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other one

Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by other one

  1. I've had dreams similar, but it was Chinese solders instead of Russian. Either would be a real disaster I guess. Interestingly George Washington had a dream or vision of the US being attacked and taking a terrible blow but winnig out in the end
  2. other one


    That's what I thought.....
  3. Actually we use the camping to get away from everything. House chores, bill paying, work and just about everything. We spend time praying, reading, fishing, hiking and in general walking with the lord outside of the normal pressures of daily life. It is a true sabbath of rest relaxation and enjoyment. Problem is daily life just builds up while you're gone, along with a lot of good posts here, and they don't like me catching up on worthy board posts on the job
  4. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0197/mcveigh.htm This is one of the stories that pertains to this idea.
  5. other one


    I have a question. At what point does the beast demand that we worship the image of the beast and kill all of us that will not worship it and take it's mark? Where in the time table of all the horses, trumpets and bowls does this take place?
  6. John 1:9 "the true light which enlightens everyone was coming into the world. He was made in the world and the world did not recieve him. yet the world did not know him. He came to his own and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God. who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God." I think these verses teach a Predestine Salvation, also I think it's clear here that even though the light enlightened "everyone" not "everyone" recieved him. Hope this helps You can also look at these verses when not bolding out an idea you are trying to make and give equal emphesis to all as saying that: Jesus came in to this world as flesh, but he made the world. He is the true light that lightens everyone. He came to his own and his own did not recieve him, but to all who did receive him He gave the power to become sons of God. He made them sons, or children of God, not by blood nor the will of the flesh but by the power of God. This verse does not say that he picked the people who believed in him, it says that he made it possible for those who did believe in him to become children, or sons of God, which no one but He can do. I don't see that this verse teaches predestened salvation, just that those who do believe are given something we can't do ourselves even though we believe.
  7. Well that seems more like the loving God that I know. Herbert Armstrong used to teach the same thing. I didn't know anyone else thought that. However, I can't remember ever reading scripture that would lead me to think in that direction. How in the world did they come up with something like that???
  8. How about "self deceived" "lazy, self centered, shallow minded, finger pointing, self serving souls" I can say all those things because I used to be one, so I know of what I speak..... or I guess it would be write. But write doesn't fit the cleeshea (ever how you spell that thing). I sure wish this board had a good spell checker.
  9. I'm not familiar with annihilation. Is it the annihilation of the spirit?
  10. I agree, unfortunatly our society does not really give us a good way to accomplish that these days. The only way to do that is to have the kids still live with one of the parents until they were capable of taking care of themselves, and that causes a lot of other problems that are not good either. If my son and his girlfriend wanted to get married when they were 14 or older I'd have probably had a fit. If God had picked them, maybe he would also take the time to tell me also and that would be a totally different thing........ we'd find a way.
  11. Sometimes you just can't help laughing. I don't think it is a sin...... at times maybe tacky. Like ladyC I doubt the story is fact. At least all fact. I find it very hard to believe that even a tree of that size could throw a body a mile. However I have seen people do really dumb things of this nature. (me included). I watched a guy cut a tree limb out from under himself one time and fall about ten feet. (couldn't get across the street in time to stop him). We did laugh at the guy and when he found that he was not hurt he had a pretty good laugh himself.
  12. Hunting can still be an exciting sport for not killing types like us. There are several good binocular companies that have included a relitively inexpensive digital camera in them. 'The pictures are not the best but they are not that bad either. This was a very overcast day and the binoculars are an 8 power. I think the camera itself is a little lower power than the 8. So if you don't like killing use a camera. BTW we fish a lot and release also. If a fish swallows a hook deep we simply cut the line and let the hook rust out and the fish does fine. If you release a fish you can catch it tomorrow. If you eat it...... If you are hungry eat a chicken and leave my fish alone I guess there may be chicken lovers somewhere...
  13. I dont' know Ted...... if you are starving and around game a well thrown rock might get you a meal...... don't know about the UN....
  14. to the person that has died there is no difference.
  15. . -uhhhhh??007----yupp they TALK--mostly about HOW much MORE the scum- -sucking---Imperialistic---powerrful-easy-life-style A-mericans have & HOW WE -should be MADE into a poor third-werld-country--AS IN POOR-DIVIDE$D--MANY- -MANY CULTURES--spanish-African-aztec-hindu-indian-etc-etc-etc-WITH just as -MANY gods--lifestyles{homosexual-lesbian-bi-sexual--ya get the drift??SO study -up on the TRUTH of the matter befo yuse go ta A-plauding some dead-communist -controlled governmental entity yo school-books are just slightly BIASED--UN- -truthful--& promote a communistic--secular-humanist-phylosophy & propoganda-- -Those are FACTS---- {i-think } Yeahus..... what shadow2b said.....
  16. maybe it was at the top of this post? :blush: Yod, we were camping last week and I came back to 700 emails and about 5,000 posts here on worthy boards. I also keep up and read several e-news organizations...... just information overload I think. Vacations are dangerous sometimes
