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About spiritman

  • Birthday 02/25/1962

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    I love music by Keith Green, Rich Mullins I love to fellowship with the Lord, and good christian people. I'm out going, and love christian concerts, eating out, favorite food is Gold Star chili ( a Cincinnati thing) Last book read: all the Left behind books.

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  1. Angels can take on different characteristics, just do a topical study on them and you will find they can differ in how they look
  2. Sure thing, God certainly could have "pushed" the speed of light far beyond C. He just would have had to also make sure to supernaturally keep stars from collapsing and a host of other effects this would have produced. . .and then He would have needed to hide all of that to make it look like C has never changed more than 0.0006% some nine billion years ago. In other words, yes God could have built a deceptive universe in order to trick us. Hello; I'm new here, and a little confused about this conversation. Is the idea being discussed that the speed of light can vary? If so, that's a pretty heavy claim to make. Are you really confident that you are in a position to refute the theory of relativity? The point of calling the speed of light 'c' is that it is a constant. Physicists say we should not think of it as a velocity, but rather as a conversion factor between space and time. That is, it appears to be a LOGICAL constant. Take another logical constant, Pi in geometry. Pi specifies the ratio between cicumference and diameter in a circle. We can be wrong about pi, or not know its true value, but the value itself will not change. We can't change Pi without changing the logical relationship of figures that are defined in terms of each other. Hi Aiwa, welcome; My point is that if the velocity of light has changed any at all, then the speed of light is not constant, here is a link from your own scientific community that states that the speed of light has changed over the years: speed of light changed Since this information came from your own scientific community there shouldn't be a problem with it should there? And if the speed of light has slowed down then in the past it was going at a much higher velocity wasn't it. Which brings me to the conclusion that the Universe is not as old as claimed.
  3. For the most part space is a vacuum. And really, most of the things we know that effect the speed of light slow it down. Whenever light goes into a medium it slows down (based on the mass and density of medium) and in space mediums (like interstellar gas) can absorb the photons (putting it at a complete stop) and release the photon latter at an unknown time. We've seen evidence that of light being slowed down and/or stopping part way. We haven't seen anything to suggest that it goes faster in some places. Under certain special conditions in the lab scientists can make the light go faster than c, but you cannot send information (we see lots of information in light from stellar objects) faster than the speed of light. Really!? Assuming the universe is 10,000 years old, and 13 billion light years is the farthest we can observe, the light needed to go at an average of 1.3 million times faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. If that is what you are really proposing (universe is young), there is nothing to suggest that anything on that magnitude has ever happened. The speed of light in a vacuum is essentially a constant. The problem for you is that scientists can see throughout the history of the universe if the speed of light has changed in any significant way. While the speed of light has changed slightly (less than 1%), there is no evidence of drastic changes needed to void using starlight as one way of determining a minimum age. For our purposes it is essentially unchanged. Scientists don't use the speed of light to determine the age of the universe. It is a good way to establish a minimum age though, and it is a fairly easy concept to get across that can take us back to 13 billion years. From what I understand scientists get the age of the universe by analyzing the cosmic background radiation (CMB) and the expansion rate, which gives us about 13.7 billion years old. Neither of which use the speed of light to find the age of the universe. Dner, Please consider these points: 1. At the begining of creation, God made everything and sped the light up to reach the earth instantly. 2. but over time light was slowed to it's present speed. Therefore since you agree and luker agree that God can supernatural change or interact with the laws of physics, then this is something that needs to be considered. it's not that God is trying to decieve you, but scientists just see things the way they are now because they weren't there in the begining.
  4. I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you give an example? I think the important thing to notice is that outside of the very early universe (which we simply don't know yet), the speed of light has changed very little. So you admit the speed of light has changed, therefore follow my logic here ( If it has changed once, ) it can change again, And these are my two points: 1. The speed of light can vary depending on it's enviorment. ( there's no telling what kind of enviroments are out there in space) 2. And if the speed of light can change based on it's enviorment, and we don't know all the eviroments out there in space. 3. then it is illogical to assume that light traveling from a great distance, has not interacted with some enviorment to either speed it up or slow it down. The chances that it has not interacted with such an enviroment are astonomical. 4. Therefore we should not assume that the speed of light is constant 5. Therefore it is illogical to use the speed of light in determining the age of the universe.
