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  1. Thank You very much. Very helpful Thank you
  2. Why are there so many denominations? I wish it could be simple. I'm looking and thinking of joining the Seventh Day Adventist cuz they believe in the Law and Shabbat. Can anyone help me? Thanks and God Bless Baltika
  3. Anyone know Polish? Mowic po polsku? Or listen to Polish Christian music? Dzienkuje Bardzo-Thank you very much Baltika
  4. Odd question. Some people can't have children. If he is a Godly married man and follows God's commandments I shouldn't see why not. Right? Best Baltika
  5. True. But if one is uncomfortable perhaps they should not go. I have left many churches and Messianic Synagogues because something didn't feel right. And you know what? Something wasn't right.
  6. But I think if the fact that a lot of women being there might be a stumbling block for someone then they should not go. We are not to be stumbling blocks for other believers Baltika
  7. That's good advice too. When I meant "Gut Intuition" I mean those feelings you get from the Lord when He says, Yes, No, or Wait. I'm sorry if I was unclear Thanks Baltika
  8. Absolutely not misogynistic. Men and Women both have their places set by God
  9. Wow. How sad but Our Lord said this would happen
  10. How Beautiful I love it thanks Baltika
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