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other one

Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by other one

  1. So what are we to do if/when the computers go down. It happens even now in bad weather and we have power outages.
  2. Shari Law does not allow new churches to be built in any place where they control things. This is not extremists, it's Islam.
  3. Such a tiny book he shows them, and they don't seem willing to read. We read things that size just for the fun of it.
  4. Since the deep state called our administration has been fomenting a war with Russia since the USSR collapsed, I would think the entire Russian government would not trust us to keep it. We didn't even keep the treaties we had with Native Americans from the start, and nothing has changed. If I no longer trust our own government, how do we expect them to.
  5. WorthyNews: Ukraine’s President Thankful For $61 Billon US Aid Package, But Challenges Remain. Yes, like where are they going to find people to use the weapons we send them. All it will accomplish is to give them weapons to have Russians blow up and kill the rest of the baby producing part of their population.
  6. How could she be any worse?
  7. I still don't know anyone who didn't want to be baptized. When Jesus told us to do so how can anyone justify not doing so.
  8. This election is way too important to do something like that.
  9. I would suggest you do some serious research on the Masonic order. You can't be a Christian and a Mason. Look up the writings of Albert Pike and Manley P. Hall. Read two or three of their books to understand why.
  10. Yes, but I was just answering the question asked in the title. And it is what I tell the Muslims I deal with. They are aware of Jesus and even believe he had a virgin birth, they just don't understand who his dad is. Also keep in mind that when all enemies are made their footstool, Jesus will subject himself to the Father. I have to discuss with them just what that word God means. They don't understand the concept of the trinity could be real and consider us as polytheists. Making us worthy of death.
  11. We are in trouble with unity, for we have let in so many people who have no desire to assimilate.
  12. Actually the original Greek doesn't say shall, it says might not perish or should not perish. The not is a conditional thing. There is more to it than just believe. One has to believe to even start.
  13. I would say that he is equal because the Father gave him the authority over everything except himself. After Jesus has subdued everything to himself, he will present it all to the Father and subject himself to the Father. I do believe where this scripture uses the Word God, it is speaking of the Father.
  14. That sounds simple, but there is a lot to declaring Jesus as your Lord. A lot of responsibility goes along with that so as not to make yourself out to be a liar. If he is your Lord, you must do as he says, and lead a life of righteousness. Basically by living by his two commandments... Every day all day and night.
  15. LoL, like sanctions stopped Russia, when what was happening in Ukraine mattered more to the Russians than what the Global elites could do to them. I don't think people really understand what Israel being there means to Islamic nations. Meaning where the Muslim clerics actually run the country.
  16. Hummm, not sure what you mean by that.
  17. Yes, for a very long time I really thought he'd be back by 1988. I was shocked when Hal Lindsey agreed with me. It made being so wrong easier to take. LoL
  18. All are tools, but just tools... I would say that Satan has used Radio and TV fairly well over the past 100 years. When I was very young, my grandparents (and a lot of their friends) considered Social Security Numbers to be the mark of the beast and fully expected it to be marked on us somehow. And I guess with modern technology it may well be yet.
  19. Me.... but I really thought it would be a little quicker coming.
  20. It is a tool... But as I look through its programming today, I would think Satan is getting good use of it in the general sense.
  21. Washington spoke of God a lot, however I do not think he talked about Jesus being his Lord. The two pastors where he faithfully attended church have written that he never once took communion with the Church, and when asked about it just stopped attending church on days when communion was served. I would agree he was a good person, as many Masons seem to be. But you can't be a true Christian and a Mason, especially above the 30th degree.
  22. I've had that happen with some very large geese, and they don't just come at you then retreat. They get right in your face and beat you with their very strong wings.
  23. I would not want Donald for a neighbor, but I do want him as our president. Actually, I don't think any of the presidents we've had in my lifetime I would want as a neighbor except Jimmy Carter, and he wasn't a very effective president.
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