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Everything posted by salos

  1. I never thought we would see justice in this case, but it's beginning to look like it will happen. Appropriate decision.
  2. Kittylover, I think you're getting off pretty easy. Chalk it up to a learning experience.
  3. Yikes. Roller coasters are exciting enough when they work right.
  4. Dan, I'm sorry about your loss. Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful posts. Psalm 139 says God knows the length of our lives before we're born.
  5. Anyone who really cares to search this out can go to icr.org. They have the best research on the matter. I have a B.S. but I'm not up to date on the scientific studies.
  6. salos

    Extra-Biblical ?

    RFW, I completely agree.
  7. salos

    Extra-Biblical ?

    Natt, there are many things that people are adding (and have added in the past) that are not only extra biblical but in many cases anti biblical. Do you want a list? As far as Christian dating is concerned, it's only proper for a young woman to show a certain polite interest in a fine young man she likes. It's always good for young people to start out as friends, and then if that leads to marriage and romance, great.
  8. I know the whole macro evolution thing is like the emperor's new clothes story. Who will be childlike enough to say the idea is a whole lot of nothing?
  9. Vickilynn, thanks for your kind post. AK makes a good point. Reading the bible with a mind to find out what's really there is not the same as reading it to find something to make an argument. It helps to know the broad themes of the bible, then when we find something odd we have a proper context to use in our analysis.
  10. There are things that in previous times people thought were figurative that turned out to be literal. Consider this prophecy from Ps. 22: I am poured out like water, And all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It has melted within Me. 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd, And My tongue clings to My jaws; You have brought Me to the dust of death. 16 For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced[c] My hands and My feet; 17 I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. 18 They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots. Some things are obviously symbolic, as the woman in Rev. 17. Some things are obviously literal, as the Lord's resurrection. When we don't know what category something fall in, it's okay to say we don't know.
  11. Thanks, Fresno Joe. That's kind of you to pray for me. Kitten, I hear what you're saying.
  12. We don't have cable at all. Sometimes I wish we could get Animal Planet. Mostly I wish I was strong enough to live a more active life and not even bother with entertainment.
  13. I'm thankful for God's unfailing love.
  14. Hi, Ash. I went back and modified my previous post. Here's more. I CARE! I know what this kind of suffering is like, how it reaches down into your bones and the marrow of who you are. I also know that God's gentle love is there for us. So many times I've quoted Genesis 1:1 to myself. It really says it all. I've learned to be able to tell my friends from my enemies. This is huge because as long as you're thinking someone is your friend when that person is against you, it's impossible to deal with the situation correctly. Edward Welch wrote, "People can be enemies. They can be consistently against us. They can plot our destruction and be committed to shaming and disgracing us. As a couselor I have reminded many Crhistians that a person is their enemy. Usually people did not want to hear it, but it was true. Even worse, many of these enemies were friends or family.... I remember those who had husband enemies, wife enemies, brother enemies, parent enemies, children enemies, co-worker enemies, and church enemies. The list is too long." (from When People are Big and God is Small) I've learned that when I'm overly concerned about other person, this sometimes is because I don't want to admit to myself that that person is my enemy. I'm learning: God loves me. People often don't. God is fair. People often aren't. God is strong. People feel weak and take it out against me. Oh, Ash, there is so much I would like to share. Think about what I've posted, give me some feedback, and I'll post more later if you wish. I am so proud of you that you want to do right!!!!
  15. Hi, Ash. I've fought the kinds of thoughts you're fighting a lot in my life, and I have learned so much. There are ways to get over this kind of thinking! May I share with you from my experience? First, be at peace that God is loving and fair. His love for your friend and your family is not in question. A verse that helps me a lot is Isaiah 65:18, "But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, and her people a joy. " (NKJV) To me Jerusalem stands for God's kingdom, his plans, his purposes, his people. We only see a little of what he does, but all the time he's creating his kingdom that will last forever. We can find peace in that. When people are hurting, the whole person is affected. It's a matter of thoughts and emotions and physiology (exercise, sleeping, eating), relationships, and lots more. It's good that you are doing well as a student. I'm proud of you that you have that part of your life going well. Recovery takes time, but it is possible. I had to try several different counselors before I found a woman who is actually wise and kind, who understands my situation and can really help. PM me if you wish. Mary
  16. We just do the DVD thing, which also has its pitfalls. At least there are no commercials. I have a small collection of inspiring African American history movies.
  17. Will, I was in this same situation not that many years ago. There are a lot of things I did that helped. It takes time to get well from things like this because it involves physical health, relationships, life style, family, church, and other things as well. Try a multifaceted approach. If you can find a godly same gender counselor, work with that person. A godly counselor will be patient and kind, know the bible pretty well, will encourage you to new understanding and new applications of God's word in your life. Put a little more discipline in your life if needs be. For about two years the only thing I could count on doing was getting up in the morning and making up my bed. Anything more than that I regarded as an extra. Try to improve your diet a little. Maybe more fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Perhaps fewer fried foods and sweets. A little exercise on occasion will help. As far as relationships are concerned, I found it helpful to stay away from anyone who had hatred inside, esp. against me. Hatred is a real poison that can flow from one person's soul to another person's soul. You don't need that kind of thing happening around you. Confess to God anything in your life that might be an idol. Know that God has good plans for you! He loves you and is watching over you. Don't expect to get over things quickly, but be certain that in time it will work out. Remember that God rewards overcomers (Rev. chapters 2 & 3)
  18. Here's an article that is connected with this topic http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste/?id=110010062 A Christianity without repentance is a Christianity without the cross.
  19. Thank you all for your excellent posts. I fear for those who profess the faith yet live unrepentant lives. As it says in Romans 10:9, salvation isn't just a matter of saying some words. It has to do with believing in the heart.
  20. Have a great trip!!
  21. Honor can be another word for pride, or selfish ambition, which James says is associated with "every evil thing."
  22. Hi, Keilan. One thing that helps me is to associate with as many mature Christians as I can. That encourages me, and I learn a lot from them. I know you already do that, otherwise you wouldn't be here at this forum. Best wishes, Mary
  23. Smalcald, your post #3 is very good. Thanks!
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