  5. That clears up nothing except that you clearly didn't understand the article you linked to which is discussing how the fine structure constant (alpha) may have varied slightly in the past which, in turn, could have had a slight effect on the speed of light. The underlying argument I am trying to convey is that everything in this universe is built upon physics, and if you mess with those physics you mess with the whole universe. Messing with the speed of light, for example, to try and get a young universe is going to cause some pretty catastrophic problems elsewhere. If you change the fine structure constant your going to change the strength of the force between all electrically charged particles, I'm really hoping you caught that "all", as in every freaking electrically charged particle in the universe. If you push that value over 4% in either direction stars are no longer physically able to sustain themselves so. . .once again. . .good luck with that. Additionally, you don't seem to realize that if these findings are accurate it would mean that the fine structure constant was 0.0006% smaller 9 billion years ago than it is today. If you're going to propose that light sped up beyond that amount you'll need to take all the findings you just cited and drop kick them into a black hole of confirmation bias. Lurker You just stated that C may have varied in the past, and that this had a slight effect on the speed of light, therefore as I stated before Light speed can vary and is no longer constant, thanks for making my point. I truely believe that if God decided to push the speed of light beyond what you call the 'c" He can do it without tearing up the universe.
  6. Outside of the stuff in the paper I linked to, there's lots of hypotheses about the early universe that deal with very high values for c called VSL models. There is no consensus or majority that c was X amount higher or lower in the past, but scientists are clearly not ruling out the possibility and there is evidence that such may be the case. Here is an interesting article This goes against classical physics and such, but the great thing about science is that nothing is set in stone and it goes wherever the evidence leads. Right now it looks like the evidence suggests that c has changed over time. Our understanding of how the universe works is changing and as long as that change is based on evidence it should be pursued. Then Dner, the question begs to differ why are you holding on to scientific theories that are in conflict to each other? One scientist says one thing then another says something different. Sounds like a bunch of confusion to me!!
  7. What amazes me the most 9ner, is that despite evidence that I have presented to you, by your own scientific community, you choose to cling to some obsolete Ideal that the speed of light is constant. The fact is Light traveling on it's way to earth can pass through who knows what to effect it's speed by the time it gets here. D-9 likely understands that the actual value of c does not change but that light is absorbed and re-emitted by matter which then appears to slow it down. The actual speed of light does not change. If the value of c were to change then the energy output of stars in the past should by drastically different than the energy output today unless, of course, you're going to argue against E=mc^2. . .in which case all I can say is good luck with that. Lurker Ok lurker, I guess I need to clarify my point a little more. Let's say that light leaves a star and is traveling at what scientists call light speed, what is that 186,000 miles/ps. Ok now this light interacts with something within a quarter of its traveling time from the star, this speeds it up to say 300 times the normal speed of light. the travel time would be greatly deminished.
  8. What amazes me the most 9ner, is that despite evidence that I have presented to you, by your own scientific community, you choose to cling to some obsolete Ideal that the speed of light is constant. The fact is Light traveling on it's way to earth can pass through who knows what to effect it's speed by the time it gets here.
  9. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39733
  10. Nice blog, very good and wise words.
  11. Upon studing Evolution for myself, I have discovered that most Christians understand that there are 2 types of Evolution: 1. Micro Evolution 2. Macro Evolution Micro Evolution is proven to take place on a small scale: For example 2 long haired dogs get dumped off in a hot climate. Over time their off spring no longer need the long hair, so the gene goes dormant. The gene is still there it just doesn't do anything. Macro Evolution: Is considered to be Larger changes which Christians are opposed to. For example Man decending from an ancestor other than human. Macro evolution clearly is counter to the scriptures. Because as Christians we believe that we were created by God from the Dust of the Earth, and Adam and Eve were fully Adult Humans on Day 1 when God created them.
  12. I like what the cop said; " maybe he will upgrade to paper". :24:
  13. How true Fez, thanks for that insight!!
  14. Nice Josh, I used to have visions when I was younger. I never asked for the interpretation because I always figured God will reveal them in His time. And He did. Looking back at my visions they were future events, and it would have been impossible unless of course God revealed the meaning of the vision for me to know what it meant, because, some of the factors were not in place yet. For example if a person has a vision of what happened at 9/11 before the towers were even built, how would you be able to understand unless God revealed it to you. It sounds to me like your vision maybe a future event involving perhaps a change of power from one country to another. The fact that you refer to the statue of liberity with broken windows, definately seem to indicate some kind of disaster for the United States. Perhaps the Tree represents one country that is rich, then the vulture represents, the riches being taking away and given to another cournty which maybe the second tree you saw. The Pennies, could represent the fruit that the 1st country brought forth, and perhaps, the Gold represent the fruit that the 2nd country brings forth. The room with the 10 men in it seems like a no brainer to me dead on with the book of revelation. Ok well I'm not an interpreter of dreams and never claimed to be . I'm just having fun speculating what it might mean. Blessing to you Bob
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