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Everything posted by The_Patriot21

  1. Lol no Jesus didn't get drunk. There's a big difference between having a drink, and getting drunk. But I have a feeling you already know that. But to answer your question...does it matter? You tell me. James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. Works don't save us. . .but if we are truly saved, then we are actively seeking Christ. And if we are actively seeking Christ, then our lives will show it through our works. So if we're unwilling to change, to become more like Christ, then where is our faith at? Is it really in Christ? Or are we just pretending?
  2. Is it wrong to drink? Long debates talk. I'm not going to bother messing to much with Osteen, other then he's a false prophet and should be avoided. But I will address drinking. Drinking itself, is not forbidden in the Bible. Even Jesus drank wine, in fact his first miracle was turning water to wine. But the Bible does speek out strongly against drunkenness. Calls it a sin.. because if you get drunk you lose self control. I myself occasionally have a drink or to. But keyword is occasionally. A pint of crown will last me around 2-3 months. If you can't drink and avoid getting drunk then perhaps give it up altogether. But I would recommend stop drinking in excess, drunkenness is not good for you. Now...if your a believer, I don't believe God's going to kick you out of heaven for it. It's not the unpardonable sin. But it is a sin, and I think God is convicting you of it, and I think part of you knows it, as your asking the question.
  3. Agreed. I also agree with the OP that the church has changed with the times. And I'm ok with that. But we also see modern churches who have fallen into legalism, and paganism, and wokeness and all the sins of the early church. What's most important in a church isn't whether it's a perfect model of the early church or the little southern Baptist church on the corner singing hymns to the non denominational church down the street singing praise choruses, is whether they follow Jesus or not. If they're actively following Jesus, then the style of church is immaterial as their heart is in the right place. Incidentally if their heart isn't in the right place and they're not following Jesus, then the style of church is still immaterial because it won't get you to heaven.
  4. I see no issue with seeking to replicate the early church. But, in order to do so one needs to replicate not only the methods but also the heart. The early church sought Christ above all else. If one replicates the early church perfectly but forgets to seek Christ first, the the church becomes more important and you are met with nothing but legalism, and are no better then the pharisees of old.
  5. No surprise here. Biden mentor Obama did the exact same thing during his term. Neither has any concept of a little thing called "fiscal responsibility"
  6. Oh he doesn't do just excorcist, though his best (the visitation does follow that line of thought) If your into monsters, he has two you may like-The Oath, and Monster. And since when is Godzilla considered horror? Of course I barely consider alien to be considered horror, but Godzilla, at least the classic Japanese films are more in line with what I would classify as a B monster movie. And I haven't seen a good dracula movie since Van Helsing.
  7. Do you enjoy reading? And horror? Perhaps give Frank Peretti a try for a more wholesome experience.
  8. Well, has anyone heard the "I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world" song? It's actually a accurate description of our society these days. My youngest enjoys the cartoon barbie series, and I've had to watch a lot of them. As annoying as I find them, I see nothing wrong with them, most of them, while stupid and shallow seem to be clean entertainment for kids. I've heard there's a lot of adult themes in the movie...which my 5 year old wants to watch but I won't let her. It saddens me how they can take a kids show about a kids toy, and ruin it in this manner.
  9. If your argument is if we are saved then we stop sinning, then we're all going to hell. Because none of us are without sin. Even stating we are no longer sinning because we're christians is two sins, the sin of pride and the sin of lying. Make that 3 as George pointed out, were calling God a liar. That's a pretty big no no. We will become sinless once we join Christ in heaven. Until then we are simply forgiven, and that's good enough for me. After all, can anyone state that God's grace isn't good enough for them?
  10. A prayer doesn't save you. Baptism doesn't save you. A priest can't save you. Only faith in Jesus can save you, because it is only by His grace you are saved.
  11. There is no such thing as a "carnal" Christian. Your either a Christian or you ain't.
  12. Good management can spot a toxic employee a mile away, and when things get rough will often let them go first, even if they're higher producers. The reason behind this, at least in my experience is your high producers only make up maybe 10-25% of the companies work force with the majority of people who are reliable, steady, but not necessarily fast. Now companies love high producers, but the problem is if one of those high producers are toxic, they will chase off a lot of employees, especially the slower steady ones who are just there for a job. And then all you have is the high producers, but they can't handle the load of the 75% of the workload from the people they chased off. So it's often better to lose one or two high producers then risk losing their entire workforce. The other possibility, is the company is having financial issues and are getting rid of the high paid employees first to save money. In which case, keeping your eyes open for another job is still good advice.
