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Everything posted by The_Patriot21

  1. I think if that were true, she'd have a lot fewer songs about men dumping her :-D
  2. Like any war, the causes of the war wasn't as black and white as many would have you believe. Yes, blacks fought on both sides of the civil war. That's a fact. Yes the war started over "slavery" or at least on the surface. The reality was there were a great many things that led up to the civil war, one of the biggest ones was states rights, especially the right to secede. And like a pot of boiling water these things just kept adding up until they boiled over, and in that case, slavery was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, it was what finally set the south off enough to secede, and the civil war began. People on both sides like to twist it and only focus on the facts that make their side look good. Those who are in favor of the south will say it was all because of state rights, and ignore the slavery issue altogether, and will gladly bring up the fact some slaves fought for the south. (Even though far more fought for the north) And those who think the north was in the right will make it all about the slavery and ignore the issue of states rights and ignore the fact that some slaves did indeed fight for the south. People have a habit of seeing what they want to see.
  3. Lol she is...but I sincerely doubt she has the juice to rig a football game. Soros maybe...but I don't see him caring who won...it's the game itself that's important to people like him as a distraction not necessarily who won. And if he was I doubt he would rig it in favor of the team that prays in the end zone before every game and the first words out of their QBs mouth once they won was to praise God. No, the game wasn't rigged. There's a lot of scary stuff in the world, and yes a lot of actual conspiracies. But rigged football games because someone's dating a pop star? Yeah, that's beyond ridiculous and it's time CTs stopped chasing their tales over stupid stuff. It's like no one ever told them the story of the boy who cried wolf as a kid.
  4. Well of course they won. Because Kelce is dating Swift and Swift is in bed with Soros so naturally the chiefs won. No I don't actually think the game was rigged. But I do have to get a laugh at just how far CTs will go. It's ridiculous. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously.
  5. Hmmm we can have a loudmouth who says mean words, or a evil blood sucking tyrant for president. I think I'll take the loudmouth. I got a thick skin.
  6. Yeah, absolutely not. Yes that maybe a lot easier to understand to certain, limited, crowds, and it may sound cooler, but it loses so much of the meaning. It literally takes away a lot of the context of the passage. With a literal translation such as NASB or the KJV all one has to do is look at the text to show a literal 7 day creation. This removes pretty much all of that, in order to "sound cool"
  7. Not that it matters, the Biden crime family will either find a way to sell the mines to China or ensure that we can't mine them.
  8. I don't know many who hold the verse structure as inspired, but I do hold them as being useful. I mean imagine trying to find anything without it. Oh, it says that somewhere in the middle part of psalms. On page 2566 of your Bible if your in the KJV, or 2200 in the NIV or 2845 if your using the NASB or 3000 if your using the holman study Bible....
  9. Well, one would think the answer to that to be self evident, the mere fact that your asking that means you have a hidden agenda for doing so, and I don't play such games, so I'll leave it at that.
  10. I actually agree with the court on this. While I do believe a lot of the charges against trump are well, trumped up (drum roll please) I don't think being president should give you immunity from crimes. The law either applies to everyone equally or none at all, and being president shouldn't give you a get out of jail free card, and saying it does, nos just another step towards tyranny.
  11. Yeah, no you've obviously never read the Hebrew. In fact, I very much doubt you've read the English. I went through it in detail, in my initial answer to the op, the accuracy of the text in English and Hebrew, and the significance of the wording and contex if you are curious you may scroll back up and read it. Though I very sincerely doubt you will. But regardless I won't be repeating it. But the reality is, God gave us His book. God invented the day. God would not give us the Bible, for our understanding, and then lie to us about the amount of time He took to make the earth. If He did, then He is not God, because God cannot lie. So in the text, both English and Hebrew, in the context it is absolutely literal. 100% literal. There is absolutely no room for a figurative translation. At all. Period. It's not there. Anyone who says it is, has never actually read the text, or is purposely ignored the text, to try to subvert it. So if you believe the earth is millions of years old, and the text supports it, then either God is lying to youor man is lying to you and you chose to believe it. I can tell you which I believe. I can also tell you, at this point this is a pointless argument. As stated scripture is black and white clear on the matter, and if you choose not to believe it, nothing I say will change your mind, so I won't try further. Have a good evening.
