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Everything posted by followerofjesus

  1. nations mentioned? When was the rapture mentioned?
  2. Believe it or keep lying to yourselves. The proof is in the facts....nothing but the truth if you can handle it. http://www.nascocorridor.com/ http://www.spp.gov/
  3. Neo cons can be the most evil people as history proves.
  4. Afal do not create a permanent solution to a temporary problem, in time things get better and a new day will shine. Take a vacation and enjoy yourself with family or friends.
  5. The problem is the abortions are still being carried out while the republicans are in office and nothing has been done to stop it.
  6. This is probably the first time she's been sober in years.
  7. Healthy people are only putting off the inevitable.
  8. The taxes produced from alcohol and tobacco made are astronomical.
  9. God Bless America ! It wouldn't be authentic without treehuggers and hippies! Heres to hippy power
  10. Sometimes its good just pay some illegal immigrants 10 bucks to do it for me.
  11. Why a creator would support destroying what he created ? Its not rational.
  12. That couldn't have been put any better. Its time the people took back the country. Obama ,Hillary? what a joke.
  13. An in law of mine believed he was practicing white magic after a life after death experience. He blew his head off in 2005 after that.
  14. What do you let your son read? Just curious, not meaning to be argumentative... What is acceptable until he reaches the age of accountablilty. He has not reached a point where he can determine good from bad on his own. He maintains straight A's through public school but its mainly learning materials. He has fun and tries hard. The material at school theres not much to do. Anything I discern as negative is out. These books have no positive or productive resource in them. They tend to lean towards evil which is non productive to me. This is just a personal preference. I judge no one.
  15. Still alot of unanswered questions. Its not conspiracy when its true.
  16. I'm tired of my religious wife bossing me around all the time.
  17. During a campaign stop in Austin, TX, Presidential candidate Ron Paul stated that the "First President Bush said the New World Order was in tune-- and that's what they were working for. The U.N. is part of that government. They're working very significantly right now for a North American Union. That's why there's a lot of people in Washington right now who don't care too much about our borders. They have a philosophical belief that national sovereignty is not important. It is also the reason I've made the strong suggestion that the U.S. need not be in the U.N. for national security.
  18. These books are lame. I wouldn't want my son to read it.
  19. There is more chance of a revolution than a civil war between democrats and republicans.
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