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Everything posted by KeilanS

  1. Hey Natt! I know exactly what you mean when you talk about their dedication! That is something that the rest of us can learn from the mormons. If every Christian was as dedicated to the Truth as many mormons are to their lie, the world would be a much better place. My advice for how to deal with them is to just love them back. If they bring up religion, tell them about your new Christian faith (being careful not to run the mormon faith down). Read up on the Mormon church, know all their doctrines and the flaws in those doctrines, that way you'll be sure not to fall into the same lie. Most importantly, pray often for your mormon friends and for the faith of your family.
  2. Somebody try going to Los Angeles and starting a "Clean the crazies!" campaign. See how far that gets.
  3. Somebody try going to Los Angeles and starting a "Clean the crazies!" campaign. See how far that gets.
  4. Oh I'm so glad the government stepped in here! Fire-breathing dragons are becoming such a problem in our society. I will rest much easier now that I know I am safe for the threat of a dragon burning down my house at night.
  5. I need more details to decide on this one. Did the gays make a big deal about the fact that they were gay? Did the church tell them it was just fine to be homosexual? I think that homosexuals should be allowed to worship, but nobody should ever say their sin is okay. We can't be afraid to tell them they are sinning. There is also a big difference between a known gay coming in to worship and not mentioning it, and two gay men walking in with their arms around each other and holding hands.
  6. That is wierd. I'd like to know more about this bug. Is it possible that it has become airborne or something like that? Hopefully this one fades away just like the 60's outbreak did.
  7. Wow, I feel bad for you Americans here. I really don't know who I would vote for. I am hoping that Huckabee wins, I really like him. Although between Hillary and Giuliani? I think I'd move.
  8. Yes, truly we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" !! That is a fantastic book. "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" by Paul Brand and Phillip Yancey. It is about all the crazy things our body does, and he we can use that as a metaphor to how the body of Christ should operate.
  9. Not necessarily. Cold virus's are nasty little beasts. As far as I know, the new mutations come because they are poor at replicating their DNA. So while the cold is happily reproducing inside your cells, sometimes it makes a mistake and suddenly you have a change in it's genetic code. Usually it is a harmless mutation, or it makes the cold virus useless so it simply gets swallowed by your immune system. However, sometimes the mutation helps the virus, sometimes enough that it becomes a dangerous "super bug".
  10. KeilanS

    Judges 11

    Thank you JB Horn and Leonard (your post made perfect sense, even with the Nyquil ) I like the idea of her making a vow of chastity rather than being sacrificed, although I do feel as if the scripture does not support it (although that certainly does not mean it isn't the truth), but I also understand your explanation Leonard. The chapter does not tell us if the Lord approved of this sacrifice and I think we can safely reason that He did not. I remember reading the verse saying that everyone did what was right in their own eyes, I had just forgotten that it applied to this period in time, thanks for the reminder!
  11. I'm not even joking, Chuck Norris actually wrote this. If I am elected president by Chuck Norris I was wondering the other day, if I ran for president, what would be my campaign promises? I made a list I'm certain can get me elected. If I'm elected president, I will… Require members of Congress to work out on the Total Gym 15 minutes each day – or else they can't vote on anything. Cut spending by dismissing the Secret Service, at least for my eight years in office (why would I need them?). Resurrect Bruce Lee and appoint him head of homeland security (OK, the CIA and FBI too). Give a presidential pardon to … no one, ever. Baretta was right in the '70s, "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. Don't do it!" Turn the Rose Garden into a new fighting ring for the World Combat League, in which liberals and conservatives will fight for legislative leadership and priority. (For fun, Saturday night fights will feature a recurring bout between Hannity and Colmes). "American Idol" already told me they will provide the entertainment. Require Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to personally pay for national, comprehensive medical coverage for every American (or meet me in the Rose Garden). Increase jobs in America by sending ninja teams to sabotage and steal them back from other countries. Tattoo an American flag with the words, "In God we trust," on the forehead of every atheist. Give a tax credit to anyone naming their children Walker or Texas Ranger (excluding Will Farrell). Resolve the Iraq war by bringing all of our military personnel home immediately, then going over there by myself for "martial arts negotiations." Hang Saddam Hussein (Whoops – scratch that – already did it undercover). Convey my plan for world peace to the United Nations: taking the governor of California with me on our "kick butt and ask questions later" USO world tour. Give every new military enlistee abroad a copy of my upcoming new book, "The Threat of Justice," with the words, "Arnold and I will be back to pump you up!" above my autograph. Bring on Donald Trump as my apprentice. When my presidential term is complete and he has obtained his black belt, or whichever comes first, he can buy the White House and of course rename it (to, what else, "The Trump House"). Create new immigration legislation: to deport all liberals (then force them to listen to Bill O' Reilly every day for five years, at which point they may return). Ask producer Mark Barnett to film "Survivor – Camp David," where world leaders will meet annually, for an all-out cage-fighting championship. The winner will take home $1,000,000 in Disney Dollars, good in Europe or America. Send an autographed photo of me and my horse (no dogs in my White House) to everyone who commits to read my new WorldNetDaily "presidential column" and blast a blog who dares to disagree with me. Complete the plan to bring Tony Blair to the U.S. as my vice president. Expose the real WMDs – my fists and feet. Replace Letterman, Leno or Conan once monthly, since stand-up comedy is what most governmental officials do anyway. Ask Al Gore to provide me with a special governmental study on the connection between spotted owl extinction and global warming. (I'm pretty sure Michael Moore will film the docudrama). Help Rosie transition from "The View" to the pew – it might help her get over that anger problem. If the pew doesn't work, she can spar Trump in the Rose Garden. First and foremost, however, my greatest priorities will be to … Personally smoke out bin Laden by myself and round-house kick him all the way back to America, where my United Fighting Arts Federation will handle the justice issues. Make all Chuck Norris facts come true (well, not quite all of them – I'm a happily, married man!)
  12. Doc, you hit the nail on the head with this message. You have shown the difference between spanking a child and abusing them. When a child is spanked, the parent should be completely calm, first explaining what they did wrong and telling them that a spanking is the consequence. Then they should be careful to spank only enough to make it hurt, rather than just taking a swing. A parent should NEVER spank their child while they are still angry. Spanking a child in anger is a terrible example and sends the message the violence is okay. There is also the possibility that the parent will lose their temper and forget their own strength. Done properly, spanking does not lead to severe psychological damage. You can take my word for it, I was spanked when I misbehaved as a child and I am not seeing any signs of aggression or psychological disorders yet. In fact, I'm quite a calm person most of the time.
  13. Agreed (not about the voting, I'm Canadian, but about being the tolerable one). I really hope he wins. The idea of Hillary or Obama as the leader of the United States almost literally scares me.
  14. Don't think that would word very well............ stopping would be rather difficult, and imagine the speeding tickets! What's the fine for, say, Mach 4 in a School Zone? That takes high speed cop chases to a whole new level.
  15. I am not against spanking (and bear in mind, I'm only 16, so my being-spanked days are not that far gone, haha) but I would like to try and avoid it with my children. Of course it won't even be legal at that point (if it is now?) but I'll answer hypothetically. I think that spanking is not necessary if you have harsh punishments and you carry them out. I quite often see parents making idle threats "If you don't come to supper, no TV for a week" yet the next day the child is happily watching TV. The most important thing to do is to make sure your punishments are being followed with militant certainty. If the punishment is ignored, make it worse (1 week grounding, 2 weeks grounding, etc.) Children do not learn to be behaved properly through idle threats.
  16. KeilanS

