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Everything posted by aaronjm

  1. He is all over English news, he said the Holocaust never happened, and Israel should be "wiped off the map" and so on.
  2. I cannot believe some of the crap that comes out of his mouth, I wonder if the majority of Muslims feel the same way?? Deep down I am sure they do, but I can't judge them. He is getting up there with North Korea's leader.
  3. This guy seems to like neggitive attention, because he is in the headlines every other day. I haven't seen him mentioned in here, I'm sure he has, I'm just missing it. Iran has buried themselves in a hole with the statements of their president. I was left speachless at the last remark about the holocaust not being real....
  4. What is the Church of Christ? what are their core values? thanks
  5. If you want a tattoo go for it, if you dont like them, that's fine as well. Christians arguing over these verses has, and will go on untill Yeshua returns. Christians need to be open with fellow believers, they may feel differently about certain things, but dont criticize, or judge someone for worshipping in that manner.
  6. It doesn't keep me from that, but when my children are at school they dont do the christmas activities that I did when I was there. Nothing on this earth will stop me from worshiping the L-rd, I am just mad that the government is taking away everything this country was founded on, which had strong moral values.
  7. I fear that Christmas has come and gone, everyone is so PC these days, it is getting ridiculous. The government is trying to get rid of ANYTHING that has to do with G-d from their builidings, and my childrens schools are no exception. There is no Christmas break, it's winter break, no easter, halloween..... when will it end?? People get a stick shoved so far up their butt, that they want everyone else to suffer, I love Christmas, the REAL christmas like when I was younger, giving to my mom and dad was the best thing in the world for me. Worshipping the L-rd with my family, and friends, it was great. I also love Chanukah, at my house we embrace the jewish culture, and I know Chanukah isn't mentioned in the Bible, but it is a time when we can glorify G-d. Americans just need to get over themselves. G-d bless Christmas, G-d bless Chanukah G-d bless every day. Aaron
  8. a few weeks ago he wanted to completely get rid of the Israelis
  9. I'm listening to the news and the leader of Iran is a loon. He suggested to move Israel to Alaska??? What the heck is that about? This guy is just asking for it......but I will be praying for him. Aaron
  10. aaronjm

    End Times??

    I don't see the end coming any time soon as well, but I am keeping my eyes open, and patiently waiting for the L-rd. Aaron
  11. aaronjm

    End Times??

    wow, that was good, and imformative, thank you. Aaron
  12. My step-daughter has been baking cookies for about a month now. She is 7, and absolutely loves it, and Honest to goodness, she made these chocolate chip cookies that were the BEST I have had in my life. No joke. I dont know what she did, but they were awesome. Have a merry Christmas, and G-d bless you, Aaron
  13. What makes the idea of baptismal regeneration so dangerous is, that those who put their faith in water to save them, have essentially rejected Christ. When we try to work our way into Heaven by our own efforts, we are essentially telling Christ that his atonement wasn
  14. G-d will do everything for you as long as it is in His will. Just ask and you will recieve, but the most important thing that we need to remember about the will of G-d is that we need to be really patient. Don't ever rush anything, stay with G-d, and you will never fail. Currently, I have no idea what G-d wants for my life, but I have found a new church, and this wonderful board, I am just waiting to see what he will give me next. I am very shy in person, and have a hard time raching out to people, I still do it, but not as effectively as I would like. I would shout from the roof tops that Yeshua is G-d, and only through Him are we saved, but there are certain times, like at school, I want to tell the person next to me about Yeshua, but I dont want to scare them away either. I really need a lot of help with that part of my life. I wish you the best, and G-d bless Aaron
  15. I am not to famililiar on YHWY, and when it is used in the bible (I am getting there) but in my church they call Him Yahvey, with a V. I am pretty sure that noone knows the correct way to say it, but where does my church get the V, or other people use the W? My favorite part of the whole Bible is when the Pharisee's come to get Yeshua, Yeshua tells them I AM, and they collapse at those words. UNBELIEVABLE, how poweful is Yeshua!! What a wonderful L-rd we have. Makes me so happy thinking of those verses. May Yeshua bless you all Aaron
  16. I put in G-d when reffering to YHWH, I AM, which I consider to be very sacred, Yeshua reffers to himself as I AM, and I have the same respect for that as well. I have never considered the OT G-d different from the NT G-d. We all have our different quirks, but I don't copnsider myself a better Christian for writing G-d, just a personal prefference. Aaron
  17. I have quite a few different versions that I read, I compare them all and such, but usually I stick with the NIV. I just wanted to know more about the morning star reference, which I don't consider a contradiction, but ignorance on the part of me. I'm still learning the Bible, and will be till the day I die, it's something I look forward to each day, it's the way to communicate with our Father. All versions convey pretty much the same message, some just translated words different, it gives you more perspective on what the apostles, and prophets really said. In the future I am going to get the Greek version of the NT, so I have some knowledge on the root words, but untill then I rely on people on here to educate me, which I am greatful for. Aaron
  18. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing things like this, I'm not saying G-d wouldn't give someone visions, it's just something we all have to be very careful with. Do you consider yourself a prophet? Or was this just a one time thing? I wish you all the best in your walk with Yeshua. Aaron
  19. aaronjm

    End Times??

    I hear A LOT of people everywhere I turn talking about the end times, and I am just wondering what specifically are they, or you talking about. I'm not arguing that it isn't the end times, but what new developements have come about that make you feel this way. This is in no way an argument, I just want to get some perspective on this subject. I see morality getting worse and worse, but beyond that I don't see much else. thanks in advance Aaron
  20. We are saved by grace from G-d alone, baptism is just publically affirming your belief, and not "required" for salvation. Aaron
  21. Why would Satan have anything to do with the scripture?? The new translations may not be perfect, but they are still proclaiming Yeshua as the Son of G-d, I doubt that Satan would have any part of this. Everyone is so quick to blame Satan for everything, Man would be evil even without Satan. There is a reference of Michael the Arch Angel not bringing a slanderous word against Satan when arguing over the body of Moses, who are we to do it?? Aaron
  22. My wife showed me that the other day, it is unbelieveable what he did, but the authorities had to shut him down, because people in their cars would stop for a long time looking at it. He spent 15 grand on those lights.... yikes. Aaron
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