  13. In Eden, there was no need for gold-or currency. And when we get to heaven we will no longer need it. The need for currency didn't come into place until the fall. In Eden Adam and eve needed nothing. They had eternal life and a endless supply of food. After the fall, death came into the world, our diets changed and the law of entropy was created. I suspect, in the early days again, no currency was needed. Being a small family they probably shared. But as the population grew, things naturally would start to change. Resources would start being used up faster as the population increased, it would take more work to keep everyone fed and sheltered. And everyone couldn't do everything. Well, share and share alike, i.e. socialism only works in two places, hell where no one wants it, and heaven where it's not needed. In order for an economy to grow people need an incentive to do something, a goal to strive for. It probably started out as bartering....fruit for meat, wool clothes for a wagon, stuff like that. But over time a more equal system would need to be out in place. If you had a goat but needed a tent, but absolutely no one around you needed a goat, good luck trading for a tent. But, a currency fixes that problem. If there's something everyone wants and can use to spend on anything, then that makes it valuable. So if you have a goat and need a tent, and no one needs a goat you can instead give them gold for it which they can use for anything else they want/need. And I suspect in the early days they didn't need a lot of mining... after all even in the US during the early gold rushes, oftentimes gold could be found easily by panning the streams or even in some places just picking it up. And as society advanced, things like tools to mine with will go with it. Mankind is creative, if they have a need for something they will figure it out. God created us that way. Gold is just rare and shiny enough to be valuable to a lot of people, while still remaining plentiful enough to allow use as a currency. And, especially in the olden days much easier to mine then other precious metals or fine jewels. But, that doesn't mean it was the only one. I mean, fine jewels have always been found as valuable to most cultures, both modern and ancient. Even the American Indians, who relied on bartering, and didn't really have a currency found some things more valuable then others. Turquoise is one that was popular among at least some of the tribes. Horses actually became a sort of currency for them after the Spaniards brought them over. Every culture assigned values to different objects or animals, be it a currency type culture or a bartering culture you need an assigned value to effectively work. It wasn't always gold...gold's just been the most popular.
  14. No it's not. Gold was held as valuable long before printed money was ever a "thing" Value is determined by what people view as valuable, and is to a degree a moving target. What's valuable to me, may not be to you. I have a nice collection of WW2 rifles. I won't sell them, they're valuable to me. But I have a cousin who hates guns of all sorts and who would likely burn them as well them or keep them because they are not valuable to her. However, certain items, especially items that arent common or easily obtainable, are held as more valuable as others, especially when it comes to rare metals such as gold. Another example, if I were to go pick up a 3/4" rock off the road and try to sell it...no one would buy it. Because a single 3/4" rock is worthless. But, if I had say, 3 tons of 3/4" rock, I could probably make a little bit of money off it, someone could use it for a driveway, to drive on. However if I were to sell that 3 ton of rock, I still wouldn't be able to afford a single 3/4" diamond. Why? The diamond is viewed as being more valuable. It's harder to find, it's pretty, and it has far more practical applications then driving on. So what defines what something is worth? 1: it's usefulness 2: whether it's pretty or not 3: how easy it is to obtain. If it's shiny, useful, and difficult to obtain it's valuable. Reality is, paper money, at least in the US is only valuable, in theory because it's backed by gold. Otherwise it's just paper. And unfortunately, the American dollar bill isn't even really money but a IOU.
  15. Mankind has always been obsessed with seeking wealth of any kind... especially if it comes in the form of shiney things. If it wasn't gold it would have been something else.
  16. More then likely the objects flying were just military drones-or someone good at CGI. if I was a betting man, I'd say the videos were created entirely on someone's computer.
  17. The Bible says not to hide your light under a rock....if they don't have enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian, then you should ask yourself what your doing wrong. Be a Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  18. Realistically, at this point I don't see anyone other then Desantis being able to pull the primary away from Trump, assuming of course the demorats don't succeed in jailing him. I mean I don't know much about Asa, what I do know seems good, but I doubt he will be able to get the backing necessary to win the primary. Even if Trump and Desantis were out of the picture, I don't see him doing it-hes not controversial enough.
  19. Just proof the current administration has no regard for the constitution or the rule of law.
  20. Lol yes, it absolutely is. Everything man touches, is corrupted by evil because man is evil. And no, not all is used for evil. Computers are a tool that can indeed be used for good and came from modern science. They're also being used for every evil purpose out there. The government is using them to track you and everything you do. Child traffickers use them to smuggle kids. Sex workers use them to feed people's porn addiction. The list goes on and on. And modern "scientists" are lying to children every day telling them science says the Bible can't be true since the Bible says the earth is millions of years old, and we all evolved. Even though there's not a shred of actual scientific evidence for evolution. There's not even enough to classify evolution as a theory. Following the scientific method it is still in the hypothesis stage. But it's hammered down people's throats. I'm not going to waste any more time here. But I encourage you to take a day and log on to answersingenesis.com and just read through a lot of the stuff there. There's a lot.
  21. See here's the thing, there's a difference between "belief" and "fact" You don't "believe" I'm serious. But see, here's the thing your "belief" has no basis in reality, because the "fact" is I do actually believe that. See the difference between "fact" and "belief" you can believe something all you want, but if it doesn't match up with the facts your "belief" is not only wrong, but irrelevant, as no matter how much you believe in something it cannot change the facts. Because the fact is, modern science is taught to us by man, which is evil, deceitful and flawed in every way possible. Man will tell you anything to gain power over you. The Bible is given to us by the only true God, the one who is all powerful, all knowing and all good. So, if your willing to take to word of mankind, and not the word of God, then that's on you. And it really is your belief in man, because there's all sorts of actual, science to support the creation account, but your not willing to actually look at that either. That's what happens when you choose to "believe" the wrong source, and not the "facts"
  22. There's no need to delete anything. Nothing wrong with discussion. I was just adding my two cents...if for no other reason them perhaps just to get people to remember to discuss and not divide over it.
  23. Christians have been predicting and arguing about end times prophecies and how they will play out since Jesus days. Always something new. If anything all they've shown how little we actually know and understand about them. I mean... instead of focusing on the fact Jesus is coming and we need to be ready when He does, all we do is bicker about how and when WE think He is coming.
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