    Judges 11

    Well I read Judges 11 today, in it, a man named Jephthah sacrifices his daughter to the Lord after winning a battle. Isn't human sacrifice against God's law?
  17. Christianity blossoms under persecution, so I say bring it on! The Lord can handle anything the Chinese government has to offer.
  18. 4614 mph?!?!?!!? Somebody stick wheels on that thing and let me drive it to school. >_>
  19. This pretty much sums up how I feel about it. I believe it is not only wasteful, but sinful for a Christian to buy a $20,000+ bathroom accessory or a $300,000+ vehicle. I cannot see Jesus spending money on things like that when it could be used to do so much good. Think of all the souls that could be saved if you put that $300,000 towards child sponsorship, or outreach to the homeless or any other Christian cause.
  20. My thoughts are that he should use his tithe money to buy the bike, but it should not be done lightly. First he should buy the cheapest bike he can that still fits his needs. Then he should find someone to make sure he does not start considering it a fallback, he should not be saying things like "Oh, it's okay if I spend some extra money here, I can just make up the rest of the rent out of my tithe". He could treat the bike as borrowed money and try to give extra tithe until the amount as back as soon as he has the means. You should also be careful not to be too legalistic. I'm not sure how much tithe your friend pays, but he isn't a "bad" Christian if he drops below 10%. Now I think that in most cases people should be paying above 10% (I consider it a minimum amount for myself) but some people have circumstances that simply do not allow it and I think it is fine if they give less than 10%. I personally have struggled with this as well. Between my tithe and car insurance I have barely been putting money into my university fund. And it will cost me upwards of $30,000 to get through university. So I decided to cut back my tithe to put away a bit of extra money. I will try to make up for what I am not giving now with whatever money I save by paying less interest on money owed after I finish university.
  21. I am Intelbot 2009. Greetings carbon-based lifeforms. Now programming advanced war tactics into robotic army. Task Complete.
  22. I agree, that is terrible. I have the greatest respect for the rich who live just like the people who work for them (or for the people who attend their churches/ministry activities). I like C.S. Lewis's thoughts on Christian finances, if a Christian looks at non-believers and finds that they are living just as luxuriously as the non-believer, it means they aren't giving enough. And if a Christian can give money without needing to make sacrifices to give that amount, they should be giving more. (Although, don't give it to ministries like this one, I don't want my donated money buying some guy a new car)
  23. This is why I gave up on programming. And I didn't even do any multithread mumbo-jumbo. I spend about 3 days trying to learn visual basic before deciding it was the most boring thing on the planet and never looking at it again.
  24. Good article. As much as I think it is unfair, I think I would be willing to pay for political parties to operate. I would resent it a bit but I would do it. The national ID thing on the other hand, I support everyone in the UK making a stand against it. Something like that should not be allowed in a free country.
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