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Everything posted by jeffnevins

  1. I've used Site For Sore Eyes, but yeah- Costco & Wallmart- wonder how the prices compare.
  2. I am thankful for the use of my arms, without which, laundry would be impossible. I've learned these past months what a gift a working, pain-free body is.
  3. Thank God- no bruise. Thanks for the response very much. There was enough pain/discomfort to wake me up a few times last night. It hurts this morning. Makes you realize how grateful you are for your arms. I can see the advice pharmacist at the drug store. My hand is a bit stiff/sore. I use the hand for drawing/computer work. Just wish I was less foolish. Have had increased ringing in the ears- so equilibrium could be off. Need to get a blood test next weeks. Just tricky w/o income/insurance. Thanks- and glory to God.
  4. Sorry to do this & again- I've been getting a lot of injuries lately. My knee & right pinky are still stiff almost four weeks later, but I'm able to use them. I just smashed my right forearm between my chair armrest & animation table (bottom is metal). Felt nauseous, lightheaded, & I have some tenderness, but does anyone think it is serious enough to be a fracture? I'm trying to be a strong, confident man of God (& His healing), but honestly don't know & came here. Thanks-
  5. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps 46.1, NRSV) I don't know if there's much to discuss. I just wanted to put this out here today for people.
  6. Thanks for the responses, including Joe's choices of scripture.
  7. jeffnevins

    James 4:9

    Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. I like the verses before & after as well- draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, and purify your hearts. And humble yourself before Him, and he will lift you up. v9 is at all times, though? I've been mourning & weeping much of the past three months due to some pain, and have been praying a lot, but was curious. Thanks.
  8. Thanks very much. There is swelling & pain, but I have some Naproxen for my head. I'm using ice & trying to stay off the leg & hope to get to the clinic on Sat. In Christ-
  9. I research on Web MD, etc. what symptoms to look out for in injuries, but figured I'd ask here as well. Anyone else ever injure a knee? I smashed it down into a small wood chair top by accident today when chasing after a toddler. There's some tingling in my right foot, and some tenderness, but I can walk OK. I just hope it wasn't enough to fracture the kneecap or that I need to see a doctor. I pray for God to help me be careful not to get hurt anymore, but it keeps happening. I'm sorry if you're sick of these posts. Thanks-
  10. Powerful story. Thanks for sharing. I am humbled by my night season and desperate for God's mercy.
  11. Thanks for the responses. I have an appointment at a medical clinic on Sat. I don't have insurance & really don't want to pay large sums to hospital doctors that have rarely helped me over the past decade. When I got the CAT scan for the concussion a few months ago, they didn't really do anything to help me after. I guess that takes therapy. The concussion caused the heart problem; I think I worked too many late nights. I've been feeling some pain tinges on the left wrist, leg, arm, etc. God knows if I will recover. I'm trying so hard not to get hurt anymore & eat enough, take the right supplements, etc. I really want health to be like it used to- not out of selfishness, but to keep serving God & others the best I can. But only He knows what is going to happen. I need to trust Him. Thanks-
  12. Last Wed. night I started feeling consistent heart pain. Thank God (prayers of friends helped perhaps) it was less constant by Sat., and now has tinges once in a while. I've had a headache for two months due to a concussion. I'm guessing this is a complication. I'm 36, and 125 lbs. I hope the body's just healing. I'm taking magnesium and Mega Heart GNC vitamins, and taking a short walk each day now. Someone suggested accupuncture- but I'm not sure. Just wondering if anyone else has bounced back from heart pains. Thank you very much. In Christ-
  13. Thanks for the post. That is some bad news. Funny to see L.A. up there with Modesto. Pray without ceasing is right.
  14. 1 John 5:4-5 " For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world
  15. Interesting topic. Thanks for the posts. Memory of the past can be a tricky thing. "If only I had done this instead", etc.
  16. It can be tough when we don't hear back. I prayed, posted here, and decided to go to the hospital (despite no insurance) and even get a CT scan for my ongoing headache. Other times I've asked Him how long to live in a city or stay at a job. I'm never quite sure what the right answer is. When asking about moral questions or whether I can go on in life, the answers are found in the Bible, though. Good topic.
  17. Worder if I'll be around when it happens- thanks for posting.
  18. Thanks for the responses. It's amazing what I've recovered from over the past. And what some have you have healed from as well. But I suppose a doctor is needed at times in life, and there is more I'd like to do in ths life. God bless-
  19. Sorry to pop in out of the blue again. Hope you're all doing well. I took my first vacation in three years recently , thanks to my grandfather treating my mom, brother & I to an Alaska cruise. Two weeks ago on the trip I stupidly turned my head while sneezing & hit my head on the top of a wood chair while sitting (and had drinks that night after- extra stupid ). There was some bleeding- no blacking out. And no need for stitches. I've started taking all the vitamins I can to boost the immune system, and try to take weekends off work, but don't have health insurance for a CAT scan. I seem to be slightly dizzy the first half of the day especially, and the headache is consitent- getting worse when exposed to stress/loud noise. What's the longest you've been dizzy and/or had headaches? I've read this can last for a few more weeks or even months. Or permanently Thanks for any response-
  20. A simple solution might have been to make the movie animated, like series! The story of the series is the most epic ever done for US TV animation, and the art/animation is fantastic (I had a friend who worked on backgrounds at Nick). I'd say just watch all the the episodes instead, but that's a lot of $ for those DVDs...
  21. Wow, thanks everyone. Yeah, I bought a card & store gift card that I would take in person if I went, and mail if I didn't. We were close when I lived down there (met at the church I went to), but lost touch over the years. It's just hard not to go to something when invited. In Christ-
  22. Hate being indecisive, but I've been wondering about this one for weeks, and now two days before the event still can't decide. I'm up in the Bay Area, and he's in L.A. It'd cost too much to fly, and possibly even for Amtrak if no income continues. Amtrak takes a long time there & back. Haven't taken a long trip in quite a while- I'm a bit rusty. I want to go, but know that you don't always get to do what you want. I have no idea what God wants. Well, thanks for any responses.
  23. Ah- so that's where they're from. Quite a read. Just finished. Thanks for the post.
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