  17. I worked in my dad's service station pumping gas and fixing flats. In junior high school we toured the local television station and I decided to be a tv director. It took some doing but managed to get hired on as soon as it was legal for me to work there. I spent about ten years as a director or audio engineer (short stint in the air force 8 months during that time). It seemed unless I wanted to move to L.A., Chicago or New York City we would really not make enough to have the comforts of life I was used to from my days growing up. SSsoooooooooo, plans not working out I did the best I could think of. I hired an agency to find me the best job possible. Praying about it surely helped a lot for: 32 years later I am still at Xerox Corp working on large high speed printing systems. (the kind of things that print your bank statements and credit card statements) Most of the machines I work on produce 3 prints a second and run millions of prints a month. I think the best thing to do when long term plans go wrong is to take it to God and ask Him to get involved in the decision making. The television career was a lot more exciting work, but working in hundreds of different offices gave me the opertunity to meet and get to know and share with many hunreds of people over the past 30+ years.
  18. If they do around here, I most likely will start going to church again......
  19. I read today, I believe it was either on World Net Daily or Drudge, that Jana Davis has written a book about her investigation of the bombing. It is due out next month. I'll get it and let you know if it goes along with all my memories of the time.
  20. Off and own yes. What is happening is prophesy and it won't change, but I have ask to put it off. I have people that are not saved, and I need to work on myself a bit too.
  21. I work for Xerox Corp as a senior service engineer (32 years). We have copiers and printers in just about everywhere. The morning of the bombing we usually have team meetings, but one of my 4 team mates was on vacation and another was scheduled to be in a remote town trying to help out another team, so we had canceled our meeting for that morning. I have to drive about 40 miles to work each day (long story) and on the way into town I just kept having that sick feeling that something was wrong. Our business at the level I work at is very time sensitive for response to problems on the machines when they don't work right. We have Nextel communication radio's and can talk to team mates just about anywhere. The other person going out of town had that same really sick feeling that something was terribly wrong and we were discussing our feelings. Both of us were thinking the feelings were from not having enough people to cover all the work, even though we do it all the time. It really didn't make sense to ether of us but both being believers we decided that it was not meant for him to be out of town, so we decided to go ahead and meet for our weekly meeting. Had we not I would have been in the parking lot across the street waiting for one of the night people to finish his shift so I could get his parking place and not have to walk two or three blocks to get into the account. I would have been there from a little before 9am to 9:10 or so for when he leaves the parking place doesn't last long. The bomb went off at 9:03. All the cars in that lot were totally destroyed. Where I would have been was about 50 to 70 feet away and likely standing at the back of my van checking parts levels. Literally nothing between me and truck but air. As it worked out we were about three miles away in another office. When the two blasts went off it raised my chair off the ground at least an inch. About three or 4 seconds later the shock wave hit the building and sucked all the tile from the false ceiling. We were directly in the flight path of Will Rogers Airport and all three of us thought a plane had hit the building and we all just sat there waiting for the fireball to take us out. Both of us knew that I had been sent to safety from the blast, and it is very hard to understand why all those kids had to die the way that they did with me sent away. I still have problems and will dream several nights from discussing it just this much. I know many of you saw pictures on the television but there is no way you can understand the sight and smell of the mess it left. Some of my team mates had to go into the basement of the building and install fax machines and copiers for FEMA and the FBI. They thoughtfully didn't ask me to go. Every person who was used at the site had to go through debriefing every time they left the site with counselors to make sure they were mentally ok. We did go by and see first hand the destruction. That was just a few stories and from what I saw there I can't even emagine what happened in New York City I did not loose any close friends but we casually knew several. There are a lot of things that happened in the investigation that simply didn't add up. Keep an eye on the trial going on now and see what all comes out. If you ever get the chance to hear Jana Davis talk about her private investigations do so for she is for real. Another good site is Alex Jones prisonplanet.com. Alex comes across as a raving nut sometimes, but all the suff on his site is very documented and you can check it out yourselves, for it is simply too painful for me to keep up with. If you ever go to the memorial, stand on the North side of the reflecting pool and as you look across, my chair would have been on the back row on the very left. Why me and not the kids......... Don't try and answer for He has told me it's His business, but it is still very hard to take the way they died...... It is past my bedtime and it will take some time to dry the tears and get to sleep. Write you all later
  22. also http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert.fs/shrine.htm I believe it was on CNN that I saw him do it.
  23. http://www.prisonplanet.com/031404exclusivephotos.html
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