  12. Your right the Bible is consistent with science 100% now it doesn't talk about white blood cells but that's never the bone of content anyway no one argues that. What is in contention is age of the earth. Bible says creation in 7 literal 24 hour days. Modern science says we evolved over millions of years. That's the controversial part. And modern science is a lie and trying to force it into the Bible is wrong. I'd say even sinful
  13. Indeed, but those modernist revisions arnt based upon the original Hebrew but instead are changed in an attempt to make modern day science work with the Bible. The problem is, the modern day science is a lie, and when you attempt to change the Bible to make it fit, your adding a lie into the Bible. A lie on top of a lie is never a good thing.
  14. Well, you can believe that but it is contrary to the Bible. And if it is contrary to the Bible then it is wrong, regardless of your opinion on the matter.
  15. There really is nothing to question. I just showed you in context exactly what they mean, it's not rocket science. To date you haven't actually provided any evidence to the contrary. You've just said you doubt our ability to understand them. Well, see there is the problem. You doubt YOUR ability to understand them. The doubt lies with you and YOUR understanding. Now I know how that comes across online, but it's not meant to be an attack but to drive home a point. In that it's something I said earlier. The Bible is never wrong. Ever. The evidence never contradicts the Bible, ever. But our understanding can be wrong. You've allowed earthly ideas and lies from the scientific community to cloud YOUR understanding of the scripture. The error here lies in YOUR understanding of the text. Because you are placing your trust in man made science, over that of the Bible. Which is something YOU need to work on. Because there is absolutely no way to read the creation account any other way. I've shown you the evidence, you cannot refute it, and you know it based upon the fact you won't even try. The creation account is 100% true as it is written in the Bible, God created everything in 7 literal, consecutive, 24 hour days. Any other interpretation is a lie and contrary to scripture. I will not continue this debate anymore as it is obvious it's not really a debate, and I can't force you to believe it. However if you really want to reconcile science in the Bible I encourage you to do some actual research. I would start with www.answersingenesis.com for a whole slew of resources from credible, creation scientists, many of whom have phds from big name colleges.
  16. Yes the "science" of today is already foolish. And your right some aspects of the Bible has not yet been fully revealed, that part being His second return. When it comes to creation, that part is very, very clear. It is already foolish to disagree with it. All one has to do is actually look at the text. Let's go back to Genesis and some keywords. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Let's start with the word day. In English, it can refer to both a literal day or a figurative day depending on context. Now the word day is a direct translation from the Hebrew word "yom" Now the Hebrew word yom, like the English counterpart, again can be used figuratively and literally, depending on context. Now, in ancient Hebrew writing, both biblical and unbiblical texts every time the word yom is used when proceeded by a number, it means a literal, 24 hour day. There are no exceptions. Jump to the next verse, and the evening and morning were the second day (and so forth) and again, in Hebrew writing this always means literal, consecutive, 24 hour days. There are no documented exceptions. Now if that's not enough to get through our thick skulls, there's the phrase proceeding it, "the evening and the morning" See when we think of a day, we think our day starts in the morning and ends at night. The ancient Hebrew calendar, the morning referred to the daylight hours, evening the night time, and they defined a day backwards as us, the day started at sundown (that is actually why they were in such a hurry to bury Jesus before dark after His crucifixion but that's a different topic) And that phrase, "the evening and morning" was used a lot by ancient Hebrew writers, ALWAYS meaning literal 24 hour days. That phrase has NEVER been used figuratively in Hebrew writing. So in 3 verses, God told us 3 times literal, consecutive 24 hour days. And if that's still not enough to convince you, jump ahead to exodus 20:11 where it says in six days God created earth. Now the Hebrew word for days is yomin, and like the English word it can be used figuratively and literally. Like if I were to say in the yomin (days) of Noah, we know I was talking about the entire period of time Noah was alive. But, every time the word yomin is used when proceeded by a number, it always means literal, consecutive days. The context is literal. It was meant to be literal. God told us over and over and over it is literal. The only way we can read it any other way is if we choose to try and force our understanding into it. And it does not work, all we do is make fools of ourselves and try to destroy our credibility when we do so. It really is black and white, and written in such a way that, to borrow a phrase, "It's so easy a caveman could understand it"
  17. See your right in that the Bible is for theological studies, but your wrong in thinking it can't be applied to science. The Bible is God's completely inherent, perfect word. God will not lie. If the Bible said something happened a certain way, then it happened that way. Period. So therefore all actual science supports the Biblical account. If your evidence is contrary to the Bible, either your evidence is wrong, or your understanding of the evidence is wrong. Because man's understanding of science can indeed be wrong. We are flawed creatures and capable of mistakes, of dishonesty, etc. In fact, it's not only possible it's garenteed. We are not perfect. God is incapable of making mistakes or lying. And it is the height of human arrogance to think our understanding of science trump's the Biblical account. And even worse, were actually calling God a liar when we do so. So in all actuality we absolutely should look at science using Biblical glasses. And yes, the Bible does say a literal, 7 consecutive 24 hour day creation. Multiple times. It is black and white in both the English and Hebrew. There is absolutely no room for any other understanding.
