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Everything posted by anitarose

  1. Don't you think, though, that if you know very little about your own Hebrew roots (remember Jesus was a Hebrew), that before saying it's being "foisted" upon you, that you should at least investigate it. I do my very best not to force people to believe the way I do. How you believe is your own business is basically my philosophy. However....what IF, say, we're right and you're wrong? Personally, for me, I want to cover my bases. Y'shua didn't change the day of worship. That was Constantine. So many people are ignorant of church history (please, I'm not saying you are, so don't take it that way) that they aren't aware that it was Constantine who changed both the calendars from Hebrew to Gregorian and from the "worship" day from Saturday to Sunday. The SEVENTH day has always been a Saturday, according to the Hebrew calendar. Sunday (a pagan name) has always been the FIRST day of the week. Please believe me, I'm not saying that you are wrong and I'm right. God strike me if I am saying that. However, I would think that, if I disagreed with someone, I would want to be a Berean and investigate it before wildly accusing EVERYONE and saying that something is being "foisted" upon me when in fact it really isn't. Search the Scriptures. See if these things are true or not. Investigate church history from the Catholic standpoint and the Jewish standpoint. Do some research and THEN come back and tell us whether we are right or wrong. With true love, a.
  2. That would be awesome to have a sonic screwdriver....but I'd rather have the very long scarf of the 4th Doctor...along with Tom Baker himself!!! LOL
  3. I can remember when I was a kid watching this commercial for Art Van Furniture---it was one of those "Black Friday" commercials where the people are crowded in front of the door and they are pounding on the door, shouting "Open Door, Open Door!" At the time I thought it was funny....until I worked at a Burger King that happened to share parking space with a K-Mart and saw the nonsense first hand. I can pretty much guarantee you that if I didn't have to go out on that day, I didn't after that. To this day you won't catch me away from my "current" place of residence on that day...like I said, if I don't HAVE to go out, I WON'T. a.
  4. So you know---I don't consider you hijacking the thread...you're still talking about communion.....
  5. I actually thought this was a joke...but then again, it IS Michigan.....
  6. There's supposed to be a microchip on the lunar lander from Apollo 11 that has a Bible in it too...saw it on History Detectives one day...thought it was cool...
  7. This is a theological trainwreck. I don't even know where to begin... Be a Berean and study the Scriptures with an open mind....that might help...
  8. If the OT isn't where we learn worship, then what do we do with The Song of Moses in Exodus, the Song of Deborah in Judges, the Praise of Hannah in 1 Samuel, the praise of the Israelites when Solomon built the Temple, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon? Do we just throw those all out of the Scriptures? I'm sorry, I'm being facetious, but you just don't make a statement like that and expect me to sit back and ignore it....The whole Bible is one form of worship.....The Torah is teachings and instructions, and one of the BIGGEST instruction is how to worship and praise YHWH for everything!!! a.
  9. Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought YouTube video clips weren't allowed here....?
  10. Eat a "YORK Peppermint Pattie" - I hear they can give one quite the sensation... don't worry about it, MG....Wy always thinks he has the answer to everything.
  11. In all fairness to the web-site, would you want to be set up with someone who was separated but not divorced? In a lot of cases, the people in positions like that will eventually reconcile with their spouse. They have to have some kind of policy on matters like that. Yes, Butero, I understand the policy. However, I had explained to them the circumstances and the fact that I was NEVER going back to that man. They still turned me down. There's a LOT of people on that site and others that lie to people. I didn't. I was honest.
  12. As much as I hate it, I do have to agree with all of you. Even my former pastor, Rodney Howard-Browne, has his own satellite network now....but he mostly shows old movies, infomercials and broadcasts the Sunday morning service...and anything special that comes up...TBN has gotten really really bad over the years. Pastor Rodney has made the statement that whenever he sees what he terms "Christian television", he wants to throw a shoe into the TV. I used to really like TBN; now I can do without the nonsense that goes with it. a.
  13. One of the biggest issues some have it seeing the separation between Judaisn and the 'Jewishness' of the bible, too many see Judaism when they read Passover, etc. Amen. Everytime we eat we pray and remember Him and what He has done for us, we break bread with one another and give thanks and in some ways I see Yeshua saying the same thing. The word communion itself can mean sharing in common or fellowship which we see Yeshua and His disciples doing also, sharing a fellowship meal as well as it being during the Passover/Unleavened Feast. The word remembrance can also be seen as memorial which is what Passover was all about. To me He also brought new meaning to the Passover how with His blood we are saved, it is by the seal of His blood that we are saved just as the Israelites and others were saved by the blood of the first lamb. I so agree with Anita, all things we read in the scriptures have an agricultural bent to it, the parables are centered around them, in the beginning God used the cycles as yard sticks for everything, and I don't think the partaking of this is any different. Even though we can sit with one another, have a fellowship meal reflect on Him I can't see where Yeshua set up something different as a weekly service. Not that its something that cannot be done I just have never been able to see in scriptures where something new was being given. Exactly. In Ecclesiastes it says "there is nothing new under the sun". There is also a Scripture that my pastor says often, which is "what once was, will be again". We are going to know the end from the beginning. This is why (I've been taught) that to know the end (Revelation) we have to study the beginning (Genesis). To me, to study the Torah is to understand the first five books of the Renewed Covenant. It's not a NEW covenant, it's been RENEWED by the blood of Y'shua. Everything we have gone through in history, we have to remember; remember the phrase, and I'm going to paraphrase it, "If we don't remember the past, we'll be doomed to repeat it." This is a very good reason that Jews for thousands of years have made it a point of studying and teaching the Torah to their children. Jewish history has been taught to thousands of people, and why? So it's not forgotten. Look at what is happening now with all the Holocaust "deniers". One could take them to the grounds at Auschwitz and they would still deny it. "It's a Jewish fable", they would say. To understand the end we have to know the beginning. To recognize a lie we have to be taught the truth. Oh, dear, I think I've accidently hijacked the thread. My point is, there IS nothing new under the sun. We are not progressing, we are REgressing back to S'dom and 'Amora. It HAS to get that bad before Y'shua returns. a.
