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Everything posted by AnExample

  1. Some people are placed in your life for a season for a special purpose, and when that season is over, the person is no longer in your life on a consistent basis. And...everyone you meet has a purpose in your life or you in theirs. One teaches and the other learns. Eccl 3:1-8 on seasons.
  2. Well, if you haven't yet heard, Obama beats H. Clinton overwhelmingly in Iowa caucus, and Romney knocks out the GOP candidates to include McCain. Approximately 2 hundred thousand plus came out for the historic caucus.
  3. Imagine Hiliary as President and Obama as Vice President...ya think?
  4. I don't dislike McCain, and party lines never stopped me from voting for the individuals whose voting records most closely resembled my beliefs. As a born again believer, I also believe that we should give Cesaer what is his. I also believe that we share a responsibility to let our vote reflect our beliefs. If we don't, I believe we are being hypocritical. Their voting records will reflect the true condition of their hearts. Obstentions are cowardly. Check out how all the candidates have voted in the pass! McCain's record check the bios and voting records of candidates for US President
  5. Now you know that anyone who can avoid war and it's imprisonments, surely they can avoid incarceration.
  6. I do not not like McCain. I think that a lot can be said about his military record and his experience as a POW. Much love and many props in that area. However, as a avid reader and watcher of the political arena and media, I heard that the Republican Party was scrambling trying to find a candidate that would be some kind of force to at least give and or beat Hiliary Clinton. Former Mayor Rudy G. was their best hope until he fell off. McCain has sought the parties' election for at least 2 other Presidential nominations and has fallen short. For some reason, I would guess the party didn't like him based on his voting record. I suspect that some of his principals more closely align themselves with Democrats. Anyway, after nearly one and a half years of campaigning, the Republicans, who are extremely wealthy and own many major companies and corporations (big business), realized that if they didn't back him or somehow swing the pendulum sp.?...they just might not win the election.
  7. How much was paid to the owner of the media markets to have them say print this?
  8. The article states that costs for hospitals are under enormous financial pressures and constraints . I believe it has to do with profit margins. I do understand the need for people to lead more healthy lifestyles, but do you think hospitals would go out of business if there were no sick people to frequent them. This would be a temporary unrealistic fix. It's a social problem! Also, hospitals are exist to provide care for the sick, they are really a business. I am reminded of a scripture where Jesus says he comes not for the well but for the sick. Christ is relating to the physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick. Shareholders want profits, so patients are charged astronomincal prices for ...say a tylenol. The costs of doing business are out of control and as usual, costs are passed on to the consumer. The hidden culprit is a spirit of GREED.
  9. Completely aside from how anyone might feel about Bush/Kerry, Republican/Democrat, this incident is not at all about kerry or Bush or the 2000 election (before I get accused of being a Kerry supporter, I will remind you that I said a while ago on another thread that I saw a debate between Bush and Kerry on "gun rights" and as far as I could see Bush definitely came out as the better man and Kerry came across as a bit of a dimwit). It is about free speech and "Tasering", none of which can be described, in the least, as funny. After seeing this video and reading other news articles about this I think that this guy should in no way have been arrested for exercising his right to free speech - he was a bit persistant, but that is because he was not getting answers to his questions, in "his shoes" I might have been persistant also. And as for "Tasers", I really don't know how anyone can joke about something that is used for electrocuting people deliberately. I have never been the victim of a 'taser' but I have accidentally electrocuted myself, and it was absolutely horrible, and I wouldn't ever wish it on anyone for any reason. To deliberately electrocute someone is usually considered TORTURE! I really don't know why people insist on giving policemen such weapons and encouraging them to use them. I stand in agreement with you...it is about Freedom of Speech! So many people missed the point! The young man was exercising his right to freedom of speech. Because they didn't like the questions he was asking, they tasered him to shut him up. As I've said in so many other forums, many more civil liberties will be taken away under the auspices of "Terrorist or Terrorism" and the climate will begin to turn against freedom of speech as it pertains to religion....particularily for those people who profess a relationship with Jesus Christ. Brace yourselves.
  10. So true! And we all know that God's will and word will go forth...even if He has to cause the rocks to cry out.
  11. Who gets refunds these days? lol I worked at a middle- to upper-middle class income taxpayer for years. My refunds were under $100. What's the secret?
  12. There are many many more people than they who celebrate Hanakah who light candles daily. If the candles are messing with the earth's atmosphere...we should probably regulate the use of them like we have so many other industries that impact the general health of Americans i.e. emissions testing for automobiles, secondhand smoking, asbestos, lead...I could go on. But honestly we put more effort into regulating faith-based efforts around the world. Leave them alone!
  13. While I see your point...the blame going to the consumers, I bet they never consider that some of the junk they are putting on the networks i.e. blantant lust, degrading family (children disrespecting parents), personal agendas which fail to reach the majority of viewers could be the main reason people aren't watching. I personally don't want to see all the muck.
  14. No problem! We'll be more than happy to help you keep an eye on the "landscape", as it were. Now, is this innuendo God honoring?!
  15. An attempt to be beautiful on the outside when God looks at the heart. So sad!
  16. Some might regard this as being a good stewart of your time; however, if it is an obsessive compulsive behavior, you are over the line. Also, our plans are to be the plans of God. Do you consult the Father when you are making plans? If not, they could be outside of God's will. Are your goals and plans focused on eternity or eternal gain? If so, I believe that you are aligned with God's will. As you reach God's goals and objectives (his plan), he will give you more. As it pertains to "settling," we as believers, are all things in and through Christ Jesus. As long as we are obedient to the call of God we should be content. Anything outside of that is "self."
  17. Blessings Grace222: I do believe that you are in spiritual warfare because you have agreed with God that you no longer "fear". Fear is a spirit, and is not of God. The spirit manipulating your cousin was attracted to the spirit of fear that has left you, which is why you got along so well before. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying that you are or were possessed. But, like spirits are always attracted to one another. What I am saying is that the bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Satan or some of his demons are continuously trying to keep us (christians) from fulfilling our "born again" purposes. Since our fight is not with humans, we can not fight in the same manner. Put on the full Armor of God. Prayl, pray, and pray some more! Ask God what you should do. Ask God for wisdom. He has all the answers and knows and understand the outcome because He is omnisicent. In the interim recommend that your cousin go to some form of therapy. Share your faith with him and use your deliverance as a testimony of what God can do for him. Remember, God is no respector of persons!
  18. Commit it to prayer and see if it happens again. He could have circulatory problems, which is a different ball game for older folks. Blessings!
  19. Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Keep in mind that it may be your testimony, your light, your love that is used to truly draw her to God. Then...you might consider asking God what your lesson or take away is in this relationship or lack thereof. I've found that whenever controversy exists, there is a lesson to be learned. Seek God's face for the answer. Love her with unconditional love. I would advise you to leave your husband out of it. The worse thing to do is put him in the middle, although he is to leave and cleave. I would keep him out of it. God always has the answers.
  20. I ascribe to the kjv; however, I have several versions that I use, along with other reference materials, when I study. I took a course in college that explored the different versions. I learned through close observation that the Living Bible, the NIV, ASV tend the change the wording from the Greek and Hebrew. While I can't give you all the specifics now, I can tell you that some of the versions take Christ's diety away. It's very subtle! I'll come back tomorrow and give you clear and concise differences. To see and understand what I will show you, you also have to have a command of the English language. Until tomorrow!
  21. Pray for her. She does need prayer as all of us do. She is caught up in her own philisophical beliefs and intellect,and has been led astray.
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