  18. My 12 year old daughter uses boost mobile, (we make her pay for her own cell phone) and it's only like $25 a month after she bought the phone, and they have several options from very affordable to expensive, and that gives her unlimited talk and text and like 10 gigs of data or something like that. And they have a mobile app with a rewards program where it you sign on daily you get 5 cents off, there's a spinning wheel game you play on the app which will give you anywhere from 5 cents to 5 dollars off, then there's another one where you watch stupid commercials for 2 cents a video which you can usually watch several a day. Then if you do these games 7 days a row they give you an additional 3 dollars and reset and start over. I usually manage the app for her and I can usually knock her bill down to about $15 a month though I've gotten it far lower in the past. You can even bank them and save them so if say you know your going to have the money this month and you know next month is going to be right you can save them and get the whole month free. And since it's a pre paid plan there's no month to month contract so if you let it expire it doesn't hurt you any. A lot of of your prepaid phone carriers are very affordable. I've seen pre paid phones at Walmart as cheap as $20-40. I think my daughter spent closer to $100 for hers but she wanted a nice one and she was paying lol In any case...if your paying $50 a month for a landline...I can almost garentee you in most places you can save money by going to a cell, even with a regular plan. Most carriers will even give you a phone free if you sign up with them. Me and my wife use cricket on a family plan with my parents and again it's only $25 a month and they provided us with free phones when we signed up. I've since bought nicer phones because the ones they provided were junk, but we couldn't afford phones at the time. But they did work. we've since bought nicer phones but the free ones did get us by.
  19. Unfortunately at this point, violent civil war is likely the only thing that could topple the tyrant's in office. However, if it happens, the USA will cease to exist regardless of who wins.
  20. Of course they are, it makes it easier to differentiate between Christians and Muslims painting a bigger and easier to see target on their back.
  21. Lots of speculation in this post. People have been using the same old tired arguments only using different dates ever since Christ ascended and to date they have all been wrong. And every time they're wrong? They rehash the same old tired arguments except with new names and new dates. At some point one would think we would grow tired of being the boy who cried wolf. Christ never told us when exactly He would be back, and that was on purpose. Don't you all get it? Who among the 10 brides got to go with the bridegroom, those who were ready, even though they didn't know when, or those who weren't. Faith is easy if you know exactly when. But true faith is being ready no matter when. Trying to pinpoint the date is a fools errand. Ones energy is far better spent on sharing God's love today and being ready no matter what.
  22. Wouldn't it be better to give your life to Christ? In the end He will end all your pain.
  23. I imagine some are looking for the easy way out and are cowards. But some like has been mentioned are just so low they genuinely believe they're doing the world a service or don't see another way out. The older I get the more I realize how dangerous making generalizations are, that not everything is black and white.
  24. Well said but I have to disagree on one aspect. Abraham wasn't a gentile. Nor a jew. As the nation of Israel hadn't been formed yet so that distinction didn't exist yet. He was the one that God used to create Israel ultimately, but at the time there was no jew and gentile.
  25. The Bible is full of such characters. David was a murderer and adulterer. Moses had temper issues. Jonah was rebellious. Samson had lust issues. Peter denied Jesus. Matthew was a tax collector before following Christ. Paul was a murderer and persecutor of the faith. In fact if you look at most of the characters in the Bible you will find them to be despicable people, yet God used them anyway. Why? Because they still loved God and wanted to follow His word, even though they often struggled with it.
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