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other one

Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by other one

  1. I was wondering because she left the eggs alone for so long.
  2. That thought process is probably the only thing that would keep Joe Biden from winning, for the democrats are not going to vote for Kennedy. The Republicans have the majority in the House, so Trump would win.
  3. Might I suggest listening to the Bible while you do your busy work. I used to drive a lot and found it convenient to listen while driving. You can get the Bible on CD's or there are apps for your phone that will read to you. Bible Gateway is what I use on my android phone.
  4. Apparently not doing these good deeds will send you to hell
  5. I don't think it is a good idea to poke the bear right now. Russia isn't even trying to take over all of Ukraine, much less pick a fight with NATO.
  6. other one

    File search

    some may have to set their translation to English.
  7. Army of God would be one. They terrorize abortion clinics. Also, the KKK is still alive in parts of the South, and several "white supremacists" groups that claim to be Christian.
  8. I guess I missed that part of the conversation. SBT
  9. The word from which the word soul is translated in many other places is translated creature. Many later translations translate it as creature or being in Gen. 2:7. All that just to say I agree.
  10. The largest one would be the CIA.
  11. The videos are very interesting and pretty much what I've been expressing since the mid 1990s. Working nights I had a lot of time to listen to late night radio and those stations that most would consider conspiracy places were setting the foundation for what's going on and looks like is about to come to fruition. They are way too long to post directly here. It would be too much to ask those who have to approve them to set for 3 hours, so we can't start that.
  12. In great big letters that everyone considered yelling. You are missing the point.
  13. The people in all that I have attended all love each other and take care of each other. From 2009 to 2019 we traveled over 26 weeks a year and visited churches all over the whole country. I've never been to a Nazarene church where the people didn't love their neighbors.
  14. They are an hour each. It's a subject I'm interested in.
  15. It's not always what you say, it's how you say it. Get over it...
  16. If you are attempting to be offensive, guess what.... You achieved your attempt and slightly lowered opinions. LoL
  17. And if you stop and approach it, chances are it will mess you over. I've seen owls do that.
  18. We put our church service on Facebook. Go to Facebook and search for Shawnee First Church of the Nazarene. Starts at 10:30 central time. Our pastor just had shoulder surgery, so he will be missing for a week or two. There are past services there, and he had just finished a series on Revelation you might enjoy.
  19. If Biden wins, we can discuss it in 2026
  20. In a lot of elections, I could possibly agree with you, how the difference in the level of evil between the two is kind of different from normal. If the Democrat wins, there is little chance the Republic will stand. Our way of life will cease to exist. I did vote for Ross myself.. and it got me Bill Clinton.
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