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Everything posted by mrp1948

  1. This is a very rough comparison but imagine the brightest electric light glowing in the darkest possible space. This is what God's Glory is compared to my pitiful existance. God Bless
  2. If we could disband the ACLU we would probably get most of our rights as Christians back. I guess I've never been hung up on being "politcally correct" just straight-forwrd and as honest as possible. (My wife makes me be as tactful as she can though). God Bless
  3. What a wonderful testimony thank you for sharing it. We do go in the winter time and hand out blankets and coats in down town ST. Louis Anyways Great that you shared this. God Bless
  4. God speaks to us through our hearts and through others. Shut off your head stop talking so much and listen he will speak. If you taught a 1st grade class and allowed them to talk to each other all day how much did they learn frome you?? Read scripture, meditate on it and listen with your heart. God Bless
  5. The scripture that bothers you should not looking at the Greek and Hebrew texts it is talking about miscarriage and death upon birth not the willfull taking of life. Other than this I can not add to anything that has been posted. Well done all. God Bless
  6. mrp1948


    Thysia this is a very good question. Simply put if your parents had rules for you to live by and to them you were perfect and obedient, but your heart was envious of your parents peace, joy and authority and you decided to rebel against them and would not conform to their will they would eventually have to put you out of the house. This is similar to what God had to do with satan. satan went beyond the point of forgiveness with God when he corrupted 1/3 of the heavenly host to rebel against God and waged war in heaven. Angels are not created with the free will God gives us humans so what lucifer did was much more disobedient than what we do because not only did he rebel but he chose to do so even when he did not have that right. The bright side of this is that we can be forgiven just by asking for it and confessing our wrongs to Jesus. Love ya Grtandpa
  7. There are two types of desires: those of wants , and those of needs. A needful desire of the heart would be the comfort and joy of spiritual wholeness and/or wellness. The others would be wants. In example-I want a Porche car but because God knows I can't even afford the insurance for one he gives me my need-reliable transportation that I can afford. Maybe a bad example but never the less an example. Also for years I asked God for a life-mate without finding one. The one I wanted was modeled after the ones that did not work out. The one he gave me is the perfect partner. It took a long time for him to prepare me to be worthy of her. Be patient my friend and seek the right doors.
  8. I agree with bro leonard but if you struggle with the old english versions try the NASB it is a very close word for word translation from the original texts.
  9. May God fullfill your every need. God Bless
  10. There is no one right answer to your question but if you have secular talents or skills maybe you should try applying them in Christian ministry of soem kind. I struggled with this same issue for quite a while. As it turned out the 35 years of my life that I spent in acitve addiction and dysfunction and which was to me was a curse of the greatest magnitude has become the greatest blessing God could have granted. If there is truth to the saying "you never really know something unless you experience it yourself" than that would explain why God has put me in a ministry that allows me to help those who are now where I once was. God Bless you keep praying and asking. I would suggest a daily dose of Phillipians 4:6 and Isaiah 40:31.
  11. mrp1948


    Well without getting into doctrinal issues here which I will not, I will say tha there are only two persons who know if we are saved -the individual and our Savior. Anything else is opinion, judgement and hurtful. This Pastorshould have asked if anyone regardless of doctrine or denomination-was unsure of their relationship with Jesus Christ. While I was also raised a Catholic (at least in my younger years), I too have changed to a non denominational church and am in the ministry. And Bro Leonard is right being ordained does not necessarily give us intelligence or the Christ-like spiritual love that is needed to help draw others to our Blessed Savior. God Bless
  12. Well I wish I had something more wise to say here but everyone else covered it very well God Bless.
  13. First if she is unsure than she needs time to heal and to think. Both need to pray for Gods will in this situation and if they decide to try it again they need counseling before a remarriage. Praying for them God Bless
  14. At my most unloveable he loved me more, when I was the most lost he sought me out, when I am at my weakest his strength can shine through and when I can't go on he carries me. He is the Rock! And if you lean on him he will see you through!!! Praying and God Bless
  15. I have just spent a few hours trying to search out any reference scripturally that refers to the reading of thoughts by the enemy. If there is one I can't find it. But I do want to thank you for indirectly causing me to do the most intensive scripture search I have done in quite a while. Thanks for the work out! God Bless
  16. Darski, i do believe you have the right of it. God Bless
  17. Scripture was created from the heart and mind of God. So whether we have cultural or any other kind of baggage we need to attempt to see what is written for us through the eyes of God. Is that possible? For myself ..not being God I can only try my best. And this is, I believe what God expects from us: To try our very best and leave the rest in the hands of Jesus. God Bless
  18. I'm not totally sure that I agree or disagree. The foundation of forgiveness is repentance and that by its very nature must be voluntary. If we are forced to repent than we either refuse or if we do it is not in earnest for we are forced to. Therefore I do not feel that repentance is a commandment but a necessity for forgiveness. If salvation is freely offered and given (which it is) than it only works if we choose to accept it voluntarily and agree to the conditions of it voluntarily. God Bless
  19. For those of us who are waiting for the coming of his wrath, I would suggest preparing for his Glory. God Bless
  20. Thank you CJ. It is always amazing to me the lengths some will go to in order to try to disprove something of which they are afraid. Keep posting sis well done!! God Bless
  21. May God Bless this brother who is living the "no greater love" part of missions.
  22. Another typical example of christian persecution. I suppose the ACLU will sue the student for conspiracy to disrupt homosexuality.
  23. I spent quite a few years in Taiwan and even though people say there are differences between the mainland chinese and their island brothers they all have a special place in my heart and prayers. Will increase the intensity of my prayers for them. Thank You George for posting this I didn't know. God Bless
  24. Not to say that what is going on there is right George of course it isn't but when I was over there in the 60's they would have just shot them and or tortured them so relitively I suppose it has improved. I am however praying for conditions to improve there for our christian brothers and sisters. God Bless
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