  14. I will share my beliefs on this subject, then I will bow respectfully out to more learned people: 1) The majority of the Renewed (read: NEW) covenant was written by Hebrew fishermen, tax collectors, and a Pharisee. Only the Pharisee might know Greek, so that leaves it written originally in Hebrew. 2)The act of "communion" as you so term it, was smack in the middle of a Passover celebration, specifically the presentation of the afikomen and the 3rd cup, commonly known in Jewish custom as "the cup of suffering", or the "cup of redemption". Jewish custom is fond of memorials; that is why they celebrate so many feasts, when you stop and think about it. All the feasts are centered around agriculture. Y'shua himself said that "if a seed falls into the ground and dies, it yields much fruit". He addressed and couched a lot of things in simile and metaphors that they all could understand, being an agricultural society. This is just one more memorial in the middle of another memorial. Not to say that it isn't important. 3) the idea of "transsubstantiation" is a pagan idea; it comes from turning one thing into supposedly literal items. It comes from Constantine and his introduction of pagan ways into the Christian belief system; the worship of the Queen of Heaven (read: MARY). Research it and see, please, before dismissing me as practicing "false doctrine". It is a memorial, but it is supposed to be done in the middle of another memorial of freedom; the freedom of the Hebrews from the tyrant of Egypt. It ultimately took bloodshed before they were freed; the slaying of the firstborn. Why the firstborn? HaShem said it himself; the firstborn are His....so He had every right to take them. So I leave this all to you. Have I just thrown a wrench into the works, or have you become Bereans and researched what I've said? ******bowing respectfully out so more learned persons can continue the debate********* a.
  15. E Harmony flat turned me DOWN because I was only "separated" at the time...they said "come back when you're divorced"....now I won't have anything to do with them....so much for being honest...
  16. The King of the North and the Kings of the East come together....at least economically....
  17. I could explain a little what the BUN means...it stands for Blood, Urine, Nitrogen, and it's used to measure how your urine output is. It's a serious indicator of whether your kidneys are working at normal levels...seeing that it said Low, I would say (not diagnosing, just a guess, now) that you *might* have some renal issues. That is just another side-effect of the diabetes. My ex was diagnosed at one time with Stage 4 renal failure because of his kidneys and the diabetes. See, diabetes puts a major strain on all the organs of the body. It's why people die; lack of one little endocrine hormone (insulin) causes extreme havoc within the system. If your urine is excreting too much sugar, your kidneys could be shutting down. That's an extreme example, not actually what's happening. Check with a doctor. Anyway, glad we're all helping. Anita Pesola, PCT, CNA
  18. I would have to agree with Ayin Jade and Jime: I'm currently studying hematology, and from my experiences with my ex husband (who is diabetic) I know a bit about diabetes in general. The electrical sensations in your body could be nerve endings either being stimulated or (God forbid) neuropathy setting in. I sometimes have those too---every once in a while I get the feeling like my cell phone is on vibrate and going off in one of my pockets, and I don't have it on me. As for the lab results, it could be that the glucose level is pretty good (aka normal) for you. My ex likes his level around 150 (at one time his level was around 600), and your A1C level---anything under 7 is really good. The BUN is a concern tho; if your system isn't putting out enough urine, I suggest you get it checked out. I agree with Jade---if you aren't communicating well with your doctor, get another doctor that WILL communicate. My ex has had a number of problems with doctors in the past because he is the most paranoid diabetic in the world---and he has every right to be. Your best bet right now is to get militant with your health. If a doctor isn't going to take care of you, you have every right to dismiss him and find another. But don't dismiss him UNTIL you do. a.
  19. Saw this and absolutely had to post it...to you eschatological mavens...read the article....there's 16 nations...if Ireland, Portugal and Greece pull out of the EU, that leaves 13...then 3 MORE get into trouble...what does that leave??? Even me, who is math-deficient, knows that leaves 10....Found this quite interesting, but I want to hear opinions on this.... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40371908/ns/business-world_business/ tell me what you think.... a.
  20. The sad thing is, I just looked it up on snopes.com....only 1/2 of this article is truly written by Ben Stein....the other 1/2 (where it starts "In the light of...") is false...it's snippets of things that were attributed to Stein but said by others back in 2006. One is a flat out lie: Dr Spock's son DIDN'T commit suicide; it was his grandson, and the grandson might have been schizophrenic....so anyway, I still stand by a lot of what Ben Stein says but unfortunately he didn't say everything in this article... Here's the link if you want to check it yourself: www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/confessions.asp a.
  21. You know, he is "supposed" to be a comedian, but I find he's right on in so many areas. Has anyone seen "Expelled"? Talk about an awesome movie. He nails it hard in that movie. I am beginning to think he's another Will Rogers. a.
  22. This doesn't surprise me. A couple of years ago Tampa installed cameras, and now they are all over Hillsborough county...the thing that aggravates me is the fact that they have now installed video and audio equipment in my SCHOOL. There's no privacy ANYWHERE now.... a.
  23. ...is glad she's not one of THOSE women......
  24. I'm stealing that! I almost died when I heard that, because this particular pastor/Dean is usually so straitlaced that for him to come off with something like this, you KNOW it's wrong...
  25. exactly what I said....does anyone at the DOJ have an idea (even estimated) as to how many potential terrorists could come across our porous borders at any time??? I don't think so---they can't seem to get their collective heads out of their behinds long enough to see it....
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