we have prayer and ask blessing upon the bread, then break the bread and each eats a piece of the unleavened bread. We then have prayer and ask blessing upon the wine and then each takes of the wine. We always end the service with one song. It is both a joyous moment knowing that the Lord Jesus has paid the price for our sins, but it is also a very sober occasion in the knowledge of the sacrifice the Lord made for us.
  20. I always hear that all law has been nailed to the cross, but find that statement amazing in the fact that the sacrifice of our Lord was acceptable for he was without sin, which means he never transgressed the law. So the greatest act of obedience is what many want to use as an excuse not to be obedient. My mind goes tilt with this. The Lord Jesus never, never, never, in all of his words and teachings to the disciples ever states all law is done away with. In fact he states that those who love him will keep the commandments. In truth, most have no problems with the commands of honor thy father and mother, do not covet, do not steal, do not commit murder, etc.... Most Christians rather state those are good things to follow. But the law becomes somehow an evil if it comes to the fourth commandment, Keep the Sabbath holy. This is really what most have a problem with. They desire to worship as they see fit not as the Lord commands. The Lord Jesus paid the price of what we were all under and that is the penalty of sin which is death. Sin in the bible is described as the transgression of God's law. Thus, we know that we can never perfectly keep the law and would never by the law obtain salvation. But in his sacrifice, he opens the door for repentance and restoration unto him and the Father. Thus all sin was nailed to the cross so that we can always find a path of salvation through his name and his blood and his sacrifice. But it doesn't mean that we can all do as we please, it means we have been given the freedom to worship him as he commands. What are we repenting of, if there is no sin? How can there be sin, if there is no law?
  21. Really? God yawning huh, it is amazing that you know this. Actually the Lord God and the Lord Jesus have indicated throughout scripture that how and when we worship matters a great deal. Its should actually be considered under the concepts of obedience, love and worship. There is a lot more to God's word and his existence and his desires than, "ok, he lived, he died and lives again... blah, blah, blah (sorry, I added the blahs because that is how it sounded.) Remember when we trust only in what we think is right, we are headed to disaster, for man has proven over the ages to be quite foolish on our own.
  22. I agree that if the world does it, it doesn't make it right. I look to Noah as my example of that. However though truth is always truth, there can be wisdom in how it is shared or declared. Right before Easter explaining the origins of Easter is a time when people are more emotionally involved and sometimes it is better to wait. Though I agree Easter is pagan, I do not believe I will sway people to that conclusion in this forum. If, however, some feel led later to examine it and pray about it, that would be great. I believe in many Truths and in right timing I will share them, but there is a pattern to truth that takes a little more time than just the declaration of it. The first step is truth must be recognized as truth, then that truth has to be accepted, and then the hard part which can sometimes take years is that the truth has to be applied in your own life. To state a truth is fine, to defend that truth is fine, but you will rarely sway people if the whole purpose of an discussion... is to win. No one wins an argument, but many can learn from a discussion.
  23. It is called syncretism, where much has been blended in to make today's " mainstream Christianity", many have embraced many pagan practices feeling that as long as you add Christian labels that it is okay. I am not a proponent of this but It happens over time similar to what the military calls the "drift factor" which is a term for long range missiles which need course corrections over long distances. Did you know that at one point in American history that Christmas was banned from being observed? Of course, lawyers were banned as well (oh, how we have fallen!)
  24. Thanks! Your post and emoji brought a smile to my face.
  25. Are you sure this is speaking against those who kept the Sabbath or simply stating not to let others judge you for doing so? After all Jesus did keep the Sabbath and the Apostles after him as well as the early Church, even Paul is shown to be going to the synagogue on the Sabbath to talk with the Jews and the Gentiles. The Catholic church changed the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday to become more separated from the Jews, whom they blamed for the crucifiction of Christ and to fit with acceptance of many who already worshipped the sun instead of the Son. Which I have always found the change done by the council at that time to be interesting since many will not claim that the Pope or Catholic has the authority to do such things, yet it is acceptable by the majority of Christians today. In the scripture you are referring to there is no use of "weak believers" and is also doesn't state the Sabbath was done away with. Perhaps you have some other scriptures that clearly state the Sabbath is not to be observed, because this one doesn't. As stated this was not the topic originally posted but you did appear to be extremely agitated at Justin Adams in his post.
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