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Everything posted by Rania

  1. I think the movie industry is making what they would consider more "spiritual" movies. For each Christian movie that came out, there were probably twice as many that came our dealing with evil spirits, the occult or the "dark side". People don't want this life to be all there is so they are drawn to anything "spiritual".........looking for hope. Tap
  2. Rania


    I'm sorry. I completely missed that and will hunt for it now. Thank you.
  3. Rania


    Can someone answer this for me? Ezekiel was in no way referring to a fallen devil named Satan. First of all, Jews do not believe in a devil, therefore, they would not refer to one. Secondly, if you read the entire chapter, you will see that he IS referring to the king of Tyre, which at the time of his writing was a fellow named Ittobaal. Thirdly, notice that in verse 19, the author says that "All the nations who knew you are appalled at you". Ok, now when was this supposed fall of Satan? It must have been before creation since you insist that he was the snake in the garden of Eden. If so, who were all these nations that knew Satan before creation? Fourth, in verse 8, the individual is threatened with a violent death "in the heart of the sea". Is this how your devil is going to die? I thought he was going to be tortured for eternity. Fifth, in verse 9, the individual is clearly called a MAN. And who are the people that are going to slay him? Look, you need to quit taking verses out of context and trying to make them say what you want them to. Read the entire book, or at least the whole chapter, so you can understand what is being said. Did you even notice that Ezeliel also gave prophecy against Ammon, Moab, Philstia, Sidon and Egypt? I was asking. Thank you for responding to me. I will do more studying and get back on this. I'd sure like another opinion. TAP
  4. If you want a good site to go to while you
  5. Rania


    Can someone answer this for me?
  6. One thing I have learned about God......He is not complicated. He wants conversation with us and all the time we spend debating how we pray rather than praying, takes away from time with him. I bet he'd look right at us and say...."You breathed your prayers, shouted your prayers, cried out in your prayers and sang your prayers........but when did you ever stop and listen?" Maybe not. We seem to be looking for the magic formula in our faith. Our faith is not a formula that is perfectly created through trial and error. It's a relationship, much as the relationships you have with people. It's up and down and changing and just as a friendship grows over the years, so does our relationship with Him. It's not about knowing exactly how to pray. It's about knowing Him. TAP
  7. Rania


    First in Isaiah then in Ezekiel. Chronologically, that is. Ezekiel 28:13-18 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. 14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. 15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. 16 Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. 17 Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. 18 By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. ------------------------------------------------------- I just realized this passage speaks not only of how Satan fell, but also speaks of his ultimate demise. Am I understanding that correctly or missing something? Tap
  8. I think I announced that back on page two of this thread.
  9. You're not too sentimental but I would definitely stop short of saying the man deserved to have his house burn. I care for all the little creatures but humans will always have more value than animals. Why? As stated above........we are created in the image of God to rule over the animals. I believe that also means to care for them and kill only when killing is necessary. Tap
  10. I'm always looking for something quality to go and watch. Thank you for the heads-up on this one. Tap This is my 100th post. Do I get a prize???
  11. Update~ I saw this story on the news again this morning and it looks like burning leaves caused the fire.....not the little rodent!
  12. Hi, Danny. I, too believe in saving all life whenever possible. And to be honest, I don't swat flies or even step on bugs if I see them and can avoid them. I think what this man did was terrible but I also don't think we should find any hidden messages in the fact that the mouse then burned the house down. Karma.....ya know? tehe..... As a resident of Oregon I can tell you that PETA and other tree-hugging organizations, though very protective of all animal and plant life, have forgotten the importance of human life. We live in a country where the spotted owl is saved but the child can be cast aside. TAP
  13. With your permission.....I can hardly wait to use that line!! Tap
  14. My brother is the new pastor at a church here in my town and most of it's members are made up of Home-schooled families with what looked like a minimum of 4 kids each. One family had 12 kids! My post here is not about home-schooling (though it could be) but more, about regrets. As we sat on one side of the congregation I looked out over the families during worship time and the place was filled with children. Older siblings helping care for the younger ones and ALL were singing and clapping. Even the little toddlers. They closed their eyes and folded their hands while praying and even listened to the pastor while he preached. He told the young kids that couldn't yet write out notes to count the number of times he said "humility" in the sermon and then report to him afterward. He told the ones who could only draw out their notes that this would be a sermon where they could draw a picture of a shephard and a sheep when they heard him mention it. All ages were included in the sermon and listened intently. My mind wandered to my own church that we've been in for 25 years and raised both our kids in. If the child is under 7, they don't even come into the worship service but stay in a room throughout the entire morning. I suppose someone thinks they might be disruptive to the service. The majority of middle school and high school students are too "cool" to sing along and freely worship with the congregation. Also, they entire service is kept moving by a clock rather than the Spirit. I suppose I was stunned at the reality before me. Though my kids have turned out well by the world's standards, they have also been raised watching "Friends" or "Family Matters" and many other shows. They now talk like they watched "Friends" rather than "Bonanza", if you know what I mean. They won't have any problem making their way because according to society, they will fit right in. When we came home from church I told my husband I could never be a member of that congregation because every Sunday I would sit there, filled with regret for not placing enough importance on keeping my children's minds as pure as possible. This may seem silly to the rest of you but for me, it was gut-wrenching as I came face to face today with my greatest sin........... not being the parent that God called me to be. For those of you with young children or who are planning to have children......take this as a warning. Letting your kids watch "whatever" on TV is a lousy idea. Everything that goes into their little brains will shape and mold them into the adult they will soon become. And trust me............it comes quickly. Thanks for letting me ramble (and pour out my heart). I could have written 6 pages about what I'm feeling today. Totally at Peace
  15. That would be asking me what I think of my children. It's been an awesome experience to have two cultures living within one home. We grow and learn from each other and life is much more exciting! (especially the travel and the music!) My kids love being bi-racial. Tap
  16. I think you're right. There is too much happening in the news right now to not agree with you on that. Stay tuned.
  17. Welcome back, Keith. Your message is very encouraging to me. I joined while you were gone so now it's really nice to meet you. TAP
  18. This is such a beautiful message. I named myself "TotallyatPeace" because no matter what comes my way.....there is always this underlying peace that only faith in Christ can bring. Of course, I don't deny that occasionaly my name should read "totallynotatpeace". tehe....... I'm working on it........I'm working on it. TAP
  19. That's excellent!! Seriously......so many people think that this is a problem for men only which couldn't be further from the truth. The suggestions above are so good....especially, putting the computer in a room where many people are and having an accountability partner. Also.....put a heavy filter on the computer to give you one more thing to make you stop and think before you move forward to disaster. One last thing......if there is another person that your friend is communicating with on the computer who is into this......cut them off. Period. Tap
  20. This is what I found on the author. Tap http://www.ex-atheist.com/6.html
  21. Hi, everyone. It's important that you see right underneath the title, that this is an article I posted and the author's name is there. As much as I would love to take credit for the article...... I can't. It was sent to me from a friend so feel free to use it or re-post it elsewhere but please include the author's name. It is exceptionally well written. Thanks! Tap
  22. It sounds like you have a real gift in this area. I'd like to be watching on the sidelines sometime. Tap
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