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Everything posted by Zceiv

  1. Ok guys I found something fun to do since I am invincible!(it will prove it!) http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisla...ports-headlines My new hobby!
  2. Is it a bird........? Super Ziev!! WOO!
  3. Wars in the Old Testament were under the direction of God. Jesus in the New Testament preached a consistent message of making peace with your enemies and of non-violence in the face of injustice. For example, do you think that war in Iraq is a war that is sanctioned by God? Do you think it was nessasary?
  4. Blessed are the peacemakers. The church has traditionally only believed that Just Wars are moral. By definition, an elective war is not a just war. The early Christians, up until about 300 AD or so were all what we would refer to today as contentious objectors and refused to serve in any war. I see very few liberal or conservative politicians who have a consistent ethic of life, in that I cant think of a single politician in Washington from either party who advocates "a coherent social policy which seeks to protect the rights of the weakest and most vulnerable in our society, the unborn, the infirm, the refugee, the homeless, and the poor." Advocates of the Consistent Life Ethic are consequently opposed to abortion, capital punishment, economic injustice, assisted suicide and euthanasia, and unjust war; there are some who hold that the Consistent Life Ethic opposes all war. My views are Bible based, not logic based. I can show through scripture that while God opposes the murder of innocents, he also condones and even encourages war in many cases, and that he instituted capitol punishment. I can also show where he sent his people into battle in "elective" wars. And I don't think you will find anything in the Gospels or the New Testament that still condone elective wars. Moreover, elective wars today are not ordained by God so it is an apples to oranges comparison. Ok let ingore the OT as for The topic with Oh abortion and homosexlity is immoral
  5. I just Got a few words to say on this matter God save us
  6. http://www.prophecyheadlines.com/?p=1153 "Orange snow fell in Omsk, in southwestern Siberia, that covered an area of 1500 square kilometers and 100 kilometers long in early February, as reported by the Russian News Agency, TASS. The snow covered five inhabited region in Northern Omsk, and officials are as yet stumped as to where the polluted snow came from. The snow averaged a half-centimeter in depth. Preliminary testing has shown that the snow is not radioactive, and that the toxicity levels in the snow are fairly normal for that area. However, the coloration of the snow, that ranges from light yellow to orange has not been explained by testing so far. The snow has been described as
  7. Ewjim, I agree completely. Churches have alters the gosple so someone just have to chant the sinners prayer and go on living their lives. Its sad people have made jesus their "savior" but not their lord (which i dont think it possible).
  8. same here. If i watch any TV it is The news and my days consist of coming home and enjoying WB
  9. So are you saying to sin is to mean you aren't saved? There is a difference between producing only good works, and producing NO good works. A christians wont have a sinful lifestyle.
  10. I sorta see there point.... but then again if people didnt jay walk that might take care of it
  11. and thats the problem Is it your position that the United States should be a Christian Theocracy? Yes. As a citizen of the United States, a person can support any position they want for any reason. I don't have to simply accept the idea that the government is secular. I can vote for candidates that support imposing Christian values on the entire nation. Those candidates may or may not win, but that doesn't change the fact that I have my vote. To me, my first loyalty is to God, not country. As such, I am going to do what I can to influence the nation towards a Biblical viewpoint. amen!
  12. Are you a follower of Islam? Would I be here if I was? Just because I am able to seperate two things from eachother without automatically declaring one as 'evil', doesn't mean that I am necessarily a follower of the thing I defend. Well, you don't have to be a Follower of Christ to be here. I've communicated with a few atheists here and I have no objection to them being here. If I have offended you by that question, I aplogize, no hard feelings. I just don't agree that the Teachings of the Bible can be compared to the Koran. amen!
  13. Good point. Must of just picked a random number i guess
  14. I really wanna know how they got 72 thou.....
  15. Sadly history is repeating itself The same thing happened in WW2. It sad humans cant seem to learn from the past and let the children live
  16. That has nothing to do with the current topic at hand, we aren't talking about about my personal beliefs, we are talking about the Washington Initiative. Well, then I have some bad news for you... the US government, and almost every other modern government in the world is corrupt according to your position. In fact, historically governments have been even MORE corrupt when they combine church and state... crusades anyone? Feudal Europe? But that isn't really the issue here. Hmm so you think If God is in the government it is corrupt?
  17. and thats the problem Is it your position that the United States should be a Christian Theocracy? My position is any government without God in it WILL be corrupt
  18. and thats the problem well how are you going to combat that? Are you going to say "because my faith believes it is a sin, you must change your mind" ? Because in a secular setting, that won't fly You would have to prove homosexuality has negative implications in society, and THAT is hard to prove today. You can give sites giving reasons, but both sides are coming up with research. Proving homosexual relationships are having a negative effect on society is a very controversial topic: no one side has complete proof at this point. Which comes first commandments from God or "human rights" ? Yeah, but I JUST said, in a secular setting, religious answers don't matter, you need to fight fire with fire, combat a secular decision with secular results. If the US was a Christian theocracy that argument might hold up, but the US is devoid of a specific religious hand, therefore you need to think of something else if you want political change. could you please answer the question " Which comes first commandments from God or "human rights" ?" I would like to hear what you think
  19. How about if we let ya bring a laptop? Hmmm... I'll think about it Throw in internet connection and we might have a deal! I don't know about internet...how about the ability to be able to play solitaire on your laptop? Solitaire is of the devil. sudoku?
  20. How about if we let ya bring a laptop? Hmmm... I'll think about it Throw in internet connection and we might have a deal! also remember a refigerator and AC! (and ice cream to close the deal)
  21. and thats the problem well how are you going to combat that? Are you going to say "because my faith believes it is a sin, you must change your mind" ? Because in a secular setting, that won't fly You would have to prove homosexuality has negative implications in society, and THAT is hard to prove today. You can give sites giving reasons, but both sides are coming up with research. Proving homosexual relationships are having a negative effect on society is a very controversial topic: no one side has complete proof at this point. Which comes first commandments from God or "human rights" ?
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